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Cynthia Wachenheim Memorial Training Scholarship - for New York Providers

This scholarship was created in memory of Cynthia Wachenheim, who lost her life due to Postpartum psychosis.  She was an amazing woman who loved life. She was smart, funny, kind, caring, down to earth and wanted nothing more than she wanted to have a family.  Unfortunately, our family did not realize the severity of her illness and were unable to help her. There are not enough resources available or education for Postpartum Mental Health.  It is the Wachenheim family mission to change that.  We are hoping by offering more education to providers, it will be able to assist more families to help keep from this tragedy happening again.  We are looking for providers that are truly interested in utilizing this scholarship to not only become educated in Postpartum mental health but also bringing it to their community and educating others and assisting families that need it.

Upon selection by the Wachenheim scholarship committee, recipients are responsible for registering for the training event selected, and the fund will send a scholarship check upon receipt of your registration.

Selection and Award:

  • You must provide services in New York State.
  • Scholarship toward conference or training registration will be rewarded up to a maximum of $400.00 per recipient.
  • You will receive notification that your application has been received. If you don’t receive this confirmation, contact the PSI office at 503-894-9453 or psioffice@postpartum.net.
  • All applications and decisions about scholarships are confidential and will be seen only by the Cynthia Wachenheim Scholarship Committee and PSI staff.
  • PSI will send the scholarship check to recipients after you have registered for the selected training.

You can apply this scholarship to any of our PSI Trainings, including:

Please fill out the Wachenheim Scholarship Application here.

Postpartum Support International.