BP Dev-Chat summary: july 29, 2020

BP Types UI

We took a decision about whether to package a plugin or directly merge the Member Types and Group Types Administration UI into BuddyPress. BP Types UI will be introduced in BuddyPress 7.0.0. You can already test/review the patch about it.

6.2.0 Maintenance release

We’ve released it as scheduled on August 6. See this announcement post for more info about it.

7.0.0 release cycle updates

@boonebgorges has committed a more permanent fix than the one we included in 6.2.0 about the deprecation of WordPress options containing the black/white terms into their name and also remove these same terms from the xProfile component & moderation code (#8339). If you find some more places in our codebase where we can improve the language used for a better contributors inclusivity, don’t hesitate to add patches to the ticket.

@espellcaste requested and got a second opinion about #8011 & #8308. We then discussed about the best way to tackle the BP REST API’s #342 issue. @boonebgorges wrote a summary of what we decided into this comment.

@dcavins gave us updates about his progress on Network invites (see #8139). The new code will be added to the Members component and a new DB table will be created to handle opt-outs for non-site-members.

@im4th shared about his work on the BP Blocks’ front. A new block is now included to share posts/pages into the activity stream. It uses the Activity Block based post form. See this PR for more info about it.

7.0.0 release schedule

  • 7.0.0-beta1: October 15
  • 7.0.0 : December 1st

BuddyPress.org redesign

Unfortunately we ran out of time (@im4th ‘s fault!). @mercime & @vapvarun are doing great progress you can follow from this GANTT chart.

Next Dev-Chat

It will happen on August 12 at 19:00 UTC and of course in #BuddyPress. If you have ideas or questions, feel free (and we are strongly encouraging you) to comment this summary to share them!

#6-2-0, #7-0-0, #dev-chat, #summary

BP Dev-Chat summary: july 15, 2020

6.2.0 minor release

The main goal of this release is to prepare BuddyPress for the 5.5 WordPress upgrade expected to be published on august 11. The change that touch the plugin the most is the PHPMailer 6.0 upgrade that comes with WordPress 5.5. We’ve been working on a patch (see #8322) to support this PHPMailer upgrade and ensure backward compatibility with previous versions of WordPress (4.8 to 5.4). We agreed to test this ticket’s patch until july 22: the day when we plan to package a beta of 6.2.0 to let some time to BuddyPress plugin developers to test it before early august.

6.2.0 release schedule

  • 6.2.0-beta: july 22
  • 6.2.0 : ~ august 6

7.0.0 development cycle updates

@espellcaste has been working hard on improving the BP REST API and preparing the WP CLI 2.0 upgrade (see #8308).

@dcavins started putting the network invitations together (see #8139). One of its feature will include the possibility to invite users to join a group using their emails. Some changes will probably be needed into the BP REST API and the BP Nouveau Messages UI.

@im4th has been working on adding our block survey most voted block idea. A pull request is opened to feedbacks on the BP Blocks GitHub repository.

@IAmTheWebb informed he would test #8317. As this ticket is about providing a Docker testing environment, we’ll probably need to write a codex page to explain how to have it up and running.

7.0.0 release schedule

  • 7.0.0-beta1: October 15
  • 7.0.0 : December 1st

BuddyPress.org new design project

@mercime has been working on “sassifying” bb-base and buddypress-org themes stylesheets.

@vapvarun worked on a style guide about the project. See images below:


Unfortunately we were not able (time was over) to talk about the BP Types UI plugin, please have a look at this part of the July 1st’s Dev-Chat summary so that we can start our next meeting by this point.

Next Dev-Chat

It will happen on July 29 at 19:00 UTC and of course in #BuddyPress. If you have ideas or questions, feel free (and we are strongly encouraging you) to comment this summary to share them!

#6-2-0, #7-0-0, #dev-chat, #summary

BP Dev-Chat Summary: May 20, 2020

Results and Feedbacks about BuddyPress 6.0.0

6.0.0 was released on May 14. The first subject we’ve discussed about was checking for issues related to this release that may have been published into our support forums. @vapvarun has been very active on support forums lately and confirmed there wasn’t any topics specific to this release.

@im4th talked about statistics and more precisely about this release’s download pike. It was reached on May 15 with 28300 downloads: almost 5K more than the 5.0.0’s download pike.

@im4th congratulated all BuddyPress contributors who got involved into the 6.0.0 release and did a great work.

What we think went well during the 6.0.0 development cycle?

For @mercime we had more contributors, “Fast-and-furious commits” and we kept enough time for polyglots (2 weeks of string freeze) to let them contribute to the translation of the 6.0.0 release.

@dcavins was pleased by the activity & engagement of this release lead 😍.

@im4th was happy we could work on the priority we defined after the 5.0.0 release : work on getting more beta-testers to help us add the final touches to 6.0.0 : the BP Beta Tester plugin has been published on the WordPress.org Plugins directory and it does the job pretty well according to @dcavinsBP Beta Tester is fantastic“.

We also said we were happy:

  • We shipped BuddyPress 6.0.0 huge props to every contributor
  • We shipped the 2020 BP Survey (If you haven’t replied to it yet, do it right away!) Huge props to @mercime
  • We completed the BP REST API and updated the reference documentation. Huge props to @espellcaste and @mercime
  • We moved user profile photos & cover images from xProfile to Members, and so far: nothing broke! Self Props to @im4th 😉.
  • @mercime added: we introduced the 2 first BuddyPress blocks. Props to @karmatosed @espellcaste & @im4th
  • JavaScript translations are working!
  • We gave props to the 4 polyglots contributors who made the plugin available in French, Spanish (Costa Rica), English (UK) & Romanian as soon as the plugin was updated!

What we think should be improved during the 7.0.0 development cycle?

  • We haven’t managed to motivate Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, German, Dutch & Russian polyglots contributors. It’s really too bad BuddyPress is no fully translated into these languages.
  • We haven’t made progress on make.buddypress.org (@imath’s bad), we should try to set up this site to organize contributions and bring our development updates from this site to the BuddyPress.org network.
  • We haven’t moved any AJAX features to the BP REST API, we should try to benefit from the BP REST API (as soon as it’s possible) to improve the performance of the BuddyPress plugin.

PS: if you’d like to share your opinions about these two sections, you’re welcome to do so commenting this summary.

The 2020 BP Survey

@mercime gave us the very first learnings of this survey:

  • the majority of participants are using shared hosting and activate BuddyPress in their root WordPress sites.
  • Most are using the BP Nouveau Template pack.
  • Plugins and themes developer are testing BuddyPress with the latest stable BuddyPress release.
  • 60% of the contributors who are testing BuddyPress are using BP Beta Tester.
  • Most are checking the changelog to see what has evolved during the development cycle.

Of course these points are temporary results. We’ll be more specific as soon as the survey will be ended.

7.0.0 features wishlist

As we were running out of time @im4th suggested to publish a call for tickets on this blog, just like WordPress does on their Make WP/Core blog. We also agreed to think about it for the next 2 weeks and use our next development meeting to share our ideas. @IAmTheWebb suggested to organize a survey to “ask for feedback on features people would want“. @im4th thinks results of such survey are a bit difficult to use. We’ve experienced it for Blocks and we were not so convinced by the involvement it got. He also added he’s rather have something like “what feature do you want to contribute to for 7.0.0 release?“. We’ll test the call for tickets, it’s a good way to show how we are contributing to BuddyPress on our tool to manage the BuddyPress code source.

Next dev chat

It will happen on June 3rd at 19:00 UTC and of course in #BuddyPress. If you have ideas or questions, feel free (and we are strongly encouraging you) to comment this summary to share them!

Start picking the BuddyPress tickets, you’d like us to work on, we’ll soon publish the “BuddyPress 7.0.0 call for tickets” 😉

#6-0-0, #7-0-0, #survey

BP Dev Chat summary: April 8, 2020

BuddyPress Survey

@mercime has decided to wait for 6.0.0 final release to launch the survey. We will be able to add a link to it inside the “Hello BuddyPress 6.0.0” screen (See #8270). There will be 17 questions into the survey. If one of the team members wishes to request a new one, the deadline to make it happen is the day before the release date.

Progress about 6.0.0 release

6.0.0-beta1 was released on March 31 at 10:43 PM (WP Plugins directory’s time) : just before the end of march as announced 💪⏱. The WP Tavern wrote a great post about it and shared a very interesting feedback that has been converted to this ticket (#8271) since. The patch will soon be committed.

@johnjamesjacoby will try to find a way to get more information about future beta/RC downloads as we are always worrying to have very few feedbacks about them.

@rayisme is requesting your feedback about the 2 new exportable privacy data types, please do so adding your comment to this ticket: #8266.

He also fixed a very annoying error about a deprecated WP privacy function: it’s already available into the 5.0 branch and will be shipped during our next maintenance release. FYI: the problem is WP moved the deprecated function into a file that is only loaded into the /wp-admin context.

@im4th will package a new beta release (the second) on April 15.

BP REST API documentation update.

@im4th said he was sorry he couldn’t find the time to write some explanations about how to updated the documentation. He has since done using the Swagger UI tool. Here are the explanations (NB: in this Gist, there’s a file over the bp-custom.php one, you will also need).

Open floor

@espellcaste asked about the BP GraphQL documentation’s ticket on Meta Trac since it has not evolved for a while. 😬

@mercime has suggested to include a link to the developer.bp.org’s site inside the BuddyPress.org main menu. She wrote a ticket about it on Meta Trac. 💡👍

@im4th thanked Varun & IAmTheWebb for their very interesting contributions to the dev chat: everyone is welcome to do like them 🤝.

6.0.0 schedule & main features

  • Schedule:
    • Beta-2 April 15
    • Final release at the end of April.
  • Main Features:
    • BP REST API remaining endpoints ✅
    • BP Blocks ✅

Next dev chat

It will happen on April 22 at 19:00 UTC (a big week before final release ) and of course in #BuddyPress. If you have ideas or questions, feel free (and we are strongly encouraging you) to comment this summary to share them!

🏡 Stay safe & Happy Easter 🥚

#6-0-0, #dev-chat

BP Dev Chat Summary: March 25th, 2020

BuddyPress Survey

@mercime has prepared 17 questions for the survey. She asked about the possible GraphQL question @espellcaste suggested to add during our previous dev-chat. If Renato has ideas about it, she will be able to insert it. About the survey publication date, @im4th suggested to add a link inside the “Hello BuddyPress 6.0.0” screen. @mercime was thinking about publishing it earlier to be able to close it before 6.0.0 release. @mercime will decide what’s the best option.

Progress about 6.0.0 release

@im4th reminded the dev-chat participants, the beta was scheduled 6 days later (at this time, today at the time I’m writing this summary!). He asked if a ticket or a feature needed an extra delay to be fixed : it wasn’t the case.

@mercime and @dcavins said they will give a test to the new BuddyPress blocks that had just been added to BuddyPress core (See #8048).

@im4th shared he still needed to work on the inclusion of the BP REST API remaining endpoints into BuddyPress 6.0.0. #7156 has been committed since.

BP REST API documentation update.

Once BuddyPress 6.0.0-beta1 will be released, we’ll need to update the BP REST API reference so that the new endpoints are documented before 6.0.0 stable release.

@mercime & @dcavins volunteered to give a hand 😍. @im4th will write some explanations about how to update the documentation on the https://developer.buddypress.org site.

6.0.0 schedule & main features

  • Schedule:
    • First beta in a few hours!
    • Final release at the end of April.
  • Main Features:
    • BP REST API remaining endpoints ✅
    • BP Blocks ✅

Next dev chat

It will happen on April 8 at 19:00 UTC (a few days before first beta 🙄) and of course in #BuddyPress. If you have ideas or questions, feel free (and we are strongly encouraging you) to comment this summary to share them!


BP Dev Chat Summary: March 11th, 2020

BuddyPress Survey

We’ve been discussing about adding questions about 2 topics : BuddyPress integration with e-commerce plugins and BuddyPress alternatives. We found a compromise about the second topic and @mercime will add this question:

What other networking/membership plugin/software have you considered or used?

@espellcaste suggested to add a question about BP GraphQL consideration. @im4th suggested to add this feedback to the Google doc @mercime uses to work on the survey questions.

Progress about 6.0.0 release

@im4th asked about the BP REST API complete merge into BuddyPress core now all remaining endpoints are ready. @espellcaste prefers to keep maintaining it from its GitHub repository for now.

@im4th has decided to merge the BP Blocks plugin into BuddyPress core, following @johnjamesjacoby advice to reconsider his first idea about only merging “JavaScript built” blocks. A complete merge seems a better option to make sure to generate a pot file taking in account JavaScript translations. He recently added a patch on #8048 to make this happen, feedbacks welcome.

@dcavins was a bit worried he needed more than 2 weeks to end the Network invites work. If it’s the case, he will only include a portion of the code into 6.0.0.

Finally @im4th asked for help about #7729 @rayisme has been working on during. It’s about removing the legacy BuddyBar.

6.0.0 schedule & main features

  • Schedule:
    • First beta at the end of march.
    • Final release at the end of April.
  • Main Features:
    • BP REST API remaining endpoints ✅
    • BP Blocks ✅
    • Network invitation & Membership requests 😬
    • & maybe some surprises! 😬

Next dev chat

It will happen on March 25 at 19:00 UTC (a few days before first beta 🙄) and of course in #BuddyPress. If you have ideas or questions, feel free (and we are strongly encouraging you) to comment this summary to share them!


BP Dev Chat Summary: February 26, 2020

6.0.0 Progress

@espellcaste shared about the work he’s been doing about improving the BP REST API (activity scope, member type, group type, friendship). The last issue we need to deal with is the Blogs Avatar endpoint (2 unit tests are failing mysteriously). @im4th will give it a second look before next dev-chat.

@dcavins & @im4th didn’t find the time to work on #8139 & #8048 😬

@im4th shared about his wish to solve two tickets (#8156 & #8172) asap to inform the BuddyPress contributors early about the introduced changes. They are now solved, so please make sure to have a look at these 2 posts:

BuddyPress Survey

Open floor

@im4th asked if anyone had an opportunity to look at GitHub actions to see if this was a way to ease the release packaging process. If a BuddyPress contributor could explore it, he’d be very happy 😍

@espellcaste asked about the status #5525 : the testing site is still open for review, but @im4th already found some issues about o2 as soon as it’s not used on the home page of the site. He will work on a fix about it.

@espellcaste shared his worries about the meta ticket related to the BP GraphQL handbook creation for the developer.buddypress.org site. @im4th is confident it will be fixed soon 🤗

6.0.0 schedule & main features

  • Schedule:
    • First beta at the end of march.
    • Final release at the end of April.
  • Main Features:
    • BP REST API remaining endpoints
    • BP Blocks ✅
    • Network invitation & Membership requests
    • & maybe some surprises!

Next dev chat

It will happen on March 11 at 19:00 UTC ( ~ 2 weeks before first beta 🙄) and of course in #BuddyPress. If you have ideas or questions, feel free (and we are strongly encouraging you) to comment this summary to share them!


BP Dev Chat Summary: February 12, 2020

BuddyPress Survey

@mercime shared her progress about her first pass on the BuddyPress survey for 2020 (see #8153). She prepared 16 questions.

  • We’ll use CrowdSignal to publish the survey.
  • On a side note @johnjamesjacoby suggested BuddyPress could have a lightweight Questionnaire component, @im4th believes it’s a great idea !
  • @mercime shared with all of us the questions she worked on after the dev-chat. Please take some time to review it before our next dev-chat

BuddyPress dev-chat are maintained on every other wednesday at 1900 UTC.

Unfortunately @espellcaste can’t join us on all the alternative days of week we’ve found into the doodle 😦 As the result it doesn’t worth changing our dev-chat meeting day/time.

6.0.0 Progress

@dcavins is making good progress about Network invites (#8139). He’s getting some inspiration from the Invite Anyone plugin. @im4th asked if it would be possible to invite a user not yet registered to the site to join it using a group invite, and the reply is yes 🙌

@im4th confirmed BuddyPress 6.0.0 will ship 2 Blocks and shared his progress about the Group Block. Here are 3 early screenshots of how it could look like :

The team also shared their thoughts about whether we should ship the JavaScript built blocks or include the complete JavaScript source files into trunk and build the Production scripts from there. At the minimum we’ll need to move to using WP CLI to generate our POT file so that JavaScript translations are available within GlotPress. @im4th will work on this asap from this trac ticket #8048.

Finaly we’ve talked about the fact the project behind the JavaScript library we are using for our suggestions feature is no longer maintained. We shared thoughts about moving to the Tribute library and using the BP REST API instead of AJAX. So far there are no impacts on the suggestions feature and we are taking some more time to think about it, having in mind we could also benefit from the BP AutoCompleter React component we’ve built for our 2 BP Blocks.

6.0.0 schedule & main features

  • Schedule:
    • First beta at the end of march.
    • Final release at the end of April.
  • Main Features:
    • BP REST API remaining endpoints
    • BP Blocks ✅
    • Network invitation & Membership requests
    • & maybe some surprises!

Next dev chat

It will happen in 2 days on February 26 at 19:00 UTC and of course in #BuddyPress.

PS1: sorry it took me so long to write this summary 😬

PS2: if you have ideas or questions, feel free (and we are strongly encouraging you) to comment this summary to share them!


BP Dev Chat Summary: January 29, 2020

BuddyPress Survey

@mercime asked for the questions we’d like to include for this new version of the survey (see #8153). In other words, what do we need to know from BuddyPress users to help us in our decisions?

  • We agreed we need to keep questions from previous surveys to be able to compare results.
  • Knowing which components are mostly used should help us to validate/improve the activation process. How could we improve/facilitate the BuddyPress setup process?
  • We’d like to know how people choose to “display” BuddyPress content. Are they using a regular WordPress Theme with a template pack (and which one? Legacy or Nouveau?), are they using a BuddyPress standalone theme like BP Default ?
  • We need to evaluate the idea of including a new full featured BuddyPress Theme.
  • @im4th shared his wish to know what approach people prefer between BuddyPress bundled optional components Vs optional components as plugins (see #8148). @mercime noted that, in previous surveys, people usually ask to bundle new optional components or to include BuddyPress plugins into Core.

We shared some other potential questions during the meeting (What are you using BuddyPress for? Would you be willing to switch to a BP Specific Theme? What are must have customizations? What are the every BuddyPress installs components?…), @mercime will work on a first pass of the 2020 survey so that we can discuss about it during our next dev-chat.

New day of week for our dev-chat?

@im4th thanked again the members of the team who gave their preferences into the Doodle poll. We have a first important information: 19:00 UTC will stay our time of meeting. We are now waiting for @espellcaste preference about the day between these possible ones: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday?

6.0.0 Progress

@im4th began to talk about the many PHP/JavaScript code standards patches that has been submitted by new contributors such as Passionate, WPAmitkumar, Mukesh27. Thanks a lot for your work and feel free to carry on helping us.

@dcavins is making good progress about Network invites and membership requests and is confident this feature will land into the 6.0.0 release.

@im4th shared his progress about BP Blocks and thanked @karmatosed for her great help contributing to design sketches of the single Member and single Group blocks. BuddyPress 6.0.0 will include these 2 blocks. Here are 3 early screenshots of what could look like the Member one.

6.0.0 schedule & main features

  • Schedule:
    • First beta at the end of march.
    • Final release at the end of April.
  • Main Features:
    • BP REST API remaining endpoints
    • BP Blocks
    • Network invitation & Membership requests
    • & maybe some surprises!

Next dev chat

It will happen next week on February 12 at 19:00 UTC (unless @espellcaste informs us about his preferred day 😉soon) and of course in #BuddyPress.

PS: if you have ideas or questions, feel free (and we are strongly encouraging you) to comment this summary to share them!


BP Dev Chat Agenda for January 29, 2020


Next dev-chat is scheduled to tomorrow: January 29 at 19:00 UTC. As usual it will happen in #BuddyPress. We will discuss about :

  1. The BuddyPress 2020 survey,
  2. First results about the doodle we organized to change the dev-chat day/time. (@espellcaste will share his preferences as soon as he’s back from his current afk status 🤗)
  3. Progress about the 6.0.0 main features we agreed on last dev-chat,
  4. Open floor.

Reminder, 6.0.0 schedule is:

  • First beta at the end of march.
  • Final release at the end of April.

If you have anything you wish to add (or remove) to this agenda or specific items related to those listed above, please leave a comment below.
