
Nearly 60 percent of Ethiopia’s population lives in areas at risk of malaria. Routine surveillance data from the last decade have noted declines in malaria outpatient morbidity and inpatient mortality trends. Prompt access to malaria case management, including laboratory-based diagnosis in remote rural areas, has improved dramatically over the last decade together with surveillance systems that capture malaria morbidity and mortality. Recently, many densely populated highland areas, including the city of Addis Ababa, were classified as malaria-free. PMI provides technical expertise and resources to support the Ethiopian Ministry of Health’s National Malaria Control Program in achieving malaria prevention, control and elimination nationwide.


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Malaria Operational Plans

The Malaria Operational Plans below are detailed 1-year implementation plans for PMI focus countries. Each plan reviews the current status of malaria control and prevention policies and interventions, identifies challenges and unmet needs to achieve PMI goals, and provides a description of planned PMI-funded activities. Each Malaria Operational Plan has been endorsed by the U.S. Global Malaria Coordinator and reflects collaborative discussions with the national malaria control programs and partners in country. Changes to these plans are reflected in revised postings.

FY 2020 EthiopiaPDF4.61 MB Download
FY 2020 Ethiopia Funding TablesPDF167.38 KB Download
FY 2019 Ethiopia Malaria Operational PlanPDF2.43 MB Download
FY 2019 Ethiopia Revised Funding TablesPDF60.12 KB Download
FY 2018 Ethiopia Malaria Operational PlanPDF2.25 MB Download
FY 2018 Ethiopia Revised Funding TablesPDF51.83 KB Download
FY 2017 Ethiopia Malaria Operational PlanPDF1012.58 KB Download
FY 2017 Ethiopia Revised Final Funding TablePDF260.61 KB Download
FY 2016 Ethiopia Malaria Operational PlanPDF1.31 MB Download
FY 2016 Ethiopia Revised Funding TablePDF98.67 KB Download
FY 2015 Ethiopia Malaria Operational PlanPDF1.35 MB Download
FY 2015 Ethiopia Revised Funding TablePDF31.82 KB Download
FY 2014 Ethiopia Malaria Operational PlanPDF849.79 KB Download
FY 2014 Ethiopia Revised Final Funding TablesPDF260.00 KB Download
FY 2013 Ethiopia Malaria Operational PlanPDF1.37 MB Download
FY 2013 Ethiopia Revised Funding TablePDF293.85 KB Download
FY 2012 Ethiopia Malaria Operational PlanPDF1.05 MB Download
FY 2012 Ethiopia Revised Funding TablePDF117.41 KB Download
FY 2011 Ethiopia Malaria Operational PlanPDF699.25 KB Download
FY 2011 Ethiopia Revised Funding TablePDF219.71 KB Download
FY 2010 Ethiopia Malaria Operational PlanPDF501.48 KB Download
FY 2009 Ethiopia Malaria Operational PlanPDF579.76 KB Download
FY 2009 Ethiopia Revised Funding TablePDF96.36 KB Download
FY 2008 Ethiopia Malaria Operational PlanPDF897.72 KB Download
FY 2008 Ethiopia Revised Funding TablePDF96.43 KB Download

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Stories from the Field

  • Attendees at one of CCP’s malaria roadshows watch a mosquito net hanging demonstration. Photo: Tsega Berhanu

    Taking Malaria Education on the Road in Ethiopia

    Feb 2020
    Market days have turned into malaria education days in several regions of Ethiopia thanks to the U.S. President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI) spreading the word about malaria prevention and treatment through “malaria roadshows.”
  • This guard house is one example of what can be built with the planks of wood made from The cardboard boxes used to transport insecticide bottles.

    Reduce, Reuse, Repurpose – Turning IRS Trash into Treasure

    Apr 2019
    Indoor residual spray campaigns are an important part of malaria prevention, but these campaigns also generate large amounts of waste. To combat this waste, PMI-supported projects have partnered with local private companies and nonprofits in order to reduce and repurpose campaign byproducts. These repurposing efforts have benefited local economies as well as the environment.
  • ANAB assessment of the NQCL.

    Promoting Public Safety through a Sustainable Quality Assurance System for Medicines

    Jun 2018
    Learn how the Ethiopian Food, Medicine and Health Care Administration and Control Authority, established in 2010, protect the public from unsafe, falsified, and substandard medicines.
  • The PMI AIRS Project facilitated the disposal of 119 tons of obsolete DDT.

    PMI Helps Ethiopia Clean Up Hazardous Waste

    Mar 2017
    To help Ethiopia safely dispose of DDT, the U.S. President’s Malaria Initiative Africa Indoor Residual Spraying (AIRS) Project facilitated training, collection, transboundary permits, offshore shipment, and incineration of the waste in Poland. 
  • The PMI AIRS Project arranged for the transfer of nearly 13,000 bendiocarb sachets to a district that was able to use the insecticide in this year’s spray campaign. Photo: AIRS Ethiopia

    Waste Not, Want Not

    Oct 2016
    In 2015–2016, the U.S. President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI) Africa Indoor Residual Spraying (AIRS) Project supported the disposal of some 115 tons of DDT in PMI-supported districts to ensure the safety of the population and the environment
  • Mrs.Addisie Eskeziaw Melesse is a witness of the increased bed net utilization in her community.

    Students Singing for No More Malaria

    Dec 2015

    A PMI-funded social and behavioral change communication project targeting 25 kebeles used students and religious leaders as agents of change to help mitigate the problem of malaria in Dera woreda

  • Sayish Molla Admasu, as a result of the strategy, now regularly sleeps under a bed net.

    Household Incentives for Bed Nets

    Dec 2015
    To prevent and control malaria at Mierafemaraim kebele in Dera woreda, a social and behavioral change communication project is underway. The program uses peer education and other in-school behavioral change communications strategies to raise students’ awareness of key malaria action messages.
  • Abrham Nigussie uses a bed net and other malaria prevention actions as a result of this intervention.

    Breakthrough in Malaria Prevention

    Dec 2015
    To address the a problem with malaria prevention in Zara-Michael, a religious, educational institution located in the South Gondar zone of the Amhara Region, a PMI-funded social and behavioral change communication project trained religious-institution leaders to be messengers of key malaria action messages. 
  • Mr. Samir Awol, a Public Health Officer and Zonal Malaria Focal Person, provides guidance to DDT collection technicians during a practical training session at a district store. Photo: AIRS Ethiopia

    Taking Out the Trash

    Nov 2015
    The PMI AIRS Project has trained 57 supervisors and 40 technicians to facilitate the collection and repacking of the insecticide. 
  • A technician looks through a microscope

    Quality Assurance and Case Management Advance Malaria Control in Ethiopia

    Nov 2015
    With funding from the President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI), ICAP’s Malaria Laboratory Diagnosis and Monitoring project has been strengthening malaria laboratory diagnostic capacity and case management in Ethiopia. 
  • Credit: Brant Stewart/RTI

    Training in Malaria Diagnosis and Clinical Management Supports Ethiopia’s Progress against Malaria

    Aug 2015
    To meet Ethiopia’s ambitious goal of reducing malaria deaths by 70 percent, PMI and the Federal Ministry of Health have worked with implementing partners to strengthen laboratory diagnostic capacity and malaria case management at the national, regional, and health facility levels.
  • Embet Weldesenbet said she did not find the job difficult and that the money she earned meant a lot to her and her son.

    Narrowing the Gender Gap

    Nov 2014
    Since the late 1950s when the Ethiopian government began using indoor residual spraying (IRS) as part of the WHO-led Global Malaria Eradication Program, the country’s IRS work has been dominated by men. Traditional barriers, such as the misperception that women are not interested in or strong enough to do the work required in spray operations and that IRS work is “men’s work”, have limited women from participating in the income-generating work of IRS.
  • Mr. Geleta and his family stand in front of their home in Ethiopia, which is marked with a green sticker on the door, indicating that the family followed all four malaria actions. Source: Zelalem Mekuria, FHI 360

    Fighting Malaria One Household at a Time: Communities in Ethiopia Learn How to Prevent and Seek Treatment for Malaria

    Nov 2013
    Malaria is highly preventable when the right precautions are taken and populations are well-informed of the risks. Many people suffer needlessly from the disease simply because they do not know why insecticide-treated mosquito nets are necessary and how to use them, or where to seek treatment when malaria symptoms arise.
  • PMI supports a wide range of activities to ensure that children receive antimalarials of high quality. Source: Brant Stewart,RTI

    Countering Unregistered and Illegal Antimalarial Drugs in Ethiopia

    Nov 2013
    Malaria is a major public health problem in Ethiopia. Three quarters of the land mass is prone to malaria and 57 million inhabitants are at risk of infection.
  • A laboratory technician records data in the Asendabo Epidemic Detection Site in Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia. Source: Addis Continental Institute of Public Health

    Early Detection and Rapid Response to Malaria Epidemics in Oromia, Ethiopia

    Oct 2013
    The President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI), along with the Government of Ethiopia, supports 10 epidemic detection sites in Oromia Regional State. The goals of these sites are to detect, at the community and sub-community level, increases in malaria cases and epidemic outbreaks; pilot approaches in documenting the process prospectively; and respond to outbreaks in a timely and effective manner.
  • Dr. Delenasaw Yewhalaw leads of team of entomologists at Jimma University.

    Jimma University to Become First Institution in Ethiopia to Carry Out Molecular Entomology

    Sep 2013
    For the first time in Ethiopia, a local institution will have the capacity to carry out molecular and immunologic testing of mosquitoes.
  • Tigist Legesse, a health extension worker in Kersa district in Ethiopia, meets with a family to prepare their house for IRS. Credit: Yemane Yihdego, AIRS Ethiopia.

    Engaging Health Workers, Ethiopia Moves Toward Community-Based IRS

    Feb 2013
    To increase the rural population’s access to basic health services, the government of Ethiopia trained more than 30,000 health extension workers, mostly women, and deployed them to more than 15,000 village-based health posts.
  • A malaria microscopist examines blood smears in a health center in Oromia Region. Source: Joe Malone/PMI

    Improving Malaria Microscopy through Quality Assurance

    Nov 2012
    Malaria transmission in Ethiopia is unique. Unlike other sub-Saharan African countries, malaria is caused by two malaria parasite species in Ethiopia: Plasmodium falciparum and P. vivax, which account for 60% and 40% of cases, respectively.
  • Dr. Brook Lemma, Chief Academic Officer for Research, Addis Ababa University and Chair of the Malaria Research Network of Ethiopia. Source: Hiwot Teka/PMI

    Enriching Communication: The Malaria Research Network of Ethiopia

    Nov 2012
    Although significant progress has been observed in scaling up malaria control interventions over the past few years, limited efforts have been invested in using research results to inform national malaria policy and the implementation of malaria control.
  • District officials during a micro-planning meeting in Adama, Ethiopia. Source: Dereje Muluneh, UNICEF/Ethiopia

    Using Micro-planning to Accurately Quantify Needs for Antimalarial Commodities

    Nov 2012
    Transmission of malaria is highly variable and characterized by frequent and often large-scale epidemics.

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Contracts & Agreements

Listed below are contracts, agreements and implementing partner reports for the PMI focus countries. Documents have been redacted by the awardee at USAID's request to remove any information the awardee considers proprietary.

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Annual Report

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Read the PMI Fourteenth Annual Report [PDF, 14.2MB]

Mission Info

USAID Ethiopia Mission

Learn more on their website.