How We Work

Photo of a spray operator preparing to spray inside a house

IRS involves the spraying of residual insecticide on the interior walls of homes to kill mosquitoes, thereby interrupting malaria transmission.

Photo of entomologist transferring mosquito from petri dish

PMI builds countries' capacity to conduct entomological monitoring, including insecticide resistance testing, which provides robust data to PMI-supported vector control programs.

A laboratory technician at a hospital in Benin examines a slide under a microscope provided by PMI.

Effective case management remains one of the cornerstones of malaria prevention and control. PMI provides comprehensive support for malaria diagnosis and treatment.

Photo of two children underneath a net

An ITN hung over the sleeping area protects those under it from mosquitoes. ITNs can reduce uncomplicated malaria episodes by 50 percent.

Photo of two pregnant women.

PMI supports strengthening activities to prevent malaria in pregnancy in partnership with national malaria control, reproductive health, and maternal and child health programs.

A woman holds a young child on her lap.

PMI supports SMC interventions in West Africa in order to protect children under five years of age from the devastating effects of malaria.

  • Behavior Change Communication

    BCC is the use of specific, targeted messages in a variety of mediums that enable people to initiate and sustain healthy behaviors. 

  • Health Systems Strengthening

    PMI works to reduce the burden of malaria while also strengthening host country health systems and workforces. 

  • Monitoring and Evaluation

    Collecting and applying high-quality data through many means strengthens our approach to fighting malaria.

  • Operational Research

    OR studies range from answering country-specific concerns to addressing initiative-wide questions.

  • Elimination

    Malaria elimination interventions aim to stop the indigenous transmission of a targeted malaria parasite species in a specific geographic area.

Photo sources: Abt Associates, Population Services International (PSI), Felix Seuffert/UNICEF, Simplice Takoubo/PMI.