At Tim Africa Aid Ghana we’re raising funds and promoting initiatives to serve the people who need them most. We believe in taking action with urgency in order to raise public awareness about some of the most pressing issues facing today’s society. Please join us by supporting our efforts to make a measurable difference in the lives of others.

Coronavirus Interruption and Catching with 2020 /2021 plans
It’s been lesser than 3 months since our world has first heard of novel coronavirus disease. Commenced in the city of Wuhan, China in late December, now it is spreading worldwide at an alarming rate, affecting over 169000 people across the globe.

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Orphans/Vunerable Children
Orphans/Vunerable Children

Support of Orphans/Vunerable Children

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Orphans/Vunerable Children
Orphans/Vunerable Children

Support of Orphans/Vunerable Children

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Tim Africa Aid Ghana Profile

Background Information

Tim Africa Aid Ghana (TAAG) is registered under the Companies Act, 1963 Act 179 as a company limited by guarantee on 5th July 2001 and the Department of Social Development as a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) in Ghana which focus are on Good health promotion,  supporting women/ children  especially on their rights and development for about 20 years.  The organization is based in Tepa in the Ahafo-Ano North Municipality of Ashanti Region in Ghana with the registration numbers -G-8258 and DSD 1542 and TIN No C0006722474Tim Africa Aid Ghana (TAAG) is registered under the Companies Act, 1963 Act 179 as a company limited by guarantee on 5th July 2001 and the Department of Social Development as a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) in Ghana which focus are on Good health promotion,  supporting women/ children  especially on their rights and development for about 20 years.  The organization is based in Tepa in the Ahafo-Ano North Municipality of Ashanti Region in Ghana with the registration numbers -G-8258 and DSD 1542 and TIN No C0006722474

Governance structure

Tim Africa Aid Ghana has defined structure including Board of Directors, Executive Directors and project management. The structure determines chain of command and hierarchy of responsibility within. The Board of directors (B.O.D.) is the planning and policy making body of the organization which is controlling and approving all activities by the project management. The Executive Director is the head of project management that is responsible for the implementation of the programs and daily management activities

Guiding Principles  

  1.  Tim Africa Aid Ghana is an organization which believes in working with all individuals irrespective of tribe, race, religious affiliation, and culture.

  2. We are optimistic of achieving our goals and objectives set by our board.

  3. We will provide justice, honest and equal relationship with everyone we work with.

  4. We will be democratic, non- partisan and non -selective in our work.

  5. We will provide accurate and timely reports of our activities to our stakeholders.

  6. We will only accept funding that enables us to address issues freely, thoroughly and objectively.

  7. We will respect and encourage respect for the fundamental human rights and freedom.

  8. We are committed to building, working with and working through partnership and coalition worldwide.

  9. The position of TAAG will be based on sound, objective and professional analysis and high standard of research


Who We Are

Here at Tim Africa Aid Ghana, we are driven by a single goal; to do our part in making the world a better place for all. Our decision making process is informed by comprehensive empirical studies and high quality data evaluation. We strive to build productive relationships and make a positive impact with all of our pursuits.


Our Activities

Collaborative & Innovative

 1.    Awareness Creation – The organization conduct public education on health issues such as HIV/AIDS, Buruli Ulcer, Cancer, Immunization,       Adolescent and Reproductive education, Malaria and TB prevention. Also provide Income Generating Interventions for PLHIV. Awareness creation is pivot aspect of TAAG advocacy. 

2.    Advocacy – To provide knowledge base for reform in health sector, governance, social accountability, water and sanitation, climate change and environmental protection. We also do comprehensive research into child abuse and support for vulnerable children in education, human rights, drug abuse and food relief/ supplies.

3.    Research – The organization conduct vigorous interventions in research into activities that matters most within our target area.

4.    Monitoring and Evaluation – Assessing the incidence of community work and monitoring trends and programmes within our target areas and conduct survey on performance of our indicators. Again to evaluate our main assumptions in order to achieve greater performance regarding the organization’s goal and objectives


•    To provide care and support to Women and children living in poverty particularly those living in the hard to reach areas

•    To provide educational needs, assessable and potable water, Health care support  for the vulnerable children
•    To encourage communities for sustainable development through mobilization, empowerment and awareness creation. 
•    To promote human rights of children, women and the marginalized in society.
•    To promote peace in society through awareness creation, mobilization and empowerment of the marginalized communities. 



TAAG has skilful, competent and experienced professionals who have capacity to implement both local and international project and programmers to meet the expectation and promoting the Goal and Objectives of the organisation.


Portfolio of Work

Past Achievement Projects


Project Implemented

  •  Tim Africa Aid Ghana has been awarded grant through Coalition of NGO in Health, Ghana from the Global Alliance for Vaccination. This will fulfills demand for Immunization in Ahafo-Ano North District of Ashanti Region of Ghana 2017

•    TAAG, with support from Center for Democratic Development is to implement social accountability programmes in Tano South of the Brong Ahafo Region from 2016-2019. The project is to build a relationship with Duty Barest and Right holders in communities and advocating for inclusion of vulnerable groups such as PWD’s, women and children.



•    Tim Africa Aid Ghana has implemented the Mobilize Against HIV Project in Ahafo-Ano North District funded by Positive Action for Children Fund and Charity Aid Foundation from 2015 to 2017. The project worked reducing new infection of HIV/AIDS among the 19,913 youths and adults. It also promoted the use of 350,000 condoms that was distributed among the population whilst promoting HIV testing and Counseling for 8850 youths and adults. TAAG also referred 35patients for access to ART and encouraged 500 pregnant women to attend ANC for PMTCT services.

•    TAAG is supported by the Ghana National Education Campaign Coalition (GNECC) Ashanti Region Chapter to Conduct Financial Statement On the 2017 GAWE Community Dialogue on SDGS and Accountability 



•    Tim Africa Aid Ghana implemented income generating intervention on Soap making for 30 HIV/TB patients and it supported 25 vulnerable Children through education for 2014-2016 funded by America Embassy in Ghana.

•    TAAG partnered with STCP/IITA and Participatory Development Associate (PDA) in Ahafo-Ano North District to implement Farm Field School project. The Farmers capacity was build on how to manage their cocoa farms, Farming as a Business and Agronomy in 2013-2014

•    Tim Africa Aid Ghana partnered with Ahafo-Ano North District Assembly to undertake water and sanitation intervention in 10 communities in the Ahafo-Ano North District of Ashanti Region in 2012

Star Ghana Foundation
counselling suspected  TB client at Nyin



Tim Africa Aid Ghana (TAAG) has secured funding from Star Ghana Foundation to implementing Managing Election 2020-Related Violence for Democratic Stability in Bono and Ahafo Regions from December 2019 - March 2021 at cost $35960.67

PEACE DIRECT (Digital Inclusion) IN LONDON support Managing Election 2020- Related Violence for Democratic Stability in Bono and Ahafo Regions in 14th October, 2020 at cost $750


Tim Africa Aid Ghana (TAAG) has been awarded a contract by   STOP TB Ghana and funded by WAPCAS to undertake  TB case finding  in the Ahafo Ano North Municipality from 2019 - 2021 at cost $2807.82

CDD-Ghana/ Open Society Initiative for West Africa (OSIWA) is undertaken a project which seek to “Promote Social Accountability through Citizens Participation in Local Government in Ghana” in the Tano South Municipal. at cost $1819.88

Tim Africa Aid Ghana (TAAG), a Non-Governmental Organization, has been awarded a contract by Ghana Health Service/NMCP & WAPCAS to undertake an Community Level Malaria Behavior Change Communication activities in the Sekyere South District from January, 2019 to June, 2019 at a cost  of $7799.49


TAAG seek support through fundraising for these needy orphan and vulnerable children during the last Christmas seasons. Individuals donated items and money an amount of GHC 800.00 for 35 orphans and vulnerable children. The party organized by Tim Africa Aid Ghana and Nice FM in Ahafo Ano North


Tim Africa Aid Ghana responding to COVID 19

The organization is seeking for funding support to address the fight against COVID 19 for sustainable development through radio education and other prevention protocols including social distancing in four districts in Ghana.

Tim Africa Aid Ghana is in the business of changing and shaping lives. The work we do at our Nonprofit Organization is aimed at providing a holistic approach to solving some of our society’s biggest challenges. We make sure our partners are empowered by creating opportunities for individuals and communities.

Education & Outreach

 The project will response to the deathly Pandemic through the under listed interventions by conduct education through hands washing and distribution of 29000 hand sanitizers to the Vulnerable groups like women, person with Disabilities and encourage the wash of hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds especially after you have been in a public place or after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing. If soap and water are not readily available, the beneficiaries should use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol. Cover all surfaces of your hands and rub them together until they feel dry. The beneficiaries will be encouraged to avoid touching their eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands. Conduct education on the importance of social distancing.

Avoid close contact with people who are sick, Keep distance between yourself and other people if COVID-19 is spreading in your community. This is especially important for people who are at higher risk of getting very sick. The beneficiaries will be encouraged to stay home if you are sick, except to get medical care.  The project will intensify  on  education  about the importance of covering coughs and sneezes to the target beneficiaries by covering  their mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze or use the inside of their elbow and the used tissues is trash.

 The project will procure 5000 face masks and distribute to vulnerable to use to protect them.

 Conduct education Cleanliness and disinfection- the general public should hold it keen to clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces daily. This includes tables, doorknobs, light switches, countertops, handles, desks, phones, keyboards, toilets, faucets, and sinks. The beneficiaries will be exhorted to use detergent or soap and water prior to disinfection.

Key People

Isaac Kwabena Kakpeibe

Executive Director


Lambon Linlab



Abdul Fatao

Monitoring and Evaluation


Enerst Kwame Kusi

Programme Officer

Enerst Kwame Kusi

Patience Mallet Kakpeibe

Picture Mallet.jpg

Administrative Secretary