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            You are hereHome »  » Deworm the World, additional tables Deworm the World, additional tables     FacebookTwitter>Print>Email                   Published: November 2015


 Program monitoring We discuss 2015 program monitoring in our full review.

 Here we present data from a small subset of results from 2013-2014 programs that we judged were fairly easy to interpret, relevant to assessing the programs' quality, and represented examples from a variety of the program areas monitored.1

 Description Bihar 2014 Delhi 2013 Rajasthan 2013 Schools that had officials attend official training 77%2 72% in schools, 69% in pre-schools 91% in schools, 70% in pre-schools Teachers who followed the correct recording protocol 86% 73% in schools, 85% in pre-schools 85% in schools, 93% in pre-schools Teachers who told children to chew tablets before swallowing 95.02%3 84% in schools, 83% in pre-schools 99% in schools, N/A in pre-schools4 Teachers who administered the deworming tablets after the children ate their meals 98% 95% in schools, 99% in pre-schools 98% in schools, 95% in pre-schools Teachers who identified sick children before administering the tablet 90% 92% 97% Schools where the monitor observed cases of adverse events  6% N/A N/A Children who were aware of the purpose of the tablet 90% 71% in schools, N/A in pre-schools 83% in schools, N/A in pre-schools Schools where drugs were available by deworming day 95% 98%5 86%6 Schools where drugs were exposed to direct sunlight in storage 9% 5% in schools, 7% in pre-schools7 2% in schools, 3% in pre-schools8 Schools where drug storage was wet/damp 4% 3% in schools, 3% in pre-schools9 3% in schools, 3% in pre-schools Coverage People reportedly dewormed by Deworm the World-supported programs in Indian states from 2011 through 2015

 State Year # of school-aged children # of preschool-aged children # of adults % reporting Bihar10 2011 16,775,003 - 361,408 Not reported Bihar11 2012 16,265,432 - 601,956 97% of blocks Bihar12 2014 16,225,546 - 1,244,973 92% of schools13 Bihar14 2015 18,718,18415 - 1,775,866 99.8% of schools Delhi16 2012 1,894,18917 656,99718 159,23519 82% of schools and pre-schools20 Delhi21 2013 1,704,361 678,156 None reported 80% of schools22  Delhi23 2015 1,828,562 1,072,193 (includes some older children)24 None reported 100% of schools and pre-schools Rajasthan25 2012 6,950,363 3,866,056 None reported 98% of blocks26 Rajasthan27 2013 6,691,558 4,151,147 None reported Not reported Rajasthan28 2015 7,147,52929 4,711,239 567,401 94% of schools and 99% of pre-schools Madhya Pradesh30 2015 10,073,83031 Uncertain32 None reported 100% of schools and pre-schools Total N/A 102,380,368 14,478,791 4,710,839 N/A Sources Document Source DtWI Bihar 2011 coverage data Source DtWI Bihar 2012 coverage data Source DtWI Bihar 2014 program report Source DtWI Bihar 2014 program report annex 2 Source DtWI Bihar 2015 Program report Source DtWI coverage data 2013 - 2014 Source DtWI Delhi 2012 coverage report Source DtWI Delhi 2013 program report Source DtWI Delhi 2015 program report Source DtWI Madhya Pradesh 2015 program report Source DtWI Rajasthan 2012 coverage data for anganwadi Source DtWI Rajasthan 2012 coverage data for schools Source DtWI Rajasthan 2013 program report Source DtWI Rajasthan 2015 program report Source 1. These reports contain all of the questions and results:

 DtWI Delhi 2013 program report, Pgs 21-25 DtWI Rajasthan 2013 program report, Pgs 36-41 DtWI Bihar 2014 program report annex 2 The descriptions in the table are based on the descriptions Deworm the World used, though there was some variation across reports and we have modified them slightly for clarity. 

 2. Bihar reported further details including that 19% of teachers administering drugs did not receive any training. We are not sure how to reconcile these apparently conflicting numbers; for example, it could be due to reporting on different samples or the former question being more limited to "official" training. 3. This is according to monitor observations of teachers; according to child interviews 88% were told to chew the pills. 4. In pre-schools, children swallowed syrups rather than taking pills. For example, see Pg 6 of report. 5. Taken from chart on Pg 25 that shows 2.3% of institutions were without drugs on deworming day 6. Taken from chart on Pg 41 that shows 14.4% of schools and pre-schools were without drugs on deworming day 7. These are the data on tablets for schools and syrups for pre-schools. They are derived from the reported numbers of drugs stored away from direct sunlight of 95% and 93%  8. These data are derived from the reported numbers of drugs stored away from direct sunlight of 98% and 97%  9. These are the data on tablets for schools and syrups for pre-schools 10. DtWI Bihar 2011 coverage data 11. DtWI Bihar 2012 coverage data 12. DtWI coverage data 2013 - 2014 13. "In total, 64,724 schools out of the 70,675 targeted schools submitted their summary forms." DtWI Bihar 2014 program report, Pg 27.  14. DtWI Bihar 2015 Program report, Pg 4 15. Sum of enrolled and out-of-school children (age 6-19) 16. DtWI Delhi 2012 coverage report 17. "TOTAL DEWORMED (ALL PHASES)" - "ADULTS DEWORMED (ALL PHASES)", under "SCHOOLS" 18. "TOTAL DEWORMED (ALL PHASES)" - "TEEN GIRLS DEWORMED (ALL PHASES)", under "ANGANWADIS" 19. Includes teen girls 20. "Total No. of Schools & Anganwadis in Delhi" is 12,966 (Cell H3). "Unreporting schools & anganwadis" is 2,312 (Cell H12), or 18% of the total number. Thus 82% of schools and anganwadis reported. 21. DtWI coverage data 2013 - 2014 22. Also over 100% of pre-schools: "The program targeted 3,032 schools and 10,500anganwadis. As on the cutoff date for report collection, 15 December 2013, data from 603 schools was pending. The above data is based on a dataset comprising 2,417 schools and 10,591 anganwadis." DtWI Rajasthan 2013 program report, Pg 2.  23. DtWI Delhi 2015 program report, Pg 4 24. "Number of enrolled and non-enrolled children (1-19 years) dewormed at Anganwadis" 25. DtWI Rajasthan 2012 coverage data for schools DtWI Rajasthan 2012 coverage data for anganwadi 26. In an unpublished version of DtWI Rajasthan 2012 coverage data for schools, out of 257 blocks in Rajasthan, 4 reported no data. 27. DtWI coverage data 2013 - 2014 28. DtWI Rajasthan 2015 program report, Pg 4 29. Sum of enrolled children (age 6-19) and non-enrolled children dewormed at schools 30. DtWI Madhya Pradesh 2015 program report, Pg 5 31. "Number of enrolled children (Class 1 to 12) dewormed at schools" (Excludes unenrolled school-aged children dewormed at anganwadis) 32. There were 8,416,670 preschool-aged children dewormed during a combined effort of a separate government program and the NDD, only the latter of which was supported by Deworm the World. (DtWI Madhya Pradesh 2015 program report)                          Contact Stay updated FAQ For Charities Site map Privacy Policy Jobs       Follow Us: Facebook Twitter RSS   Subscribe to email updates:  GiveWell, aka The Clear Fund (a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) public charity), was founded in 2007. We serve donors across the Globe; GiveWell's donors are based primarily in the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Germany, and Canada. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share alike 3.0 United States License              try { clicky.init(78566); }catch(e){} 

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