The University of Copenhagen houses a wide range of academic environments, which are organised in main academic fields, referred to as faculties. They are at the same time administrative units and academic communities for education and research.
The University is also home to a large number of departments, centres, museums, interdisciplinary projects and other units.
Organisational chart
AMKU: Arbejdsmiljørådet (The Working Environment Council)
FAMU: Fakultetets arbejdsmiljøudvalg (Faculty Occupational Health and Safety Committee)
FSU: Fakultetets samarbejdsudvalg (Faculty Collaboration Committee)
HSU: Hovedsamarbejdsudvalget (The General Collaboration Committee)
LAMU: Lokale arbejdsmiljøudvalg (Local Occupational Health and Safety Committee)
LSU: Lokalt samarbejdsudvalg (Local Collaboration Committee)
* Consists of the Rector, the Prorector and the University Director