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The Major Mouse Testing Program

Testing a new class of compounds, Senolytics, on their ability to extend healthy lifespan by clearing out dysfunctional cells in the body.

By Dr. Alexandra Stolzing

Funding Successful. This project reached its goal before June 25, 2016.

  • $52,070

    Pledged of $45,000 Goal

  • 538


  • 115% Funded

    campaign complete

Flexible Funding: All funds this campaign raises will be collected.

(view in:Β Russian, Spanish, French, German)


According to modern science aging is the accumulation of damage that the body cannot completely eliminate, due to the imperfections of its protection and repair systems. The good news is that the processes that constitute aging are amenable to medical intervention. We can slow down or even reverse some aspects of aging through the application of different therapies, which prevent or block some of these processes.

One of these processes of aging is cell senescence.

Senescent cells normally self destruct via a process called apoptosis, but unfortunately not all of them do. These β€œdeath resistantβ€? senescent cells accumulate in the body with age and secrete toxic signals. This causes inflammation and damage to organs and tissues, increasing risks forΒ cancerΒ and other diseases of old age. This is why these cells are often called β€œgood citizens but bad neighborsβ€?. They remain partially functional, but their presence does more harm than good.

A new class of drugs known as Senolytics have recently demonstrated the ability to remove senescent cells to improve health. However, the potential of senolytics to increase health and lifespan beyond current maximums remains unknown. This is what we at Major Mouse Testing Program want to investigate – with your help!


Why is this study of particular interest?

It was discovered that senescent cells have increased expression of pro-survival genes, consistent with their resistance to natural cell death – apoptosis. Drugs targeting these pro-survival factors selectively killed senescent cells and improved health. Two such drugs were Dasatinib and Quercetin which were both able to remove senescent cells, albeitΒ each in different tissue types. Even more excitinglyΒ it was discovered that a combination of the two drugs formed a synergy that was significantly more effective at removing some senescent cell types.

Venetoclax has also recently been discovered to be senolytic in nature and is a therapy we wish to explore as part of our combination testing. In cancer therapy Venetoclax has shown to work well with Dasatinib so we are interested in seeing if this can be applied to clearing senescent cells too.

Recent studies have shownΒ removing senescent cellsΒ mitigatesΒ age related decline and improvesΒ healthy lifespan. Additional studies have shownΒ that clearance of senescent cells is beneficial for cardiovascular health and lowers high cholesterol levels in the blood. This strongly suggests that Senolytics may be a viable therapeutic approach to combat aging.

In our study we have opted to treat already naturally aged mice. These mice will be 16-18 months old (equivalent to a human of approximately 60 years old). This has two advantages: we speed up research, and also demonstrate the feasibility of translating Senolytics to already middle aged or older humans.

Dasatinib and Venetoclax are already approved for use in humans to treat specific diseases, and Quercetin is a readily available supplement, so the application of these drugs or improved versions based upon them to prevent and postpone age-related damage to health could be developed relatively quickly.


Senolytics and Stem Cells

So far senolytics have only beenΒ shownΒ to reduce the number of senescent somatic cells, but what effect do they have on stem cells? This has not been closely studied, and is a question we intend to fully answer in addition to the implications this presents for lifespan.

It is entirely possible that Senolytics taken alone may not extend maximumΒ lifespan, but rather healthspan. Even if this is the case, it is no reason to be discouraged. What we learn in this first phase, paves the way for our next step – combining Senolytics withΒ Stem Cell Therapy to encourage tissue regeneration.

AlexandraStolzing_MMTP_Researcher_HeadshotAbout our lead researcher

Dr Alexandra Stolzing is our chief researcher and a world class expert in her field, with over fifteen years in the medical research field, and a decade of work in regenerative medicine, Alexandra brings substantial experience to our project. She has worked with stem cell transplants and and is keen to explore new possibilities in the rapidly advancing field of regenerative medicine.

As part of our commitment to the sharing of scientific research the team plans to publish the results of our research as open access. We believe that knowledge should be shared and this is the level of our contribution to sharing and growing as a community together.


$5 β€” Our Eternal Gratitude! Thank you very much for supporting the cause of healthy longevity!Β By donating you are pushing the investigation of longevity therapies forward and helping to obtain healthy longevity for all people. We will proudly put you on the list of campaign supporters on our website as a thank you for your support.
$20 β€” E-Book “Aging Prevention for All”
Get the new beautiful electronic English version of Aging Prevention for All compatible with your computer, tablet or mobile phone. This book, developed by the team of the International Longevity Alliance together with famous gerontologist and longevity researcher Vladimir Anisimov, will provide you with an overview on aging processes and the practical evidence-based advice on the available healthy life extension techniques.
$25 β€” $20 Pledge Reward +Β E-Book β€œDeath is Wrongβ€?
We will send you the electronic version of the book Death is Wrong by Gennady Stolyarov; a story about aging and how society might change the way they think about it. It is available in English, Russian, French, Spanish, and Portuguese. We will also thank you on social media and give you the e-book Aging Prevention for All!
$50 β€” A StylishΒ MMTP T-Shirt!
Put the sexy back into science – get an awesome MMTP T-shirt to amaze your friends! We will follow up with you to select a size and choose one of our three beautiful designs. + $10 for international shipping.
$60 β€” $20 Pledge Reward + Science Mouse T-Shirt
Wear our new special edition T-shirt that shows you are a true science geek and also receive a copy of our lovely new E-book “Aging Prevention for Allβ€?. You can also opt to have the alternative T-shirt with MMTP logo if you prefer. We will follow up with you to select a size. + $10 for international shipping.
$70 β€” MMTP T-Shirt and 2 E-Books Combo!
Your chance to receive a stunning MMTP T-shirt combined with two interesting electronic books: Aging Prevention for All and Death is Wrong! + $10 for international shipping.
$75 β€” Science Mouse T-Shirt + Gene Therapy Conference Ticket!
Get the awesome special edition MMTP T-shirt that shows you are a true science geek as well as a ticket to the exciting D.N.A.- Gene Therapies Congress – 9th July Utrecht, Netherlands. Speakers will include Aubrey de Grey, Elizabeth Parrish, Oliver Medvedik, Tatjana Kochetkova, and Keith Comito. You may also choose to have the alternative T-shirt with MMTP logo if you prefer. We will follow up with you to select a size. Travel not included. + $10 for international shipping.
$100 β€” Signed Copy of “Aging Prevention for All” + 1 E-Book of Your Choice
A physical copy of Aging Prevention For All, signed by the authors and sent to you with best wishes! You will also be able to choose an e-book of either Ending Aging, The Singularity is Near, or The Telomerase Revolution. We hope you will enjoy your reading! + $10 for international shipping.
$150 β€” ILA Sports Bag + E-Book “Aging Prevention for All”
Did you know that physical activity can significantly influence your lifespan? Well, it can! Receive this stylish ILA sports bag to support your motivation to be in a good shape and live longer! You will also receive our e-book Aging Prevention for All to help you learn about the science of healthy longevity. + $10 for international shipping.
$200 β€” ILA Sports Bag + 2 MMTP T-Shirts Combo + E-Book “Aging Prevention for All”
A stylish ILA sports bag and 2 MMTP T-shirts all together to support your motivation to be in a good shape and live longer! You will also receive our e-book Aging Prevention for All to help you learn about the science of healthy longevity. + $10 for international shipping.
$250 β€” ILA Sports Bag, MMTP T-Shirt, and Name a Mouse!
Name a mouse in the experiment and follow his/her life course. If it is in the longest lived you will get a special secret prize. We have only 40 mice to name so this opportunity is limited. The electronic version of Aging Prevention for All is also yours! You also receive the MMTP T-shirt and an ILA sports bag! + $10 for international shipping.
$500 β€” Meet the Team Online + E-Book Collection!
You will get to meet the project team online in two personal 30-minute video conferences and we will share the most exciting news about the ongoing experiment! You can also ask us any questions: the most promising directions of scientific research, fresh news from other researchers, our favorite methods of life extension, tips on health behavior changes, and of course the initiatives for longevity advocacy. It would be a pleasure to talk with like-minded people! Our beautiful electronic version of Aging Prevention for All is also yours! And we will also provide you with the electronic versions of all other books: Ending Aging, Singularity is Near, and Telomerase Revolution and Death is Wrong in order to amplify your knowledge even more!
$1000 β€” Online panel discussion: “How to promote longevity?”
Join a 1.5 hour online discussion with the MMTP project team and several invited experts to discuss the latest breakthroughs in life extension research as well as the best ways to promote the idea of aging prevention among general public. You will also receive a a stylish MMTP T-shirt and an ILA sports bag to commemorate the event. + $10 for international shipping.
$2000 β€” A Ticket to European Longevity Conference + Silver Sponsorship Recognition
Receive a ticket to attend Eurosymposium on Healthy Ageing (EHA), organized in Brussels by our partner HEALES, in October 2016. Travel costs are not included in this perk. We will also mention you as a Silver sponsor of our Senolytics campaign and promote you (or your company*) in all media activities during the campaign and until the experiment begins. *Please check the disclaimer on the MMTP website.
$5000 β€” Trip to Longevity Conference in Europe + Gold Sponsorship Recognition + Formal Acknowledgement!
We will arrange your travel and accommodation to the Eurosymposium on Healthy Ageing (EHA), hosted in Brussels by our partner HEALES, in October 2016. This includes your entry ticket to the conference and the option to speak about the social mission of your company*. We will also mention your support as a Gold sponsor in all media activities during the campaign AND the Senolytics experiment (2 years long), and you will receive official acknowledgement of your support in any resulting scientific peer reviewed publication or public report. *Please check the disclaimer on the MMTP website.

T-shirts and Bags are Finally on Their Way!

Posted on 03/05/2017 by Alexandra Stolzing

Hello dear friends! We are delighted to let you know that we have successfully received the funds from the last big donor, the t-shirts and the bags have now been produced, and we have started sending them out. Be sure to check your email for shipping notification as some parcels are already on the way. Thank you for your patience and trust! Hopefully in the next two weeks you will receive your reward!

We are also polishing the book Aging Prevention for Everyone. Once all the co-authors have approved the final text, we will start the process of layout and production. We can’t wait to share our knowledge with you! While you are waiting, we invite you to read the informative articles and blog posts we write as a part of Life Extension Advocacy Foundation education program. They cover a wide range of topics and may help you learn more about aging, as well as help in your advocacy activities.

Thanks again!

Happy Holidays and Some Updates!

Posted on 12/26/2016 by Alexandra Stolzing

Hello dear friends! Firstly we would like to wish you all a Happy Holiday and secondly we would like to update you on the developments with our project.

Recently we have been busy conducting in-vitro culture testing of the chosen candidates and after two rounds of testing we are almost finished. The reason we have opted to test in culture prior to moving into full testing is that a number of renowned labs have controversial data on how Dasatinib and Quercetin affect senescent cells separately and in combination. Therefore we are testing the efficacy of these compounds and combinations before committing to testing them in mice. Should the data confirm that these compounds are not effective, have no fear because we have a candidate list of other senolytic compounds we can test instead.

Regarding campaign rewards, there has been a slight delay we are working through. In addition to the funds raised during the campaign which have been allocated to research, we also rely on the support of partner organizations. One major such donation is arriving a bit later than expected, in February. As this amount was slated for the production of the gifts, the delivery of the t-shirts and the book Aging Prevention for All must take place after the receipt of these funds, approximately March 2017. We wish to apologize for the delay and to thank you for your patience.

The good news is that we have had some additional time to work on our book, and have thus made it even more informative and interesting through the addition of new sections, covering emerging biotechnologies to bring aging under medical control and more. The text is mostly complete, and we will send this out along with the other rewards when ready. Thank you.

Funds Arrive at the Lab!

Posted on 09/01/2016 by Alexandra Stolzing

Hey folks, great news the fundraising money has finally cleared the final security checks and has arrived safely at the University of Leipzig! Dr Stolzing asked us to express her deepest gratitude to everyone who supported the MMTP campaign with donations and who were cheering on the team and giving a hand to promote the project during the campaign. Together we made this happen – an important experiment to see if a combination of senolytics can improve health and extend life in mammals.

The research team is now busy with our testing application and we are preparing to order our mice from Charles Rivers! Research approval by the authorities unfortunately can be a long process with a lot of paperwork, but we want to share with you today the good news and assure you that the experiment is going to begin once all the necessary papers are obtained.

In meanwhile we are preparing to send out the gifts – the electronic version of Death is Wrong by Gennady Stolyarov has been already sent! Last month we have sent out an email asking people to specify the colors and sizes for their T-shirts, but some people have not yet answered. If you have not already done so please get in touch soon, as we would like to place an order with the the printers.

University Accepts Funds - Research Commences Soon!

Posted on 08/14/2016 by Alexandra Stolzing

Hi everyone just a quick post to let you know things are moving along with the experiment. We have finally completed all the paperwork and the funds are transfering to the University in the next week which is great news!

What follows next is our application for animal testing in Germany, this is a complex legal requirement to ensure that our research is conducted in an ethical manner. We fully support such measures of course and will update you on progress once we know more.

Cancer Baseline Donates to the MMTP

Posted on 07/14/2016 by Alexandra Stolzing

Dear friends we are delighted to announce that the Cancer Baseline project lead by MMTP founder Edouard Debonneuil has also generously donated $2700 (2450€) to the project post campaign! The baseline project was a project of the EPIDEMIUM Challenge4Cancer, a 6 month hackathon launched by Roche France and La Paillasse on the 5th of November 2015 that concluded successfully recently with the team winning a prize for their efforts!

The project investigated the various factors of cancer as closely as possible from many open data sets: the baseline model a wide range of factors from data sets that they can then connect with each other. This served to further detect other factors from other datasets that were then individually compared to the baseline. Finally, this brought them to the objective, to see how the results could be translated into concrete action against cancer.

The world of cancer research and senescent cells are not a million miles apart and it is possible that the more we learn about senescent cells and senolytics some of this information may be of use to the cancer research community. As most of you already know beating cancer is paramount for human longevity and we wish to thank the Cancer Baseline team for their kind donation and also congratulate them on their successful project completion recently.

The research project will launch shortly thanks to your help and we will let you know when our furry friends arrive :)

Final Day β€” Top 10 Reasons to Support MMTP!

Posted on 06/24/2016 by Alexandra Stolzing

Hello dear friends! Our campaign to support the investigation of Senolytics and their potential to promote health and extend life in mice has gathered over $50,000 and it is the last day to support us! If you like our project and were considering making a contribution, now is the time!

During our campaign we have shared with you information about the aging processes, the danger of senescent cells, and the promise of Senolytics to clear the body of these toxic cells. We’ve endeavored to help you become more familiar with animal studies and their place in the process of drug development, as well as the bottlenecks which slow the progress of fundamental gerontology. We have also provided you with additional information, must-read articles, books and sites, and of course we shared our podcasts – all to help you learn more about aging and longevity and to make informed decisions about the future and your relationship to it.

And finally today we share with you a look at our new video showcasing some compelling reasons why supporting our research is a great idea! Thank you sincerely for all of your support.

Initial Goal Met!!

Posted on 06/20/2016 by Alexandra Stolzing


Hello Dear friends! This is an historic moment! Crowd-funding for the ILA’s Major Mouse Testing Program has reached its initial goal of $45,000 and is climbing toward our stretch goal of $60,000, and perhaps even more!

With a generous $5k contribution of Jeremy Wertheimer, a new Gold Sponsor, we have achieved our initial goal, allowing MMTP’s researcher Dr. Alexandra Stolzing to begin our senolytic lifespan experiment. And that’s not all! Our campaign has already surpassed the amount raised and backer numbers of earlier campaigns,Β and we still have five days to go before it ends on June 25, 2016!

This clearly shows that support and interest in longevity is rising as science increasingly demonstrates that aging is not the one way process people assumed it was. Our success in this campaign shows that the community is becoming more skilled in coordinating research into gerontology. More and more, people are feeling responsible for their future, and the possibility of a solution for aging becomes more and more real.

We still need your support to reach or surpass our stretch goal. Particularly, greater support will allow us to add a third group of mice to the experiment, a positive control which will increase the accuracy of our data. Will you help us by making an affordable contribution? Or, if you have already donated, can you add to your support by making another donation in the final days of our campaign? The fight against aging depends on YOU!

Thank you for your support of the ILA and the Major Mouse Testing Program!

FUND MATCH successful / interview with Professor David Gems (Institute of Healthy Aging)!

Posted on 06/16/2016 by Alexandra Stolzing

Dear friends, the campaign has raised over $40,500 and the FUND MATCH has successfully ended! In the next days we will receive the prize and it is the biggest amount we could get during FUND MATCH – $2,500. We are very grateful to all of you for your timely support, and of course we want to thank Didier Coeurnelle, Co-chair of Heales (Healthy Life Extension Society), and vice-president of the French association AFT-Technoprog, for this wonderful gesture! This means we will have a total of over $43,000 after we receive the matched funds, meaning we are now very close to our initial goal of $45,000 ! Let us make a final push so we can get this critical research started!

In case you didn’t know, Didier is the author of a book about the promise of longevity: β€œEt si on arrΓͺtait de vieillir ! : RΓ©alitΓ©, enjeux et perspectives d’une vie en bonne santΓ© beaucoup plus longueβ€? (French), and we invite our french speaking supporters check it out.

Senescent cell clearance has been shown to improve various symptoms of aging by reducing chronic inflammation in the body as well as reducing risks for a range of pathologies. Our work investigates combinations of senolytic drugs seeking synergy as well as increases in lifespan and could help support the push to bring these therapies to people. Here is Professor David Gems from the institute of Healthy Aging speaking about the importance of testing senolytics and combinations of these drugs.

Also, a few days ago Steve Hill and Elena Milova took part in the podcast of the Intentional Insights – a community of science advocates helping people to refine and reach their goals by providing research-based content to help improve thinking, feeling, and behavior patterns. We shared some details about the forthcoming research of Senolytics, and also our vision of the advocacy goals of longevity community. Enjoy the discussion!

Fund Match!

Posted on 06/14/2016 by Alexandra Stolzing


Hello dear friends! So far we have raised overΒ 37,000 dollars!Β Β There are 10 days left before the Senolytics campaign ends, and it is time to make a final dash to the finish line!

Some great news from Heales leader Didier Coeurnelle, he has offered a FUND MATCH! Whatever we will raise from Tuesday, June 14, 11 AM UTC (6 AM EST) to Thursday, June 16, 11 AM UTC (6 AM EST) up to $2500 will be doubled!

If you will contribute during this period, every dollar you donate will become two – and the project will receive a nice push to get us to our goal!

Didier is Co-chair of Heales (Healthy Life Extension Society), the largest non-profit organization in Continental Europe promoting and advocating scientific research into longevity and biogerontology, and vice-president of the French association AFT-Technoprog, that aims to spread the themes and questions related to technologies that could extend and enhance the lives of individuals and of humankind. He recently appeared on TEDxTALK speaking about the idea of longevity and the possibilities the future holds:

Dr. Ilia Stambler from the ILA Explains the Importance of Animal Studies

Posted on 06/07/2016 by Alexandra Stolzing

Hi there! So far we have raised over 34,000 dollars! This is an amazing level of support from the community and we are close to reaching our initial goal of 45k and starting some awesome science! The great news is has also enabled Paypal donations to its campaign site so now there are more ways to support science and donate!

This result could not be achieved without the many active pro-longevity groups all over the world would uniting their efforts. Longevite et Sante from France, Longevity Technologies, Council for Public Health and the Problems of Demography from Russia, India Future Society, HEALES from Belgium, Israeli Longevity Alliance, Astrum Fundation from Mexico, IERFH from Brazil, and many many more are helping us to organize this important research. Thank you, dear friends!

We have also been featured in Connexion this week which is a popular Anglo-French newspaper, proving that longevity research is rapidly becoming mainstream. You can find a nice article about our work here should you wish to read more and please check out the rest of the newspaper as well.

Finally, here is Dr. Ilia Stambler from the Israeli Longevity Alliance speaking about the importance of animal studies in the development of new longevity therapies:

Thank you for your continued support!

Interview with Awesome Future TV!

Posted on 06/02/2016 by Alexandra Stolzing

A few days ago some of the MMTP team took part in another podcast at Awesome Future TV, and we invite you to watch our discussion. We talk not only about our experiment but also cover wider topics, such as why mice are interesting to deal with, what to expect from regenerative medicine in the coming years, and why it is important to include aging as a disease in ICD-11.

Enjoy and don’t forget that we still need your financial support to test the ability of Senolytics to extend healthy lifespan!

Dr. Aubrey de Grey from SENS Research Foundation

Posted on 06/01/2016 by Alexandra Stolzing

Hello dear friends! The campaign has raised over $32000 (which makes about 70% of the intermediary goal and 53% of the stretch goal) and keeps moving towards success – all thanks to your support! Every contribution, even $25, is a great step forward, and we are very grateful you are helping us carry out this important experiment!

Today we would like to help you learn more about mice. Yes, mice are nice, but apart from that they are one of the best models for aging research.

Here is one of our scientific advisors Dr Aubrey de Grey from SENS speaking about the importance and relevance of mouse studies in the research of aging and interventions against it. By the way, Dr. de Grey donated $500 to our project and now can join the regular meetings with the team to follow the experiment and receive the updates; if you donate at that level, so can you!

Aging is a Disease with Daria Khaltourina from the ILA

Posted on 05/25/2016 by Alexandra Stolzing

Hello dear friends! The campaign has raised over $27500 (which makes about 60% of the intermediary goal and 45% of the stretch goal) and keep moving towards success – all thanks to your support!

We have received wonderful support from three Gold Sponsors, who donated 5 thousand dollars each! A supporter of longevity research Arthur Helfstein Fragoso, IERFH coordinator from Brazil, Russian businessman Andrey Ulitin and venture angel Leon Apel from Canada are interested in the development of life extension technologies based on senolytics, and they have decided to support us in a big way!

We are also very pleased to see that the project is getting truly international support. The donations are coming from many countries all over the world!

Today we invite you to watch a short interview with Daria Khaltourina, an ILA Board Member, and a famous health care advocate from Russia.

Daria is currently part of an international initiative to include aging as a disease into the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11) in 2017. This is an important change because it will allow researchers to test and register geroprotective drugs as such, and for doctors to prescribe them to prevent aging in healthy middle age people. You can learn more about Daria and her work with the World Health Organization here and how she is helping to change regulations so aging can be studied and treated medically.

To learn more about the opinion of the scientific community for the inclusion of aging as a disease in ICD-11, read the articles in the specialized section in Frontiers of Genetics by Sven Bulterijs, Alex Zhavoronkov, Alexey Moskalev and their colleagues.

Our fundraising goals are ambitious, so if you have not already supported please consider donating to our project, and also please ask your friends and colleagues to do the same. Even a few dollars is a step closer to this important test of Senolytics potential to extend healthy lifespan!

Announcing New Goal Structure

Posted on 05/23/2016 by Alexandra Stolzing

Hi everyone! We have so far raised almost 22k dollars which is an amazing effort from the community, and as many people are asking for a more detailed budget, we are going to provide more information and accordingly revise the goal structure of the campaign a bit.

A total of 45k is enough funding to run two mouse groups, a control and test group and enough to allow us to begin useful and meaningful research. With two test groups we will have enough to begin testing combinations of our three senolytic compounds (Quercetin, Dasatinib and Venetoclax) and compare results against the untreated control group. If we observe an increase in lifespan in the test group vs the control group we will know the therapy works.

We are therefore moving the immediate goal to raising 45k in order to begin this critical work as soon as possible. Note: As our campaign is Flexible Funding, this change in no way affects how payments work for donations already contributed to the campaign.

The 60k goal will now reflect the addition of a positive control group as a stretch goal. A positive control group such as this receives a treatment with a known response, so that this positive response can be compared to the unknown response of the treatment. This helps to improve the quality of the data gathered during an experiment but it is not always included in exploratory studies such as this. We plan to use caloric restriction as our positive control group which involves a modest reduction of calorie intake and is well documented as increasing lifespan predictably in mice and other animals.

Take a look at our research summary and watch a mini-interview with Dr. Joao Pedro de Megalhaes about the importance of animal data!

Posted on 05/19/2016 by Alexandra Stolzing

Hey everyone! The campaign has raised over $9500 so far which is great and thanks to your support! You are helping to fast track this research and make a difference. We are happy about 2 contributions of $1000 each, as it means that the Panel Discussion with opinion leaders in gerontology will definitely take place! There are 3 more seats available, and we hope more people would like to join this intriguing event!


The MMTP is committed to sharing knowledge with the community as we believe this is the only way to make rapid progress. As many people were curious about the study design, the MMTP team prepared a short version of the study proposal so everyone could learn more about what animal study looks like.You can read about it here and get more familiar with what is happening in the lab when geroprotectors are being tested in animals!

To provide you with more details, we invite you to watch a mini-interview with Dr. Joao Pedro de Magalhaes, a leading researcher of geroprotectors at Liverpool University, UK, where he is speaking about the importance of experiments and animal data. You may also enjoy visiting his site for more deep learning.

MMTP secrets revealed at AMA on Reddit!

Posted on 05/17/2016 by Alexandra Stolzing

Hi there! We have now raised an amazing $8000 and we would like to thank all our supporters who contributed financially and helped us to spread the word!

Yesterday we have held our first AMA on Reddit in r/Futurology, where the MMTP team answered various questions, provocative and not, technical and personal, and now you can learn more about our project and people behind by clicking on the Reddit logo below:


We would also like to share this short movie by ILA Founding Member Edouard Debonneuil, who has researched aging at UCLA, the Pasteur Institute and Inserm, speaking about the potential of Senolytic therapies. Enjoy!

FightAgingIconAnd finally we are pleased to share with you our new interview about MMTP and Senolytics at FightAging! The more people know about aging and the processes behind it, the better healthcare decisions they can make, and the higher their quality of life could be. Everyone deserves a healthier and longer life, so sharing this important information with family, friends and co-workers is the best way to show your compassion and care!

Brian Kennedy from the Buck Institute is supporting MMTP!

Posted on 05/12/2016 by Alexandra Stolzing

Dear friends, it’sΒ been a two days since we launchedΒ our Senolytics campaign on, and during this time we haveΒ already raised over $3000,Β which brings us a big step closer to our goal of funding some real breakthrough research!Β We thank all the early donorsΒ for their support;Β we are currently building a Page of Glory on our site to praise your effortΒ to help investigate a cure for the disease of aging. We are glad that Gennady Stolyarov, the author of β€œDeath is wrongβ€?, and Matthew O’Connor from SENS Research Foundation have already expressed their support.

We also want to pass our deep gratitude to a significant number of people who helped us to repost the news all over Facebook and other social media these days!

We are excited to tell you thatΒ Brian Kennedy from the Buck Institute gave us a short interview to amplify the educational part of the project! Here you can learn what one of the leaders in aging and longevity research says about how important animal data is and the promise of Senolytics!

Translated in SpanishΒ Translated in RussianΒ

To help you learn more about aging and longevity,Β we would also like to share a link to one of our recent articles about Senolytics, that was published in H+ Magazine under the titleΒ β€œSEEK and DESTROYβ€?(exactly what needs to be done to senescent cells, don’t you agree?).

Also, pleaseΒ don’t forget to share with your friends, family and co-workers, and ask them to support our initiative with donations!

Thank you!

MMTP Finally Gets Government Approval

Posted on 04/13/2020 by Alexandra Stolzing

It has been quite a while since the community had fundraised for the MMTP senolytics project; unfortunately, the start of the experiment was delayed due to a number of issues encountered along the way. However, today, we are delighted to announce that the experiment has been approved and has finally launched!

The COVID-19 situation

To really top this off and add some extra problems, the study was just about ready to launch when COVID-19 made an appearance. Labs were closing down and supplies and deliveries were erratic, but I managed to get everything together and got ready to begin, thanks to all the people and scientists that are still working to make science happen.

Experiment details

A total of 40 C57BL mice will be treated with a combination of senolytics (ABT-263, ABT-199, dasatinib, isoquercetin) and compared to 40 control mice. The mice were all 18 months old when the experiment started. Blood samples have been taken to determine aging marker analyses before the start of the senolytic treatment, and subsequent blood draws will happen during the study to track changes and determine the health of the animals in addition to a range of other murine health parameters. Stay tuned for more news!


  1. dmitrytptptp dmitry kirsanov

    4 years later, has there been anything to come out of this?

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This Campaign has ended. No more pledges can be made.

  • Pledge $5
    111 Backers

    OUR ETERNAL GRATITUDE! β€” By donating you are pushing the investigation of longevity therapies forward and helping to obtain healthy longevity for all people. We will proudly put you on the list of campaign supporters on our website as a thank you for your support. All higher donations will include this reward.

    Estimated delivery:
    Shortly after campaign completion
  • Pledge $20
    110 Backers

    E-BOOK AGING PREVENTION FOR ALL β€” Get the new beautiful electronic English version of Aging Prevention for All compatible with your computer, tablet or mobile phone. This book, developed by the International Longevity Alliance together with famous gerontologist and longevity researcher Vladimir Anisimov, will provide you with an overview on aging processes and the practical evidence-based advice on currently available healthy life extension techniques.

    Estimated delivery:
    3 months after campaign completion
  • Pledge $25
    141 Backers

    $20 Pledge Reward + E-BOOK DEATH IS WRONG β€” Receive the electronic version of the book Death is Wrong by Gennady Stolyarov; a story about aging and how society might change the way they think about it. It is available in English, Russian, French, Spanish, and Portuguese. We will also thank you on social media and give you the e-book Aging Prevention for All!

    Estimated delivery:
    3 months after campaign completion
  • Pledge $50
    60 Backers

    MMTP T-SHIRT β€” Put the sexy back into science with an awesome MMTP T-shirt to amaze your friends! We will follow up with you to select a size and choose one of our three beautiful designs. + $10 for international shipping.

    Estimated delivery:
    3 months after campaign completion
  • Pledge $60
    5 Backers

    $20 Pledge Reward + SCIENCE MOUSE T-SHIRT β€” Wear our new special edition T-shirt that shows you are a true science geek and also receive a copy of our lovely new E-book "Aging Prevention for Allβ€?. You can also opt to have the alternative T-shirt with MMTP logo if you prefer. + $10 for international shipping.

    Estimated delivery:
    3 months after campaign completion
  • Pledge $70
    16 Backers

    MMTP T-SHIRT + E-BOOKS COMBO! β€” Receive a stunning MMTP T-shirt along with two interesting electronic books: Aging Prevention for All and Death is Wrong! + $10 for international shipping.

    Estimated delivery:
    3 months after campaign completion
  • Pledge $75
    2 Backers

    Science Mouse T-shirt + GENE THERAPY CONFERENCE TICKET β€” Get the awesome special edition Science Mouse MMTP T-shirt as well as a ticket to the exciting D.N.A.- Gene Therapies Congress - 9th July Utrecht, Netherlands. You may also choose to have the alternative T-shirt with MMTP logo if you prefer. Travel not included. + $10 for international shipping.

    Estimated delivery:
    3 months after campaign completion
  • Pledge $100
    39 Backers

    SIGNED COPY OF AGING PREVENTION FOR ALL + E-BOOK OF YOUR CHOICE β€” A physical copy of Aging Prevention For All, signed by the authors and sent to you with best wishes! You will also receive an e-book of either Ending Aging, The Singularity is Near, or The Telomerase Revolution. We hope you will enjoy your reading! + $10 for international shipping.

    Estimated delivery:
    3 months after campaign completion
  • Pledge $150
    11 Backers

    $20 Pledge Reward + ILA SPORTS BAG β€” Did you know that physical activity can significantly influence your lifespan? Well, it can! Receive this stylish ILA sports bag to support your motivation to be in a good shape and live longer! You will also receive our e-book Aging Prevention for All to help you learn about the science of healthy longevity. + $10 for international shipping.

    Estimated delivery:
    3 months after campaign completion
  • Pledge $200
    4 Backers

    $20 Pledge Reward + ILA SPORTS BAG + 2 MMTP T-SHIRTS β€” Receive a stylish ILA sports bag and 2 MMTP T-shirts all together to support your motivation to be in a good shape and live longer! You will also receive our e-book Aging Prevention for All to help you learn about the science of healthy longevity. + $10 for international shipping.

    Estimated delivery:
    3 months after campaign completion
  • Pledge $250
    25 Backers
    Limit of 40 — 15 remaining

    Sports Bag, T-Shirt + NAME A MOUSE! β€” Name a mouse in the experiment and follow his/her life course. If it is in the longest lived you will get a special secret prize! We have only 40 mice to name so this opportunity is limited. You will also receive the ILA Sports Bag, MMTP T-Shirt, and the Aging Prevention for All E-Book. + $10 for international shipping.

    Estimated delivery:
    3 months after campaign completion
  • Pledge $500
    6 Backers
    Limit of 30 — 24 remaining

    Q & A WITH THE TEAM AND E-BOOK COLLECTION! β€” Participate in two personal 30-minute video conferences with the project team to ask questions and hear the most exciting news about the ongoing experiment! You will also receive our e-book Aging Prevention for All and the electronic versions of all other books: Ending Aging, Singularity is Near, and Telomerase Revolution and Death is Wrong in order to amplify your knowledge even more!

    Estimated delivery:
    3 months after campaign completion
  • Pledge $1,000
    3 Backers
    Limit of 10 — 7 remaining

    ONLINE PANEL DISCUSSION + MMTP T-SHIRT AND ILA SPORTS BAG β€” Join a 1.5 hour online discussion with the MMTP project team and several invited experts to discuss the latest breakthroughs in life extension research as well as the best ways to promote the idea of aging prevention among general public. You will also receive a a stylish MMTP T-shirt and an ILA bag to commemorate the event. + $10 for international shipping.

    Estimated delivery:
    3 months after campaign completion
  • Pledge $2,000
    1 Backer
    Limit of 5 — 4 remaining

    SILVER SPONSORSHIP RECOGNITION + LONGEVITY CONFERENCE IN EUROPE TICKET β€” A free ticket to attend the Eurosymposium on Healthy Ageing (EHA), organized in Brussels by our partner HEALES, in October 2016. We will also mention you as a Silver sponsor of our campaign and mention you in all media activities during the campaign and until the experiment begins. Travel not included.

    Estimated delivery:
    3 months after campaign completion
  • Pledge $5,000
    4 Backers
    Limit of 5 — 1 remaining

    GOLD SPONSORSHIP RECOGNITION + TRIP TO LONGEVITY CONFERENCE IN EUROPE β€” We will arrange your travel and accommodations to the Eurosymposium on Healthy Ageing (EHA), hosted in Brussels by our partner HEALES, in October 2016. This includes your entry ticket and the option to speak at the conference. We will also mention your support as a Gold sponsor in all media activities during the campaign AND the Senolytics experiment (2 years long). You will also receive official acknowledgement of your support in any resulting scientific peer reviewed publication or public report.

    Estimated delivery:
    3 months after campaign completion