Là Spòrs/Sports DayBha Là spòrs againn an-diugh agus tha sinn cho taingeil gun do dh’ fhuirich i tioram airson a mhòr chuid den latha! ‘S math a rinn na sgoilearan agus na pàrantan a ghabh pàirt san latha. Bha sinn cho moiteil san dòigh a sheall na sgoilearan Mòr-Inntinn’ s mar a bhrosnaich iad a chèile! 👏We had our sports day today and we are so thankful that it stayed dry for most of the day! Well done to all our pupils and parents who took part. We were so proud of how the pupils showed a growth mindset and how they supported and encouraged one another!
Inservice Day Tennis Camp
Come along to Bellfield Park on Monday 3rd June to enjoy your day off school!
Lots of fun activities to enjoy. The main focus is tennis but we will enjoy other racket and team sports along the way.
To book click on the link below:
Hampton Golf Trophy
Ruith Sporsail/ Fun Run
Ruith Sporsail – Dihaoine 17mh a Cheitein
Fun Run – Friday 17th May
The Fun Run will be on tomorrow at BSGI. Registration is at 6pm and the Fun Run will start at 6.30pm.
Please come along and support this event.
Fun Run
Messy Church at CCC
Cafaidh Coimhearsnachd na Gaidhlig/ Gaelic Community Cafe
Bidh Cafaidh Coimhearsnachd na Gaidhlig air Dihaoine sa tighinn eadar 2-2.45f.
The Gaelic Community Cafe will be on in the school hall this Friday between 2-2.45pm.
Colours of Art and Science
Lots of Socks Day- Thursday 21st March
Cuir ort do stocainnean!
Lots of socks is a fun initiative in the lead up to Down’s Syndrome Awareness Day on 21st March every year.
Deireadh-seachdain Gàidhlig Teaghlaich/ Family Gaelic Learning Weekend
Dr Bike in Hilton
Summer Childcare at Milton of Leys
Summer Childcare at Milton of Leys
Summer childcare at Milton of Leys Primary School will run from:
Week commencing 8th July to week commencing 12th August.
Opening hours from 8:30am – 17:30am.
Booking forms below can be completed and emailed to molelcc@highland.gov.uk or handed into the main school office:
Childcare booking form July 2019
Childcare booking form August 2019
If you have any queries please contact Milton of Leys School 01463 773202
Thank you
Là Mòr nan Leabhraichean: Diardaoin 7mh am Màrt 2019/World Book Day
Là Mòr nan Leabhraichean: Diardaoin 7mh am Màrt 2019
Tha sinn a’ cur air dòigh latha sònraichte airson Là Mòr nan Leabhraichean Diardaoin an 7mh den Mhàrt. Bidh tachartasan a’ dol anns na clasaichean tron latha. ‘S e ‘Leughadh Còmhla/Share a Story’ an cuspair am-bliadhna.
Faodaidh na sgoilearan aodach a’ charactair as fhèarr leotha a chur orra dhan sgoil.Faodaidh iad cuideachd an leabhar as fhèarr leotha a thoirt dhan sgoil.
Faodaidh na sgoilearan aodach-oidhche a chur orra dhan sgoil. Faodaidh iad cuideachd an leabhar as fhèarr leotha a thoirt dhan sgoil.
Leughadh Còmhla:
Tha cuireadh ann dhuibh tighinn a-steach airson ‘Leughaidh Còmhla’. Faodaidh sibh tighinn a-steach eadar 10.00m agus 11.00m le leabhar (Gàidhlig neo Beurla) agus ga leughadh le do phàist no buidheanan beaga sa chlas. Faodaidh sibh aodach a’ charactair as fhèarr leibhse a chur oirbh cuideachd ma tha sibh ag iarraidh!
Bogsa Sgeulachd, comaig neo mapa:
Faodaidh na sgoilearan bogsa, comaig no mapa a dhèanamh a tha a’ sealltainn suidheachadh bhon leabhar as fhèarr leotha. Nì iad seo aig an taigh agus bheir iad e a-steach dhan sgoil Diciadain ro Là Mòr na Leabhraichean (6.3.19). Cuiridh sinn beachdan suas air a’ bhlog agus dojos.
Cuidhteas Leabhraichean:
‘S urrainn dhuibh leabhraichean nach eil sibh a’ leughadh a thoirt dhan sgoil agus leabhar ùr fhaighinn – dean iomlaid le cuideigin (feuch gum bi na leabhraichean againn airson Diciadain 6.3.19). Deagh chothrom airson sgioblachadh agus a bhith math dhan àrainneachd!
Le deagh dhùrachd
Clas 5 agus Ms MacKenzie.
World Book Day: Thursday 7th of March 2019
We have organised a special day for World Book Day on Thursday the 7th of March. There will be various activities going on within the classes during the day. The theme is to ‘Share a Story’ from breakfast to bedtime – lots of ideas here on how to Share a Story together. https://www.worldbookday.com/ideas/share-a-story/
Fancy Dress Costumes:
The children can dress up as their favourite character from a book. They can also take their favourite book with them to school.
The children can wear pyjamas to school and also bring in their favourite book.
Share a Story:
You are invited to come in to ‘Share a Story’. You can come in between 10.00am and 11.00am with a childrens book (Gaelic or English) that you would be willing to read to your child or a small group in the classes. You are also very welcome to dress up as your favourite storybook character if you wish!
Storybox, comic or map:
The children are allowed to create a storybox, comic strip or map that visualises a scene from their favourite book. They can do this at home and bring it into school on the Wednesday before World Book Day (6th of March).
Book Swap:
You can bring in books that you don’t read anymore and swap for some new ones. This is good for tidying your book shelves, and the environment depends on it! Have your books in to school for Wednesday 6 th March.
Le deagh dhùrachd
Clas 5 agus Ms MacKenzie
Pets as Therapy – Read2Dogs
Thàinig Ruth bho Read2Dogs a chèilidh oirnn air Dihaoine leis a’ chù Ellie. Bidh iad a’ tighinn a chèilidh oirnn gach cola-deug. Tha Pet Therapy a’ toirt misneachd dhan sgoilearan a thaobh a’ leughadh air beulaibh daoine eile. ‘S e cù laghach a th’ ann an Ellie agus tha e còrdadh gu mòr ri na sgoilearan nuair a tha i tighinn a-staigh.
Ruth from Read2dogs came in on Friday with her dog Ellie. They are going to be visiting us every fortnight to give selected pupils the opportunity to grow confidence and comfortable reading aloud with a clear and loud voice. Ellie is a lovely dog and the pupils are always pleased to see her when she comes in.
Reading to animals, babies and teddies helps children to become confident readers.
You can read more about the work of Read2Dogs here- https://petsastherapy.org/what-we-do/read2dogs/
Moran Taing Fabrik Magic!
Moran taing dha Fabric Magic Interiors Ltd airson an tiodhlac de stuth-aodaich a thug iad dhuinn. Cleachdaidh sinn iad gu tric airson diofar ghniomhan tron bhliadhna, gu h-araidh airson deasachadh airson an fheill Nollaig.
Thank you to Fabrik Magic Interiors Ltd for their very kind donation of fabric pieces and accessories which will be used for various craft projects throughout the year, including our Christmas Fayre! Please drop-in to their shop to experience friendly and efficient service.
Sabhailteachd Air Loidhne/Internet Safety
Information regarding ‘Momo’ challenge attached below.
Mod Inbhir Nis
An Comunn Gàidhealach Soup/Pudding Lunch 16th February
Feis Rois
Decathlon Agility Challenge
S math a rinn na sgoilearan againn a ghabh pairt san Decathlon Agility Challenge!
Well done to our 3 pupils who took part in the Decathlon Agility Challenge!
Dyslexia Scotland
Cuairt Litir Teirm 3/Term 3 Newsletter
Jammin Fitness
Thàinig Andy McKechnie bho Jammin Fitness a-steach an-diugh airson co-thional a ghabhail agus an uairsin airson buitean-obrach a dhèanamh leis na clasaichean. Bhruidhinn e rinn mu dheidhinn a bhith a cleachdadh mòr-inntinn agus a gabhail ceum mu seach. Thuirt e rinn cho cudromach sa tha e a bhith a smaoineachadh ‘chan urrainn dhomh a dhèanamh…fhathast’.
We enjoyed our visit from Andy Mackechnie from Jammin’ Fitness at assembly today. He talked to us about the importance of having a ‘growth mindset’ rather than a ‘fixed mindset’. He explained the importance of not saying, ‘I can’t do it’, but rather saying ‘I cant’t do it…yet’.
Andy then ran workshops for all of the classes where they learned some fun dance routines.
Cafaidh Coimhearsnachd na Gàidhlig 25mh am Faoilleach/Gaelic Community Cafe 25th January
Bidh Cafaidh Coimhearsnachd na Gàidhlig air aig Bun-sgoil Ghàidhlig Inbhir Nis air Dihaoine 25mh am Faoilleach eadar 2-2.45f. Bidh sinn a comharrachadh Latha Burns.
Ma tha sibh a tighinn ann ,`S e direach donations a bhios ann agus bidh sinn a cruinneachadh airgead airson an carthannas Birchwood Highland agus pàirt dhan airgead sgoile
Bidh rudan ann mar beicearachd, ti is cofaidh agus aite-cluich ann airson clann og. Bhiodh sinn cho taingeal nam b`urrainn dhuibh beicearachd a toirt a-steach airson an cafaidh againn.
Our next Gaelic Community Café at BSGI will be held in the school hall on Friday 25th January from 2-2.45pm. We will be having a Robert Burns theme. Primary 7 have been working very hard on setting up the community café as part of their Developing the Young Workforce project. The donations we collect will be going towards Birchwood Highland and the school fund.
There will be tea, coffee and baking as well as a soft play area set up for young children. We would be very thankful if you bring in any baking in to help run our cafe
An Comunn Gaidhealach Soup and Pudding Lunch
Fiosrachadh mu claradh airson Sgoil-araich agus Clas 1
Information on how to register for nursery and Primary 1
Ross County Skills Centre
Clasaichean Karate
Bidh Karate air an seachdain-sa mar as abhaist.
Karate will be on this Wednesday as usual.
Club nan Gaisgich
Club nan Gaisgich mu dheireadh den bhliadhna! Cho snog an teirm a’ chriochnachadh le na sgoilearan mar seo.
The last Gaelic ambassadors Hot chocolate club of the year. A lovely way to end the term with the pupils.
🎄Nollaig Chridheil dhuibh uile!☃️
Seirbheis Nollaig
Thàinig an t-Urramachd MacLeòid a bhruidhinn ruinn an-diugh aig an seirbheis Nollaig againn.
The Rev MacLeod came to speak to us today at our Christmas Service. He illustrated how Christmas Crackers tell the story about Jesus’s birth.
Nollaig Chridheil
Chòrd an dealbh-cliuch Seoc agus an Bogsa Ciùil rinn gu mòr an latha eile!
We enjoyed watching the Panto Seocan agus am Bogsa Ciùil the other day!
Consairtean Clas 4 gu 7
Rinn clasaichean 4-7 sgoinneil an-dè aig an taisbeanadh Nollaig aca. Sheinn na clasaichean cho binn agus abair gun do chòrd an taisbeanadh Oidhche Chalainn aig Clas 6 rinn uile!
Primary 4-7 did an incredible job at their Christmas Performance yesterday. Everyone sang beautifully and the P6 performance of Oidhche Challainn was enjoyed by all!
Here is a link to the current edit of the performance. Primary 5’s performance will follow.
Consairtean Clas 1 gu 3
Abair gun do rinn Clas 1 gu 3 cho math aig na consairtean Nollaig aca an-diugh. Sheinn a h-uile duine aca gu binn agus ghabh iad spòrs. Mòran taing dha na pàrantan agus teaghlaichean a thàinig ann airson am faicinn.
Well done to primaries 1 to 3 for their performances in the Christmas concerts today. They sang beautifully and had great fun. Many thanks to all those who came along today to support the children.
Dìnneir Nollaige/Christmas Lunch
Bha dìnneir Nollaige againn an-diugh agus abair gun do rinn na cocairean fìor mhath! Seo agaibh dealbhan de na sgoilearan a’ gabhail spòrs agus ag ithe na dìnnearan aca.
We had our school Christmas lunch today and we want to thank the cooks for making a delicious meal! Here are some pictures of the pupils enjoying their lunch and having some fun.
Fèill Nollaig/Christmas Fayre
Mòran taing dhan a h-uile duine a chuidich sinn leis an fhèill Nollaig agus a thàinig dhan fhèill againn air Dimàirt. Chòrd an latha gu mòr ri a h-uile duine agus bha tòrr spòrs aig na cloinne dol mun cuairt na diofar stàilean. Thog sinn £1840 air an latha!
Many thanks to everyone who helped with our Christmas Fayre and who came along on the day. The day was enjoyed by all and the pupils enjoyed going round the different stalls. There was a mix of face painting, nail painting, crafts, games, baking, raffles as well as our community café. We raised £1840 on the day!
Here are some photos of the day.
Meur AGM
Feill Nollaig/Christmas Fayre
Tha am Feill Nollaig air a-maireach eadar 10m gu 12f airson parantan agus feasgar airson sgoilearan.
The school Christmas Fayre will take place tomorrow between 10-12pm for parents. The pupils will get an opportunity to visit the Fayre after lunch.
There will be raffles, games, arts and crafts and handmade items to purchase. There will also be refreshments and foodie treats too at our Gaelic Community Cafe.
Co-thional Clas 5
Chuala sinn mun obair a tha Clas 5 air a bhith deanamh airson an cuspair aca aig Co-thional an-diugh. Fhuair sgoilearan na duaisean aca airson ‘Siuthadaibh’.
Primary 5 led assembly today, sharing with us the work they have been doing for their topic. The first group of winners were announced for ‘Go for it’. Well done to everyone who got a certificate this week.
Tachartasan Nollaig/Christmas Events
Inverness Shinty Academy – St Andrews Cup
L’ Arche Christmas Craft Fair
Co-thional NSPCC/NSPCC Assembly
Thainig an NSPCC a bhruidhinn rinn an-diugh aig Co-thional. Cuideachd chuala sinn mun deagh obair tha dol sna clasaichean agus cho math tha na sar-sgoilearan air a bhith ag’obair.
The NSPCC came to speak to us at assembly today. We also heard about the great work going on in the classes and how hard our certificate winners have been working in class.
Junior Botony Club
Cafaidh Coimhearsnachd na Gàidhlig /Gaelic Community Cafe
Bha feasgar sgoinneil againn aig a’ chiad Cafaidh Coimhearsnachd na Gàidhlig aig Clas 7. Rinn Clas 7 agus Miss Campbell obair air leth a cur a h-uile cail air dòigh agus tha iad airson taing a thoirt dhan a h-uile duine a chuidich le beicearachd, sgioblachadh aig an deireadh, clas 2/3 a sheinn òrain dhuinn agus a h-uile duine a thàinig chun a chafaidh. Chruinnich iad £530!
Tha sinn coimhead air adhart ri an ath Cafaidh Coimhearsnachd na Gàidhlig air Dimàirt 4mh an Dùbhlachd eadar 10-12f.
We had a brilliant afternoon at Primary 7s first Gaelic Community Café. Primary 7 and Miss Campbell did a superb job organising everything and they want to pay thanks to everyone that help with baking, tidying up at the end, P2/3 for their wonderful singing and to everyone that came along to the café. They raised a total of £530!
We are looking forward to the next Gaelic Community Café which will be on Tuesday 4th December at the Christmas Fayre between 10-12pm
Cuairt-Litir Teirm 2/Term 2 Newsletter
Elf on the Shelf
Indoor Junior Tennis Sessions
Trang ann an comataidhean/Commitee Week
Bha na sgoilearan trang anns na comataidhean aca an t-seachdain seo. Bha Comhairle nan Sgoilearan a’ dèanamh cuairt-litir airson na sgoile agus cuideachd bha iad a’ cruinneachadh beachdan airson airgid a thogail airson na sgoile. Bha na Digital Leaders againn a’ dèanamh rannsachadh air Apps airson Matamataig, agus a’ sgaoileadh na chromebooks gu na clasaichean eile. Bha clasaichean eile a’ coimhead air obair aig UNICEF agus a’ beachdachadh air an diofar eadar feumalachdan agus iarrtasan. Abair gu bheil na Gaisgich òg na Gàidhlig seo a’ faighinn ionnsachadh spòrsail!
The classes were very busy in committees this week. The Pupil Council have started organising a school Newsletter and have been gathering fundraising ideas. The Digital Leaders were organising the chrome book distribution to classes and researching Maths apps. The Right Respecting committee were looking at the work of UNICEF and also looking at the difference between needs and wants.
We have been re-visiting our school values – Dòchas (Hope), Coibhneas (Kindness) and now looking at Spòrs (Fun) – and how fun it is to be back at school and Learning together.
Deise Dihaoine/Dress Down Friday
Bidh Deise Dihaoine againn an ath Dhihaoine, airson airgead a thogail airson na sgoile. We are fundraising for our school fund. Dress Down day is next Friday 26th September and last Friday of every month. Suggested donation £1. Deagh deireadh-sheachdain bho Dòchas, mascot BSGI Dòchas, our mascot wishes you a good weekend!
Obair air Dòchas!/ Work on Hope!
Seo beagan dhen obair sgoinneil a rinn sinn air Dòchas! Here is some of the lovely work on Dòchas from all classes.
We are looking at our school values, making sure we are upholding these values, and we are now moving on to think about Coibhneas/Kindness, and all the things we can do to show coibhneas/kindness.
Tha link gu h-ìosal gu flowchart airson a chleachdadh mura h-eil an teaghlach agaibh gu math.
Please find link below to a flowchart which may help you to decide which actions to take in the event of you or your family becoming unwell
Fàilte air ais dhan sgoil!/Welcome back to school!
Tha sinn a’ cuir fàilte chridheil oirbh uile air ais dhan sgoil. Tha sinn gu bhith ag ionnsachadh còmhla a-rithist, agus a’ coimhead air adhart ri teirm trang.
Tha sinn a’ coimhead air na luachan againn, a’ tòiseachadh le Dòchas.
Welcome back to school, we are very excited to be learning together once again and we are looking forward to a busy term.
We are taking a fresh look at our school values, and starting with Dòchas, or Hope.
All the classes have been doing some work on Hope, and talking about our hopes for the future. All children (and adults) hope that we all stay safe and happy and well and here at BSGI we are doing all we can to make sure we do.
Please keep an eye on Dojo classrooms for news from your child’s class teacher.
Deferred and Early Entry to School Highland Guidance Update — Early Learning and Childcare in Highland
Highland Council have recently reviewed their guidance on deferred and early entry to school. One of the key messages within the guidance is as follows: ‘If your child’s birthday falls between 18 August 2020 and the end of February 2021 (e.g. still 4 years old on the school start date in August 2020) you are […]
Ceuman Beaga Toddler Group Open Afternoon – Early Years Gaelic Education
Highland Council ASN Consultation Survey
The Highland Council is gathering information about schools and is especially looking for feedback about how pupils with additional support needs are supported in their learning. The information gathered will be used to inform improvement planning in education.