Trang ann an comataidhean/Commitee Week

Bha na sgoilearan trang anns na comataidhean aca an t-seachdain seo.  Bha Comhairle nan Sgoilearan a’ dèanamh cuairt-litir airson na sgoile agus cuideachd bha iad a’ cruinneachadh beachdan airson airgid a thogail airson na sgoile.  Bha na Digital Leaders againn  a’ dèanamh rannsachadh air Apps airson Matamataig, agus a’ sgaoileadh na chromebooks gu na clasaichean eile.  Bha clasaichean eile a’ coimhead air obair aig UNICEF agus a’ beachdachadh air an diofar eadar feumalachdan agus iarrtasan.  Abair gu bheil na Gaisgich òg na Gàidhlig seo a’ faighinn ionnsachadh spòrsail!

The classes were very busy in committees this week.  The Pupil Council have started organising a school Newsletter and have been gathering fundraising ideas.  The Digital Leaders were organising the chrome book distribution to classes and researching Maths apps.  The Right Respecting committee were looking at the work of UNICEF and also looking at the difference between needs and wants. 

We have been re-visiting our school values – Dòchas (Hope), Coibhneas (Kindness) and now looking at Spòrs (Fun) – and how fun it is to be back at school and Learning together.

Deise Dihaoine/Dress Down Friday

Bidh Deise Dihaoine againn an ath Dhihaoine, airson airgead a thogail airson na sgoile. We are fundraising for our school fund. Dress Down day is next Friday 26th September and last Friday of every month. Suggested donation £1. Deagh deireadh-sheachdain bho Dòchas, mascot BSGI Dòchas, our mascot wishes you a good weekend!

Fàilte air ais dhan sgoil!/Welcome back to school!

Tha sinn a’ cuir fàilte chridheil oirbh uile air ais dhan sgoil.  Tha sinn gu bhith ag ionnsachadh còmhla a-rithist, agus a’ coimhead air adhart ri teirm trang.

Tha sinn a’ coimhead air na luachan againn, a’ tòiseachadh le Dòchas.

Welcome back to school, we are very excited to be learning together once again and we are looking forward to a busy term.

We are taking a fresh look at our school values, and starting with Dòchas, or Hope.

All the classes have been doing some work on Hope, and talking about our hopes for the future.  All  children (and adults) hope that we all stay safe and happy and well and here at BSGI we are doing all we can to make sure we do.

Please keep an eye on Dojo classrooms for news from your child’s class teacher.




Deferred and Early Entry to School Highland Guidance Update — Early Learning and Childcare in Highland

Highland Council have recently reviewed their guidance on deferred and early entry to school. One of the key messages within the guidance is as follows: ‘If your child’s birthday falls between 18 August 2020 and the end of February 2021 (e.g. still 4 years old on the school start date in August 2020) you are […]

via Deferred and Early Entry to School Highland Guidance Update — Early Learning and Childcare in Highland