Fèill Nollaig/Christmas Fayre

Mòran taing dhan a h-uile duine a chuidich sinn leis an fhèill Nollaig agus a thàinig dhan fhèill againn air Dimàirt. Chòrd an latha gu mòr ri a h-uile duine agus bha tòrr spòrs aig na cloinne dol mun cuairt na diofar stàilean.  Thog sinn £1840 air an latha!

Many thanks to everyone who helped with our Christmas Fayre and who came along on the day. The day was enjoyed by all and the pupils enjoyed going round the different stalls.  There was a mix of face painting, nail painting, crafts, games, baking, raffles as well as our community café.  We raised £1840 on the day!

Here are some photos of the day.

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