Customer Loyalty and Experience Leader

Create the exceptional customer experiences that will set yourself apart.

Marketing departments are taking more CX responsibility than ever before

Getting your brand’s customer experience (CX) right and delivering on your CX promise through an effective CX strategy continue to be critical business imperatives. However, companies continue to pursue CX using an inside lens rather than a customer-centric approach. Successful CX requires knowledge of best practices and a well-considered execution plan. That plan must be based on an outside-in view of customer wants and needs as defined by your customer insight and research methodologies.

Customer experience leadership and management. Develop CX organization and skills, measure CX ROI and business benefits, and encourage customer-centric culture. Show your customer hoe CX is scaled, how CX is executed, and why CX matters.

Gartner experts have been spot-on for us as far as coming in on a specific topic and bringing us through the knothole and getting us to understand what it will take to get from point A to point B.

Jim Pendergast

SVP, Member Experience, AARP

How we address your top challenges

Successful customer loyalty and experience leaders do more than identify and solve customer problems. They put the pieces in place to demonstrate the business benefits of CX and lead the shift to a more customer-centric culture. This requires the right organization, governance, metrics and engagement. Gartner can provide CX leaders with robust benchmarks, tactical tools and guides, and peer-sourced best practices to help you make informed decisions and execute initiatives quickly.

Create a High-Impact Customer Experience Strategy

Over 70% of CX leaders struggle to design projects that increase customer loyalty and achieve results. Gartner research shows that by improving the product experience and enabling customers to self-affirm their purchase decisions, CX teams can build lasting customer loyalty.

Transform Your CX Organization 

Many organizations execute customer experience inconsistently. Gartner’s 2019 Customer Experience Management Survey shows marketing departments taking more CX responsibility. But CX leaders in all departments must improve collaboration and deliver gains that justify growing CX budgets.

Secure Support for Your Initiatives

One of the most pressing questions that Gartner for Marketers advisors get asked from clients is “How do I secure support for my CX programs?� Gartner shows you how to make an organized case and get stakeholder buy-in. 

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