St Paul Therapists That Offer Healing, Compassion, and Understanding.

The Family Development Center welcomes individuals, couples, and families who are facing challenges at any life stage. Some of these challenges may include relationship issues, job worries, parenting concerns, emotional and behavioral difficulties in children, multigenerational family demands, work/life balance, addiction, empty nest adjustments, or end-of-life stresses.

The Family Development Center’s Specialty

The Family Development Center also has a particular focus and expertise in helping people and families cope with pregnancy and post-partum related issues.  We support clients struggling to get pregnant, experiencing worry and anxiety during pregnancy, recovering from a traumatic birth, mourning the loss of a pregnancy or child, facing post-partum depression and anxiety, or adjusting to the pressures of a growing family. Many people experience some mild mood changes during or after the birth of a child. However some people develop more significant symptoms. Please know that with help you can prevent a worsening of these symptoms and can fully recover. Symptoms can appear any time during pregnancy and in the first year after childbirth. Although the term “postpartum depression” is the term used most often to describe these symptoms, there are actually several forms of illness that people may experience. ​ See the “Reproductive Health Concerns” tab for more information.

The Family Development Center’s Commitment and Vision


  • To provide mental health care to individuals and families along the lifespan, particularly the reproductive years. 
  • To recruit and train culturally competent therapists and therapists of color.
  • To reduce disparities in mental health care through accessible, effective and holistic programming.
  • To partner with existing organizations that share these values.

Vision: The Family Development Center is a mental health outpatient clinic that specializes in perinatal mood disorders and reproductive trauma, such as, traumatic birth, infertility, pregnancy loss, and infant death. We are also a teaching clinic that focuses on recruiting and training culturally competent therapists and therapists of color. We are committed to providing a safe space to all individuals and families. We strive to have our clinic reflect inclusion, cultural competency, and compassion in all areas of our work. We are committed to social justice and participate with other community organizations to address the racial and socioeconomic inequities in mental health care.

Equal Footing

Equal Footing is a program within The Family Development Center. Its mission is to address the barriers experienced by communities of color and low income individuals in accessing mental health care. Equal Footing’s services include, in-home services, recruiting and training therapists of color and/or culturally competent therapists, supporting women of color led organizations, partnering with community organizations that share the values outlined in The Family Development Center Mission and Vision and advancing public policy that decreases the rates of disparities in mental health care for POC and low income individuals and families. Learn More About Equal Footing

equal footing

Marital and Couples Therapy

Marital woes can be a part of life. As couple therapy counselors, we understand the issues every relationship faces. Let’s get through the tough times together. The Family Development Center strives to mend every relationship. Learn More About Marriage & Couples Therapy

Family Therapy

We know the importance of having strong family ties to fall back on in times of need. When you’re family is struggling, come see our professional family therapy counselors. Our only goal is to keep your family together and build strong bonds between all involved. Learn More about Family Therapy

family counseling st paul minnesota

Individual Therapy

Every individual has issues they need to deal with. Sometimes an outsider’s perspective or a trusted listener is what the doctor ordered. Visit our trusted individual therapists for the help you need. Learn More about Individual Therapy

Adolescent Therapy

The life of a child or teenager in this day and age can be incredibly difficult. Adolescents sometimes need to open up to someone outside the family when touchy subjects come up. As such, our adolescent therapy in St. Paul is here to help your kids. Learn More about Adolescent Therapy

therapy in St Paul, MN

Separation/Divorce Therapy

Separation and divorce is tough on everyone involved. From partners to children and other family members – a multitude of emotions are involved. If you’re going through a divorce, speaking to a professional therapist can make the process easier for all involved. Learn More about Separation & Divorce Therapy

Pregnancy Loss

Losing a child during pregnancy is incredibly tough to deal with. Many families spiral into a deep depression after such a loss. If you’ve been put into this difficult situation, seeking pregnancy loss therapy may be exactly what’s required to move on with your life. Learn How We Can Help



Infertility is a difficult issue for couples and individual alike. The inability to create another life can eat away – even though it shouldn’t. If you’re struggling with this issue, infertility therapy may be exactly what you need to overcome difficult emotions. Learn How We Can Help

Play Therapy

Play therapy is a model of therapy that honors a child’s unique developmental level and looks for ways of helping in the “language” of the child – play. Play is used therapeutically to help clients, most often children ages three to 12 years, to better express themselves and resolve their problems.

therapy room

Teaching Clinic

The Family Development Center is a teaching clinic that typically has graduate level practicum students participating in all aspects of a mental health private practice, including direct client contact, co-therapy, video observation and consultation. All practicum students are supervised by Laura Barbeau, Alyssa Wright or Delta Larkey. Learn More About Our Teaching Clinic

pregancy post partum support mn

The Family Development Center is proud to support Pregnancy & Postpartum Support Minnesota

psychotherapist services: top rated in St Paul, MN

Our Therapists Are Here When You Need Them Most

We’re here to lend a helping hand. Get in touch with us today.

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Proudly Serving Patients in St. Paul and the Surrounding Twin Cities Metro Areas

The Family Development Center, LLC 475 Cleveland Ave N Suite 316 St Paul, MN 55104

The Family Development Center, LLC works with patients throughout the Twin Cities and Ramsey County area. We’re only minutes from University of St. Thomas, 2 miles southwest of Hamline University, and a short 10 minute drive from downtown St Paul.

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