My Free Software Activities in September 2020

Welcome to Here is my monthly report (+ the first week in October) that covers what I have been doing for Debian. If you’re interested in Java, Games and LTS topics, this might be interesting for you.

Debian Games


Debian Java

  • The focus was on two major packages this month, PDFsam, a tool to manipulate PDF files and Netbeans, one of the three well known Java IDEs. I basically updated every PDFsam related sejda dependency and packaged a new library libsejda-common-java, which is currently waiting in the NEW queue. As soon as this one has been approved, we should be able to see the latest release in Debian soon.
  • Unfortunately I came to the conclusion that maintaining Netbeans in Debian is no longer a viable solution. I have been the sole maintainer for the past five years and managed to package the basic Java IDE in Stretch. I also had a 98% ready package for Buster but there were some bugs that made it unfit for a stable release in my opinion. The truth is, it takes a lot of time to patch Netbeans, just to make the build system DFSG compliant and to build the IDE from source. We have never managed to provide more functionality than the basic Java IDE features too. Still, we had to maintain dozens of build-dependencies and there was a constant struggle to make everything work with just a single version of a library. While the Debian way works great for most common projects, it doesn’t scale very well for very complex ones like Java IDEs. Neither Eclipse nor Netbeans are really fully maintainable in Debian since they consist of hundreds of different jar files, even if the toolchain was perfect, it would require too much time to maintain all those Debian packages.
  • I voiced that sentiment on our debian-java mailinglist while also discussing the situation of complex server packages like Apache Solr. Similar to Netbeans it requires hundreds of jar files to get running. I believe our users are better served in those cases by using tools like flatpak for desktop packages or jdeb for server packages. The idea is to provide a Debian toolchain which would download a source package from upstream and then use jdeb to create a Debian package. Thus we could provide packages for very complex Java software again, although only via the Debian contrib distribution. The pros are: software is available as Debian packages and integrates well with your system and considerably less time is needed to maintain such packages: Cons: not available in Debian main, no security support, not checked for DFSG compliance.
  • Should we do that for all of our packages? No. This should really be limited to packages that otherwise would not be in Debian at all and are too complex to maintain, when even a whole team of normal contributors would struggle.
  • Finally the consequences were: the Netbeans IDE has been removed from Debian main but the Netbeans platform package, libnb-platform18-java, is up-to-date again just like visualvm, which depends on it.
  • New upstream releases were packaged for jboss-xnio, activemq, httpcomponents-client, jasypt and undertow to address several security vulnerabilities.
  • I also packaged a new version of sweethome3d, an Interior 2D design application .


  • The usual suspects: I updated binaryen and ublock-origin.
  • I eventually filed a RFA for privacybadger. As I mentioned in my last post, the upstream maintainer would like to see regular updates in Debian stable but I don’t want to regularly contribute time for this task. If someone is ready for the job, let me know.
  • I did a NMU for xjig to fix Debian bug. (#932742)

Debian LTS

This was my 55. month as a paid contributor and I have been paid to work 31,75 hours on Debian LTS, a project started by Raphaël Hertzog. In that time I did the following:

  • Investigated and fixed a regression in squid3 when using the icap server. (#965012)
  • DLA-2394-1. Issued a security update for squid3 fixing 4 CVE.
  • DLA-2400-1. Issued a security update for activemq fixing 1 CVE.
  • DLA-2403-1. Issued a security update for rails fixing 1 CVE.
  • DLA-2404-1. Issued a security update for eclipse-wtp fixing 1 CVE.
  • DLA-2405-1. Issued a security update for httpcomponents-client fixing 1 CVE.
  • Triaged open CVE for guacamole-server and guacamole-client and prepared patches for CVE-2020-9498 and CVE-2020-9497.
  • Prepared patches for 7 CVE in libonig.


Extended Long Term Support (ELTS) is a project led by Freexian to further extend the lifetime of Debian releases. It is not an official Debian project but all Debian users benefit from it without cost. The current ELTS release is Debian 8 „Jessie“. This was my 28. month and I have been paid to work 15 hours on ELTS.

  • ELA-291-1. Issued a security update for libproxy fixing 1 CVE.
  • ELA-294-1. Issued a security update for squid3 fixing 4 CVE.
  • ELA-295-1. Issued a security update for rails fixing 2 CVE.
  • ELA-296-1. Issued a security update for httpcomponents-client fixing 1 CVE.

Thanks for reading and see you next time.

My Free Software Activities in August 2020

Welcome to Here is my monthly report (+ the first week in September) that covers what I have been doing for Debian. If you’re interested in Java, Games and LTS topics, this might be interesting for you.

Debian Games

  • I packaged a new upstream release of teeworlds, the well-known 2D multiplayer shooter with cute characters called tees to resolve a Python 2 bug (although teeworlds is actually a C++ game). The update also fixed a severe remote denial-of-service security vulnerability, CVE-2020-12066. I prepared a patch for Buster and will send it to the security team later today.
  • I sponsored updates of mgba, a Game Boy Advance emulator, for Ryan Tandy, and osmose-emulator for Carlos Donizete Froes.
  • I worked around a RC GCC 10 bug in megaglest by compiling with -fcommon.
  • Thanks to Gerardo Ballabio who packaged a new upstream version of galois which I uploaded for him.
  • Also thanks to Reiner Herrmann and Judit Foglszinger who fixed a regression (crash) in monsterz due to the earlier port to Python 3. Reiner also made fans of supertuxkart happy by packaging the latest upstream release version 1.2.

Debian Java


  • I was contacted by the upstream maintainer of privacybadger, a privacy addon for Firefox and Chromium, who dislikes the idea of having a stable and unchanging version in Debian stable releases. Obviously I can’t really do much about it although I believe the release team would be open-minded for regular point updates of browser addons though. However I don’t intend to do regular updates for all of my packages in stable unless there is a really good reason to do so. At the moment I’m willing to make an exception for ublock-origin and https-everywhere because I feel these addons should be core browser functionality anyway. I talked about this on our Debian Mozilla Extension Maintainers mailinglist and it seems someone is interested to take over privacybadger and prepare regular stable point updates. Let’s see how it turns out.
  • Finally this month saw the release of ublock-origin 1.29.0 and the creation of two different browser-specific binary packages for Firefox and Chromium. I have talked about it before and I believe two separate packages for ublock-origin are more aligned to upstream development and make the whole addon easier to maintain which benefits users, upstream and maintainers.
  • imlib2, an image library, and binaryen also got updated this month.

Debian LTS

This was my 54. month as a paid contributor and I have been paid to work 20 hours on Debian LTS, a project started by Raphaël Hertzog. In that time I did the following:

  • DLA-2303-1. Issued a security update for libssh fixing 1 CVE.
  • DLA-2327-1. Issued a security update for lucene-solr fixing 1 CVE.
  • DLA-2369-1. Issued a security update for libxml2 fixing 8 CVE.
  • Triaged CVE-2020-14340, jboss-xnio as not-affected for Stretch.
  • Triaged CVE-2020-13941, lucene-solr as no-dsa because the security impact was minor.
  • Triaged CVE-2019-17638, jetty9 as not-affected for Stretch and Buster.
  • squid3: I backported the patches for CVE-2020-15049, CVE-2020-15810, CVE-2020-15811 and CVE-2020-24606 from squid 4 to squid 3.


Extended Long Term Support (ELTS) is a project led by Freexian to further extend the lifetime of Debian releases. It is not an official Debian project but all Debian users benefit from it without cost. The current ELTS release is Debian 8 „Jessie“. This was my 27. month and I have been paid to work 14,25 hours on ELTS.

  • ELA-271-1. Issued a security update for squid3 fixing 19 CVE. Most of the work was already done before ELTS started, only the patch for CVE-2019-12529 had to be adjusted for the nettle version in Jessie.
  • ELA-273-1. Issued a security update for nss fixing 1 CVE.
  • ELA-276-1. Issued a security update for libjpeg-turbo fixing 2 CVE.
  • ELA-277-1. Issued a security update for graphicsmagick fixing 1 CVE.
  • ELA-279-1. Issued a security update for imagemagick fixing 3 CVE.
  • ELA-280-1. Issued a security update for libxml2 fixing 4 CVE.

Thanks for reading and see you next time.

My Free Software Activities in July 2020

Welcome to Here is my monthly report (+ the first week in August) that covers what I have been doing for Debian. If you’re interested in Java, Games and LTS topics, this might be interesting for you.

Debian Games

  • Last month GCC 10 became the new default compiler for Debian 11 and compilation errors are now release critical. The change affected dozens of games in the archive but fortunately most of them are rather easy to fix and a quick workaround is available. I uploaded several packages with patches from Reiner Herrmann including blastem, freegish, gngb, phlipple, xaos, xboard, gamazons and freesweep. I could add to this list atomix, teg, neverball and biniax2. I am quite confident we can fix the rest of those FTBFS bugs before the freeze.
  • Finally freeorion 0.4.10 was released last month. Among new gameplay changes and bug fixes, freeorion’s Python 2 code was ported to Python 3.
  • Due to the ongoing Python 2 removal pygame-sdl2 in unstable could no longer be built from source and I had to upload the new Python 3 version from experimental. This in turn breaks renpy, a framework for developing visual-novel type games. At the moment it is uncertain if there will be a Python 3 version of renpy for Debian 11 in time while this issue is still being worked on upstream.
  • I uploaded a new upstream release of mgba, a Game Boy Advance emulator, for Ryan Tandy.

Debian Java


  • I fixed the GCC 10 FTBFS in iftop and packaged a new upstream release of osmo, a lean and lightweight personal organizer.
  • New versions of privacybadger, binaryen, wabt and most importantly ublock-origin are also available now. Since the new binary packages webext-ublock-origin-firefox and webext-ublock-origin-chromium were finally accepted into the archive, I am planning to package version 1.29.0 now.

Debian LTS

This was my 53. month as a paid contributor and I have been paid to work 15 hours on Debian LTS, a project started by Raphaël Hertzog. In that time I did the following:

  • DLA-2278-2. Issued a regression update for squid3. It was discovered that the patch for CVE-2019-12523 interrupted the communication between squid and icap or ecap services. The setup is most commonly used with clamav or similar antivirus scanners. I debugged the problem and created a new patch to address the error. In this process I also updated the patch for CVE-2019-12529 to use more code from Debian’s cryptographic nettle library. I also enabled the test suite by default now and corrected a failing test.
  • I have been working on fixing CVE-2020-15049 in squid3. The upstream patch for the 4.x series appears to be simple but to completely address the underlying problem, squid3 requires a backport of the new HttpHeader parsing code which has improved a lot over the last couple of years. The patch is complete but requires more testing. A new update will follow soon.


Extended Long Term Support (ELTS) is a project led by Freexian to further extend the lifetime of Debian releases. It is not an official Debian project but all Debian users benefit from it without cost. The current ELTS release is Debian 8 „Jessie“. This was my 26. month and I have been paid to work 13,25 hours on ELTS.

  • ELA-242-1. Issued a security update for tomcat7 fixing 1 CVE.
  • ELA-243-1. Issued a security update for tomcat8 fixing 1 CVE.
  • ELA-253-1. Issued a security update for imagemagick fixing 18 CVE.
  • ELA-254-1. Issued a security update for libssh fixing 1 CVE.

Thanks for reading and see you next time.

My Free Software Activities in June 2020

Welcome to Here is my monthly report (+ the first week in July) that covers what I have been doing for Debian. If you’re interested in Java, Games and LTS topics, this might be interesting for you.

Debian Games

Short news

  • The last month saw a new upstream release of Minetest (version 5.3.), a multi-player sandbox game similar to Minecraft. A backport to buster-backports will follow shortly.
  • Asher Gordon helped release a new version of Berusky 2, a sokoban like logic game but in 3D. The game received several improvements including bug fixes, code polishing and a new way to access the data files. Previously those files were all packed in a special container format but now they can be accessed directly without someone having to rely on some sort of unarchiver. I have uploaded this version as 0.12-1 to Debian unstable.
  • I tested an upstream patch for empire to address the build failure with GCC 10. This one is a better solution than the currently implemented workaround and I expect it to be included in the next upstream release.
  • I fixed two FTBFS in simutrans-pak64 and simutrans-pak128.britain, two addon packages for the simulation game simutrans.

Debian Java

  • New upstream versions this month: hsqldb, libpdfbox2-java, jackson-jr, jackson-dataformat-xml and jackson-databind. The latter upload addressed several security vulnerabilites which have become rather minor because upstream has enabled safe default typing by default now. Nevertheless I have prepared a buster-security update as well which is already available in buster-proposed-updates.


  • I packaged new versions of wabt, privacybadger and binaryen and applied another upstream patch for xarchiver to address the incomplete fix for Debian bug #959914, to better handle encrypted multi-volume 7zip archives.
  • By popular request I uploaded imlib2 version 1.6 to buster-backports because the image library supports the webp format now.

Debian LTS

This was my 52. month as a paid contributor and I have been paid to work 60 hours on Debian LTS, a project started by Raphaël Hertzog. In that time I did the following:

  • DLA-2278-1. Issued a security update for squid3 fixing 19 CVE.
  • DLA-2279-1. Issued a security update for tomcat8 fixing 2 CVE.
  • Prepared and uploaded a stretch-pu update for jackson-databind fixing 20 CVE. (#964727)
  • Synced the proftpd-dfsg version from Jessie with Stretch to address a memory leak which leads to a denial-of-service and correct the version number to make seemless updates work.
  • Prepared the security update for imagemagick triaging and/or fixing 76 CVE.
  • Worked on updating the database about embedded code copies to determine how packages are affected by security vulnerabilities in embedded code copies. This included a) compiling a list of important packages which are regular affected by CVE, b) investigating if embedded code copies are present, c) determining the possible impact of a security vulnerability in those embedded code copies, d) writing a script that automates printing those findings on demand.

Thanks for reading and see you next time.

My Free Software Activities in May 2020

Welcome to Here is my monthly report (+ the first week in June) that covers what I have been doing for Debian. If you’re interested in Java, Games and LTS topics, this might be interesting for you.

Debian Games

  • I decided to upgrade Nethack to version 3.6.6 that fixed several security vulnerabilities and a GCC 10 FTBFS bug. Unfortunately the Debian specific lisp fork of Nethack is no longer compatible with the most recent changes. I could fix some errors but really didn’t want to maintain something that should better be upstreamed. I filed Debian bug #961932 because nethack-lisp is unusable now. In my opinion the lisp fork prevents more regular updates and it really needs a maintainer who likes to care for the code. But the best solution would be to merge the code upstream. Anyone interested in a challenge?
  • This month I could update a couple of games that haven’t seen much love in the past years, but to be fair, all of them still just worked fine. They just needed some modifications due to the switch to debhelper-compat = 13, or they could not be reproducibly build or cross-build from source. And then there were also some GCC 10 bugs, that are currently severity normal but will become release-critical soon. So there was briquolo (#960386, reproducible-build patch by Chris Lamb), a 3D breakout game, empire (#957172, GCC-10), asc (#957013, GCC-10), asc-music, ace-of-penguins (#956976, GCC-10), foobillardplus (#914622, cross-build, patch by Helmut Grohne), vodovod (cross-build, patch by Helmut Grohne), holotz-castle (cross-build, patch by Helmut Grohne), kball (cross-build, patch by Helmut Grohne), zaz, an action puzzle game, xgalaga (cross-build, patch by Helmut Grohne), xmahjongg and plee-the-bear (Boost FTBFS, patch by Giovanni Mascellani and a cross-build issue, patch by Helmut Grohne).
  • I was contacted by Martin Gerhardy, upstream maintainer of caveexpress and former lead-developer of ufoai. He is currently working on a new free software voxel game engine and its tools. He asked me to take a look at the Debian packaging but I couldn’t promise to package it yet, although this is certainly something that interests me. I will provide some feedback for the prelimary Debian packaging though, which he has prepared already. In the meantime he released a new version of caveexpress and I hope that we can find a solution for an ufoai RC-bug quite soon, but at least before Debian freezes.
  • I sponsored bzflag and supertux for Reiner Herrman. Greatly appreciated!
  • Ryan Tandy contributed an overhauled mgba package, a Game Boy Advance emulator. Thanks a lot!
  • I also packaged new versions of hexalate, hitori and peg-e.

Debian Java

  • New upstream versions this month: undertow, jboss-xnio and libapache-mod-jk. The latter package contained a wrongly named file that prevented the apache tools a2enmod and a2dismod from symlinking that file. I corrected the error by preparing a stable point-update as well.


  • I packaged new versions of wabt, privacybadger and https-everywhere. I would like to update ublock-origin as well but the package is still stuck in the NEW queue. I don’t know why.
  • I packaged a new upstream version of xarchiver and applied a patch to address Debian bug #959914. There is still a problem with multi-part encrypted 7zip files but since it is already known upstream, I am confident there will be a fix eventually.

Debian LTS

This was my 51. month as a paid contributor and I have been paid to work 25 hours on Debian LTS, a project started by Raphaël Hertzog. In that time I did the following:

  • DLA-2209-1. Issued a security update for tomcat8 fixing 4 CVE. The update was delayed due to an error, which was not discovered by the test suite and a new CVE, CVE-2020-9484.
  • squid3: I have almost completed the update and prepared patches for 16 different security vulnerabilities in Stretch and Jessie. Due to the in part invasive changes I will publish a request for testing on the debian-lts mailing list first. If there are no negative reports, the update should happen next week now.
  • imagemagick: I am currently working on a complete update of the popular image manipulation program. I have already completed 10 patches but I intend to release a full update until the end of the month.


Extended Long Term Support (ELTS) is a project led by Freexian to further extend the lifetime of Debian releases. It is not an official Debian project but all Debian users benefit from it without cost. The current ELTS release is Debian 7 „Wheezy“. This was my 24. month and I have been paid to work 9,25 hours on ELTS.

  • ELA-232-1. Issued a security update for nss fixing 1 CVE.
  • ELA-233-1. Issued a security update for openjdk-7 fixing 1 CVE.
  • Prepared the last security update of linux for Wheezy. The new kernel will be available on Saturday, 13.06.2020, after it passes the usual tests.

Thanks for reading and see you next time.

My Free Software Activities in April 2020

Welcome to Here is my monthly report (+ the first week in May) that covers what I have been doing for Debian. If you’re interested in Java, Games and LTS topics, this might be interesting for you.

Debian Games

  • Scott Talbert did a fantastic job by porting playonlinux, a user-friendly frontend for Wine, to Python 3 (#937302). I tested his patch and uploaded the package today. More testing and feedback is welcome. Scott’s work basically prevented the removal of one of the most popular packages in the games section. I believe this will also give interested people more time to package the Java successor of playonlinux called Phoenicis.
  • Reiner Herrmann ported ardentryst, an action role playing game, to Python 3 to fix a release critical Py2 removal bug (#936148). He also packaged the latest release of xaos, a real-time interactive fractal zoomer, and improved various packaging details. I reviewed both of them and sponsored the upload for him.
  • I packaged new upstream releases of minetest, lordsawar, gtkatlantic and cutemaze.
  • I also sponsored a new simutrans update for Jörg Frings-Fürst.

Debian Java


  • I packaged new versions of wabt and binaryen, required to build Webassembly code from source.

Debian LTS

This was my 50. month as a paid contributor and I have been paid to work 11,5 hours on Debian LTS, a project started by Raphaël Hertzog. In that time I did the following:

  • I completed the security update of Tomcat 8 in Stretch released as DSA-4673-1 and Tomcat 8 in Jessie soon to be released as DLA-2209-1.
  • I am currently assigned more hours and my plan is to invest the time in a project to improve our knowledge about embedded code copies and their current security impact which I want to discuss with the security team. The rest will be spent on Stretch security updates which will become the new LTS release soon.


Extended Long Term Support (ELTS) is a project led by Freexian to further extend the lifetime of Debian releases. It is not an official Debian project but all Debian users benefit from it without cost. The current ELTS release is Debian 7 „Wheezy“. This was my 23. month and I have been paid to work 2 hours on ELTS.

  • I prepared the fix for CVE-2019-18218 in php5 released as ELA-227-1.
  • I checked jetty for unfixed vulnerabilities and discovered that the version in Wheezy was not affected by CVE-2019-17632. No further action was required.
  • It turned out that the apache2 package in Wheezy was not affected by vulnerable embedded expat code because it depends on already fixed system packages.

Thanks for reading and see you next time.

My Free Software Activities in March 2020

Welcome to Here is my monthly report (+ the first week in April) that covers what I have been doing for Debian. If you’re interested in Java, Games and LTS topics, this might be interesting for you.

I am sure I am not the only one who will remember March 2020 in the future as a month nobody was really fond of. I was mostly occupied with non-Debian work and managed to get ill in the same week I wanted to celebrate my birthday but it didn’t matter anyway because of ehm quarantine and social distancing. Maybe next year March will be great again.

Debian Games

  • I was notified by Minetest upstream that Debian did not build the game with CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release or that we simply missed the -DNDEBUG compiler flag which in turn could cause some unexepected runtime errors. I quickly fixed the problem and backported the change to buster-backports. There is another pending merge request about build-depending on libspatialindex-dev. I was told it will speed up some processes on the server side, so I wanted to give it a try.
  • I fixed RC bug #954722 in spring, the RTS game engine. A change in GCC caused yet another FTBFS but was rather easy to fix.
  • I sponsored jag and runescape for Carlos Donizete Froes. Despite being such a trivial helper script for downloading the runescape launcher, the latter caused some controversy. Now it looks like all problems can be resolved and I expect another upload with bug fixes in April.
  • Last but not least I packaged a new upstream release of extremetuxracer, the racing game with Tux for all the family.

Debian Java

  • I worked on new releases of wildfly-common, undertow, jboss-threads, jboss-xnio, libsmali-java and apktool.
  • I uploaded a security update of checkstyle to Stretch and Buster and prepared another point update for Buster to fix a bug in el-api, websocket-api and jsp-api when libservlet3.1-java was upgraded from Stretch to Buster.
  • A missing jar file on the CLASSPATH in commons-configuration2 made mediathekview and other packages FTBFS (#955755) but it also motivated me to remove the unnecessary update check in MediathekView on every startup because it may take a while until I can upgrade this program again.
  • I also applied a patch by Bas Couwenberg for OpenJFX to fix a FTBFS bug due to the -Werror=deprecated-declarations flag.


  • While I am still waiting for ublock-origin being processed in the NEW queue, I packaged the latest version of another browser addon, https-everywhere.

Debian LTS

This was my 49. month as a paid contributor and I have been paid to work 10 hours on Debian LTS, a project started by Raphaël Hertzog. In that time I did the following:

  • I worked on Tomcat 8 in Jessie and prepared patches for CVE-2020-1938, CVE-2020-1935 and CVE-2019-17563. I am working together with Abhihith PA who is currently reviewing them. Especially CVE-2020-1938 requires careful attention because of new options to secure the AJP port and protocol. In contrast to Wheezy, Tomcat in Jessie will be supported at least for another year, so it makes sense to apply the upstream changes for hardening the setup.
  • I prepared another Tomcat 8 update for Stretch which will be released this month.


Extended Long Term Support (ELTS) is a project led by Freexian to further extend the lifetime of Debian releases. It is not an official Debian project but all Debian users benefit from it without cost. The current ELTS release is Debian 7 „Wheezy“. This was my 22. month and I have been paid to work 9 hours on ELTS.

  • I investigated all identified source packages from last month. They are supported but embed external software, sometimes affected by unfixed security vulnerabilities. After a closer inspection I discovered that most packages were either affected only by minor issues, which did not warrant an extra update, or they were not even affected at all because they linked against system libraries. However zlib, apache2 and php5 contained embedded and unfixed code copies of expat and file and zlib’s miniunzip program was still prone to a directory traversal attack. I fixed the latter in ELA-222-1. The apache2 update will follow shortly and there is ongoing work for PHP5 anyway which allows us to fix the latest reported vulnerabilites and address the embedded code copy issues together in one update.

Thanks for reading and see you next time.

My Free Software Activities in February 2020

Welcome to Here is my monthly report (+ the first week in March) that covers what I have been doing for Debian. If you’re interested in Java, Games and LTS topics, this might be interesting for you.

Debian Games

  • The games team received a lot of FTBFS bug reports due to a recent change in SDL2. (#951087) Many games that relied on the FindSDL2.cmake macro suddenly stopped building from source. Simon McVittie, who analyzed the situation, provided some helpful fixes for the problem. Ideally all affected packages and SDL2 should be fixed. I applied his patch for blockattack (#951943) and came up with similar patches for megaglest (#951959) and spring (#951974), pekka-kana-2 (#952049) was fixed by Simon and Carlos again.
  • I updated clanlib, an older SDK for game development, fixed a Perl build failure and applied patches to make cross-builds and reproducible builds possible.
  • I backported the latest version of Minetest, 5.1.1, to buster-backports.
  • Morris was ported to GSetting by Yavor Doganov and Reiner Herrmann ported it to the signals2 boost library (well done folks!) while I was tying all things together.
  • Freecol, a remake of the old Colonization received some love too. I could fix a build failure, create a valid appdata file and apply upstream’s patch to address CVE-2018-1000825.
  • I packaged new upstream releases of freeciv, freeorion and armagetronad.
  • ufoai: I fixed a build failure caused by an upgrade to the mxml 3.x library. There is another issue with the old and soon to be removed gtksourceview2 library which the map editor relies on for some specific functions. I suppose the only way is to disable the functionality or to disable the editor alltogether. The game itself is not affected.
  • I sponsored an improved version of mupen64plus-qt for Dan Hastings, an RC fix for widelands by Juhani Numminen and
  • reviewed opensurge and surgescript for Carlos Donizete Froes. The former retro platformer opensurge is still missing from Debian and would be a nice addition to the games section. There is still some kind of runtime problem / shared library error and more work is required to make progress here.

Debian Java


  • After we received new bug reports for ublock-origin, this time because of sandboxing limitations in Chromium, I decided to revert back to two different binary packages, one for Firefox and one for Chromium. This will avoid any sandboxing problems due to the previous use of symlinks. The new version 1.25.0 is currently waiting in NEW.
  • Instead the update of privacybadger to version 2020.2.19 and binaryen was much more straightforward.

Debian LTS

This was my 48. month as a paid contributor and I have been paid to work 10 hours on Debian LTS, a project started by Raphaël Hertzog. In that time I did the following:

  • DLA-2133-1. Issued a security update for tomcat7 fixing 3 CVE.
  • DLA-2138-1. Issued a security update for wpa fixing 1 CVE.
  • Worked on a security update for squid3 that is not finished yet.


Extended Long Term Support (ELTS) is a project led by Freexian to further extend the lifetime of Debian releases. It is not an official Debian project but all Debian users benefit from it without cost. The current ELTS release is Debian 7 „Wheezy“. This was my 21. month and I have been paid to work 8 hours on ELTS.

  • ELA-217-1. Issued a security update for tomcat7 fixing 1 CVE. I investigated CVE-2019-17569 and found that it did not affect the version in Wheezy because the refactoring and thus the regression happened in a later version. I worked on CVE-2020-1938, a possible remote code execution vulnerability regarding the AJP protocol. After I had backported the initial upstream patch, I discovered that more and more changes to the code were required which I found to be too intrusive eventually. Since the AJP port is disabled by default in Debian and the scenario of an untrusted user/service like mod_jk and Apache 2 seems unlikely, I opted for not making those changes.
  • Created a script to display which supported source packages are embedded into other supported packages and to show the embedded code copies in supported packages. There will be another script for LTS that behaves slightly different but it will also help to highlight CVE in embedded-code-copies in LTS and Debian packages in general.

Thanks for reading and see you next time.

My Free Software Activities in January 2020

Welcome to Here is my monthly report (+ the first week in February) that covers what I have been doing for Debian. If you’re interested in Java, Games and LTS topics, this might be interesting for you.

Debian Games

  • Again Reiner Herrman did a very good job with updating some of the most famous FOSS games in Debian. I reviewed and sponsored supertux, supertuxkart 1.1 and love 11.3, also several updates to fix build failures with the latest version of scons in Debian. Reiner Herrmann, Moritz Mühlenhoff and Phil Wyett contributed patches to fix release critical bugs in netpanzer, boswars, btanks, and xboxdrv.
  • I packaged new upstream versions of minetest 5.1.1, empire 1.15 and bullet 2.89.
  • I backported freeciv 2.6.1 to buster-backports and
  • applied a patch by Asher Gordon to fix a teleporter bug in berusky2. He also submitted another patch to address even more bugs and I hope to review and upload a new revision soon.

Debian Java


  • As the maintainer I requested the removal of pyblosxom, a web blog engine written in Python 2. Unfortunately pyblosxom is no longer actively maintained and the port to Python 3 has never been finished. I thought it would be better to remove the package now since we have a couple of good alternatives like Hugo or Jekyll.
  • I packaged new upstream versions of wabt and privacybadger.

Debian LTS

This was my 47. month as a paid contributor and I have been paid to work 15 hours on Debian LTS, a project started by Raphaël Hertzog. In that time I did the following:

  • DLA-2065-1. Issued a security update for apache-log4j1.2 fixing 1 CVE.
  • DLA-2077-1. Issued a security update for tomcat7 fixing 2 CVE.
  • DLA-2078-1. Issued a security update for libxmlrpc3-java fixing 1 CVE.
  • DLA-2097-1. Issued a security update for ppp fixing 1 CVE.
  • DLA-2098-1. Issued a security update for ipmitool fixing 1 CVE.
  • DLA-2099-1. Issued a security update for checkstyle fixing 1 CVE.


Extended Long Term Support (ELTS) is a project led by Freexian to further extend the lifetime of Debian releases. It is not an official Debian project but all Debian users benefit from it without cost. The current ELTS release is Debian 7 „Wheezy“. This was my twentieth month and I have been paid to work 10 hours on ELTS.

  • ELA-208-1. Issued a security update for tomcat7 fixing 2 CVE.
  • ELA-209-1. Issued a security update for linux fixing 41 CVE.
  • Investigated CVE-2019-17023 in nss which is needed to build and run OpenJDK 7. I found that the vulnerability did not affect this version of nss because of the incomplete and experimental support for TLS 1.3.

Thanks for reading and see you next time.

My Free Software Activities in December 2019

Welcome to Here is my monthly report that covers what I have been doing for Debian. If you’re interested in Java, Games and LTS topics, this might be interesting for you.

Debian Games

  • I started the month by backporting the latest version of minetest to buster-backports.
  • New versions of Springlobby, the single and multiplayer lobby for the Spring RTS engine, and Freeciv (now at 2.6.1) were packaged.
  • I had to remove python-pygccxml as a build-dependency from spring because of the Python 2 removal and there was also another unrelated build failure that got fixed as well.
  • I also released a new version of the debian-games metapackages. A considerable number of games were removed from Debian in the past months, in parts due to the ongoing Python 2 removal but also because of inactive maintainers or upstreams. There were also some new games though. Check out the 3.1 changelog for more information. As a consequence of our Python 2 goal, the development metapackage for Python 2 is gone now.

Debian Java


  • The imlib2 image library was updated to version 1.6.1 and now supports the webp image format.
  • I backported the Thunderbird addon dispmua to Buster and Stretch because the new Thunderbird ESR version had made it unusable.
  • I also updated binaryen, a compiler and library for WebAssembly and asked upstream if they could relax the build-dependency on Git which they did.

Debian LTS

This was my 46. month as a paid contributor and I have been paid to work 16,5 hours on Debian LTS, a project started by Raphaël Hertzog. In that time I did the following:

From 23.12.2019 until 05.01.2020 I was in charge of our LTS frontdesk. I investigated and triaged CVE in sudo, shiro, waitress, sa-exim, imagemagick, nss, apache-log4j1.2, sqlite3, lemonldap-ng, libsixel, graphicsmagick, debian-lan-config, xerces-c, libpodofo, vim, pure-ftpd, gthumb, opencv, jackson-databind, pillow, fontforge, collabtive, libhibernate-validator-java, lucene-solr and gpac.

  • DLA-2051-1. Issued a security update for intel-microcode fixing 2 CVE.
  • DLA-2058-1. Issued a security update for nss fixing 1 CVE.
  • DLA-2062-1. Issued a security update for sa-exim fixing 1 CVE.
  • I prepared a security update for tomcat7 by updating to the latest upstream release in the 7.x series. It is pending review by Mike Gabriel at the moment.


Extended Long Term Support (ELTS) is a project led by Freexian to further extend the lifetime of Debian releases. It is not an official Debian project but all Debian users benefit from it without cost. The current ELTS release is Debian 7 „Wheezy“. This was my nineteenth month and I have been assigned to work 15 hours on ELTS.

  • I was in charge of our ELTS frontdesk from 23.12.2019 until 05.01.2020 and I triaged CVE in sqlite3, libxml2 and nss.
  • ELA-200-2. Issued a security update for intel-microcode.
  • Worked on tomcat7, CVE-2019-12418 and CVE-2019-17563, and finished the patches prepared by Mike Gabriel. We have discovered some unrelated test failures and are currently investigating the root cause of them.
  • Worked on nss, which is required to build OpenJDK 7 and also needed at runtime for the SunEC security provider. I am currently investigating CVE-2019-17023 which has been assigned only a few days ago.
  • ELA-206-1. Issued a security update for apache-log4j1.2 fixing 1 CVE.

Thanks for reading and see you next time.