October 18, 2020

Iustin Pop


To start off, let me say it again: I hate light pollution. I really, really hate it. I love the night sky where you look up and see thousands of stars, and constellations besides Ursa Major. As somebody said once, “You haven’t lived until you’ve seen your shadow by the light of the Milky Way”.

But, ahem, I live in a large city, and despite my attempts using star trackers, special filters, etc. you simply can’t escape it. So, whenever we go on vacation in the mountains, I’m trying to think if I an do a bit of astro-photography (not that I’m good at it).

Which bring me to our recent vacation up in the mountains. I was looking forward to it, until in the week before, when the weather prognosis was switching between snow, rain and overcast for the entire week. No actual day or night with clear skies, so… I didn’t take a tripod, I didn’t take a wide lens, and put night photography out of my mind.

Vacation itself was good, especially the quietness of the place, so I usually went to be early-ish and didn’t look outside. The weather was as forecasted - no new snow (but there was enough up in the mountains), but heavy clouds all the time, and the sun only showed itself for a few minutes at a time.

One night I was up a bit longer than usual, working on the laptop and being very annoyed by a buzzing sound. At first I thought maybe I was imagining it, but from time to time it was stopping briefly, so it was a real noise; I started hunting for the source. Not my laptop, not the fridge, not the TV… but it was getting stronger near the window. I open the door to the balcony, and… bam! Very loud noise, from the hotel nearby, where — at midnight — the pool was being cleaned. I look at the people doing the work, trying to estimate how long it’ll be until they finish, but it was looking like a long time.

Fortunately with the door closed the noise was not bad enough to impact my sleep, so I debate getting angry or just resigned, and since it was late, I just sigh, roll my eyes — not metaphorically, but actually roll my eyes and look up, and I can’t believe my eyes. Completely clear sky, no trace of clouds anywhere, and… stars. Lots of starts. I sit there, looking at the sky and enjoying the view, and I think to myself that it won’t look that nice on the camera, for sure. Especially without a real trip, and without a fast lens.

Nevertheless, I grab my camera and — just for kicks — take one handheld picture. To my surprise (and almost disbelief), blurry pixels aside, the photo does look like what I was seeing, so I grab my tiny tripod that I carried along, and (with only a 24-70 zoom lens), grab a photo. And another, and another and then I realise that if I can make the composition work, and find a good shutter speed, this can turn out a good picture.

I didn’t have a remote release, the tripod was not very stable and it cannot point the camera upwards (it’s basically an emergency tripod), so it was quite sub-optimal; still, I try multiple shots (different compositions, different shutter speeds); they look on the camera screen and on the phone pretty good, so just for safety I take a few more, and, very happy, go to bed.

Coming back from vacation, on the large monitor, it turns out that the first 28 out of the 30 pictures were either blurry or not well focused (as I was focusing manually), and the 29th was almost OK but still not very good. Only the last, the really last picture, was technically good and also composition-wise OK. Luck? Foresight? Don’t know, but it was worth deleting 28 pictures to get this one. One of my best night shots, despite being so unprepared

Stars! Lots of stars! And mountains… Stars! Lots of stars! And mountains…

Of course, compared to other people’s pictures, this is not special. But for me, it will be a keepsake of how a real night sky should look like.

If you want to zoom in, higher resolution on flickr.

Technically, the challenges for the picture were two-fold:

  • fighting the shutter speed; the light was not the problem, but rather the tripod and lack of remote release: a short shutter speed will magnify tripod issues/movement from the release (although I was using delayed release on the camera), but will prevent star trails, and a long shutter speed will do the exact opposite; in the end, at the focal length I was using, I settled on a 5 second shutter speed.
  • composition: due to the presence of the mountains (which I couldn’t avoid by tilting the camera fully up), this was for me a difficult thing, since it’s more on the artistic side, which is… very subjective; in the end, this turned out fine (I think), but mostly because I took pictures from many different perspectives.

Next time when travelling by car, I’ll surely take a proper tripod ☺

Until next time, clear and dark skies…

18 October, 2020 08:15PM

François Marier

Using a Let's Encrypt TLS certificate with Asterisk 16.2

In order to fix the following error after setting up SIP TLS in Asterisk 16.2:

asterisk[8691]: ERROR[8691]: tcptls.c:966 in __ssl_setup: TLS/SSL error loading cert file. <asterisk.pem>

I created a Let's Encrypt certificate using certbot:

apt install certbot
certbot certonly --standalone -d hostname.example.com

To enable the asterisk user to load the certificate successfuly (it doesn't permission to access to the certificates under /etc/letsencrypt/), I copied it to the right directory:

cp /etc/letsencrypt/live/hostname.example.com/privkey.pem /etc/asterisk/asterisk.key
cp /etc/letsencrypt/live/hostname.example.com/fullchain.pem /etc/asterisk/asterisk.cert
chown asterisk:asterisk /etc/asterisk/asterisk.cert /etc/asterisk/asterisk.key
chmod go-rwx /etc/asterisk/asterisk.cert /etc/asterisk/asterisk.key

Then I set the following variables in /etc/asterisk/sip.conf:


Automatic renewal

The machine on which I run asterisk has a tricky Apache setup:

  • a webserver is running on port 80
  • port 80 is restricted to the local network

This meant that the certbot domain ownership checks would get blocked by the firewall, and I couldn't open that port without exposing the private webserver to the Internet.

So I ended up disabling the built-in certbot renewal mechanism:

systemctl disable certbot.timer certbot.service
systemctl stop certbot.timer certbot.service

and then writing my own script in /etc/cron.daily/certbot-francois:


# Stop Apache and backup firewall.
/bin/systemctl stop apache2.service
/usr/sbin/iptables-save > $TEMPFILE

# Open up port 80 to the whole world.
/usr/sbin/iptables -D INPUT -j LOGDROP
/usr/sbin/iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT
/usr/sbin/iptables -A INPUT -j LOGDROP

# Renew all certs.
/usr/bin/certbot renew --quiet

# Restore firewall and restart Apache.
/usr/sbin/iptables -D INPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT
/usr/sbin/iptables-restore < $TEMPFILE
/bin/systemctl start apache2.service

# Copy certificate into asterisk.
cp /etc/letsencrypt/live/hostname.example.com/privkey.pem /etc/asterisk/asterisk.key
cp /etc/letsencrypt/live/hostname.example.com/fullchain.pem /etc/asterisk/asterisk.cert
chown asterisk:asterisk /etc/asterisk/asterisk.cert /etc/asterisk/asterisk.key
chmod go-rwx /etc/asterisk/asterisk.cert /etc/asterisk/asterisk.key
/bin/systemctl restart asterisk.service

# Commit changes to etckeeper.
pushd /etc/ > /dev/null
/usr/bin/git add letsencrypt asterisk
DIFFSTAT="$(/usr/bin/git diff --cached --stat)"
if [ -n "$DIFFSTAT" ] ; then
    /usr/bin/git commit --quiet -m "Renewed letsencrypt certs."
    echo "$DIFFSTAT"
popd > /dev/null

18 October, 2020 12:45AM

October 17, 2020

hackergotchi for Dirk Eddelbuettel

Dirk Eddelbuettel

digest 0.6.26: Blake3 and Tuning

And a new version of digest is now on CRAN will go to Debian shortly.

digest creates hash digests of arbitrary R objects (using the md5, sha-1, sha-256, sha-512, crc32, xxhash32, xxhash64, murmur32, spookyhash, and blake3 algorithms) permitting easy comparison of R language objects. It is a fairly widely-used package (currently listed at 896k monthly downloads, 279 direct reverse dependencies and 8057 indirect reverse dependencies, or just under half of CRAN) as many tasks may involve caching of objects for which it provides convenient general-purpose hash key generation.

This release brings two nice contributed updates. Dirk Schumacher added support for blake3 (though we could probably push this a little harder for performance, help welcome). Winston Chang benchmarked and tuned some of the key base R parts of the package. Last but not least I flipped the vignette to the lovely minidown, updated the Travis CI setup using bspm (as previously blogged about in r4 #30), and added a package website using Matertial for MkDocs.

My CRANberries provides the usual summary of changes to the previous version.

For questions or comments use the issue tracker off the GitHub repo.

If you like this or other open-source work I do, you can now sponsor me at GitHub. For the first year, GitHub will match your contributions.

This post by Dirk Eddelbuettel originated on his Thinking inside the box blog. Please report excessive re-aggregation in third-party for-profit settings.

17 October, 2020 04:54PM

hackergotchi for Junichi Uekawa

Junichi Uekawa

Troubleshooting your audio input.

Troubleshooting your audio input. When doing video conferencing sometimes I hear the remote end not doing very well. Especially when your friend tells you he bought a new mic and it didn't sound well, they might be using the wrong configuration on the OS and using the other mic, or they might have a constant noise source in the room that affects the video conferencing noise cancelling algorithms. Yes, noise cancelling algorithms aren't perfect because detecting what is noise is heuristic and better to have low level of noise. Here is the app. I have a video to demonstrate.

17 October, 2020 01:36AM by Junichi Uekawa

October 16, 2020

hackergotchi for Yves-Alexis Perez

Yves-Alexis Perez

iOS 14 USB tethering broken on Linux: looking for documentation and contact at Apple

It's a bit of a long shot, but maybe someone on Planet Debian or elsewhere can help us reach the right people at Apple.

Starting with iOS 14, something apparently changed on the way USB tethering (also called Personal Hotspot) is set up, which broke it for people using Linux. The driver in use is ipheth, developped in 2009 and included in the Linux kernel in 2010.

The kernel driver negotiates over USB with the iOS device in order to setup the link. The protocol used by both parties to communicate don't really seemed documented publicly, and it seems the protocol has evolved over time and iOS versions, and the Linux driver hasn't been kept up to date. On macOS and Windows the driver apparently comes with iTunes, and Apple engineers obviously know how to communicate with iOS devices, so iOS 14 is supported just fine.

There's an open bug on libimobildevice (the set of userlands tools used to communicate with iOS devices, although the update should be done in the kernel), with some debugging and communication logs between Windows and an iOS device, but so far no real progress has been done. The link is enabled, the host gets an IP from the device, can ping the device IP and can even resolve name using the device DNS resolver, but IP forwarding seems disabled, no packet goes farther than the device itself.

That means a lot of people upgrading to iOS 14 will suddenly lose USB tethering. While Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connection sharing still works, it's still suboptimal, so it'd be nice to fix the kernel driver and support the latest protocol used in iOS 14.

If someone knows the right contact (or the right way to contact them) at Apple so we can have access to some kind of documentation on the protocol and the state machine to use, please reach us (either to the libimobile device bug or to my email address below).


16 October, 2020 12:36PM by Yves-Alexis (corsac@debian.org)

October 15, 2020

Jelmer Vernooij

Debian Janitor: How to Contribute Lintian-Brush Fixers

The Debian Janitor is an automated system that commits fixes for (minor) issues in Debian packages that can be fixed by software. It gradually started proposing merges in early December. The first set of changes sent out ran lintian-brush on sid packages maintained in Git. This post is part of a series about the progress of the Janitor.

lintian-brush can currently fix about 150 different issues that lintian can report, but that's still a small fraction of the more than thousand different types of issue that lintian can detect.

If you're interested in contributing a fixer script to lintian-brush, there is now a guide that describes all steps of the process:

  1. how to identify lintian tags that are good candidates for automated fixing
  2. creating test cases
  3. writing the actual fixer

For more information about the Janitor's lintian-fixes efforts, see the landing page.

15 October, 2020 06:00PM by Jelmer Vernooij

hackergotchi for Gunnar Wolf

Gunnar Wolf

I am who I am and that's all that I am

Mexico was one of the first countries in the world to set up a national population registry in the late 1850s, as part of the church-state separation that was for long years one of the national sources of pride.

Forty four years ago, when I was born, keeping track of the population was still mostly a manual task. When my parents registered me, my data was stored in page 161 of book 22, year 1976, of the 20th Civil Registration office in Mexico City. Faithful to the legal tradition, everything is handwritten and specified in full. Because, why would they write 1976.04.27 (or even 27 de abril de 1976) when they could spell out día veintisiete de abril de mil novecientos setenta y seis? Numbers seem to appear only for addresses.

So, the State had record of a child being born, and we knew where to look if we came to need this information. But, many years later, a very sensible tecnification happened: all records (after a certain date, I guess) were digitized. Great news! I can now get my birth certificate without moving from my desk, paying a quite reasonable fee (~US$4). What’s there not to like?

Digitally certified and all! So great! But… But… Oh, there’s a problem.

Of course… Making sense of the handwriting as you can see is somewhat prone to failure. And I cannot blame anybody for failing to understand the details of my record.

So, my mother’s first family name is Iszaevich. It was digitized as Iszaerich. Fortunately, they do acknowledge some errors could have made it into the process, and there is a process to report and correct errors.

What’s there not to like?

Oh — That they do their best to emulate a public office using online tools. I followed some links in that link to get the address to contact and yesterday night sent them the needed documents. Quite immediately, I got an answer that… I must share with the world:

Yes, the mailing contact is in the @gmail.com domain. I could care about them not using a @….gob.mx address, but I’ll let it slip. The mail I got says (uppercase and all):


8:00 TO 15:00.



I would only be half-surprised if they were paying the salary of somebody to spend the wee hours of the night receiving and deleting mails from their GMail account.

15 October, 2020 05:55PM

hackergotchi for Rapha&#235;l Hertzog

Raphaël Hertzog

Freexian’s report about Debian Long Term Support, September 2020

A Debian LTS logo Like each month, here comes a report about the work of paid contributors to Debian LTS.

Individual reports

In September, 208.25 work hours have been dispatched among 13 paid contributors. Their reports are available:
  • Abhijith PA did 12.0h (out of 14h assigned), thus carrying over 2h to October.
  • Adrian Bunk did 14h (out of 19.75h assigned), thus carrying over 5.75h to October.
  • Ben Hutchings did 8.25h (out of 16h assigned and 9.75h from August), but gave back 7.75h, thus carrying over 9.75h to October.
  • Brian May did 10h (out of 10h assigned).
  • Chris Lamb did 18h (out of 18h assigned).
  • Emilio Pozuelo Monfort did 19.75h (out of 19.75h assigned).
  • Holger Levsen did 5h coordinating/managing the LTS team.
  • Markus Koschany did 31.75h (out of 19.75h assigned and 12h from August).
  • Ola Lundqvist did 9.5h (out of 12h from August), thus carrying 2.5h to October.
  • Roberto C. Sánchez did 19.75h (out of 19.75h assigned).
  • Sylvain Beucler did 19.75h (out of 19.75h assigned).
  • Thorsten Alteholz did 19.75h (out of 19.75h assigned).
  • Utkarsh Gupta did 8.75h (out of 19.75h assigned), while he already anticipated the remaining 11h in August.

Evolution of the situation

September was a regular LTS month with an IRC meeting.

The security tracker currently lists 45 packages with a known CVE and the dla-needed.txt file has 48 packages needing an update.

Thanks to our sponsors

Sponsors that joined recently are in bold.

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15 October, 2020 02:07PM by Raphaël Hertzog

hackergotchi for Dirk Eddelbuettel

Dirk Eddelbuettel

dang 0.0.12: Two new functions

A new release of the dang package is now on CRAN, roughly one year after the last release. The dang package regroups a few functions of mine that had no other home as for example lsos() from a StackOverflow question from 2009 (!!) is one, this overbought/oversold price band plotter from an older blog post is another. More recently added were helpers for data.table to xts conversion and a git repo root finder.

This release adds two functions. One was mentioned just days ago in a tweet by Nathan and is a reworked version of something Colin tweeted about a few weeks ago: a little data wrangling off the kewl rtweet to find maximally spammy accounts per search topic. In other words those who include more than ‘N’ hashtags for given search term. The other is something I, if memory serves, picked up a while back on one of the lists: a base R function to identify non-ASCII characters in a file. It is a C function that is not directly exported by and hence no accessible, so we put it here (with credits, of course). I mentioned it yesterday when announcing tidyCpp as I this C function was the starting point for the new tidyCpp wrapper around some C API of R functions.

The (very short) NEWS entry follows.

Changes in version 0.0.12 (2020-10-14)

  • New functions muteTweets and checkPackageAsciiCode.

  • Updated CI setup.

Courtesy of CRANberries, there is a comparison to the previous release. For questions or comments use the issue tracker off the GitHub repo.

If you like this or other open-source work I do, you can now sponsor me at GitHub. For the first year, GitHub will match your contributions.

This post by Dirk Eddelbuettel originated on his Thinking inside the box blog. Please report excessive re-aggregation in third-party for-profit settings.

15 October, 2020 12:41AM

October 14, 2020

hackergotchi for Steinar H. Gunderson

Steinar H. Gunderson

RSS test


14 October, 2020 07:27PM

Michael Stapelberg

Linux package managers are slow

I measured how long the most popular Linux distribution’s package manager take to install small and large packages (the ack(1p) source code search Perl script and qemu, respectively).

Where required, my measurements include metadata updates such as transferring an up-to-date package list. For me, requiring a metadata update is the more common case, particularly on live systems or within Docker containers.

All measurements were taken on an Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-9900K CPU @ 3.60GHz running Docker 1.13.1 on Linux 4.19, backed by a Samsung 970 Pro NVMe drive boasting many hundreds of MB/s write performance. The machine is located in Zürich and connected to the Internet with a 1 Gigabit fiber connection, so the expected top download speed is ≈115 MB/s.

See Appendix C for details on the measurement method and command outputs.


Keep in mind that these are one-time measurements. They should be indicative of actual performance, but your experience may vary.

ack (small Perl program)

distribution package manager data wall-clock time rate
Fedora dnf 114 MB 33s 3.4 MB/s
Debian apt 16 MB 10s 1.6 MB/s
NixOS Nix 15 MB 5s 3.0 MB/s
Arch Linux pacman 6.5 MB 3s 2.1 MB/s
Alpine apk 10 MB 1s 10.0 MB/s

qemu (large C program)

distribution package manager data wall-clock time rate
Fedora dnf 226 MB 4m37s 1.2 MB/s
Debian apt 224 MB 1m35s 2.3 MB/s
Arch Linux pacman 142 MB 44s 3.2 MB/s
NixOS Nix 180 MB 34s 5.2 MB/s
Alpine apk 26 MB 2.4s 10.8 MB/s

(Looking for older measurements? See Appendix B (2019).

The difference between the slowest and fastest package managers is 30x!

How can Alpine’s apk and Arch Linux’s pacman be an order of magnitude faster than the rest? They are doing a lot less than the others, and more efficiently, too.

Pain point: too much metadata

For example, Fedora transfers a lot more data than others because its main package list is 60 MB (compressed!) alone. Compare that with Alpine’s 734 KB APKINDEX.tar.gz.

Of course the extra metadata which Fedora provides helps some use case, otherwise they hopefully would have removed it altogether. The amount of metadata seems excessive for the use case of installing a single package, which I consider the main use-case of an interactive package manager.

I expect any modern Linux distribution to only transfer absolutely required data to complete my task.

Pain point: no concurrency

Because they need to sequence executing arbitrary package maintainer-provided code (hooks and triggers), all tested package managers need to install packages sequentially (one after the other) instead of concurrently (all at the same time).

In my blog post “Can we do without hooks and triggers?”, I outline that hooks and triggers are not strictly necessary to build a working Linux distribution.

Thought experiment: further speed-ups

Strictly speaking, the only required feature of a package manager is to make available the package contents so that the package can be used: a program can be started, a kernel module can be loaded, etc.

By only implementing what’s needed for this feature, and nothing more, a package manager could likely beat apk’s performance. It could, for example:

  • skip archive extraction by mounting file system images (like AppImage or snappy)
  • use compression which is light on CPU, as networks are fast (like apk)
  • skip fsync when it is safe to do so, i.e.:
    • package installations don’t modify system state
    • atomic package installation (e.g. an append-only package store)
    • automatically clean up the package store after crashes

Current landscape

Here’s a table outlining how the various package managers listed on Wikipedia’s list of software package management systems fare:

name scope package file format hooks/triggers
AppImage apps image: ISO9660, SquashFS no
snappy apps image: SquashFS yes: hooks
FlatPak apps archive: OSTree no
0install apps archive: tar.bz2 no
nix, guix distro archive: nar.{bz2,xz} activation script
dpkg distro archive: tar.{gz,xz,bz2} in ar(1) yes
rpm distro archive: cpio.{bz2,lz,xz} scriptlets
pacman distro archive: tar.xz install
slackware distro archive: tar.{gz,xz} yes: doinst.sh
apk distro archive: tar.gz yes: .post-install
Entropy distro archive: tar.bz2 yes
ipkg, opkg distro archive: tar{,.gz} yes


As per the current landscape, there is no distribution-scoped package manager which uses images and leaves out hooks and triggers, not even in smaller Linux distributions.

I think that space is really interesting, as it uses a minimal design to achieve significant real-world speed-ups.

I have explored this idea in much more detail, and am happy to talk more about it in my post “Introducing the distri research linux distribution".

There are a couple of recent developments going into the same direction:

Appendix C: measurement details (2020)


You can expand each of these:

Fedora’s dnf takes almost 33 seconds to fetch and unpack 114 MB.

% docker run -t -i fedora /bin/bash
[root@62d3cae2e2f9 /]# time dnf install -y ack
Fedora 32 openh264 (From Cisco) - x86_64     1.9 kB/s | 2.5 kB     00:01
Fedora Modular 32 - x86_64                   6.8 MB/s | 4.9 MB     00:00
Fedora Modular 32 - x86_64 - Updates         5.6 MB/s | 3.7 MB     00:00
Fedora 32 - x86_64 - Updates                 9.9 MB/s |  23 MB     00:02
Fedora 32 - x86_64                            39 MB/s |  70 MB     00:01
real	0m32.898s
user	0m25.121s
sys	0m1.408s

NixOS’s Nix takes a little over 5s to fetch and unpack 15 MB.

% docker run -t -i nixos/nix
39e9186422ba:/# time sh -c 'nix-channel --update && nix-env -iA nixpkgs.ack'
unpacking channels...
created 1 symlinks in user environment
installing 'perl5.32.0-ack-3.3.1'
these paths will be fetched (15.55 MiB download, 85.51 MiB unpacked):
copying path '/nix/store/34l8jdg76kmwl1nbbq84r2gka0kw6rc8-perl5.32.0-ack-3.3.1-man' from 'https://cache.nixos.org'...
copying path '/nix/store/czc3c1apx55s37qx4vadqhn3fhikchxi-libunistring-0.9.10' from 'https://cache.nixos.org'...
copying path '/nix/store/9fd4pjaxpjyyxvvmxy43y392l7yvcwy1-perl5.32.0-File-Next-1.18' from 'https://cache.nixos.org'...
copying path '/nix/store/xim9l8hym4iga6d4azam4m0k0p1nw2rm-libidn2-2.3.0' from 'https://cache.nixos.org'...
copying path '/nix/store/9df65igwjmf2wbw0gbrrgair6piqjgmi-glibc-2.31' from 'https://cache.nixos.org'...
copying path '/nix/store/y7i47qjmf10i1ngpnsavv88zjagypycd-attr-2.4.48' from 'https://cache.nixos.org'...
copying path '/nix/store/dj6n505iqrk7srn96a27jfp3i0zgwa1l-acl-2.2.53' from 'https://cache.nixos.org'...
copying path '/nix/store/w9wc0d31p4z93cbgxijws03j5s2c4gyf-coreutils-8.31' from 'https://cache.nixos.org'...
copying path '/nix/store/ifayp0kvijq0n4x0bv51iqrb0yzyz77g-perl-5.32.0' from 'https://cache.nixos.org'...
copying path '/nix/store/z45mp61h51ksxz28gds5110rf3wmqpdc-perl5.32.0-ack-3.3.1' from 'https://cache.nixos.org'...
building '/nix/store/m0rl62grplq7w7k3zqhlcz2hs99y332l-user-environment.drv'...
created 49 symlinks in user environment
real	0m 5.60s
user	0m 3.21s
sys	0m 1.66s

Debian’s apt takes almost 10 seconds to fetch and unpack 16 MB.

% docker run -t -i debian:sid
root@1996bb94a2d1:/# time (apt update && apt install -y ack-grep)
Get:1 http://deb.debian.org/debian sid InRelease [146 kB]
Get:2 http://deb.debian.org/debian sid/main amd64 Packages [8400 kB]
Fetched 8546 kB in 1s (8088 kB/s)
The following NEW packages will be installed:
  ack libfile-next-perl libgdbm-compat4 libgdbm6 libperl5.30 netbase perl perl-modules-5.30
0 upgraded, 8 newly installed, 0 to remove and 23 not upgraded.
Need to get 7341 kB of archives.
After this operation, 46.7 MB of additional disk space will be used.
real	0m9.544s
user	0m2.839s
sys	0m0.775s

Arch Linux’s pacman takes a little under 3s to fetch and unpack 6.5 MB.

% docker run -t -i archlinux/base
[root@9f6672688a64 /]# time (pacman -Sy && pacman -S --noconfirm ack)
:: Synchronizing package databases...
 core            130.8 KiB  1090 KiB/s 00:00
 extra          1655.8 KiB  3.48 MiB/s 00:00
 community         5.2 MiB  6.11 MiB/s 00:01
resolving dependencies...
looking for conflicting packages...

Packages (2) perl-file-next-1.18-2  ack-3.4.0-1

Total Download Size:   0.07 MiB
Total Installed Size:  0.19 MiB
real	0m2.936s
user	0m0.375s
sys	0m0.160s

Alpine’s apk takes a little over 1 second to fetch and unpack 10 MB.

% docker run -t -i alpine
fetch http://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/v3.12/main/x86_64/APKINDEX.tar.gz
fetch http://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/v3.12/community/x86_64/APKINDEX.tar.gz
(1/4) Installing libbz2 (1.0.8-r1)
(2/4) Installing perl (5.30.3-r0)
(3/4) Installing perl-file-next (1.18-r0)
(4/4) Installing ack (3.3.1-r0)
Executing busybox-1.31.1-r16.trigger
OK: 43 MiB in 18 packages
real	0m 1.24s
user	0m 0.40s
sys	0m 0.15s


You can expand each of these:

Fedora’s dnf takes over 4 minutes to fetch and unpack 226 MB.

% docker run -t -i fedora /bin/bash
[root@6a52ecfc3afa /]# time dnf install -y qemu
Fedora 32 openh264 (From Cisco) - x86_64     3.1 kB/s | 2.5 kB     00:00
Fedora Modular 32 - x86_64                   6.3 MB/s | 4.9 MB     00:00
Fedora Modular 32 - x86_64 - Updates         6.0 MB/s | 3.7 MB     00:00
Fedora 32 - x86_64 - Updates                 334 kB/s |  23 MB     01:10
Fedora 32 - x86_64                            33 MB/s |  70 MB     00:02

Total download size: 181 M
Downloading Packages:

real	4m37.652s
user	0m38.239s
sys	0m6.321s

NixOS’s Nix takes almost 34s to fetch and unpack 180 MB.

% docker run -t -i nixos/nix
83971cf79f7e:/# time sh -c 'nix-channel --update && nix-env -iA nixpkgs.qemu'
unpacking channels...
created 1 symlinks in user environment
installing 'qemu-5.1.0'
these paths will be fetched (180.70 MiB download, 1146.92 MiB unpacked):
real	0m 33.64s
user	0m 16.96s
sys	0m 3.05s

Debian’s apt takes over 95 seconds to fetch and unpack 224 MB.

% docker run -t -i debian:sid
root@b7cc25a927ab:/# time (apt update && apt install -y qemu-system-x86)
Get:1 http://deb.debian.org/debian sid InRelease [146 kB]
Get:2 http://deb.debian.org/debian sid/main amd64 Packages [8400 kB]
Fetched 8546 kB in 1s (5998 kB/s)
Fetched 216 MB in 43s (5006 kB/s)
real	1m25.375s
user	0m29.163s
sys	0m12.835s

Arch Linux’s pacman takes almost 44s to fetch and unpack 142 MB.

% docker run -t -i archlinux/base
[root@58c78bda08e8 /]# time (pacman -Sy && pacman -S --noconfirm qemu)
:: Synchronizing package databases...
 core          130.8 KiB  1055 KiB/s 00:00
 extra        1655.8 KiB  3.70 MiB/s 00:00
 community       5.2 MiB  7.89 MiB/s 00:01
Total Download Size:   135.46 MiB
Total Installed Size:  661.05 MiB
real	0m43.901s
user	0m4.980s
sys	0m2.615s

Alpine’s apk takes only about 2.4 seconds to fetch and unpack 26 MB.

% docker run -t -i alpine
/ # time apk add qemu-system-x86_64
fetch http://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/v3.10/main/x86_64/APKINDEX.tar.gz
fetch http://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/v3.10/community/x86_64/APKINDEX.tar.gz
OK: 78 MiB in 95 packages
real	0m 2.43s
user	0m 0.46s
sys	0m 0.09s

Appendix B: measurement details (2019)


You can expand each of these:

Fedora’s dnf takes almost 30 seconds to fetch and unpack 107 MB.

% docker run -t -i fedora /bin/bash
[root@722e6df10258 /]# time dnf install -y ack
Fedora Modular 30 - x86_64            4.4 MB/s | 2.7 MB     00:00
Fedora Modular 30 - x86_64 - Updates  3.7 MB/s | 2.4 MB     00:00
Fedora 30 - x86_64 - Updates           17 MB/s |  19 MB     00:01
Fedora 30 - x86_64                     31 MB/s |  70 MB     00:02
Install  44 Packages

Total download size: 13 M
Installed size: 42 M
real	0m29.498s
user	0m22.954s
sys	0m1.085s

NixOS’s Nix takes 14s to fetch and unpack 15 MB.

% docker run -t -i nixos/nix
39e9186422ba:/# time sh -c 'nix-channel --update && nix-env -i perl5.28.2-ack-2.28'
unpacking channels...
created 2 symlinks in user environment
installing 'perl5.28.2-ack-2.28'
these paths will be fetched (14.91 MiB download, 80.83 MiB unpacked):
copying path '/nix/store/gkrpl3k6s43fkg71n0269yq3p1f0al88-perl5.28.2-ack-2.28-man' from 'https://cache.nixos.org'...
copying path '/nix/store/iykxb0bmfjmi7s53kfg6pjbfpd8jmza6-glibc-2.27' from 'https://cache.nixos.org'...
copying path '/nix/store/x4knf14z1p0ci72gl314i7vza93iy7yc-perl5.28.2-File-Next-1.16' from 'https://cache.nixos.org'...
copying path '/nix/store/89gi8cbp8l5sf0m8pgynp2mh1c6pk1gk-attr-2.4.48' from 'https://cache.nixos.org'...
copying path '/nix/store/svgkibi7105pm151prywndsgvmc4qvzs-acl-2.2.53' from 'https://cache.nixos.org'...
copying path '/nix/store/k8lhqzpaaymshchz8ky3z4653h4kln9d-coreutils-8.31' from 'https://cache.nixos.org'...
copying path '/nix/store/57iv2vch31v8plcjrk97lcw1zbwb2n9r-perl-5.28.2' from 'https://cache.nixos.org'...
copying path '/nix/store/zfj7ria2kwqzqj9dh91kj9kwsynxdfk0-perl5.28.2-ack-2.28' from 'https://cache.nixos.org'...
building '/nix/store/q3243sjg91x1m8ipl0sj5gjzpnbgxrqw-user-environment.drv'...
created 56 symlinks in user environment
real	0m 14.02s
user	0m 8.83s
sys	0m 2.69s

Debian’s apt takes almost 10 seconds to fetch and unpack 16 MB.

% docker run -t -i debian:sid
root@b7cc25a927ab:/# time (apt update && apt install -y ack-grep)
Get:1 http://cdn-fastly.deb.debian.org/debian sid InRelease [233 kB]
Get:2 http://cdn-fastly.deb.debian.org/debian sid/main amd64 Packages [8270 kB]
Fetched 8502 kB in 2s (4764 kB/s)
The following NEW packages will be installed:
  ack ack-grep libfile-next-perl libgdbm-compat4 libgdbm5 libperl5.26 netbase perl perl-modules-5.26
The following packages will be upgraded:
1 upgraded, 9 newly installed, 0 to remove and 60 not upgraded.
Need to get 8238 kB of archives.
After this operation, 42.3 MB of additional disk space will be used.
real	0m9.096s
user	0m2.616s
sys	0m0.441s

Arch Linux’s pacman takes a little over 3s to fetch and unpack 6.5 MB.

% docker run -t -i archlinux/base
[root@9604e4ae2367 /]# time (pacman -Sy && pacman -S --noconfirm ack)
:: Synchronizing package databases...
 core            132.2 KiB  1033K/s 00:00
 extra          1629.6 KiB  2.95M/s 00:01
 community         4.9 MiB  5.75M/s 00:01
Total Download Size:   0.07 MiB
Total Installed Size:  0.19 MiB
real	0m3.354s
user	0m0.224s
sys	0m0.049s

Alpine’s apk takes only about 1 second to fetch and unpack 10 MB.

% docker run -t -i alpine
/ # time apk add ack
fetch http://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/v3.10/main/x86_64/APKINDEX.tar.gz
fetch http://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/v3.10/community/x86_64/APKINDEX.tar.gz
(1/4) Installing perl-file-next (1.16-r0)
(2/4) Installing libbz2 (1.0.6-r7)
(3/4) Installing perl (5.28.2-r1)
(4/4) Installing ack (3.0.0-r0)
Executing busybox-1.30.1-r2.trigger
OK: 44 MiB in 18 packages
real	0m 0.96s
user	0m 0.25s
sys	0m 0.07s


You can expand each of these:

Fedora’s dnf takes over a minute to fetch and unpack 266 MB.

% docker run -t -i fedora /bin/bash
[root@722e6df10258 /]# time dnf install -y qemu
Fedora Modular 30 - x86_64            3.1 MB/s | 2.7 MB     00:00
Fedora Modular 30 - x86_64 - Updates  2.7 MB/s | 2.4 MB     00:00
Fedora 30 - x86_64 - Updates           20 MB/s |  19 MB     00:00
Fedora 30 - x86_64                     31 MB/s |  70 MB     00:02
Install  262 Packages
Upgrade    4 Packages

Total download size: 172 M
real	1m7.877s
user	0m44.237s
sys	0m3.258s

NixOS’s Nix takes 38s to fetch and unpack 262 MB.

% docker run -t -i nixos/nix
39e9186422ba:/# time sh -c 'nix-channel --update && nix-env -i qemu-4.0.0'
unpacking channels...
created 2 symlinks in user environment
installing 'qemu-4.0.0'
these paths will be fetched (262.18 MiB download, 1364.54 MiB unpacked):
real	0m 38.49s
user	0m 26.52s
sys	0m 4.43s

Debian’s apt takes 51 seconds to fetch and unpack 159 MB.

% docker run -t -i debian:sid
root@b7cc25a927ab:/# time (apt update && apt install -y qemu-system-x86)
Get:1 http://cdn-fastly.deb.debian.org/debian sid InRelease [149 kB]
Get:2 http://cdn-fastly.deb.debian.org/debian sid/main amd64 Packages [8426 kB]
Fetched 8574 kB in 1s (6716 kB/s)
Fetched 151 MB in 2s (64.6 MB/s)
real	0m51.583s
user	0m15.671s
sys	0m3.732s

Arch Linux’s pacman takes 1m2s to fetch and unpack 124 MB.

% docker run -t -i archlinux/base
[root@9604e4ae2367 /]# time (pacman -Sy && pacman -S --noconfirm qemu)
:: Synchronizing package databases...
 core       132.2 KiB   751K/s 00:00
 extra     1629.6 KiB  3.04M/s 00:01
 community    4.9 MiB  6.16M/s 00:01
Total Download Size:   123.20 MiB
Total Installed Size:  587.84 MiB
real	1m2.475s
user	0m9.272s
sys	0m2.458s

Alpine’s apk takes only about 2.4 seconds to fetch and unpack 26 MB.

% docker run -t -i alpine
/ # time apk add qemu-system-x86_64
fetch http://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/v3.10/main/x86_64/APKINDEX.tar.gz
fetch http://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/v3.10/community/x86_64/APKINDEX.tar.gz
OK: 78 MiB in 95 packages
real	0m 2.43s
user	0m 0.46s
sys	0m 0.09s

14 October, 2020 07:22PM

distri: a Linux distribution to research fast package management

Over the last year or so I have worked on a research linux distribution in my spare time. It’s not a distribution for researchers (like Scientific Linux), but my personal playground project to research linux distribution development, i.e. try out fresh ideas.

This article focuses on the package format and its advantages, but there is more to distri, which I will cover in upcoming blog posts.


I was a Debian Developer for the 7 years from 2012 to 2019, but using the distribution often left me frustrated, ultimately resulting in me winding down my Debian work.

Frequently, I was noticing a large gap between the actual speed of an operation (e.g. doing an update) and the possible speed based on back of the envelope calculations. I wrote more about this in my blog post “Package managers are slow”.

To me, this observation means that either there is potential to optimize the package manager itself (e.g. apt), or what the system does is just too complex. While I remember seeing some low-hanging fruit¹, through my work on distri, I wanted to explore whether all the complexity we currently have in Linux distributions such as Debian or Fedora is inherent to the problem space.

I have completed enough of the experiment to conclude that the complexity is not inherent: I can build a Linux distribution for general-enough purposes which is much less complex than existing ones.

① Those were low-hanging fruit from a user perspective. I’m not saying that fixing them is easy in the technical sense; I know too little about apt’s code base to make such a statement.

Key idea: packages are images, not archives

One key idea is to switch from using archives to using images for package contents. Common package managers such as dpkg(1) use tar(1) archives with various compression algorithms.

distri uses SquashFS images, a comparatively simple file system image format that I happen to be familiar with from my work on the gokrazy Raspberry Pi 3 Go platform.

This idea is not novel: AppImage and snappy also use images, but only for individual, self-contained applications. distri however uses images for distribution packages with dependencies. In particular, there is no duplication of shared libraries in distri.

A nice side effect of using read-only image files is that applications are immutable and can hence not be broken by accidental (or malicious!) modification.

Key idea: separate hierarchies

Package contents are made available under a fully-qualified path. E.g., all files provided by package zsh-amd64-5.6.2-3 are available under /ro/zsh-amd64-5.6.2-3. The mountpoint /ro stands for read-only, which is short yet descriptive.

Perhaps surprisingly, building software with custom prefix values of e.g. /ro/zsh-amd64-5.6.2-3 is widely supported, thanks to:

  1. Linux distributions, which build software with prefix set to /usr, whereas FreeBSD (and the autotools default), which build with prefix set to /usr/local.

  2. Enthusiast users in corporate or research environments, who install software into their home directories.

Because using a custom prefix is a common scenario, upstream awareness for prefix-correctness is generally high, and the rarely required patch will be quickly accepted.

Key idea: exchange directories

Software packages often exchange data by placing or locating files in well-known directories. Here are just a few examples:

  • gcc(1) locates the libusb(3) headers via /usr/include
  • man(1) locates the nginx(1) manpage via /usr/share/man.
  • zsh(1) locates executable programs via PATH components such as /bin

In distri, these locations are called exchange directories and are provided via FUSE in /ro.

Exchange directories come in two different flavors:

  1. global. The exchange directory, e.g. /ro/share, provides the union of the share sub directory of all packages in the package store.
    Global exchange directories are largely used for compatibility, see below.

  2. per-package. Useful for tight coupling: e.g. irssi(1) does not provide any ABI guarantees, so plugins such as irssi-robustirc can declare that they want e.g. /ro/irssi-amd64-1.1.1-1/out/lib/irssi/modules to be a per-package exchange directory and contain files from their lib/irssi/modules.

Search paths sometimes need to be fixed

Programs which use exchange directories sometimes use search paths to access multiple exchange directories. In fact, the examples above were taken from gcc(1) ’s INCLUDEPATH, man(1) ’s MANPATH and zsh(1) ’s PATH. These are prominent ones, but more examples are easy to find: zsh(1) loads completion functions from its FPATH.

Some search path values are derived from --datadir=/ro/share and require no further attention, but others might derive from e.g. --prefix=/ro/zsh-amd64-5.6.2-3/out and need to be pointed to an exchange directory via a specific command line flag.

FHS compatibility

Global exchange directories are used to make distri provide enough of the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (FHS) that third-party software largely just works. This includes a C development environment.

I successfully ran a few programs from their binary packages such as Google Chrome, Spotify, or Microsoft’s Visual Studio Code.

Fast package manager

I previously wrote about how Linux distribution package managers are too slow.

distri’s package manager is extremely fast. Its main bottleneck is typically the network link, even at high speed links (I tested with a 100 Gbps link).

Its speed comes largely from an architecture which allows the package manager to do less work. Specifically:

  1. Package images can be added atomically to the package store, so we can safely skip fsync(2) . Corruption will be cleaned up automatically, and durability is not important: if an interactive installation is interrupted, the user can just repeat it, as it will be fresh on their mind.

  2. Because all packages are co-installable thanks to separate hierarchies, there are no conflicts at the package store level, and no dependency resolution (an optimization problem requiring SAT solving) is required at all.
    In exchange directories, we resolve conflicts by selecting the package with the highest monotonically increasing distri revision number.

  3. distri proves that we can build a useful Linux distribution entirely without hooks and triggers. Not having to serialize hook execution allows us to download packages into the package store with maximum concurrency.

  4. Because we are using images instead of archives, we do not need to unpack anything. This means installing a package is really just writing its package image and metadata to the package store. Sequential writes are typically the fastest kind of storage usage pattern.

Fast installation also make other use-cases more bearable, such as creating disk images, be it for testing them in qemu(1) , booting them on real hardware from a USB drive, or for cloud providers such as Google Cloud.

Fast package builder

Contrary to how distribution package builders are usually implemented, the distri package builder does not actually install any packages into the build environment.

Instead, distri makes available a filtered view of the package store (only declared dependencies are available) at /ro in the build environment.

This means that even for large dependency trees, setting up a build environment happens in a fraction of a second! Such a low latency really makes a difference in how comfortable it is to iterate on distribution packages.

Package stores

In distri, package images are installed from a remote package store into the local system package store /roimg, which backs the /ro mount.

A package store is implemented as a directory of package images and their associated metadata files.

You can easily make available a package store by using distri export.

To provide a mirror for your local network, you can periodically distri update from the package store you want to mirror, and then distri export your local copy. Special tooling (e.g. debmirror in Debian) is not required because distri install is atomic (and update uses install).

Producing derivatives is easy: just add your own packages to a copy of the package store.

The package store is intentionally kept simple to manage and distribute. Its files could be exchanged via peer-to-peer file systems, or synchronized from an offline medium.

distri’s first release

distri works well enough to demonstrate the ideas explained above. I have branched this state into branch jackherer, distri’s first release code name. This way, I can keep experimenting in the distri repository without breaking your installation.

From the branch contents, our autobuilder creates:

  1. disk images, which…

  2. a package repository. Installations can pick up new packages with distri update.

  3. documentation for the release.

The project website can be found at https://distr1.org. The website is just the README for now, but we can improve that later.

The repository can be found at https://github.com/distr1/distri

Project outlook

Right now, distri is mainly a vehicle for my spare-time Linux distribution research. I don’t recommend anyone use distri for anything but research, and there are no medium-term plans of that changing. At the very least, please contact me before basing anything serious on distri so that we can talk about limitations and expectations.

I expect the distri project to live for as long as I have blog posts to publish, and we’ll see what happens afterwards. Note that this is a hobby for me: I will continue to explore, at my own pace, parts that I find interesting.

My hope is that established distributions might get a useful idea or two from distri.

There’s more to come: subscribe to the distri feed

I don’t want to make this post too long, but there is much more!

Please subscribe to the following URL in your feed reader to get all posts about distri:


Next in my queue are articles about hermetic packages and good package maintainer experience (including declarative packaging).

Feedback or questions?

I’d love to discuss these ideas in case you’re interested!

Please send feedback to the distri mailing list so that everyone can participate!

14 October, 2020 07:22PM

Sven Hoexter

Nice Helper to Sanitize File Names - sanity.pl

One of the most awesome helpers I carry around in my ~/bin since the early '00s is the sanity.pl script written by Andreas Gohr. It just recently came back to use when I started to archive some awesome Corona enforced live session music with youtube-dl.

Update: Francois Marier pointed out that Debian contains the detox package, which has a similar functionality.

14 October, 2020 01:56PM

hackergotchi for Thomas Goirand

Thomas Goirand

The Gnocchi package in Debian

This is a follow-up from the blog post of Russel as seen here: https://etbe.coker.com.au/2020/10/13/first-try-gnocchi-statsd/. There’s a bunch of things he wrote which I unfortunately must say is inaccurate, and sometimes even completely wrong. It is my point of view that none of the reported bugs are helpful for anyone that understand Gnocchi and how to set it up. It’s however a terrible experience that Russell had, and I do understand why (and why it’s not his fault). I’m very much open on how to fix this on the packaging level, though some things aren’t IMO fixable. Here’s the details.

1/ The daemon startups

First of all, the most surprising thing is when Russell claimed that there’s no startup scripts for the Gnocchi daemons. In fact, they all come with both systemd and sysv-rc support:

# ls /lib/systemd/system/gnocchi-api.service
# /etc/init.d/gnocchi-api

Russell then tried to start gnocchi-api without the good options that are set in the Debian scripts, and not surprisingly, this failed. Russell attempted to do what was in the upstream doc, which isn’t adapted to what we have in Debian (the upstream doc is probably completely outdated, as Gnocchi is unfortunately not very well maintained upstream).

The bug #972087 is therefore, IMO not valid.

2/ The database setup

By default for all things OpenStack in Debian, there are some debconf helpers using dbconfig-common to help users setup database for their services. This is clearly for beginners, but that doesn’t prevent from attempting to understand what you’re doing. That is, more specifically for Gnocchi, there are 2 databases: one for Gnocchi itself, and one for the indexer, which not necessarily is using the same backend. The Debian package already setups one database, but one has to do it manually for the indexer one. I’m sorry this isn’t well enough documented.

Now, if some package are supporting sqlite as a backend (since most things in OpenStack are using SQLAlchemy), it looks like Gnocchi doesn’t right now. This is IMO a bug upstream, rather than a bug in the package. However, I don’t think the Debian packages are to be blame here, as they simply offer a unified interface, and it’s up to the users to know what they are doing. SQLite is anyway not a production ready backend. I’m not sure if I should close #971996 without any action, or just try to disable the SQLite backend option of this package because it may be confusing.

3/ The metrics UUID

Russell then thinks the UUID should be set by default. This is probably right in a single server setup, however, this wouldn’t work setting-up a cluster, which is probably what most Gnocchi users will do. In this type of environment, the metrics UUID must be the same on the 3 servers, and setting-up a random (and therefore different) UUID on the 3 servers wouldn’t work. So I’m also tempted to just close #972092 without any action on my side.

4/ The coordination URL

Since Gnocchi is supposed to be setup with more than one server, as in OpenStack, having an HA setup is very common, then a backend for the coordination (ie: sharing the workload) must be set. This is done by setting an URL that tooz understand. The best coordinator being Zookeeper, something like this should be set by hand:


Here again, I don’t think the Debian package is to be blamed for not providing the automation. I would however accept contributions to fix this and provide the choice using debconf, however, users would still need to understand what’s going on, and setup something like Zookeeper (or redis, memcache, or any other backend supported by tooz) to act as coordinator.

5/ The Debconf interface cannot replace a good documentation

… and there’s not so much I can do at my package maintainer level for this.

Russell, I’m really sorry for the bad user experience you had with Gnocchi. Now that you know a little big more about it, maybe you can have another go? Sure, the OpenStack telemetry system isn’t an easy to understand beast, but it’s IMO worth trying. And the recent versions can scale horizontally…

14 October, 2020 01:07PM by Goirand Thomas

hackergotchi for Junichi Uekawa

Junichi Uekawa

I am planning on talking about Rust programming in Debian environment.

I am planning on talking about Rust programming in Debian environment. Tried taking a video of me setting up the environment.

14 October, 2020 09:18AM by Junichi Uekawa

François Marier

Making an Apache website available as a Tor Onion Service

As part of the #MoreOnionsPorFavor campaign, I decided to follow brave.com's lead and make my homepage available as a Tor onion service.

Tor daemon setup

I started by installing the Tor daemon locally:

apt install tor

and then setting the following in /etc/tor/torrc:

SocksPort 0
SocksPolicy reject *
HiddenServiceDir /var/lib/tor/hidden_service/
HiddenServicePort 80 [2600:3c04::f03c:91ff:fe8c:61ac]:80
HiddenServicePort 443 [2600:3c04::f03c:91ff:fe8c:61ac]:443
HiddenServiceVersion 3
HiddenServiceNonAnonymousMode 1
HiddenServiceSingleHopMode 1

in order to create a version 3 onion service without actually running a Tor relay.

Note that since I am making a public website available over Tor, I do not need the location of the website to be hidden and so I used the same settings as Cloudflare in their public Tor proxy.

Also, I explicitly used the external IPv6 address of my server in the configuration in order to prevent localhost bypasses.

After restarting the Tor daemon to reload the configuration file:

systemctl restart tor.service

I looked for the address of my onion service:

$ cat /var/lib/tor/hidden_service/hostname 

Apache configuration

Next, I enabled a few required Apache modules:

a2enmod mpm_event
a2enmod http2
a2enmod headers

and configured my Apache vhosts in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/www.conf:

<VirtualHost *:443>
    ServerName fmarier.org
    ServerAlias ixrdj3iwwhkuau5tby5jh3a536a2rdhpbdbu6ldhng43r47kim7a3lid.onion

    Protocols h2, http/1.1
    Header set Onion-Location "http://ixrdj3iwwhkuau5tby5jh3a536a2rdhpbdbu6ldhng43r47kim7a3lid.onion%{REQUEST_URI}s"
    Header set alt-svc 'h2="ixrdj3iwwhkuau5tby5jh3a536a2rdhpbdbu6ldhng43r47kim7a3lid.onion:443"; ma=315360000; persist=1'
    Header add Strict-Transport-Security: "max-age=63072000"

    Include /etc/fmarier-org/www-common.include

    SSLEngine On
    SSLCertificateFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/fmarier.org/fullchain.pem
    SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/fmarier.org/privkey.pem

<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerName fmarier.org
    Redirect permanent / https://fmarier.org/

<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerName ixrdj3iwwhkuau5tby5jh3a536a2rdhpbdbu6ldhng43r47kim7a3lid.onion
    Include /etc/fmarier-org/www-common.include

Note that /etc/fmarier-org/www-common.include contains all of the configuration options that are common to both the HTTP and the HTTPS sites (e.g. document root, caching headers, aliases, etc.).

Finally, I restarted Apache:

apache2ctl configtest
systemctl restart apache2.service


In order to test that my website is correctly available at its .onion address, I opened the following URLs in a Brave Tor window:

I also checked that the main URL (https://fmarier.org/) exposes a working Onion-Location header which triggers the display of a button in the URL bar (recently merged and available in Brave Nightly):

Testing that the Alt-Svc is working required using the Tor Browser since that's not yet supported in Brave:

  1. Open https://fmarier.org.
  2. Wait 30 seconds.
  3. Reload the page.

On the server side, I saw the following:

2a0b:f4c2:2::1 - - [14/Oct/2020:02:42:20 +0000] "GET / HTTP/2.0" 200 2696 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; rv:78.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/78.0"
2600:3c04::f03c:91ff:fe8c:61ac - - [14/Oct/2020:02:42:53 +0000] "GET / HTTP/2.0" 200 2696 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; rv:78.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/78.0"

That first IP address is from a Tor exit node:

$ whois 2a0b:f4c2:2::1
inet6num:       2a0b:f4c2::/40
netname:        MK-TOR-EXIT
remarks:        -----------------------------------
remarks:        This network is used for Tor Exits.
remarks:        We do not have any logs at all.
remarks:        For more information please visit:
remarks:        https://www.torproject.org

which indicates that the first request was not using the .onion address.

The second IP address is the one for my server:

$ dig +short -x 2600:3c04::f03c:91ff:fe8c:61ac

which indicates that the second request to Apache came from the Tor relay running on my server, hence using the .onion address.

14 October, 2020 03:45AM

hackergotchi for Dirk Eddelbuettel

Dirk Eddelbuettel

tidyCpp 0.0.1: New package

A new package arrived on CRAN a few days ago. It offers a few headers files which wrap (parts) of the C API for R, but in a form that may be a little easier to use for C++ programmers. I have always liked how in Rcpp we offer good parts of the standalone R Math library in a namespace R::. While working recently with a particular C routine (for checking non-ASCII characters that will be part of the next version of the dang package which collecting various goodies in one place), I realized there may be value in collecting a few more such wrappers. So I started a few simple ones starting from simple examples.

Currently we have five headers defines.h, globals.h, internals.h, math.h, and shield.h. The first four each correpond to an R header file of the same or similar name, and the last one brings a simple yet effective alternative to PROTECT and UNPROTECT from Rcpp (in a slightly simplified way). None of the headers are “complete”, for internals.h in particular a lot more could be added (as I noticed today when experimenting with another source file that may be converted). All of the headers can be accessed with a simple #include <tidyCpp> (which, following another C++ convention, does not have a .h or .hpp suffix). And a the package ships these headers, packages desiring to use them only need LinkingTo: tidyCpp.

As usage examples, we (right now) have four files in the snippets/ directory of the package. Two of these, convolveExample.cpp and dimnamesExample.cpp both illustrate how one could change example code from Writing R Extensions. Then there are also a very simple defineExample.cpp and a shieldExample.cpp illustrating how much easier Shield() is compared to PROTECT and UNPROTECT.

Finally, there is a nice vignette discussing the package motivation with two detailed side-by-side ‘before’ and ‘after’ examples that are the aforementioned convolution and dimnames examples.

Over time, I expect to add more definitions and wrappers. Feedback would be welcome—it seems to hit a nerve already as it currently has more stars than commits even though (prior to this post) I had yet to tweet or blog about it. Please post comments and suggestions at the GitHub repo.

If you like this or other open-source work I do, you can now sponsor me at GitHub. For the first year, GitHub will match your contributions.

This post by Dirk Eddelbuettel originated on his Thinking inside the box blog. Please report excessive re-aggregation in third-party for-profit settings.

14 October, 2020 12:09AM

October 13, 2020

hackergotchi for Jonathan Dowland

Jonathan Dowland

The Cure — Pornography

picture of a vinyl record

Last weekend, Tim Burgess’s twitter listening party covered The Cure’s short, dark 1982 album “Pornography”. I realised I’d never actually played the record, which I picked up a couple of years ago from a shop in the Grainger Market which is sadly no longer there. It was quite a wallet-threatening shop so perhaps it’s a good thing it’s gone.

Monday was a dreary, rainy day which seemed the perfect excuse to put it on. It’s been long enough since I last listened to my CD copy of the album that there were a few nice surprises to rediscover. The closing title track sounded quite different to how I remembered it, with Robert Smith’s vocals buried deeper in the mix, but my memory might be mixing up a different session take.

Truly a fitting closing lyric for our current times: I must fight this sickness / Find a cure

13 October, 2020 07:28PM

October 12, 2020

hackergotchi for Dirk Eddelbuettel

Dirk Eddelbuettel

GitHub Streak: Round Seven

Six years ago I referenced the Seinfeld Streak used in an earlier post of regular updates to to the Rcpp Gallery:

This is sometimes called Jerry Seinfeld’s secret to productivity: Just keep at it. Don’t break the streak.

and then showed the first chart of GitHub streaking 366 days:

github activity october 2013 to october 2014

And five years ago a first follow-up appeared in this post about 731 days:

github activity october 2014 to october 2015

And four years ago we had a followup at 1096 days

github activity october 2015 to october 2016

And three years ago we had another one marking 1461 days

github activity october 2016 to october 2017

And two years ago another one for 1826 days

github activity october 2017 to october 2018

And last year another one bringing it to 2191 days

github activity october 2018 to october 2019

And as today is October 12, here is the newest one from 2019 to 2020 with a new total of 2557 days:

github activity october 2018 to october 2019

Again, special thanks go to Alessandro Pezzè for the Chrome add-on GithubOriginalStreak.

This post by Dirk Eddelbuettel originated on his Thinking inside the box blog. Please report excessive re-aggregation in third-party for-profit settings.

12 October, 2020 10:45PM

hackergotchi for Steinar H. Gunderson

Steinar H. Gunderson

plocate 1.0.0 released

I've released version 1.0.0 of plocate, my faster locate(1)! (Actually, I'm now at 1.0.2, after some minor fixes and improvements.) It has a new build system, portability fixes, man pages, support for case-insensitive searches (still quite fast), basic and extended regex searches (as slow as mlocate) and a few other options. The latter two were mostly to increase mlocate compatibility, not because I think either is very widely used. That, and supporting case-insensitive searches was an interesting problem in its own right :-)

It now also has a small home page with tarballs. And access() checking is also now asynchronous via io_uring via a small trick (assuming Linux 5.6 or newer, it can run an asynchronous statx() to prime the cache, all but guaranteeing that the access() call itself won't lead to I/O), speeding up certain searches on non-SSDs even more.

There's also a Debian package in NEW.

In short, plocate now has grown up, and it wants to be your default locate. I've considered replacing mlocate's updatedb as well, but it's honestly not a space I want to be in right now; it involves so much munging with special cases caused by filesystem restrictions and the likes.

Bug reports, distribution packages and all other feedback welcome!

12 October, 2020 07:27PM

Russell Coker

First Attempt at Gnocchi-Statsd

I’ve been investigating the options for tracking system statistics to diagnose performance problems. The idea is to track all sorts of data about the system (network use, disk IO, CPU, etc) and look for correlations at times of performance problems. DataDog is pretty good for this but expensive, it’s apparently based on or inspired by the Etsy Statsd. It’s claimed that the gnocchi-statsd is the best implementation of the protoco used by the Etsy Statsd, so I decided to install that.

I use Debian/Buster for this as that’s what I’m using for the hardware that runs KVM VMs. Here is what I did:

# it depends on a local MySQL database
apt -y install mariadb-server mariadb-client
# install the basic packages for gnocchi
apt -y install gnocchi-common python3-gnocchiclient gnocchi-statsd uuid

In the Debconf prompts I told it to “setup a database” and not to manage keystone_authtoken with debconf (because I’m not doing a full OpenStack installation).

This gave a non-working configuration as it didn’t configure the MySQL database for the [indexer] section and the sqlite database that was configured didn’t work for unknown reasons. I filed Debian bug #971996 about this [1]. To get this working you need to edit /etc/gnocchi/gnocchi.conf and change the url line in the [indexer] section to something like the following (where the password is taken from the [database] section).

url = mysql+pymysql://gnocchi-common:PASS@localhost:3306/gnocchidb

To get the statsd interface going you have to install the gnocchi-statsd package and edit /etc/gnocchi/gnocchi.conf to put a UUID in the resource_id field (the Debian package uuid is good for this). I filed Debian bug #972092 requesting that the UUID be set by default on install [2].

Here’s an official page about how to operate Gnocchi [3]. The main thing I got from this was that the following commands need to be run from the command-line (I ran them as root in a VM for test purposes but would do so with minimum privs for a real deployment).


To communicate with Gnocchi you need the gnocchi-api program running, which uses the uwsgi program to provide the web interface by default. It seems that this was written for a version of uwsgi different than the one in Buster. I filed Debian bug #972087 with a patch to make it work with uwsgi [4]. Note that I didn’t get to the stage of an end to end test, I just got it to basically run without error.

After getting “gnocchi-api” running (in a terminal not as a daemon as Debian doesn’t seem to have a service file for it), I ran the client program “gnocchi” and then gave it the “status” command which failed (presumably due to the metrics daemon not running), but at least indicated that the client and the API could communicate.

Then I ran the “gnocchi-metricd” and got the following error:

2020-10-12 14:59:30,491 [9037] ERROR    gnocchi.cli.metricd: Unexpected error during processing job
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/gnocchi/cli/metricd.py", line 87, in run
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/gnocchi/cli/metricd.py", line 248, in _run_job
    self.coord.update_capabilities(self.GROUP_ID, self.store.statistics)
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/tooz/coordination.py", line 592, in update_capabilities
    raise tooz.NotImplemented

At this stage I’ve had enough of gnocchi. I’ll give the Etsy Statsd a go next.


Thomas has responded to this post [5]. At this stage I’m not really interested in giving Gnocchi another go. There’s still the issue of the indexer database which should be different from the main database somehow and sqlite (the config file default) doesn’t work.

I expect that if I was to persist with Gnocchi I would encounter more poorly described error messages from the code which either don’t have Google hits when I search for them or have Google hits to unanswered questions from 5+ years ago.

The Gnocchi systemd config files are in different packages to the programs, this confused me and I thought that there weren’t any systemd service files. I had expected that installing a package with a daemon binary would also get the systemd unit file to match.

The cluster features of Gnocchi are probably really good if you need that sort of thing. But if you have a small instance (EG a single VM server) then it’s not needed. Also one of the original design ideas of the Etsy Statsd was that UDP was used because data could just be dropped if there was a problem. I think for many situations the same concept could apply to the entire stats service.

If the other statsd programs don’t do what I need then I may give Gnocchi another go.

12 October, 2020 03:02PM by etbe

hackergotchi for Markus Koschany

Markus Koschany

My Free Software Activities in September 2020

Welcome to gambaru.de. Here is my monthly report (+ the first week in October) that covers what I have been doing for Debian. If you’re interested in Java, Games and LTS topics, this might be interesting for you.

Debian Games


Debian Java

  • The focus was on two major packages this month, PDFsam, a tool to manipulate PDF files and Netbeans, one of the three well known Java IDEs. I basically updated every PDFsam related sejda dependency and packaged a new library libsejda-common-java, which is currently waiting in the NEW queue. As soon as this one has been approved, we should be able to see the latest release in Debian soon.
  • Unfortunately I came to the conclusion that maintaining Netbeans in Debian is no longer a viable solution. I have been the sole maintainer for the past five years and managed to package the basic Java IDE in Stretch. I also had a 98% ready package for Buster but there were some bugs that made it unfit for a stable release in my opinion. The truth is, it takes a lot of time to patch Netbeans, just to make the build system DFSG compliant and to build the IDE from source. We have never managed to provide more functionality than the basic Java IDE features too. Still, we had to maintain dozens of build-dependencies and there was a constant struggle to make everything work with just a single version of a library. While the Debian way works great for most common projects, it doesn’t scale very well for very complex ones like Java IDEs. Neither Eclipse nor Netbeans are really fully maintainable in Debian since they consist of hundreds of different jar files, even if the toolchain was perfect, it would require too much time to maintain all those Debian packages.
  • I voiced that sentiment on our debian-java mailinglist while also discussing the situation of complex server packages like Apache Solr. Similar to Netbeans it requires hundreds of jar files to get running. I believe our users are better served in those cases by using tools like flatpak for desktop packages or jdeb for server packages. The idea is to provide a Debian toolchain which would download a source package from upstream and then use jdeb to create a Debian package. Thus we could provide packages for very complex Java software again, although only via the Debian contrib distribution. The pros are: software is available as Debian packages and integrates well with your system and considerably less time is needed to maintain such packages: Cons: not available in Debian main, no security support, not checked for DFSG compliance.
  • Should we do that for all of our packages? No. This should really be limited to packages that otherwise would not be in Debian at all and are too complex to maintain, when even a whole team of normal contributors would struggle.
  • Finally the consequences were: the Netbeans IDE has been removed from Debian main but the Netbeans platform package, libnb-platform18-java, is up-to-date again just like visualvm, which depends on it.
  • New upstream releases were packaged for jboss-xnio, activemq, httpcomponents-client, jasypt and undertow to address several security vulnerabilities.
  • I also packaged a new version of sweethome3d, an Interior 2D design application .


  • The usual suspects: I updated binaryen and ublock-origin.
  • I eventually filed a RFA for privacybadger. As I mentioned in my last post, the upstream maintainer would like to see regular updates in Debian stable but I don’t want to regularly contribute time for this task. If someone is ready for the job, let me know.
  • I did a NMU for xjig to fix Debian bug. (#932742)

Debian LTS

This was my 55. month as a paid contributor and I have been paid to work 31,75 hours on Debian LTS, a project started by Raphaël Hertzog. In that time I did the following:

  • Investigated and fixed a regression in squid3 when using the icap server. (#965012)
  • DLA-2394-1. Issued a security update for squid3 fixing 4 CVE.
  • DLA-2400-1. Issued a security update for activemq fixing 1 CVE.
  • DLA-2403-1. Issued a security update for rails fixing 1 CVE.
  • DLA-2404-1. Issued a security update for eclipse-wtp fixing 1 CVE.
  • DLA-2405-1. Issued a security update for httpcomponents-client fixing 1 CVE.
  • Triaged open CVE for guacamole-server and guacamole-client and prepared patches for CVE-2020-9498 and CVE-2020-9497.
  • Prepared patches for 7 CVE in libonig.


Extended Long Term Support (ELTS) is a project led by Freexian to further extend the lifetime of Debian releases. It is not an official Debian project but all Debian users benefit from it without cost. The current ELTS release is Debian 8 „Jessie“. This was my 28. month and I have been paid to work 15 hours on ELTS.

  • ELA-291-1. Issued a security update for libproxy fixing 1 CVE.
  • ELA-294-1. Issued a security update for squid3 fixing 4 CVE.
  • ELA-295-1. Issued a security update for rails fixing 2 CVE.
  • ELA-296-1. Issued a security update for httpcomponents-client fixing 1 CVE.

Thanks for reading and see you next time.

12 October, 2020 01:21PM by apo

hackergotchi for Axel Beckert

Axel Beckert

Git related shell aliases I commonly use

  • ga="git annex"
  • gap="git add -p"
  • amend="git commit --amend"

Hope this might be an inspiration to use these or similar aliases as well.

12 October, 2020 12:28PM by Axel Beckert (abe+blog@deuxchevaux.org)

hackergotchi for Jonathan Dowland

Jonathan Dowland

Type design

I wanted to share Type design issue I hit recently with Striot.

Within StrIoT you define a stream-processing program, which is a series of inter-connected operators, in terms of a trio of graph types:

  • The outer-most type is a higher-order type provided by the Graph library we use: Graph a. This layer deals with all the topology concerns: what is connected to what.

  • The next type we define in StrIoT: StreamVertex, which is used to replace a in the above and make the concrete type Graph StreamVertex. Here we define all the properties of the operators. For example: the parameters supplied to the operator, and a unique vertexID integer that is unfortunately necessary. We also define which operator type each node represents, with an instance of the third type,

  • StreamOperator, a simple enumeration-style type: StreamOperator = Map | Filter | Scan…

For some recent work I needed to define some additional properties for the operators: properties that would be used in a M/M/1 model (Jackson network) to represent the program do some cost modelling with. Initially we supplied this additional information in completely separate instances of types: e.g. lists of tuples, the first of a pair representing a vertexID, etc. This was mostly fine for totally novel code, but where I had existing code paths that operated in terms of Graph StreamVertex and now needed access to these parameters, it would have meant refactoring a lot of code. So instead, I added these properties directly to the types above.

Some properties are appropriate for all node types, e.g. mean average service time. In that case, I added the parameter to the StreamVertex type:

data StreamVertex = StreamVertex
    { vertexId   :: Int
    , serviceTime:: Double

Other parameters were only applicable to certain node types. Mean average arrival rate, for example., is only valid for Source node types; selectivity is appropriate only for filter types. So, I added these to the StreamOperator type:

data StreamOperator = Map
                    | Filter Double -- selectivity
                    | Source Double -- arrival rate

This works pretty well, and most of the code paths that already exist did not need to be updated in order for the model parameters to pass through to where they are needed. But it was not a perfect solution, because I now had to modify some other, unrelated code to account for the type changes.

Mostly this was test code: where I'd defined instances of Graph StreamVertex to test something unrelated to the modelling work, I now had to add filter selectivities and source arrival rates. This was tedious but mostly solved with automatically with some editor macros.

One area though, that was a problem, was equality checks and pattern matching. Before this change, I had a few areas of code like this

if Source == operator (head (vertexList sg))
if a /= b then… -- where a and b are instances of StreamOperator

I had to replace them with little helper routines like

cmpOps :: StreamOperator -> StreamOperator -> Bool
cmpOps (Filter _) (Filter _) = True
cmpOps (FilterAcc _) (FilterAcc _) = True
cmpOps x y = x == y

A similar problem was where I needed to synthesize a Filter, and I didn't care about the selectivity, indeed, it was meaningless for the way I was using the type. I have a higher-level function that handles "hoisting" an Operator through a Merge: So, before, you have some operator occurring after a merge operation, and afterwards, you have several instances of the operator on all of the input streams prior to the Merge. Invoking it now looks like this

filterMerge = pushOp (Filter 0)

It works, the "0" is completely ignored, but the fact I have to provide it, and it's unneeded, and there is no sensible value for it, is a bit annoying.

I think there's some interesting things to consider here about Type design, especially when you have some aspects of a "thing" which are relevant only in some contexts and not others.

12 October, 2020 09:51AM

Reproducible Builds

Restarting Reproducible Builds IRC meetings

The Reproducible Builds project intends to resume meeting regularly on IRC, starting today, Monday October 12th, at 18:00 UTC.

Sadly, due to the unprecedented events in 2020, there will be no in-person Reproducible Builds event this year, but please join us on the #reproducible-builds channel on irc.oftc.net. An editable agenda is available. The cadence of these meetings will probably be every two weeks, although this will be discussed and decided on at the first meeting.

12 October, 2020 08:32AM

Russ Allbery

Review: Hand to Mouth

Review: Hand to Mouth, by Linda Tirado

Publisher: G.P. Putnam's Sons
Copyright: October 2014
ISBN: 0-698-17528-X
Format: Kindle
Pages: 194

The first time Linda Tirado came to the viral attention of the Internet was in 2013 when she responded to a forum question: "Why do poor people do things that seem so self-destructive?" Here are some excerpts from her virally popular five-page response, which is included in the first chapter:

I know how to cook. I had to take Home Ec. to graduate high school. Most people on my level didn't. Broccoli is intimidating. You have to have a working stove, and pots, and spices, and you'll have to do the dishes no matter how tired you are or they'll attract bugs. It is a huge new skill for a lot of people. That's not great, but it's true. And if you fuck it up, you could make your family sick. We have learned not to try too hard to be middle class. It never works out well and always makes you feel worse for having tried and failed yet again. Better not to try. It makes more sense to get food that you know will be palatable and cheap and that keeps well. Junk food is a pleasure that we are allowed to have; why would we give that up? We have very few of them.


I smoke. It's expensive. It's also the best option. You see, I am always, always exhausted. It's a stimulant. When I am too tired to walk one more step, I can smoke and go for another hour. When I am enraged and beaten down and incapable of accomplishing one more thing, I can smoke and I feel a little better, just for a minute. It is the only relaxation I am allowed. It is not a good decision, but it is the only one that I have access to. It is the only thing I have found that keeps me from collapsing or exploding.

This book is an expansion on that essay. It's an entry in a growing genre of examinations of what it means to be poor in the United States in the 21st century. Unlike most of those examinations, it isn't written by an outsider performing essentially anthropological field work. It's one of the rare books written by someone who is herself poor and had the combination of skill and viral fame required to get an opportunity to talk about it in her own words.

I haven't had it worse than anyone else, and actually, that's kind of the point. This is just what life is for roughly a third of the country. We all handle it in our own ways, but we all work in the same jobs, live in the same places, feel the same sense of never quite catching up. We're not any happier about the exploding welfare rolls than anyone else is, believe me. It's not like everyone grows up and dreams of working two essentially meaningless part-time jobs while collecting food stamps. It's just that there aren't many other options for a lot of people.

I didn't find this book back in 2014 when it was published. I found it in 2020 during Tirado's second round of Internet fame: when the police shot out her eye with "non-lethal" rounds while she was covering the George Floyd protests as a photojournalist. In characteristic fashion, she subsequently reached out to the other people who had been blinded by the police, used her temporary fame to organize crowdfunded support for others, and is planning on having "try again" tattooed over the scar.

That will give you a feel for the style of this book. Tirado is blunt, opinionated, honest, and full speed ahead. It feels weird to call this book delightful since it's fundamentally about the degree to which the United States is failing a huge group of its citizens and making their lives miserable, but there is something so refreshing and clear-headed about Tirado's willingness to tell you the straight truth about her life. It's empathy delivered with the subtlety of a brick, but also with about as much self-pity as a brick. Tirado is not interested in making you feel sorry for her; she's interested in you paying attention.

I don't get much of my own time, and I am vicious about protecting it. For the most part, I am paid to pretend that I am inhuman, paid to cater to both the reasonable and unreasonable demands of the general public. So when I'm off work, feel free to go fuck yourself. The times that I am off work, awake, and not taking care of life's details are few and far between. It's the only time I have any autonomy. I do not choose to waste that precious time worrying about how you feel. Worrying about you is something they pay me for; I don't work for free.

If you've read other books on this topic (Emily Guendelsberger's On the Clock is still the best of those I've read), you probably won't get many new facts from Hand to Mouth. I think this book is less important for the policy specifics than it is for who is writing it (someone who is living that life and can be honest about it) and the depth of emotional specifics that Tirado brings to the description. If you have never been poor, you will learn the details of what life is like, but more significantly you'll get a feel for how Tirado feels about it, and while this is one individual perspective (as Tirado stresses, including the fact that, as a white person, there are other aspects of poverty she's not experienced), I think that perspective is incredibly valuable.

That said, Hand to Mouth provides even more reinforcement of the importance of universal medical care, the absurdity of not including dental care in even some of the more progressive policy proposals, and the difficulties in the way of universal medical care even if we solve the basic coverage problem. Tirado has significant dental problems due to unrepaired damage from a car accident, and her account reinforces my belief that we woefully underestimate how important good dental care is to quality of life. But providing universal insurance or access is only the start of the problem.

There is a price point for good health in America, and I have rarely been able to meet it. I choose not to pursue treatment if it will cost me more than it will gain me, and my cost-benefit is done in more than dollars. I have to think of whether I can afford any potential treatment emotionally, financially, and timewise. I have to sort out whether I can afford to change my life enough to make any treatment worth it — I've been told by more than one therapist that I'd be fine if I simply reduced the amount of stress in my life. It's true, albeit unhelpful. Doctors are fans of telling you to sleep and eat properly, as though that were a thing one can simply do.

That excerpt also illustrates one of the best qualities of this book. So much writing about "the poor" treats them as an abstract problem that the implicitly not-poor audience needs to solve, and this leads rather directly to the endless moralizing as "we" attempt to solve that problem by telling poor people what they need to do. Tirado is unremitting in fighting for her own agency. She has a shitty set of options, but within those options she makes her own decisions. She wants better options and more space in which to choose them, which I think is a much more productive way to frame the moral argument than the endless hand-wringing over how to help "those poor people."

This is so much of why I support universal basic income. Just give people money. It's not all of the solution — UBI doesn't solve the problem of universal medical care, and we desperately need to find a way to make work less awful — but it's the most effective thing we can do immediately. Poor people are, if anything, much better at making consequential financial decisions than rich people because they have so much more practice. Bad decisions are less often due to bad decision-making than bad options and the balancing of objectives that those of us who are not poor don't understand.

Hand to Mouth is short, clear, refreshing, bracing, and, as you might have noticed, very quotable. I think there are other books in this genre that offer more breadth or policy insight, but none that have the same feel of someone cutting through the bullshit of lazy beliefs and laying down some truth. If any of the above excerpts sound like the sort of book you would enjoy reading, pick this one up.

Rating: 8 out of 10

12 October, 2020 03:29AM

hackergotchi for Norbert Preining

Norbert Preining

KDE/Plasma Status Update 2020-10-12

More than a month has passed since my last KDE/Plasma for Debian update, but things are progressing nicely.

OBS packages

On the OBS side, I have updated the KDE Apps to 20.08.2, and the KDE Frameworks to 5.75. Especially the update of apps brings in at least a critical security fix.

Concerning the soon to be released Plasma 5.20, packages are more or less ready, but as reported here we have to wait for Qt 5.15 to be uploaded to unstable, which is also planned in the near future.

Debian main packages

Uploads of Plasma 5.19.4 to Debian/experimental are processing nicely, more than half the packages are already done, and the rest is ready to go. What holds us back is the NEW queue, as usual.

We (Scarlett, Patrick, me) hope to have everything through NEW and in experimental as soon as possible, followed by an upload of probably Plasma 5.19.5 to Debian/unstable.

Thanks also to Lisandro for accepting me into the Salsa Qt/KDE team.

12 October, 2020 12:36AM by Norbert Preining

October 11, 2020

Mark Brown

Book club: JSON Web Tokens

This month for our book club Daniel, Lars, Vince and I read Hardcoded secrets, unverified tokens, and other common JWT mistakes which wasn’t quite what we’d thought when it was picked. We had been expecting an analysis of JSON web tokens themselves as several us had been working in the area and had noticed various talk about problems with the standard but instead the article is more a discussion of the use of semgrep to find and fix common issues, using issues with JWT as examples.

We therefore started off with a bit of a discussion of JWT, concluding that the underlying specification was basically fine given the problem to be solved but that as with any security related technology there were plenty of potential pitfalls in implementation and that sadly many of the libraries implementing the specification make it far too easy to make mistakes such as those covered by the article through their interface design and defaults. For example interfaces that allow interchangable use of public keys and shared keys are error prone, as is is making it easy to access unauthenticated data from tokens without clearly flagging that it is unauthenticated. We agreed that the wide range of JWT implementations available and successfully interoperating with each other is a sign that JWT is getting something right in providing a specification that is clear and implementable.

Moving on to semgrep we were all very enthusiastic about the technology, language independent semantic matching with a good set of rules for a range of languages available. Those of us who work on the Linux kernel were familiar with semantic matching and patching as implemented by Coccinelle which has been used quite successfully for years to both avoiding bad patterns in code and making tree wide changes, as demonstrated by the article it is a powerful technique. We were impressed by the multi-language support and approachability of semgrep, with tools like their web editor seeming particularly helpful for people getting started with the tool, especially in conjunction with the wide range of examples available.

This was a good discussion (including the tangential discussions of quality problems we had all faced dealing with software over the years, depressing though those can be) and semgrep was a great tool to learn about, I know I’m going to be using it for some of my projects.

11 October, 2020 06:50PM by broonie

October 10, 2020

William (Bill) Blough

sudo reboot

Benjy: The best-laid plans of mice...

Arthur: And men.

Frankie: What?

Arthur: Best-laid plans of mice and men.

Benjy: What have men got to do with it?

-- The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy TV series

Last year, my intent had been to post monthy updates with details of the F/LOSS contributions I had made during the previous month. I wanted to do this as a way to summarize and reflect on what I had done, and also to hopefully motivate me to do more.

Fast forward, and it's been over a year since my last blog post. So much for those plans.

I won't go into specific detail about the F/LOSS contributions I've made in the past year. This isn't meant to be a "catch-up" post, per se. It's more of an acknowledgement that I didn't do what I set out to do, as well as something of a reset to enable me to continue blogging (or not) as I see fit.

So, to summarize those contributions:

  • As expected, most of my contributions were to projects that I regularly contribute to, like Debian, Apache Axis2/C, or PasswordSafe.

  • There were also some one-off contributions to projects that I use but am not actively involved in, such as log4cxx or PyKAN.

  • There was also a third category of contributions that are a bit of a special case. I made some pseudonymous contributions to a F/LOSS project that I did not want to tie to my public identity. I hope to write more about that situation in a future post.

All in all, I'm pretty happy with the contributions I've made in the past year. Historically, my F/LOSS activity had been somewhat sporadic, sometimes with months passing in between contributions. But looking through my notes from the past year, it appears that I made contributions every single month, with no skipped months. Of course, I would have liked to have done more, but I consider the improvement in consistency to be a solid win.

As for the blog, well... Judging by the most recent year-long gap (as well as the gaps before that), I'm not likely to start regularly writing posts anytime soon. But then again, if sporadic F/LOSS contribtutions can turn into regular F/LOSS contributions, then maybe sporadic blog posts can turn into regular blog posts, too. Time will tell.

10 October, 2020 08:27PM by bblough

October 09, 2020

hackergotchi for Bits from Debian

Bits from Debian

Salsa CI now includes i386 build support

Salsa CI pipeline with i386 build support

Salsa CI aims at improving the Debian packaging lifecycle by delivering Continuous Integration fully compatible with Debian packaging. The main Salsa CI's project is the pipeline, that builds packages and run different tests after every git push to Salsa. The pipeline makes it possible to have a quick and early feedback about any issues the new changes may have created or solved, without the need to upload to the archive.

All of the pipeline jobs run on amd64 architecture, but the Salsa CI Team has recently added support to build packages also on i386 architecture. This work started during the Salsa CI Sprint at DebConf20 after the "Where is Salsa CI right now" talk, and required different changes at the core of pipeline to make it possible. For more details, this is the related merge request: https://salsa.debian.org/salsa-ci-team/pipeline/-/merge_requests/256

If you have any questions, you can contact the Salsa CI Team at the #salsaci channel on irc.oftc.net

09 October, 2020 06:20PM by Salsa CI Team

hackergotchi for Yves-Alexis Perez

Yves-Alexis Perez

Airplane pilot

So, a bit more thank 18 months ago, I started a new adventure. After a few flights with a friend of mine in a Robin DR400 and Jodel aircrafts, I enlisted in a local flight club at the Lognes airfield (LFPL), and started a Pilot Private License training. A PPL is an international flight license for non commercial operations. Associated with a qualification like the SEP (Single Engine Piston), it enables you to fly basically anywhere in the world (or at least anywhere where French is spoken by the air traffic controllers) with passengers, under Visual Flight Rules (VFR).

A bit like with cars, training has two parts, theoretical and practical, both validated in a test. You don't have to pass the theoretical test before starting the practical training, and it's actually recommended to do both in parallel, especially since nowadays most of the theoretical training is done online (you still have to do 10h of in-person courses before taking the test).

So in March 2019 I started both trainings. Theoretical training is divided in various domains, like regulations, flight mechanics, meteorology, human factors etc. and you can obviously train in parallel. Practical is more sequential and starts with basic flight training (turns, climbs, descents), then take-off, then landing configuration, then landing itself. All of that obviously with a flight instructor sitting next to you (you're on the left seat but the FI is the “pilot in command”). You then start doing circuit patterns, meaning you take off, do a circuit around the airfield, then land on the runway you just took off. Usually you actually don't do a complete landing but rather touch and go, and do it again in order to have more and more landing training.

Once you know how to take-off, do a pattern and land when everything is OK, you start practicing (still with your flight instructor aboard) various failures: especially engine failures at take off, but also flaps failure and stuff like that, all that while still doing patterns and practicing landings. At one point, the flight instructor deems you ready: he exits the plane, and you start your first solo flight: engine tests, take off, one pattern, landing.

For me practical training was done in an Aquila AT-01/A210, which is a small 2-seater. It's really light (it can actually be used as an ultralight), empty weight is a bit above 500kg and max weight is 750. It doesn't go really fast (it cruises at around 100 knots, 185 km/h) but it's nice to fly. As it's really lightweight the wind really shakes it though and it can be a bit hard to land because it really glides very well (with a lift-to-drag ratio at 14). I tried to fly a lot in the beginning, so the basic flight training was done in about 6 months and 23 flight hours. At that point my instructor stepped out of the plane and I did my first solo flight. Everything actually went just fine, because we did repeat a lot before that, so it wasn't even that scary. I guess I will remember my whole life, as people said, but it was pretty uneventful, although the controller did scold me a little because when taxiing back to the parking I misunderstood the instructions and didn't stop where asked (no runway incursion though).

After the first solo flight, you keep practicing patterns and solo flights every once in a while, and start doing cross-country flights: you're not restricted to the local airfields (LFPL, LFAI, LFPK) but start planning trips to more remote airports, about 30-40 minutes away (for me it was Moret/LFPU, Troyes/LFQB, Pontoise/LFPT). Cross country flights requires you to plan the route (draw it on the map, and write a navigation log so you know what to do when in flight), but also check the weather, relevant information, especially NOTAMs - Notice To Air Men (I hope someone rename those Notice to Air Crews at one point), estimate the fuel needed etc. For me, flight preparation time was between once and twice the flight time. Early flight preparation is completed on the day by last-minute checks, especially for weather. During the briefing (with the flight instructor at first, but for the test with the flight examiner and later with yourself) you check in turn every bit of information to decide if you're GO or not for the flight. As a lot of things in aviation, safety is really paramount here.

Once you've practiced cross country flight a bit, you start learning what to do in case of failures during a non-local flights, for example an engine failure in a middle of nowhere, when you have to chose a proper field to land, or a radio failure. And again when you're ready for it (and in case of my local club, once you pass your theoretical exam) you go for cross-country solo flights (of the 10h of solo flight required for taking the test, 5h should be done in cross-country flights). I went again to Troyes (LFQB), then Dijon-Darois (LFGI) and did a three-legs flight to Chalons-Ecury (LFQK) and Pont sur Yonne (LFGO).

And just after that, when I was starting to feel ready for the test, COVID-19 lockdown happened, grounding everyone for a few months. Even after it was over, I felt a bit rusty and had to take some more training. I finally took the test in the beginning of summer, but the first attempt wasn't good enough: I was really stressed, and maybe not completely ready actually. So a bit more training during summer, and finally in September I took the final test part, which was successful this time.

After some paperwork, a new, shiny, Pilot Private License arrived at my door.

And now that I can fly basically when I want, the autumn is finally here with bad weather all day long, so actually planning real flights is a bit tricky. For now I'm still flying solo on familiar trips, but at some point I should be able to bring a passenger with me (on the Aquila) and at some point migrate to a four-seaters like the DR400, ubiquitous in France.

09 October, 2020 04:37PM by Yves-Alexis (corsac@debian.org)

hackergotchi for Jonathan Dowland

Jonathan Dowland

New Bike

I grew up riding bikes with my friends, but I didn't keep it up once I went to University. A couple of my friends persevered and are really good riders, even building careers on their love of riding.

I bought a mountain bike in 2006 (a sort of "first pay cheque" treat after changing roles) but didn't really ride it all that often until this year. Once Lockdown began, I started going for early morning rides in order to get some fresh air and exercise.

Once I'd got into doing that I decided it was finally time to buy a new bike. I knew I wanted something more like a "hybrid" than a mountain bike but apart from that I was clueless. I couldn't even name the top manufacturers.

Ross Burton—a friend from the Debian community—suggested I take a look at Cotic, a small UK-based manufacturer based in the peak district. Specifically their Escapade gravel bike. (A gravel bike, it turns out, is kind-of like a hybrid.)

My new Cotic Escapade

My new Cotic Escapade

I did some due diligence, looked at some other options, put together a spreadsheet etc but the Escapade was the clear winner. During the project I arranged to have a socially distant cup of tea with my childhood friend Dan, now a professional bike mechanic, who by coincidence arrived on his own Cotic Escapade. It definitely seemed to tick all the boxes. I just needed to agonise over the colour choices: Metallic Orange (a Cotic staple) or a Grey with some subtle purple undertones. I was leaning towards the Grey, but ended up plumping for the Orange.

I could just cover it under Red Hat UK’s cycle to work scheme. I’m very pleased our HR dept is continuing to support the scheme, in these times when they also forbid me from travelling to the office.

And so here we are. I’m very pleased with it! Perhaps I'll write more about riding, or post some pictures, going forward.

09 October, 2020 11:47AM

October 08, 2020

Molly de Blanc

COVID and Reflections on Jessica Flanigan

One  of the points Flanigan makes in her piece “Seat Belt Mandates and Paternalism” is that we’re conditioned to use seat belts from a very early age. It’s a thing we internalize and build into our understanding of the world. People feel bad when they don’t wear a seat belt.(1) They’re unsettled. They feel unsafe. They feel like they’re doing something wrong.

Masks have started to fit into this model as well. Not wearing a mask feels wrong. An acquaintance shared a story of crying after realizing they had left the house without a mask. For some people, mask wearing has been deeply internalized.

We have regular COVID tests at NYU. Every other week I spit into a tube and then am told whether I am safe or sick. This allows me to hang out with my friends more confident than I would feel otherwise. This allows me to be closer to people than I would be otherwise. It also means that if I got sick, I would know, even if I was asymptomatic. If this happened, I would need to tell my friends. I would trace the places I’ve been, the people I’ve seen, and admit to them that I got sick. I would feel shame because something I did put me in that position.

There were (are?) calls to market mask wearing and COVID protection with the same techniques we use around sex: wear protection, get tested, think before you act, ask consent before touching, be honest and open with the people around you about your risk factors.

This is effective, at least among a swath of the population, but COVID has effectively become another STD. It’s a socially transmitted disease that we have tabooified into creating shame in people who have it.

The problem with this is, of course, that COVID isn’t treatable in the same way syphilis and chlamydia are. Still, I would ask whether people don’t report, or get tested, or even wear masks, because of shame? In some communities, wearing a mask is a sign that you’re sick. It’s stigmatizing.(2)

I think talking about COVID the way we talk about sex is not the right approach because, in my experience, the ways I learned about sex were everything from factually wrong to deeply harmful. If what we’re doing doesn’t work, what does?

(1) Yes, I know not everyone.

(2) Many men who don’t wear masks cite it as feeling emasculating, rather than stigmatizing.

08 October, 2020 12:48PM by mollydb

hackergotchi for Dirk Eddelbuettel

Dirk Eddelbuettel

RcppSimdJson 0.1.2: Upstream update

A new RcppSimdJson release arrived on CRAN yesterday bringing along the simdjson 0.5.0 release that happened a few weeks.

RcppSimdJson wraps the fantastic and genuinely impressive simdjson library by Daniel Lemire and collaborators. Via very clever algorithmic engineering to obtain largely branch-free code, coupled with modern C++ and newer compiler instructions, it results in parsing gigabytes of JSON parsed per second which is quite mindboggling. The best-case performance is ‘faster than CPU speed’ as use of parallel SIMD instructions and careful branch avoidance can lead to less than one cpu cycle per byte parsed; see the video of the talk by Daniel Lemire at QCon (also voted best talk).

Beside the upstream update, not too much happened to our package itself since 0.1.1 though Brandon did help one user to seriously speed up his JSON processing. The (this time very short) NEWS entry follows.

Changes in version 0.1.2 (2020-10-07)

  • Upgraded to simdjson 0.5.0 (Dirk #49)

Courtesy of my CRANberries, there is also a diffstat report for this release.

For questions, suggestions, or issues please use the issue tracker at the GitHub repo.

If you like this or other open-source work I do, you can now sponsor me at GitHub. For the first year, GitHub will match your contributions.

This post by Dirk Eddelbuettel originated on his Thinking inside the box blog. Please report excessive re-aggregation in third-party for-profit settings.

08 October, 2020 12:05PM

October 07, 2020

Vincent Fourmond

QSoas quiz #1 : averaging spectra

Here is the first QSoas quiz ! I recently measured several identical spectra in a row to evaluate the noise of the setup, and so I wanted to average all the spectra and also determine the standard deviation in the absorbances. Averaging the spectra can simply be done taking advantage of the average command:
QSoas> load Spectrum*.dat /flags=spectra
QSoas> average flagged:spectra
However, average does not provide means to make standard deviations, it just takes the average of all but the X column. I wanted to add this feature, but I realized there are already at least two distinct ways to do that...


Your task is to determine the average and standard deviations of the three spectra located there, (Spectrum-1.dat, Spectrum-2.dat and Spectrum-3.dat). There are at least two ways:
  • One that relies simply on average and on apply-formula, and which requires that you remember how to compute standard deviations.
  • One that is a little more involved, that requires more data manipulation (take a look at contract for instance) and relies on the fact that you can use statistics in apply-formula (and in particular you can use y_stddev to refer to the standard deviation of \(y\)), but which does not require you to know exactly how to compute standard deviations.
To help you, I've added the result in Average.dat. The figure below shows a zoom on the data superimposed to the average (bonus points to find how to display this light red area that corresponds to the standard deviation !).
I will post the answer later. In the meantime, feel free to post your own solutions or attempts, hacks, and so on !

About QSoas

QSoas is a powerful open source data analysis program that focuses on flexibility and powerful fitting capacities. It is released under the GNU General Public License. It is described in Fourmond, Anal. Chem., 2016, 88 (10), pp 5050–5052. Current version is 2.2. You can download its source code or buy precompiled versions for MacOS and Windows there.

07 October, 2020 12:25PM by Vincent Fourmond (noreply@blogger.com)

October 06, 2020

Iustin Pop

Late report for Nationalpark Bike Marathon 2020

I don’t have to mention that 2020 is a special year, so all the normal race plan was out the window, and I was very happy and fortunate to be able to do even one race. And only delayed 3 weeks to write this race report :/ So, here’s the story ☺

Preparing for the race

Because it was a special year, and everything was crazy, I actually managed to do more sports than usual, at least up to end of July. So my fitness, and even body weight, was relatively fine, so I subscribed to the mid-distance race (official numbers: 78km distance, 1570 meters altitude), and then off it went to a proper summer vacation — in a hotel, even.

And while I did do some bike rides during that vacation, from then on my training regime went… just off? I did train, I did ride, I did get significant PRs, but it didn’t “click” anymore. Plus, due to—well, actually not sure what, work or coffee or something—my sleep regime also got completely ruined…

On top of that, I didn’t think about the fact that the race was going to be mid-September, and that high up in the mountains, the weather could have be bad enough (I mean, in 2018 the weather was really bad even in August…) such that I’d need to seriously think about clothing.

Race week

I arrive in Scuol two days before the race, very tired (I think I got only 6 hours of sleep the night before), and definitely not in a good shape. I was feeling bad enough that I was not quite sure I was going to race. At least weather was OK, such that normal summer clothing would suffice. But the race info was mentioning dangerous segments, to be very careful, etc. etc. so I was quite anxious.

Note 1: my wife says, this was not the first time, and likely not the last time that two days before the race I feel like quitting. And as I’m currently on-and-off reading the interesting The Brave Athlete: Calm the Fuck Down and Rise to the Occasion book (by Lesley Paterson and Simon Marshall; it’s an interesting book, not sure if I recommend it or not), I am beginning to think that this is my reaction to races where I have “overshot” my usual distance. Or, in general, races where I fear the altitude gain. Not quite sure, but I think it is indeed the actual cause.

So I spend Thursday evening feeling unwell, and thinking I’ll see how Friday goes. Friday comes, and having slept reasonably well entire night, I pick up my race number, then I take another nap in the afternoon - in total, I’ve slept around 13 hours that day. So I felt much better, and was looking forward to the race.

Saturday morning comes, I manage to wake up early, and get ready in time; almost didn’t panic at all that I’m going to be late.

Note 2: my wife also says that this is the usual way I behave. Hence, it must be most of it a mental issue, rather than real physical one ☺


I reach the train station in time, I get on the train, and by the time the train reached Zernez, I fully calm down. There was am entire hour wait though before the race, and it was quite chilly. Of course I didn’t bring anything beside what I was wearing, relying on temperature getting better later in the day.

During the wait, there were two interesting things happening.

First, we actually got there (in Zernez) before the first people from the long distance passed by, both men and women. Seeing them pass by was cool, thinking they already had ~1’200m altitude in just 30-ish kilometres.

The second thing was, as this was the middle and not the shortest distance, the people in the group looked differently than in previous years. More precisely, they were looking very fit, and I was feeling… fat. Well, I am overweight, so it was expected, but I was feeling it even more than usual. I think only one or two in ten people were looking as fit as me or less… And of course, the pictures post-race show me even less “fit-looking” than I thought. Ah, self-deception is a sweet thing…

And yes, we all had to wear masks, up until the last minute. It was interesting, but not actually annoying - and small enough price for being able to race!

Then the race starts, and as opposed to many other years, it starts slow. I didn’t feel that rush of people starting fast, it was… reasonable?

First part of the race (good)

Thus started the first part of the race, on a new route that I was unfamiliar with. There was not too much climbing, to be honest, and there was some tricky single-trail through the woods, with lots of the roots. I actually had to get off the bike and push it, since it was too difficult to pedal uphill on that path. Other than that, I was managing so far to adjust my efforts well enough that my usual problems related to climbing (lower back pain) didn’t yet appear, even as the overall climbed meters were increasing. I was quite happy at that, and had lots of reserves. To my (pleasant) surprise, two positive things happened:

  • I was never alone, a sign that I wasn’t too far back.
  • I was passing/being passed by people, both on climbs but also on descents! It’s rare, but I did overtake a few people on a difficult trail downhill.

With all the back and forth, a few people became familiar (or at least their kit), and it was fun seeing who is better uphill vs. downhill.

And second part (not so good)

I finally get to (around) S-chanf, on a very nice but small descent, and on flat roads, and start the normal route for the short race. Something was off though - I knew from past years that these last ~47km have around 700-800m altitude, but I had already done around 1000m. So the promised 1571m were likely to be off, by at least 100-150m. I set myself a new target of 1700m, and adjust my efforts based on that.

And then, like clockwork on the 3:00:00 mark, the route exited the forest, the sun got out of the clouds, and the temperature started to increase from 16-17°C to 26°+, with peaks of 31°C. I’m not joking: at 2:58:43, temp was 16°, at 3:00:00, it was 18°, at 3:05:45, it was 26°. Heat and climbing are my two nemeses, and after having a pretty good race for the first 3 hours and almost exactly 1200m of climbing, I started feeling quite miserable.

Well, it was not all bad. There were some nice stretches of flat, where I knew I can pedal strongly and keep up with other people, until my chain dropped, so I had to stop, re-set it, and lose 2 minutes. Sigh.

But, at least, I was familiar with this race, or so I thought. I completely mis-remembered the last ~20km as a two-punch climb, Guarda and Ftan, whereas it is actually a three-punch one: Guarda, Ardez, and only then Ftan. Doesn’t help that Ardez has the nice ruins that I was remembering and which threw me off.

The saddest part of the day was here, on one of the last climbs - not sure if to Guarda or to Arddez, where a guy overtakes me, and tells me he’s glad he finally caught up with me, he almost got me five or six times (!), but I always managed to break off. Always, until now. Now, this was sad (I was huffing and puffing like a steam locomotive now), but also positive, as I never had that before. One good, one bad?

And of course, it was more than 1’700m altitude, it was 1’816m. And the descent to Scuol shorter and it didn’t end as usual with the small but sharp climb which I just love, due to Covid changes.

But, I finished, and without any actual issues, and no dangerous segments as far as I saw. I was anxious for no good reason…

Conclusion (or confusion?)

So this race was interesting: three hours (to the minute) in which I went 43.5km, climbed 1200m, felt great, and was able to push and push. And then the second part, only ~32km, climbed only 600m, but which felt quite miserable.

I don’t know if it was mainly heat, mainly my body giving up after that much climbing (or time?), or both. But it’s clear that I can’t reliably race for more than around these numbers: 3 hours, ~1000+m altitude, in >20°C temperature.

One thing that I managed to achieve though: except due to the technically complex trail at the beginning where I pushed the bike, I did not ever stop and push the bike uphill because I was too tired. Instead, I managed (badly) to do the switch sitting/standing as much as I could motivate myself, and thus continue pushing uphill. This is an achievement for me, since mentally it’s oh so easy to stop and push the bike, so I was quite glad.

As to the race results, they were quite atrocious:

  • age category (men), 38 out of 52 finishers, 4h54m, with first finisher doing 3h09m, so 50% slower (!)
  • overall (men), 138 out of 173 finishers, with first finisher 2h53m.

These results clearly don’t align with my feeling of a good first half of the race, so either it was purely subjective, or maybe in this special year, only really strong people registered for the race, or something else…

One positive aspect though, compared to most other years, was the consistency of my placement (age and overall):

  • Zuoz: 38 / 141
  • S-Chanf: 39 / 141
  • Zernez: 39 / 141
  • Guarda: 38 / 138
  • Ftan: 38 / 138
  • (“next” - whatever this is): 38 / 138
  • Finish: 38 / 138

So despite all my ranting above, and all the stats I’m pulling out of my own race, it looks like my position in the race was fully settled in the really first part, and I didn’t gain nor lose practically anything afterwards. I did dip one place but then gained it back (on the climb to Guarda, even).

The split times (per-segment rankings) are a bit more variable, and show that I was actually fast on the climbs but losing speed on the descents, which I really don’t understand anymore:

  • Zernez-Zuoz (unclear type): 38 / 141
  • Zuoz-S-Chanf (unclear type): 40 / 141
  • S-Chanf-Zernez (mostly downhill): 39 / 143
  • Zernez-Guarda (mostly uphill): 37 / 136
  • Guarda-Ftan (mostly uphill): 37 / 131
  • Ftan-Scuol (mostly downhill): 43 / 156

The difference at the end is striking. I’m visually matching the map positions to km and then use VeloViewer for computing the altitude gain, but Zernez to Guarda is 420m altitude, and Guarda to Ftan is 200m altitude gain, and yet on both, I was faster than my final place, and by quite a few places on overall, only to lose that on the descent (Ftan-Scuol), and by a large margin.

So, amongst all the confusion here, I think the story overall is:

  • indeed I was quite fit for me, so the climbs were better than my place in the race (if that makes sense).
  • however, I’m not actually good at climbing nor fit (watts/kg), so I’m still way back in the pack (oops!).
  • and I do suck at descending, both me (skills) and possible my bike setup as well (too high tyre pressure, etc.) so I lose even more time here…

As usual, the final take-away points are: lose the extra weight that is not needed, get better skills, get better core to be better at climbing.

I’ll finish here with one pic, taken in Guarda (4 hours into the race, more or less):

Climbing in Guarda Climbing in Guarda

Until next year!

06 October, 2020 08:32PM

Thorsten Alteholz

My Debian Activities in September 2020

FTP master

This month I accepted 278 packages and rejected 58. The overall number of packages that got accepted was 304.

Debian LTS

This was my seventy-fifth month that I did some work for the Debian LTS initiative, started by Raphael Hertzog at Freexian.

This month my all in all workload has been 19.75h. During that time I did LTS uploads of:

  • [DLA 2382-1] curl security update for one CVE
  • [DLA 2383-1] nfdump security update for two CVEs
  • [DLA 2384-1] yaws security update for two CVEs

I also started to work on new issues of qemu but had to learn that most of the patches I found have not yet been approved by upstream. So I moved on to python3.5 and cimg. The latter is basically just a header file and I had to find its reverse dependencies to check whether all of them can still be built with the new cimg package. This is still WIP and I hope to upload new versions soon.

Last but not least I did some days of frontdesk duties.

Debian ELTS

This month was the twenty seventh ELTS month.

During my allocated time I uploaded:

  • ELA-284-1 for curl
  • ELA-288-1 for libxrender
  • ELA-289-1 for python3.4

Like in LTS, I also started to work on qemu and encountered the same problems as in LTS above.
When building the new python packages for ELTS and LTS, I used the same VM and encountered memory problems that resulted in random tests failing. This was really annoying as I spent some time just chasing the wind. So up to now only the LTS package got an update and the ELTS one has to wait for October.

Last but not least I did some days of frontdesk duties.

Other stuff

This month I only uploaded some packages to fix bugs:

06 October, 2020 02:04PM by alteholz

October 05, 2020

Reproducible Builds

Reproducible Builds in September 2020

Welcome to the September 2020 report from the Reproducible Builds project. In our monthly reports, we attempt to summarise the things that we have been up to over the past month, but if you are interested in contributing to the project, please visit our main website.

This month, the Reproducible Builds project was pleased to announce a donation from Amateur Radio Digital Communications (ARDC) in support of its goals. ARDC’s contribution will propel the Reproducible Builds project’s efforts in ensuring the future health, security and sustainability of our increasingly digital society. Amateur Radio Digital Communications (ARDC) is a non-profit which was formed to further research and experimentation with digital communications using radio, with a goal of advancing the state of the art of amateur radio and to educate radio operators in these techniques. You can view the full announcement as well as more information about ARDC on their website.

In August’s report, we announced that Jennifer Helsby (redshiftzero) launched a new reproduciblewheels.com website to address the lack of reproducibility of Python ‘wheels’. This month, Kushal Das posted a brief follow-up to provide an update on reproducible sources as well.

The Threema privacy and security-oriented messaging application announced that “within the next months”, their apps “will become fully open source, supporting reproducible builds”:

This is to say that anyone will be able to independently review Threema’s security and verify that the published source code corresponds to the downloaded app.

You can view the full announcement on Threema’s website.


Sadly, due to the unprecedented events in 2020, there will be no in-person Reproducible Builds event this year. However, the Reproducible Builds project intends to resume meeting regularly on IRC, starting on Monday, October 12th at 18:00 UTC (full announcement). The cadence of these meetings will probably be every two weeks, although this will be discussed and decided on at the first meeting. (An editable agenda is available.)

On 18th September, Bernhard M. Wiedemann gave a presentation in German titled Wie reproducible builds Software sicherer machen (“How reproducible builds make software more secure”) at the Internet Security Digital Days 2020 conference. (View video.)

On Saturday 10th October, Morten Linderud will give a talk at Arch Conf Online 2020 on The State of Reproducible Builds in the Arch Linux distribution:

The previous year has seen great progress in Arch Linux to get reproducible builds in the hands of the users and developers. In this talk we will explore the current tooling that allows users to reproduce packages, the rebuilder software that has been written to check packages and the current issues in this space.

During the Reproducible Builds summit in Marrakesh, GNU Guix, NixOS and Debian were able to produce a bit-for-bit identical binary when building GNU Mes, despite using three different major versions of GCC. Since the summit, additional work resulted in a bit-for-bit identical Mes binary using tcc and this month, a fuller update was posted by the individuals involved.

Development work

In openSUSE, Bernhard M. Wiedemann published his monthly Reproducible Builds status update.


Chris Lamb uploaded a number of Debian packages to address reproducibility issues that he had previously provided patches for, including cfingerd (#831021), grap (#870573), splint (#924003) & schroot (#902804)

Last month, an issue was identified where a large number of Debian .buildinfo build certificates had been ‘tainted’ on the official Debian build servers, as these environments had files underneath the /usr/local/sbin directory to prevent the execution of system services during package builds. However, this month, Aurelien Jarno and Wouter Verhelst fixed this issue in varying ways, resulting in a special policy-rcd-declarative-deny-all package.

Building on Chris Lamb’s previous work on reproducible builds for Debian .ISO images, Roland Clobus announced his work in progress on making the Debian Live images reproducible. []

Lucas Nussbaum performed an archive-wide rebuild of packages to test enabling the reproducible=+fixfilepath Debian build flag by default. Enabling the fixfilepath feature will likely fix reproducibility issues in an estimated 500-700 packages. The test revealed only 33 packages (out of 30,000 in the archive) that fail to build with fixfilepath. Many of those will be fixed when the default LLVM/Clang version is upgraded.

79 reviews of Debian packages were added, 23 were updated and 17 were removed this month adding to our knowledge about identified issues. Chris Lamb added and categorised a number of new issue types, including packages that captures their build path via quicktest.h and absolute build directories in documentation generated by Doxygen`, etc.

Lastly, Lukas Puehringer’s uploaded a new version of the in-toto to Debian which was sponsored by Holger Levsen. []


diffoscope is our in-depth and content-aware diff utility that can not only locate and diagnose reproducibility issues, it provides human-readable diffs of all kinds too.

In September, Chris Lamb made the following changes to diffoscope, including preparing and uploading versions 159 and 160 to Debian:

  • New features:

    • Show “ordering differences” only in strings(1) output by applying the ordering check to all differences across the codebase. []
  • Bug fixes:

    • Mark some PGP tests that they require pgpdump, and check that the associated binary is actually installed before attempting to run it. (#969753)
    • Don’t raise exceptions when cleaning up after guestfs cleanup failure. []
    • Ensure we check FALLBACK_FILE_EXTENSION_SUFFIX, otherwise we run pgpdump against all files that are recognised by file(1) as data. []
  • Codebase improvements:

    • Add some documentation for the EXTERNAL_TOOLS dictionary. []
    • Abstract out a variable we use a couple of times. []
  • diffoscope.org website improvements:

    • Make the (long) demonstration GIF less prominent on the page. []

In addition, Paul Spooren added support for automatically deploying Docker images. []

Website and documentation

This month, a number of updates to the main Reproducible Builds website and related documentation. Chris Lamb made the following changes:

In addition, Holger Levsen re-added the documentation link to the top-level navigation [] and documented that the jekyll-polyglot package is required []. Lastly, diffoscope.org and reproducible-builds.org were transferred to Software Freedom Conservancy. Many thanks to Brett Smith from Conservancy, Jérémy Bobbio (lunar) and Holger Levsen for their help with transferring and to Mattia Rizzolo for initiating this.

Upstream patches

The Reproducible Builds project detects, dissects and attempts to fix as many currently-unreproducible packages as possible. We endeavour to send all of our patches upstream where appropriate. This month, we wrote a large number of these patches, including:

Bernhard M. Wiedemann also reported issues in git2-rs, pyftpdlib, python-nbclient, python-pyzmq & python-sidpy.

Testing framework

The Reproducible Builds project operates a Jenkins-based testing framework to power tests.reproducible-builds.org. This month, Holger Levsen made the following changes:

  • Debian:

    • Shorten the subject of “nodes have gone offline” notification emails. []
    • Also track bugs that have been usertagged with usrmerge. []
    • Drop abort-related codepaths as that functionality has been removed from Jenkins. []
    • Update the frequency we update base images and status pages. [][][][]
  • Status summary view page:

    • Add support for monitoring systemctl status [] and the number of diffoscope processes [].
    • Show the total number of nodes [] and colourise critical disk space situations [].
    • Improve the visuals with respect to vertical space. [][]
  • Debian rebuilder prototype:

    • Resume building random packages again [] and update the frequency that packages are rebuilt. [][]
    • Use --no-respect-build-path parameter until sbuild 0.81 is available. []
    • Treat the inability to locate some packages as a debrebuild problem, and not as a issue with the rebuilder itself. []
  • Arch Linux:

  • System health checks:

    • Highlight important bad conditions in colour. [][]
    • Add support for detecting more problems, including Jenkins shutdown issues [], failure to upgrade Arch Linux packages [], kernels with wrong permissions [], etc.
  • Misc:

    • Delete old schroot sessions after 2 days, not 3. []
    • Use sudo to cleanup diffoscope schroot sessions. []

In addition, stefan0xC fixed a query for unknown results in the handling of Arch Linux packages [] and Mattia Rizzolo updated the template that notifies maintainers by email of their newly-unreproducible packages to ensure that it did not get caught in junk/spam folders []. Finally, build node maintenance was performed by Holger Levsen [][][][], Mattia Rizzolo [][] and Vagrant Cascadian [][][].

If you are interested in contributing to the Reproducible Builds project, please visit our Contribute page on our website. However, you can get in touch with us via:

05 October, 2020 10:48AM

Russ Allbery

California general election

As normal, probably of direct interest only to California residents and apologies to everyone else since my hand-rolled blog software doesn't do cut tags. I'm only going to cover propositions, since the state-wide elections aren't very interesting and I both don't have strong opinions about the local elections and would guess that almost no one cares.

See the voter guide for the full details on each proposition.

Propositions 16 through 19 were put on the ballot by the legislature and thus were written as well as our regular laws. The remaining propositions are initiatives, which means I default to voting against them because they're usually poorly-written crap.

Proposition 14: NO. I reluctantly supported the original proposition to fund stem cell research with state bonds because it was in the middle of the George W. Bush administration and his weird obsession with ending stem cell research. It seemed worth the cost to maintain the research, and I don't regret doing this. But since then we've reached a compromise on ongoing research, and this proposition looks a lot more like pork spending than investment.

I am in favor of government support of basic research, but I think that's best done by a single grant institution that can pursue a coherent agenda. The federal government, when sane, does a decent job of this, and the California agency created by the previous proposition looks dodgy. The support for this proposition also comes primarily from research institutions that benefit from it. On top of that, there are way higher priorities right now for public investment than a very specific and limited type of medical research that isn't even the most important type of medical research to do right now. There is nothing magic about stem cells other than the fact that they make a certain type of Republican lose their minds. It's time to stop funding this specific research specially and roll it into general basic research funding.

Proposition 15: YES. Yes to anything that repeals Proposition 13 in whole or in part. Repealing it for commercial and industrial real estate is a good first step. A rare exception in my general rule to vote against initiatives.

Proposition 16: YES. Reverses a bad law to outlaw affirmative action in California. I am in favor of actual reparations, so I am of course in favor of this, which is far, far more mild.

Proposition 17: YES. Restores voting rights to felons after completion of their sentence. I think it's inexcusable that any US citizen cannot vote, including people who are currently incarcerated, so of course I'm in favor of this more mild measure. (You may notice a theme.) When we say everyone should be able to vote, that should mean literally everyone.

Proposition 18: YES. Allows 17-year-olds to vote in California (but not federal) elections in some specific circumstances. I'm generally in favor of lowering the voting age, and this seems inoffensive. (And the arguments against it are stupid.)

Proposition 19: YES. This is a complicated legislative compromise around property tax that strengthens property tax limits for seniors moving within California while removing exemptions against increases for inherited real estate not used as a primary home. Some progressives are opposed to this because it doesn't go far enough and increases exemptions for seniors. I agree that those exemptions aren't needed and shouldn't be added, but closing the inheritance loophole is huge and worth this compromise. It's a tepid improvement for the somewhat better, but it's still worth approving (and was written by the legislature, so it's somewhat better written than the typical initiative).

Proposition 20: NO. Another pile of "anyone who has ever committed a crime deserves to be treated as subhuman" bullshit. Typical harsher sentences and harsher parole nonsense. No to everything like this, always.

Proposition 21: YES. This is my other exception of voting for an initiative, and that's because the California state legislature is completely incapable of dealing with any housing problem.

This is a proposition that overhauls an ill-conceived state-wide restriction on how rent control can be handled. The problem with rent control is that a sane solution to housing problems in this state requires both rent control and massive new construction, and we only get the former and not the latter because the NIMBYism is endemic. (There's a pile of NIMBY crap on my local ballot this year.) I would much rather be approving those things together, because either of them alone makes things worse for a lot of people. So yes, the opponents of this proposition are right: it will make the housing crisis worse, because everyone refuses to deal with the supply side.

That said, we need rent control as part of a humane solution, and the current state-wide rules are bad. For example, they disallow rent control on every property newer than a certain date that's forever fixed. This initiative replaces that with a much saner 15-year rolling window for maximizing profit, which is a better balance.

I hate voting for this because the legislature should have done their job and passed comprehensive housing reform. But since they didn't, this is part of what they should have passed, and I'll vote for it. Particularly since it's opposed by all the huge commercial landlords.

Proposition 22: NO. The "exclude Uber and Lyft from labor law" proposition, which is just as bullshit as it sounds. They're spending all of their venture capital spamming the crap out of everyone in the state to try to get this passed by lying about it. Just stunningly evil companies. If your business model requires exploiting labor, get a better business model.

Proposition 23: NO. So, this is another mess. It appears to be part of some unionization fight between dialysis clinic employees and the for-profit dialysis clinics. I hate everything about this situation, starting from the fact that we have such a thing as for-profit dialysis clinics, which is a crime against humanity.

But this proposition requires some very dodgy things, such as having a doctor on staff at every clinic for... reasons? This is very reminiscent of the bullshit laws about abortion clinics, which are designed to make it more expensive to operate a clinic for no justifiable reason. I'm happy to believe there is a bit more justification here, but this sort of regulation is tricky and should be done by the legislature in a normal law-making process. Medical regulation by initiative is just a horrible idea in every way. So while I am doubtless politically on the side of the proponents of the proposition, this is the wrong tool. Take it to the legislature.

Proposition 24: NO. A deceptively-written supposed consumer privacy law written by tech companies that actually weakens consumer privacy in some critical ways that are profitable for them. No thanks, without even getting to the point that this sort of thing shouldn't be done by initiative.

Proposition 25: YES. Yes, we should eliminate cash bail, which is essentially imprisoning people for being poor. No, this doesn't create a system of government profiling; judges already set bail and can revoke bail for flight risks. (This is not legislation by initiative; the state government already passed this law, but we have a dumb law that lets people oppose legislative action via initiative, so we have to vote to approve the law that our representatives already passed and that should have already gone into effect.)

05 October, 2020 04:09AM

October 04, 2020

Enrico Zini

Sylvain Beucler

git filter-branch and --state-branch - how?

I'm mirroring and reworking a large Git repository with git filter-branch (conversion ETA: 20h), and I was wondering how to use --state-branch which is supposed to speed-up later updates, or split a large conversion in several updates.

The documentation is pretty terse, the option can produce weird results (like an identity mapping that breaks all later updates, or calling the expensive tree-filter but discarding the results), wrappers are convoluted, but I got something to work so I'll share :)

The main point is: run the initial script and the later updates in the same configuration, which means the target branch needs to be reset to the upstream branch each time, before it's rewritten again by filter-branch. In other words, don't re-run it on the rewritten branch, nor attempt some complex merge/cherry-pick.

git fetch
git branch --no-track -f myrewrite origin/master
git filter-branch \
  --xxx-filter ... \
  --xxx-filter ... \
  --state-branch refs/heads/filter-branch/myrewrite \
  -d /dev/shm/filter-branch/$$ -f \

Updates restart from scratch but only take a few seconds to skim through all the already-rewritten commits, and maintain a stable history.

Note that if the process is interrupted, the state-branch isn't modified, so it's not a stop/resume feature. If you want to split a lenghty conversion, you could simulate multiple upstream updates by checking out successive points in history (e.g. per year using $(git rev-list -1 --before='2020-01-01 00:00:00Z')).

--state-branch isn't meant to rewrite in reverse chronological order either, because all commit ids would constantly change. Still, you can rewrite only the recent history for a quick discardable test.

Be cautious when using/deleting rewritten branches, especially during early tests, because Git tends to save them to multiple places which may desync (e.g. .git/refs/heads/, .git/logs/refs/, .git/packed-refs). Also remember to delete the state-branch between different tests. Last, note the unique temporary directory -d to avoid ruining concurrent tests ^_^'

04 October, 2020 10:18AM

October 03, 2020

hackergotchi for Ben Hutchings

Ben Hutchings

Debian LTS work, September 2020

I was assigned 16 hours of work by Freexian's Debian LTS initiative and carried over 9.75 hours from August. I only worked 8.25 hours this month, and will return excess hours to the pool.

I attended and participated in the LTS team meeting on the 24th.

I updated linux-4.19 to include the changes in the buster point release, and issued DLA-2385-1.

I began work on an update to the linux (Linux 4.9 kernel) package.

03 October, 2020 09:38PM

Julian Andres Klode

Google Pixel 4a: Initial Impressions

Yesterday I got a fresh new Pixel 4a, to replace my dying OnePlus 6. The OnePlus had developed some faults over time: It repeatedly loses connection to the AP and the network, and it got a bunch of scratches and scuffs from falling on various surfaces without any protection over the past year.

Why get a Pixel?

Camera: OnePlus focuses on stuffing as many sensors as it can into a phone, rather than a good main sensor, resulting in pictures that are mediocre blurry messes - the dreaded oil painting effect. Pixel have some of the best camera in the smartphone world. Sure, other hardware is far more capable, but the Pixels manage consistent results, so you need to take less pictures because they don’t come out blurry half the time, and the post processing is so good that the pictures you get are just great. Other phones can shoot better pictures, sure - on a tripod.

Security updates: Pixels provide 3 years of monthly updates, with security updates being published on the 5th of each month. OnePlus only provides updates every 2 months, and then the updates they do release are almost a month out of date, not counting that they are only 1st-of-month patches, meaning vendor blob updates included in the 5th-of-month updates are even a month older. Given that all my banking runs on the phone, I don’t want it to be constantly behind.

Feature updates: Of course, Pixels also get Beta Android releases and the newest Android release faster than any other phone, which is advantageous for Android development and being nerdy.

Size and weight: OnePlus phones keep getting bigger and bigger. By today’s standards, the OnePlus 6 at 6.18" and 177g is a small an lightweight device. Their latest phone, the Nord, has 6.44" and weighs 184g, the OnePlus 8 comes in at 180g with a 6.55" display. This is becoming unwieldy. Eschewing glass and aluminium for plastic, the Pixel 4a comes in at 144g.

First impressions


The Pixel 4a comes in a small box with a charger, USB-C to USB-C cable, a USB-OTG adapter, sim tray ejector. No pre-installed screen protector or bumper are provided, as we’ve grown accustomed to from Chinese manufacturers like OnePlus or Xiaomi. The sim tray ejector has a circular end instead of the standard oval one - I assume so it looks like the ‘o’ in Google?

Google sells you fabric cases for 45€. That seems a bit excessive, although I like that a lot of it is recycled.


Coming from a 6.18" phablet, the Pixel 4a with its 5.81" feels tiny. In fact, it’s so tiny my thumb and my index finger can touch while holding it. Cute! Bezels are a bit bigger, resulting in slightly less screen to body. The bottom chin is probably impracticably small, this was already a problem on the OnePlus 6, but this one is even smaller. Oh well, form over function.

The buttons on the side are very loud and clicky. As is the vibration motor. I wonder if this Pixel thinks it’s a Model M. It just feels great.

The plastic back feels really good, it’s that sort of high quality smooth plastic you used to see on those high-end Nokia devices.

The finger print reader, is super fast. Setup just takes a few seconds per finger, and it works reliably. Other phones (OnePlus 6, Mi A1/A2) take like half a minute or a minute to set up.


The software - stock Android 11 - is fairly similar to OnePlus' OxygenOS. It’s a clean experience, without a ton of added bloatware (even OnePlus now ships Facebook out of box, eww). It’s cleaner than OxygenOS in some way - there are no duplicate photos apps, for example. On the other hand, it also has quite a bunch of Google stuff I could not care less about like YT Music. To be fair, those are minor noise once all 130 apps were transferred from the old phone.

There are various things I miss coming from OnePlus such as off-screen gestures, network transfer rate indicator in quick settings, or a circular battery icon. But the Pixel has an always on display, which is kind of nice. Most of the cool Pixel features, like call screening or live transcriptions are unfortunately not available in Germany.

The display is set to display the same amount of content as my 6.18" OnePlus 6 did, so everything is a bit tinier. This usually takes me a week or two to adjust too, and then when I look at the OnePlus again I’ll be like “Oh the font is huge”, but right now, it feels a bit small on the Pixel.

You can configure three colour profiles for the Pixel 4a: Natural, Boosted, and Adaptive. I have mine set to adaptive. I’d love to see stock Android learn what OnePlus has here: the ability to adjust the colour temperature manually, as I prefer to keep my devices closer to 5500K than 6500K, as I feel it’s a bit easier on the eyes. Or well, just give me the ability to load a ICM profile (though, I’d need to calibrate the screen then - work!).

Migration experience

Restoring the apps from my old phone only restore settings for a few handful out of 130, which is disappointing. I had to spent an hour or two logging in to all the other apps, and I had to fiddle far too long with openScale to get it to take its data over. It’s a mystery to me why people do not allow their apps to be backed up, especially something innocent like a weight tracking app. One of my banking apps restored its logins, which I did not really like. KeePass2Android settings were restored as well, but at least the key file was not restored.

I did not opt in to restoring my device settings, as I feel that restoring device settings when changing manufactures is bound to mess up some things. For example, I remember people migrating to OnePlus phones and getting their old DND schedule without any way to change it, because OnePlus had hidden the DND stuff. I assume that’s the reason some accounts, like my work GSuite account were not migrated (it said it would migrate accounts during setup).

I’ve setup Bitwarden as my auto-fill service, so I could login into most of my apps and websites using the stored credentials. I found that often that did not work. Like Chrome does autofill fine once, but if I then want to autofill again, I have to kill and restart it, otherwise I don’t get the auto-fill menu. Other apps did not allow any auto-fill at all, and only gave me the option to copy and paste. Yikes - auto-fill on Android still needs a lot of work.


It hangs a bit sometimes, but this was likely due to me having set 2 million iterations on my Bitwarden KDF and using Bitwarden a lot, and then opening up all 130 apps to log into them which overwhelmed the phone a bit. Apart from that, it does not feel worse than the OnePlus 6 which was to be expected, given that the benchmarks only show a slight loss in performance.

Photos do take a few seconds to process after taking them, which is annoying, but understandable given how much Google relies on computation to provide decent pictures.


The Pixel has dual speakers, with the earpiece delivering a tiny sound and the bottom firing speaker doing most of the work. Still, it’s better than just having the bottom firing speaker, as it does provide a more immersive experience. Bass makes this thing vibrate a lot. It does not feel like a resonance sort of thing, but you can feel the bass in your hands. I’ve never had this before, and it will take some time getting used to.

Final thoughts

This is a boring phone. There’s no wow factor at all. It’s neither huge, nor does it have high-res 48 or 64 MP cameras, nor does it have a ton of sensors. But everything it does, it does well. It does not pretend to be a flagship like its competition, it doesn’t want to wow you, it just wants to be the perfect phone for you. The build is solid, the buttons make you think of a Model M, the camera is one of the best in any smartphone, and you of course get the latest updates before anyone else. It does not feel like a “only 350€” phone, but yet it is. 128GB storage is plenty, 1080p resolution is plenty, 12.2MP is … you guessed it, plenty.

The same applies to the other two Pixel phones - the 4a 5G and 5. Neither are particularly exciting phones, and I personally find it hard to justify spending 620€ on the Pixel 5 when the Pixel 4a does job for me, but the 4a 5G might appeal to users looking for larger phones. As to 5G, I wouldn’t get much use out of it, seeing as its not available anywhere I am. Because I’m on Vodafone. If you have a Telekom contract or live outside of Germany, you might just have good 5G coverage already and it might make sense to get a 5G phone rather than sticking to the budget choice.


The big question for me is whether I’ll be able to adjust to the smaller display. I now have a tablet, so I’m less often using the phone (which my hands thank me for), which means that a smaller phone is probably a good call.

Oh while we’re talking about calls - I only have a data-only SIM in it, so I could not test calling. I’m transferring to a new phone contract this month, and I’ll give it a go then. This will be the first time I get VoLTE and WiFi calling, although it is Vodafone, so quality might just be worse than Telekom on 2G, who knows. A big shoutout to congstar for letting me cancel with a simple button click, and to @vodafoneservice on twitter for quickly setting up my benefits of additional 5GB per month and 10€ discount for being an existing cable customer.

I’m also looking forward to playing around with the camera (especially night sight), and eSIM. And I’m getting a case from China, which was handed over to the Airline on Sep 17 according to Aliexpress, so I guess it should arrive in the next weeks. Oh, and screen protector is not here yet, so I can’t really judge the screen quality much, as I still have the factory protection film on it, and that’s just a blurry mess - but good enough for setting it up. Please Google, pre-apply a screen protector on future phones and include a simple bumper case.

I might report back in two weeks when I have spent some more time with the device.

03 October, 2020 11:16AM

hackergotchi for Ritesh Raj Sarraf

Ritesh Raj Sarraf

First Telescope


I guess this would be common to most of us.

While I grew up, right from the childhood itself, the sky was always an intriguing view. The Stars, the Moon, the Eclipses; were all fascinating.

As a child, in my region, religion and culture; the mythology also built up stories around it. Lunar Eclipses have a story of its own. During Solar Eclipses, parents still insist that we do not go out. And to be done with the food eating before/after the eclipse.

Then there’s the Hindu Astrology part, which claims its own theories and drags in mythology along. For example, you’ll still find the Hindu Astrology making recommendations to follow certain practices with the planets, to get auspicious personal results. As far as I know, other religions too have similar beliefs about the planets.

As a child, we are told the Moon to be addressed as an Uncle (चंदा मामा). There’s also a rhyme around it, that many of us must have heard.

And if you look at our god, Lord Mahadev, he’s got a crescent on his head

Lord Mahadev

Lord Mahadev


Fast-forward to today, as I grew, so did some of my understanding. It is fascinating how mankind has achieved so much understanding of our surrounding. You could go through the documentaries on Mars Exploration, for example; to see how the rovers are providing invaluable data.

As a mere individual, there’s a limit to what one can achieve. But the questions flow in free.

  • Is there life beyond us
  • What’s out there in the sky
  • Why is all this the way it is


The very first step, for me, for every such curiosity, has been to do the ground work, with the resources I have. To study on the subject. I have done this all my life. For example, I started into the Software domain as: A curiosity => A Hobby => A profession

Same was the case with some of the other hobbies, equally difficult as Astronomy, that I developed a liking for. Just did the ground work, studied on those topics and then applied the knowledge to further improve it and build up some experience.

And star gazing came in no different. As a complete noob, had to start with the A B C on the subject of Astronomy. Familiarize myself with the usual terms. As so on…

PS: Do keep in mind that not all hobbies have a successful end. For example, I always craved to be good with graphic designing, image processing and the likes, where I’ve always failed. Never was able to keep myself motivated enough. Similar was my experience when trying to learn playing a musical instrument. Just didn’t work out for me, then.

There’s also a phase in it, where you fail and then learn from the failures and proceed further, and then eventually succeed. But we all like to talk about the successes. :-)


So far, my impression has been that this topic/domain will not suit most of the people. While the initial attraction may be strong, given the complexity and perseverance that Astronomy requires, most people would lose interest in it very soon.

Then there’s the realization factor. If one goes with an expectation to get quick results, they may get disappointed. It isn’t like a point and shoot device that’d give you results on the spot.

There’s also the expectation side of things. If you are a person more accustomed to taking pretty selfies, which always come right because the phone manufacturer does heavy processing on the images to ensure that you get to see the pretty fake self, for the most of the times; then star gazing with telescopes could be a frustrating experience altogether. What you get to see in the images on the internet will be very different than what you’d be able to see with your eyes and your basic telescope.

There’s also the cost aspect. The more powerful (and expensive) your telescope, the better your view.

And all things aside, it still may get you lose interest, after you’ve done all the ground work and spent a good chunk of money on it. Simply because the object you are gazing at is more a still image, which can quickly get boring for many.

On the other hand, if none of the things obstruct, then the domain of Astronomy can be quite fascinating. It is a continuous learning domain (reminds me of CI in our software field these days). It is just the beginning for us here, and we hope to have a lasting experience in it.

The Internet

I have been indebted to the internet right from the beginning. The internet is what helped me be able to achieve all I wanted. It is one field with no boundaries. If there is a will, there is a way; and often times, the internet is the way.

  • I learnt computers over the internet.
  • Learnt more about gardening and plants over the internet
  • Learnt more about fish care-taking over the internet

And many many more things.

Some of the communities over the internet are a great way to participation. They bridge the age gap, the regional gap and many more.

For my Astronomy need, I was glad to see so many active communities, with great participants, on the internet.


While there are multiple options to start star gazing, I chose to start with a telescope. But as someone completely new to this domain, there was a long way to go. And to add to that, the real life: work + family

I spent a good 12+ months reading up on the different types of telescopes, what they are, their differences, their costs, their practical availability etc.

The good thing is that the market has offerings for everything. From a very basic binocular to a fully automatic Maksutov-Cassegrain scope. It all would depend on your budget.

Automatic vs Manual

To make it easy for the users, the market has multiple options in the offering. One could opt-in for a cheap, basic and manually operated telescope; which would require the user to do a lot of ground study. On the other hand, users also have the option of automatic telescopes which do the hard work of locating and tracking the planetary objects.

Either option aside, the end result of how much you’ll be able to observe the sky, still depends on many many more factors: Enthusiasm over time, Light Pollution, Clear Skies, Timing etc.

PS: The planetary objects move at a steady pace. Objects you lock into your view now will be gone out of the FOV in just a matter of minutes.

My Telescope

After spending so much of the time reading up on types of telescopes, my conclusion was that a scope with high aperture and focal length was the way to go forward. This made me shorten the list to Dobsonians. But the Dobsonians aren’t a very cheap telescope, whether manual or automatic.

My final decision made me acquire a 6" Dobsonian Telescope. It is a Newtonian Reflecting Telescope with a 1200mm focal length and 150mm diameter.

Another thing about this subject is that most of the stuff you do in Astronomy; right from the telescope selection, to installation, to star gazing; most of it is DIY, so your mileage may vary with the end result and experience.

For me, installation wasn’t very difficult. I was able to assemble the base Dobsonian mount and the scope in around 2 hours. But the installation manual, I had been provided with, was very brief. I ended up with one module in the mount wrongly fit, which I was able to fix later, with the help of online forums.

Dobsonian Mount

Dobsonian Mount

In this image you can see that the side facing out, where the handle will go, is wrong. If fit this way, the handle will not withstand any weight at all.

Correct Panel Side

Correct Panel Side

The right fix of the handle base board. In this image, the handle is on the other side that I’m holding. Because the initial fit put in some damage to the engineered wood, I fixed it up by sealing with some adhesive.

With that, this is what my final telescope looks like.

Final Telescope

Final Telescope

Clear Skies

While the telescope was ready, the skies were not. For almost next 10 days, we had no clear skies at all. All I could do was wait. Wait so much that I had forgotten to check on the skies. Luckily, my wife noticed clear skies this week for a single day. Clear enough that we could try out our telescope for the very first time.

Me posing for a shot

Me posing for a shot


As I said earlier, in my opinion, it takes a lot of patience and perseverance on this subject. And most of the things here are DIY.

To start with, we targeted the Moon. Because it is easy. I pointed the scope to the moon, then looked into the finder scope to center it, and then looked through the eyepiece. And blank. Nothing out there. Turns out, the finder scope and the viewer’s angle weren’t aligned. This is common and the first DIY step, when you plan to use your telescope for viewing.

Since our first attempt was unplanned and just random because we luckily spotted that the skies were clear, we weren’t prepared for this. Lucky enough, mapping the difference in the alignment, in the head, is not very difficult.

After a couple of minutes, I could make out the point in the finder scope, where the object if projected, would show proper in the viewer.

With that done, it was just mesmerizing to see the Moon, in a bit more detail, than what I’ve seen all these years of my life.









The images are not exactly what we saw with our eyes. The view was much more vivid than these pictures. But as a first timer, I really wanted to capture this first moment of a closer view of the Moon.

In the whole process; that of ground work studying about telescopes, installation of the telescope, astronomy basics and many other things; the most difficult part in this entire journey, was to point my phone to the viewing eyepiece, to get a shot of the object. This requirement just introduced me to astrophotography.

And then, Dobsonians aren’t the best model for astrophotography, to what I’ve learnt so far. Hopefully, I’ll find my ways to do some DIY astrophotography with the tools I have. Or extend my arsenal over time.

But overall, we’ve been very pleased with the subject of Astronomy. It is a different feel altogether and we’re glad to have forayed into it.

03 October, 2020 08:27AM by Ritesh Raj Sarraf (rrs@researchut.com)

hackergotchi for Steve Kemp

Steve Kemp

Writing an assembler.

Recently I've been writing a couple of simple compilers, which take input in a particular format and generate assembly language output. This output can then be piped through gcc to generate a native executable.

Public examples include this trivial math compiler and my brainfuck compiler.

Of course there's always the nagging thought that relying upon gcc (or nasm) is a bit of a cheat. So I wondered how hard is it to write an assembler? Something that would take assembly-language program and generate a native (ELF) binary?

And the answer is "It isn't hard, it is just tedious".

I found some code to generate an ELF binary, and after that assembling simple instructions was pretty simple. I remember from my assembly-language days that the encoding of instructions can be pretty much handled by tables, but I've not yet gone into that.

(Specifically there are instructions like "add rax, rcx", and the encoding specifies the source/destination registers - with different forms for various sized immediates.)

Anyway I hacked up a simple assembler, it can compile a.out from this input:

.hello   DB "Hello, world\n"
.goodbye DB "Goodbye, world\n"

        mov rdx, 13        ;; write this many characters
        mov rcx, hello     ;; starting at the string
        mov rbx, 1         ;; output is STDOUT
        mov rax, 4         ;; sys_write
        int 0x80           ;; syscall

        mov rdx, 15        ;; write this many characters
        mov rcx, goodbye   ;; starting at the string
        mov rax, 4         ;; sys_write
        mov rbx, 1         ;; output is STDOUT
        int 0x80           ;; syscall

        xor rbx, rbx       ;; exit-code is 0
        xor rax, rax       ;; syscall will be 1 - so set to xero, then increase
        inc rax            ;;
        int 0x80           ;; syscall

The obvious omission is support for "JMP", "JMP_NZ", etc. That's painful because jumps are encoded with relative offsets. For the moment if you want to jump:

        push foo     ; "jmp foo" - indirectly.

        nop          ; Nothing happens
        mov rbx,33   ; first syscall argument: exit code
        mov rax,1    ; system call number (sys_exit)
        int 0x80     ; call kernel

        push bar     ; "jmp bar" - indirectly.

I'll update to add some more instructions, and see if I can use it to handle the output I generate from a couple of other tools. If so that's a win, if not then it was a fun learning experience:

03 October, 2020 04:30AM

October 02, 2020

Ian Jackson

Mailman vs DKIM - a novel solution

tl;dr: Do not configure Mailman to replace the mail domains in From: headers. Instead, try out my small new program which can make your Mailman transparent, so that DKIM signatures survive.

Background and narrative


NB: This explanation is going to be somewhat simplified. I am going to gloss over some details and make some slightly approximate statements.

DKIM is a new anti-spoofing mechanism for Internet email, intended to help fight spam. DKIM, paired with the DMARC policy system, has been remarkably successful at stemming the flood of joe-job spams. As usually deployed, DKIM works like this:

When a message is originally sent, the author's MUA sends it to the MTA for their From: domain for outward delivery. The From: domain mailserver calculates a cryptographic signature of the message, and puts the signature in the headers of the message.

Obviously not the whole message can be signed, since at the very least additional headers need to be added in transit, and sometimes headers need to be modified too. The signing MTA gets to decide what parts of the message are covered by the signature: they nominate the header fields that are covered by the signature, and specify how to handle the body.

A recipient MTA looks up the public key for the From: domain in the DNS, and checks the signature. If the signature doesn't match, depending on policy (originator's policy, in the DNS, and recipient's policy of course), typically the message will be treated as spam.

The originating site has a lot of control over what happens in practice. They get to publish a formal (DMARC) policy in the DNS which advises recipients what they should do with mails claiming to be from their site. As mentioned, they can say which headers are covered by the signature - including the ability to sign the absence of a particular headers - so they can control which headers downstreams can get away with adding or modifying. And they can set a normalisation policy, which controls how precisely the message must match the one that they sent.


Mailman is, of course, the extremely popular mailing list manager. There are a lot of things to like about it. I choose to run it myself not just because it's popular but also because it provides a relatively competent web UI and a relatively competent email (un)subscription interfaces, decent bounce handling, and a pretty good set of moderation and posting access controls.

The Xen Project mailing lists also run on mailman. Recently we had some difficulties with messages sent by Citrix staff (including myself), to Xen mailing lists, being treated as spam. Recipient mail systems were saying the DKIM signatures were invalid.

This was in fact true. Citrix has chosen a fairly strict DKIM policy; in particular, they have chosen "simple" normalisation - meaning that signed message headers must precisely match in syntax as well as in a semantic sense. Examining the the failing-DKIM messages showed that this was definitely a factor.

Applying my Opinions about email

My Bayesian priors tend to suggest that a mail problem involving corporate email is the fault of the corporate email. However in this case that doesn't seem true to me.

My starting point is that I think mail systems should not not modify messages unnecessarily. None of the DKIM-breaking modifications made by Mailman seemed necessary to me. I have on previous occasions gone to corporate IT and requested quite firmly that things I felt were broken should be changed. But it seemed wrong to go to corporate IT and ask them to change their published DKIM/DMARC policy to accomodate a behaviour in Mailman which I didn't agree with myself. I felt that instead I shoud put (with my Xen Project hat on) my own house in order.

Getting Mailman not to modify messages

So, I needed our Mailman to stop modifying the headers. I needed it to not even reformat them. A brief look at the source code to Mailman showed that this was not going to be so easy. Mailman has a lot of features whose very purpose is to modify messages.

Personally, as I say, I don't much like these features. I think the subject line tags, CC list manipulations, and so on, are a nuisance and not really Proper. But they are definitely part of why Mailman has become so popular and I can definitely see why the Mailman authors have done things this way. But these features mean Mailman has to disassemble incoming messages, and then reassemble them again on output. It is very difficult to do that and still faithfully reassemble the original headers byte-for-byte in the case where nothing actually wanted to modify them. There are existing bug reports[1] [2] [3] [4]; I can see why they are still open.

Rejected approach: From:-mangling

This situation is hardly unique to the Xen lists. Many other have struggled with it. The best that seems to have been come up with so far is to turn on a new Mailman feature which rewrites the From: header of the messages that go through it, to contain the list's domain name instead of the originator's.

I think this is really pretty nasty. It breaks normal use of email, such as reply-to-author. It is having Mailman do additional mangling of the message in order to solve the problems caused by other undesirable manglings!


As you can see, I asked myself: I want Mailman not modify messages at all; how can I get it to do that? Given the existing structure of Mailman - with a lot of message-modifying functionality - that would really mean adding a bypass mode. It would have to spot, presumably depending on config settings, that messages were not to be edited; and then, it would avoid disassembling and reassembling the message at at all, and bypass the message modification stages. The message would still have to be parsed of course - it's just that the copy send out ought to be pretty much the incoming message.

When I put it to myself like that I had a thought: couldn't I implement this outside Mailman? What if I took a copy of every incoming message, and then post-process Mailman's output to restore the original?

It turns out that this is quite easy and works rather well!


outflank-mailman is a 233-line script, plus documentation, installation instructions, etc.

It is designed to run from your MTA, on all messages going into, and coming from, Mailman. On input, it saves a copy of the message in a sqlite database, and leaves a note in a new Outflank-Mailman-Id header. On output, it does some checks, finds the original message, and then combines the original incoming message with carefully-selected headers from the version that Mailman decided should be sent.

This was deployed for the Xen Project lists on Tuesday morning and it seems to be working well so far.

If you administer Mailman lists, and fancy some new software to address this problem, please do try it out.

Matters arising - Mail filtering, DKIM

Overall I think DKIM is a helpful contribution to the fight against spam (unlike SPF, which is fundamentally misdirected and also broken). Spam is an extremely serious problem; most receiving mail servers experience more attempts to deliver spam than real mail, by orders of magnitude. But DKIM is not without downsides.

Inherent in the design of anything like DKIM is that arbitrary modification of messages by list servers is no longer possible. In principle it might be possible to design a system which tolerated modifications reasonable for mailing lists but it would be quite complicated and have to somehow not tolerate similar modifications in other contexts.

So DKIM means that lists can no longer add those unsubscribe footers to mailing list messages. The "new way" (RFC2369, July 1998), to do this is with the List-Unsubscribe header. Hopefully a good MUA will be able to deal with unsubscription semiautomatically, and I think by now an adequate MUA should at least display these headers by default.


There are implications for recipient-side filtering too. The "traditional" correct way to spot mailing list mail was to look for Resent-To:, which can be added without breaking DKIM; the "new" (RFC2919, March 2001) correct way is List-Id:, likewise fine. But during the initial deployment of outflank-mailman I discovered that many subscribers were detecting that a message was list traffic by looking at the Sender: header. I'm told that some mail systems (apparently Microsoft's included) make it inconvenient to filter on List-Id.

Really, I think a mailing list ought not to be modifying Sender:. Given Sender:'s original definition and semantics, there might well be reasonable reasons for a mailing list posting to have different From: and and then the original Sender: ought not to be lost. And a mailing list's operation does not fit well into the original definition of Sender:. I suspect that list software likes to put in Sender mostly for historical reasons; notably, a long time ago it was not uncommon for broken mail systems to send bounces to the Sender: header rather than the envelope sender (SMTP MAIL FROM).

DKIM makes this more of a problem. Unfortunately the DKIM specifications are vague about what headers one should sign, but they pretty much definitely include Sender: if it is present, and some materials encourage signing the absence of Sender:. The latter is Exim's default configuration when DKIM-signing is enabled.

Franky there seems little excuse for systems to not readily support and encourage filtering on List-Id, 20 years later, but I don't want to make life hard for my users. For now we are running a compromise configuration: if there wasn't a Sender: in the original, take Mailman's added one. This will result in (i) misfiltering for some messages whose poster put in a Sender:, and (ii) DKIM failures for messages whose originating system signed the absence of a Sender:. I'm going to mine the db for some stats after it's been deployed for a week or so, to see which of these problems is worst and decide what to do about it.

Mail routing

For DKIM to work, messages being sent From: a particular mail domain must go through a system trusted by that domain, so they can be signed.

Most users tend to do this anyway: their mail provider gives them an IMAP server and an authenticated SMTP submission server, and they configure those details in their MUA. The MUA has a notion of "accounts" and according to the user's selection for an outgoing message, connects to the authenticated submission service (usually using TLS over the global internet).

Trad unix systems where messages are sent using the local sendmail or localhost SMTP submission (perhaps by automated systems, or perhaps by human users) are fine too. The smarthost can do the DKIM signing.

But this solution is awkward for a user of a trad MUA in what I'll call "alias account" setups: where a user has an address at a mail domain belonging to different people to the system on which they run their MUA (perhaps even several such aliases for different hats). Traditionally this worked by the mail domain forwarding incoming the mail, and the user simply self-declaring their identity at the alias domain. Without DKIM there is nothing stopping anyone self-declaring their own From: line.

If DKIM is to be enabled for such a user (preventing people forging mail as that user), the user will have to somehow arrange that their trad unix MUA's outbound mail stream goes via their mail alias provider. For a single-user sending unix system this can be done with tolerably complex configuration in an MTA like Exim. For shared systems this gets more awkward and might require some hairy shell scripting etc.

edited 2020-10-01 21:22 and 21:35 and -02 10:50 +0100 to fix typos and 21:28 to linkify "my small program" in the tl;dr

comment count unavailable comments

02 October, 2020 09:50AM

hackergotchi for Junichi Uekawa

Junichi Uekawa

Already october.

Already october. I tried moving to vscode from emacs but I have so far only installed the editor. emacs is my workflow engine, so it's hard to migrate everything.

02 October, 2020 12:49AM by Junichi Uekawa

October 01, 2020

Sylvain Beucler

Debian LTS and ELTS - September 2020

Debian LTS Logo

Here is my transparent report for my work on the Debian Long Term Support (LTS) and Debian Extended Long Term Support (ELTS), which extend the security support for past Debian releases, as a paid contributor.

In September, the monthly sponsored hours were split evenly among contributors depending on their max availability - I was assigned 19.75h for LTS (out of my 30 max; all done) and 20h for ELTS (out of my 20 max; all done).

ELTS - Jessie

  • qemu: jessie triage: finish work started in August
  • qemu: backport 5 CVE fixes, perform virtual and physical testing, security upload ELA-283-1
  • libdbi-perl: global triage: clarifications, confirm incomplete and attempt to get upstream action, request new CVE following discussion with security team
  • libdbi-perl: backport 5 CVE fixes, test, security upload ELA-285-1

LTS - Stretch

  • qemu: stretch triage, while working on ELTS update; mark several CVEs unaffected, update patch/status
  • wordpress: global triage: reference new patches, request proper CVE to fix our temporary tracking
  • wordpress: revamp package: upgrade to upstream's stable 4.7.5->4.7.18 to ease future updates, re-apply missing patches, fix past regression and notify maintainer, security upload DLA-2371-1
  • libdbi-perl: common work with ELTS, security upload DLA-2386-1
  • public IRC team meeting


  • LTS/TestSuites/wordpress: new page with testsuite import and manual tests
  • LTS/TestSuites/qemu: minor update
  • wiki.d.o/Sympa: update Sympa while using it as a libdbi-perl reverse-dep test (update for newer versions, explain how to bootstrap admin access)
  • www.d.o/lts/security: import a couple missing announcements and notify uploaders about procedures
  • Check status for pdns-recursor, following user request
  • Check status for golang-1.7 / CVE-2019-9514 / CVE-2019-9512
  • Attempt to improve cooperation after seeing my work discarded and redone as-is, which sadly isn't the first time; no answer
  • Historical analysis of our CVE fixes: experiment to gather per-CVE tracker history

01 October, 2020 04:26PM

Molly de Blanc

Free Software Activities – September 2020

I haven’t done one of these in a while, so let’s see how it goes.


The Community Team has been busy. We’re planning a sprint to work on a bigger writing project and have some tough discussions that need to happen.
I personally have only worked on one incident, but we’ve had a few others come in.
I’m attempting to step down from the Outreach team, which is more work than I thought it would be. I had a very complicated relationship with the Outreach team. When no one else was there to take on making sure we did GSoC and Outreachy, I stepped up. It wasn’t really what I wanted to be doing, but it’s important. I’m glad to have more time to focus on other things that feel more aligned with what I’m trying to work on right now.


In addition to, you know, work, I joined the Code of Conduct Committee. Always a good time! Rosanna and I presented at GNOME Onboard Africa Virtual about the GNOME CoC. It was super fun!

Digital Autonomy

Karen and I did an interview on FLOSS Weekly with Doc Searls and Dan Lynch. Super fun! I’ve been doing some more writing, which I still hope to publish soon, and a lot of organization on it. I’m also in the process of investigating some funding, as there are a few things we’d like to do that come with price tags. Separately, I started working on a video to explain the Principles. I’m excited!


I started a call that meets every other week where we talk about Code of Conduct stuff. Good peeps. Into it.

01 October, 2020 01:42PM by mollydb

Russ Allbery

Review: Harrow the Ninth

Review: Harrow the Ninth, by Tamsyn Muir

Series: The Locked Tomb #2
Publisher: Tor
Copyright: 2020
ISBN: 1-250-31320-1
Format: Kindle
Pages: 510

Harrow the Ninth is a direct sequel to Gideon the Ninth and under absolutely no circumstances should you start reading here. You would be so lost. If you plan on reading this series, read the books as closely together as you can so that you can remember the details of the previous book. You may still resort to re-reading or searching through parts of the previous book as you go.

Muir is doing some complex structural work with Harrow the Ninth, so it's hard to know how much to say about it without spoiling some aspect of it for someone. I think it's safe to say this much: As advertised by the title, we do get a protagonist switch to Harrowhark. However, unlike Gideon the Ninth, it's not a single linear story. The storyline that picks up after the conclusion of Gideon is interwoven with apparent flashbacks retelling the story of the previous book from Harrowhark's perspective. Or at least it might have been the story of the previous book, except that Ortus is Harrowhark's cavalier, Gideon does not appear, and other divergences from the story we previously read become obvious early on.

(You can see why memory of Gideon the Ninth is important.)

Oh, and one of those storylines is written in the second person. Unlike some books that use this as a gimmick, this is for reasons that are eventually justified and partly explained in the story, but it's another example of the narrative complexity. Harrow the Ninth is dropping a lot of clues (and later revelations) in both story events and story structure, many of which are likely to upend reader expectations from the first book.

I have rarely read a novel that is this good at fulfilling the tricky role of the second book of a trilogy. Gideon the Ninth was, at least on the surface, a highly entertaining, linear, and relatively straightforward escape room mystery, set against a dying-world SF background that was more hinted at than fleshed out. Harrow the Ninth revisits and reinterprets that book in ways that add significant depth without feeling artificial. Bits of scenery in the first book take on new meaning and intention. Characters we saw only in passing get a much larger role (and Abigail is worth the wait). And we get a whole ton of answers: about the God Emperor, about Lyctors, about the world, about Gideon and Harrowhark's own pasts and backgrounds, and about the locked tomb that is at the center of the Ninth House. But there is still more than enough for a third book, including a truly intriguing triple cliffhanger ending. Harrow the Ninth is both satisfying in its own right and raises new questions that I'm desperate to see answered in the third book.

Also, to respond to my earlier self on setting, this world is not a Warhammer 40K universe, no matter how much it may have appeared in the glimpses we got in Gideon. The God Emperor appears directly in this book and was not at all what I was expecting, if perhaps even more disturbing. Muir is intentionally playing against type, drawing a sharp contrast between the God Emperor and the dramatic goth feel of the rest of the universe and many of the characters, and it's creepily effective and goes in a much different ethical direction than I had thought. (That said, I will warn that properly untangling the ethical dilemmas of this universe is clearly left to the third book.)

I mentioned in my review of Gideon the Ninth that I was happy to see more SF pulling unapologetically from fanfic. I'm going to keep beating that drum in this review in part because I think the influence may be less obvious to the uninitiated. Harrow the Ninth is playing with voice, structure, memory, and chronology in ways that I suspect the average reader unfamiliar with fanfic may associate more with literary fiction, but they would be wrongly underestimating fanfic if they did so. If anything, the callouts to fanfic are even clearer. There are three classic fanfic alternate universe premises that appear in passing, the story relies on the reader's ability to hold a canonical narrative and an alternate narrative in mind simultaneously, and the genre inspiration was obvious enough to me that about halfway through the novel I correctly guessed one of the fanfic universes in which Muir has written. (I'm not naming it here since I think it's a bit of a spoiler.)

And of course there's the irreverence. There are some structural reasons why the narrative voice isn't quite as good as Gideon the Ninth at the start, but rest assured that Muir makes up for that by the end of the book. My favorite scenes in the series so far happen at the end of Harrow the Ninth: world-building, revelations, crunchy metaphysics, and irreverent snark all woven beautifully together. Muir has her characters use Internet meme references like teenagers, which is a beautiful bit of characterization because they are teenagers. In a world that's heavy on viscera, skeletons, death, and horrific monsters, it's a much needed contrast and a central part of how the characters show defiance and courage. I don't think this will work for everyone, but it very much works for me. There's a Twitter meme reference late in the book that had me laughing out loud in delight.

Harrow the Ninth is an almost perfect second book, in that if you liked Gideon the Ninth, you will probably love Harrow the Ninth and it will make you like Gideon the Ninth even more. It does have one major flaw, though: pacing.

This was also my major complaint about Gideon, primarily around the ending. I think Harrow the Ninth is a bit better, but the problem has a different shape. The start of the book is a strong "what the hell is going on" experience, which is very effective, and the revelations are worth the build-up once they start happening. In between, though, the story drags on a bit too long. Harrow is sick and nauseated at the start of the book for rather longer than I wanted to read about, there is one too many Lyctor banquets than I think were necessary to establish the characters, and I think there's a touch too much wandering the halls.

Muir also interwove two narrative threads and tried to bring them to a conclusion at the same time, but I think she had more material for one than the other. There are moments near the end of the book where one thread is producing all the payoff revelations the reader has been waiting for, and the other thread is following another interminable and rather uninteresting fight scene. You don't want your reader saying "argh, no" each time you cut away to the other scene. It's better than Gideon the Ninth, where the last fifth of the book is mostly a running battle that went on way longer than it needed to, but I still wish Muir had tightened the story throughout and balanced the two threads so that we could stay with the most interesting one when it mattered.

That said, I mostly noticed the pacing issues in retrospect and in talking about them with a friend who was more annoyed than I was. In the moment, there was so much going on here, so many new things to think about, and so much added depth that I devoured Harrow the Ninth over the course of two days and then spent the next day talking to other people who had read it, trading theories about what happened and what will happen in the third book. It was the most enjoyable reading experience I've had so far this year.

Gideon the Ninth was fun; Harrow the Ninth was both fun and on the verge of turning this series into something truly great. I can hardly wait for Alecto the Ninth (which doesn't yet have a release date, argh).

As with Gideon the Ninth, content warning for lots and lots of gore, rather too detailed descriptions of people's skeletons, restructuring bits of the body that shouldn't be restructured, and more about bone than you ever wanted to know.

Rating: 9 out of 10

01 October, 2020 03:55AM

hackergotchi for Norbert Preining

Norbert Preining

Plasma 5.20 coming to Debian

The KDE Plasma desktop is soon getting an update to 5.20, and beta versions are out for testing.

Plasma 5.20 is going to be one absolutely massive release! More features, more fixes for longstanding bugs, more improvements to the user interface!

There are lots of new features mentioned in the release announcement, I like in particular the ability that settings changed from the default can now be highlighted.

I have been providing builds of KDE related packages since quite some time now, see everything posted under the KDE tag. In the last days I have prepared Debian packages for Plasma 5.19.90 on OBS, for now only targeting Debian/experimental and amd64 architecture.

These packages require Qt 5.15, which is only available in the experimental suite, and there is no way to simply update to Qt 5.15 since all Qt related packages need to be recompiled. So as long as Qt 5.15 doesn’t hit unstable, I cannot really run these packages on my main machine, but I tried a clean Debian virtual machine installing only Plasma 5.19.90 and depending packages, plus some more for a pleasant desktop experience. This worked out quite well, the VM runs Plasma 5.19.90.

Well, bottom line, as soon as we have Qt 5.15 in Debian/unstable, we are also ready for Plasma 5.20!

01 October, 2020 02:30AM by Norbert Preining

hackergotchi for Jonathan Carter

Jonathan Carter

Free Software Activities for 2020-09

This month I started working on ways to make hosting access easier for Debian Developers. I also did some work and planning for the MiniDebConf Online Gaming Edition that we’ll likely announce within the next 1-2 days. Just a bunch of content that needs to be fixed and a registration bug then I think we’ll be ready to send out the call for proposals.

In the meantime, here’s my package uploads and sponsoring for September:

2020-09-07: Upload package calamares (3.2.30-1) to Debian unstable.

2020-09-07: Upload package gnome-shell-extension-dash-to-panel (39-1) to Debian unstable.

2020-09-08: Upload package gnome-shell-extension-draw-on-your-screen (6.2-1) to Debian unstable.

2020-09-08: Sponsor package sqlobject (3.8.0+dfsg-2) for Debian unstable (Python team request).

2020-09-08: Sponsor package bidict (0.21.0-1) for Debian unstable (Python team request).

2020-09-11: Upload package catimg (2.7.0-1) to Debian unstable.

2020-09-16: Sponsor package gamemode (1.6-1) for Debian unstable (Games team request).

2020-09-21: Sponsor package qosmic (1.6.0-3) for Debian unstable (Debian Mentors / e-mail request).

2020-09-22: Upload package gnome-shell-extension-draw-on-your-screen (6.4-1) to Debian unstable.

2020-09-22: Upload package bundlewrap (4.2.0-1) to Debian unstable.

2020-09-25: Upload package gnome-shell-extension-draw-on-your-screen (7-1) to Debian unstable.

2020-09-27: Sponsor package libapache2-mod-python (3.5.0-1) for Debian unstable (Python team request).

2020-09-27: Sponsor package subliminal (2.1.0-1) for Debian unstable (Python team request).

01 October, 2020 12:15AM by jonathan

September 30, 2020

Paul Wise

FLOSS Activities September 2020


This month I didn't have any particular focus. I just worked on issues in my info bubble.





  • Debian wiki: unblock IP addresses, approve accounts



The gensim, cython-blis, python-preshed, pytest-rerunfailures, morfessor, nmslib, visdom and pyemd work was sponsored by my employer. All other work was done on a volunteer basis.

30 September, 2020 11:57PM

hackergotchi for Steinar H. Gunderson

Steinar H. Gunderson

plocate improvements

Since announcing plocate, a number of major and minor improvements have happened, and despite its prototype status, I've basically stopped using mlocate entirely now.

First of all, the database building now uses 90% less RAM, so if you had issues with plocate-build OOM-ing before, you're unlikely to see that happening anymore.

Second, while plocate was always lightning-fast on SSDs or with everything in cache, that isn't always the situation for everyone. It's so annoying having a tool usually be instant, and then suddenly have a 300 ms hiccup just because you searched for something rare. To get that case right, real work had to be done; I couldn't just mmap up the index anymore and search randomly around in it.

Long story short, mmap is out, and io_uring is in. (This requires Linux 5.1 or later and liburing; if you don't have either, it will transparently fall back to synchronous I/O. It will still be faster than before, but not nearly as good.) I've been itching to try io_uring for a while now, and this was suddenly the perfect opportunity. Not because I needed more efficient I/O (in fact, I believe I drive it fairly inefficiently, with lots of syscalls), but because it allows to run asynchronous I/O without the pain of threads or old-style aio. It's unusual in that I haven't heard of anyone else doing io_uring specifically to gain better performance on non-SSDs; usually, it's about driving NVMe drives or large amounts of sockets more efficiently.

plocate needs a fair amount of gather reads; e.g., if you search for “plocate”, it needs to go to disk and fetch disk offsets for the posting lists “plo”, “loc”, “oca”, “cat” and “ate”; and most likely, it will be needing all five of them. io_uring allows me to blast off a bunch of reads at once, having the kernel to reorder them as it sees fit; with some luck from the elevator algorithm, I'll get all of them in one revolution of the disk, instead of reading the first one and discovering the disk head had already passed the spot where the second one was. (After that, it needs to look at the offsets and actually get the posting lists, which can then be decoded and intersected. This work can be partially overlapped with the positions.) Similar optimizations exist for reading the actual filenames.

All in all, this reduces long-tail latency significantly; it's hard to benchmark cold-cache behavior faithfully (drop_caches doesn't actually always drop all the caches, it seems), but generally, a typical cold-cache query on my machine seems to go from 200–400 to 40–60 ms.

There's one part left that is synchronous; once a file is found, plocate needs to go call access() to check that you're actually allowed to see it. (Exercise: Run a timing attack against mlocate or plocate to figure out which files exist on the system that you are not allowed to see.) io_uring doesn't support access() as a system call yet; I managed to sort-of fudge it by running a statx() asynchronously, which then populates the dentry cache enough that synchronous access() on the same directory is fast, but it didn't seem to help actual query times. I guess that in a typical query (as opposed to “plocate a/b”, which will give random results all over the disk), you hit only a few directories anyway, and then you're just at the mercy of the latency distribution of getting that metadata. And you still get the overlap with the loads of the file name list, so it's not fully synchronous.

plocate also now no longer crashes if you run it without a pattern :-)

Get it at https://git.sesse.net/?p=plocate. There still is no real release. You will need to regenerate your plocate.db, as the file format has changed to allow for fewer seeks.

30 September, 2020 11:03PM

Utkarsh Gupta

FOSS Activites in September 2020

Here’s my (twelfth) monthly update about the activities I’ve done in the F/L/OSS world.


This was my 21st month of contributing to Debian. I became a DM in late March last year and a DD last Christmas! \o/

I’ve been busy with my undergraduation stuff but I still squeezed out some time for the regular Debian work. Here are the following things I did in Debian this month:

Uploads and bug fixes:

Other $things:

  • Attended the Debian Ruby team meeting. Logs here.
  • Mentoring for newcomers.
  • FTP Trainee reviewing.
  • Moderation of -project mailing list.
  • Sponsored trace-cmd for Sudip, ruby-asset-sync for Nilesh, and mariadb-mysql-kbs for William.

RuboCop::Packaging - Helping the Debian Ruby team! \o/

This Google Summer of Code, I worked on writing a linter that could flag offenses for lines of code that are very troublesome for Debian maintainers while trying to package and maintain Ruby libraries and applications!

Whilst the GSoC period is over, I’ve been working on improving that tool and have extended that linter to now “auto-correct” these offenses by itself! \o/
You can now just use the -A flag and you’re done! Boom! The ultimate game-changer!

Here’s a quick demo for this feature:

A few quick updates on RuboCop::Packaging:

I’ve also spent a considerable amount of time in raising awareness about this and in more general sense, about downstream maintenance.
As a result, I raised a bunch of PRs which got really good response. I got all of the 20 PRs merged upstream, fixing these issues.

Debian (E)LTS

Debian Long Term Support (LTS) is a project to extend the lifetime of all Debian stable releases to (at least) 5 years. Debian LTS is not handled by the Debian security team, but by a separate group of volunteers and companies interested in making it a success.

And Debian Extended LTS (ELTS) is its sister project, extending support to the Jessie release (+2 years after LTS support).

This was my twelfth month as a Debian LTS and third month as a Debian ELTS paid contributor.
I was assigned 19.75 hours for LTS and 15.00 hours for ELTS and worked on the following things:
(for LTS, I over-worked for 11 hours last month on the survey so only had 8.75 hours this month!)

LTS CVE Fixes and Announcements:

ELTS CVE Fixes and Announcements:

  • Issued ELA 274-1, fixing CVE-2020-11984, for uwsgi.
    For Debian 8 Jessie, these problems have been fixed in version 2.0.7-1+deb8u3.
  • Issued ELA 275-1, fixing CVE-2020-14363, for libx11.
    For Debian 8 Jessie, these problems have been fixed in version 2:1.6.2-3+deb8u4.
  • Issued ELA 278-1, fixing CVE-2020-8184, for ruby-rack.
    For Debian 8 Jessie, these problems have been fixed in version 1.5.2-3+deb8u4.
  • Also worked on updating the version of clamAV from v0.101.5 to v0.102.4.
    This was a bit tricky package to work on since it involved an ABI/API change and was more or less a transition. Super thanks to Emilio for his invaluable help and him taking over the package, finishing, and uploading it in the end.

Other (E)LTS Work:

  • Front-desk duty from 31-08 to 06-09 and from 28-09 onward for both LTS and ELTS.
  • Triaged apache2, cryptsetup, nasm, node-bl, plinth, qemu, rsync, ruby-doorkeeper, and uwsgi.
  • Marked CVE-2020-15094/symfony as not-affected for Stretch.
  • Marked CVE-2020-{9490,11993}/apache2 as ignored for Stretch.
  • Marked CVE-2020-8244/node-bl as no-dsa for Stretch.
  • Marked CVE-2020-24978/nasm as no-dsa for Stretch.
  • Marked CVE-2020-25073/plinth as no-dsa for Stretch.
  • Marked CVE-2020-15094/symfony as not-affected for Jessie.
  • Marked CVE-2020-14382/cryptsetup as not-affected for Jessie.
  • Marked CVE-2020-14387/rsync as not-affected for Jessie.
  • Auto EOL’ed ark, collabtive, linux, nasm, node-bl, and thunderbird for Jessie.
  • Use mktemp instead of tempfile in bin/auto-add-end-of-life.sh.
  • Attended the fifth LTS meeting. Logs here.
  • General discussion on LTS private and public mailing list.

Until next time.
:wq for today.

30 September, 2020 11:00PM

Antoine Beaupré

Presentation tools

I keep forgetting how to make presentations. I had a list of tools in a wiki from a previous job, but that's now private and I don't see why I shouldn't share this (even if for myself!).

So here it is. What's your favorite presentation tool?


  • if you have some text to present, outline keywords so that you can present your subject without reading every word
  • ideally, don't read from your slides - they are there to help people follow, not for people to read
  • even better: make your slides pretty with only a few words, or don't make slides at all

Further advice:

I'm currently using Pandoc with PDF input (with a trip through LaTeX) for most slides, because PDFs are more reliable and portable than web pages. I've also used Libreoffice, Pinpoint, and S5 (through RST) in the past. I miss Pinpoint, too bad that it died.

Some of my presentations are available in my GitLab.com account:

See also my list of talks and presentations which I can't seem to keep up to date.


Beamer (LaTeX)

  • LaTeX class
  • Do not use directly unless you are a LaTeX expert or masochist, see Pandoc below
  • see also powerdot
  • Home page


  • HTML, Javascript
  • presenter notes, table of contents, Markdown, RST, Textile, themes, code samples, auto-reload
  • Home page, demo



  • simply displays PDFs or images
  • page transitions, overview screen, highlighting
  • Home page

Libreoffice Impress

  • Powerpoint clone
  • Makes my life miserable
  • PDF export, presenter notes, outline view, etc
  • Home page, screenshots


  • ancestor of everyone else (1997!)
  • text input format, image support, talk timer, slide guides, HTML/Postscript export, draw on slides, X11 output
  • no release since 2008
  • Home page

mdp and lookatme (commandline)


  • Allows converting from basically whatever into slides, including Beamer, DZSlides, reveal.js, slideous, slidy, Powerpoint
  • PDF, HTML, Powerpoint export, presentation notes, full screen background images
  • nice plain text or markdown input format
  • Home page, documentation

PDF Presenter

  • PDF presentation tool, shows presentation notes
  • basically "Keynote for Linux"
  • Home page, pdf-presenter-console in Debian


  • Native GNOME app
  • Full screen slides, PDF export, live change, presenter notes, pango markup, video, image backgrounds
  • Home page
  • Abandoned since at least 2019


  • HTML, Javascript
  • PDF export, Markdown, LaTeX support, syntax-highlighting, nested slides, speaker notes
  • Source code, demo


  • incremental, bookmarks, keyboard controls
  • can be transformed from ReStructuredText (RST) with rst2s5 with python-docutils
  • Home page, demo


  • X11 only
  • plain text, black on white, image support, and that's it
  • from the suckless.org elitists
  • Home page


  • Entire presentation is one poster, zooming and jumping around
  • SVG + Javascript
  • Home page, demo

Other options

Another option I have seriously considered is just generate a series of images with good resolution, hopefully matching the resolution (or at least aspect ratio) of the output device. Then you flip through a series of images one by one. In that case, any of those image viewers (not an exhaustive list) would work:

Update: it turns out I already wrote a somewhat similar thing when I did a recent presentation. If you're into rants, you might enjoy the README file accompanying the Kubecon rant presentation. TL;DR: "makes me want to scream" and "yet another unsolved problem space, sigh" (refering to "display images full-screen" specifically).

30 September, 2020 05:21PM

Bastian Blank

Booting Debian on ThinkPad X13 AMD

Running new hardware is always fun. The problems are endless. The solutions not so much.

So I've got a brand new ThinkPad X13 AMD. It features an AMD Ryzen 5 PRO 4650U, 16GB of RAM and a 256GB NVME SSD. The internal type identifier is 20UF. It runs the latest firmware as of today with version 1.09.

So far I found two problems with it:

  • It refuses to boot my Debian image with Secure Boot enabled.
  • It produces ACPI errors on every key press on the internal keyboard.

Disable Secure Boot

The system silently fails to boot a signed shim and grub from an USB thumb drive. I used on of the Debian Cloud images, which should properly work in this setup and do on my other systems.

The only fix I found was to disable Secure Boot alltogether.

Select Linux in firmware

Running a Linux 5.8 with default firmware setting produces ACPI errors on each key press.

ACPI BIOS Error (bug): Could not resolve symbol [\_SB.PCI0.GPP3], AE_NOT_FOUND (20200528/psargs-330)
ACPI Error: Aborting method \_SB.GPIO._EVT due to previous error (AE_NOT_FOUND) (20200528/psparse-529)

This can be "fixed" by setting a strategic setting inside the firmware:
Config > Power > Sleep State to Linux

30 September, 2020 05:00PM by Bastian Blank

hackergotchi for Chris Lamb

Chris Lamb

Free software activities in September 2020

Here is my monthly update covering what I have been doing in the free software world during September 2020 (previous month):

  • As part of my role of being the assistant Secretary of the Open Source Initiative and a board director of Software in the Public Interest, I attended their respective monthly meetings and participated in various licensing and other discussions occurring on the internet as well as the usual internal discussions, etc. I participated in the OSI's inaugural State of the Source conference and began the 'onboarding' of a new project to SPI.


Reproducible Builds

One of the original promises of open source software is that distributed peer review and transparency of process results in enhanced end-user security. However, whilst anyone may inspect the source code of free and open source software for malicious flaws, almost all software today is distributed as pre-compiled binaries. This allows nefarious third-parties to compromise systems by injecting malicious code into ostensibly secure software during the various compilation and distribution processes.

The motivation behind the Reproducible Builds effort is to ensure no flaws have been introduced during this compilation process by promising identical results are always generated from a given source, thus allowing multiple third-parties to come to a consensus on whether a build was compromised.

The project is proud to be a member project of the Software Freedom Conservancy. Conservancy acts as a corporate umbrella allowing projects to operate as non-profit initiatives without managing their own corporate structure. If you like the work of the Conservancy or the Reproducible Builds project, please consider becoming an official supporter.

This month, I:



I made the following changes to diffoscope, including preparing and uploading versions 159 and 160 to Debian:

  • New features:

    • Show "ordering differences" only in strings(1) output by applying the ordering check to all differences across the codebase. [...]
  • Bug fixes:

    • Mark some PGP tests that they require pgpdump, and check that the associated binary is actually installed before attempting to run it. (#969753)
    • Don't raise exceptions when cleaning up after guestfs cleanup failure. [...]
    • Ensure we check FALLBACK_FILE_EXTENSION_SUFFIX, otherwise we run pgpdump against all files that are recognised by file(1) as data. [...]
  • Codebase improvements:

    • Add some documentation for the EXTERNAL_TOOLS dictionary. [...]
    • Abstract out a variable we use a couple of times. [...]
  • diffoscope.org website improvements:

    • Make the (long) demonstration GIF less prominent. [...]




For Lintian, the static analysis tool for Debian packages, I uploaded versions 2.93.0, 2.94.0, 2.95.0 & 2.96.0 (not counting uploads to the backports repositories), as well as:

  • Bug fixes:

    • Don't emit odd-mark-in-description for large numbers such as 300,000. (#969528)
    • Update the expected Vcs-{Browser,Git} location of modules and applications maintained by recently-merged Python module/app teams. (#970743)
    • Relax checks around looking for the dh(1) sequencer by not looking for the preceding target:. (#970920)
    • Don't try and open debian/patches/series if it does not exist. [...]
    • Update all $LINTIAN_VERSION assignments in scripts and not just the ones we specify; we had added and removed some during development. [...]
  • Tag updates:

  • Developer documentation updates:

    • Add prominent and up-to-date information on how to run the testsuite. (#923696)
    • Drop recommendation to update debian/changelog manually. [...]
    • Apply wrap-and-sort -sa to the debian subdirectory. [...]
    • Merge data/README into CONTRIBUTING.md for greater visibility [...] and move CONTRIBUTING.md to use #-style Markdown headers [...].

Debian LTS

This month I've worked 18 hours on Debian Long Term Support (LTS) and 12 hours on its sister Extended LTS project.

You can find out more about the project via the following video:


Bugs filed

  • bluez-source: Contains bluez-source-tmp directory. (#970130)

  • bookworm: Manual page contains debugging/warning/error information from running binary. (#970277)

  • jhbuild: Missing runtime dependency on python3-distutils. (#971418)

  • wxwidgets3.0: Links in documentation points to within the original build path, not the installed path. (#970431)

30 September, 2020 04:49PM

September 29, 2020

hackergotchi for Mike Gabriel

Mike Gabriel

UBports: Packaging of Lomiri Operating Environment for Debian (part 03)

Before and during FOSDEM 2020, I agreed with the people (developers, supporters, managers) of the UBports Foundation to package the Unity8 Operating Environment for Debian. Since 27th Feb 2020, Unity8 has now become Lomiri.

Recent Uploads to Debian related to Lomiri

Over the past 4 months I worked on the following bits and pieces regarding Lomiri in Debian:

  • Work on lomiri-app-launch (Debian packaging, upstream work, upload to Debian)
  • Fork lomiri-url-dispatcher from url-dispatcher (upstream work)
  • Upload lomiri-url-dispatcher to Debian
  • Fork out suru-icon-theme and make it its own upstream project
  • Package and upload suru-icon-theme to Debian
  • First glance at lomiri-ui-toolkit (currently FTBFS, needs to be revisited)
  • Update of Mir (1.7.0 -> 1.8.0) in Debian
  • Fix net-cpp FTBFS in Debian
  • Fix FTBFS in gsettings-qt.
  • Fix FTBFS in mir (support of binary-only and arch-indep-only builds)
  • Coordinate with Marius Gripsgard and Robert Tari on shift over from Ubuntu Indicator to Ayatana Indicators
  • Upload ayatana-indicator-* (and libraries) to Debian (new upstream releases)
  • Package and upload to Debian: qmenumodel (still in Debian's NEW queue)
  • Package and upload to Debian: ayatana-indicator-sound
  • Symbol-Updates (various packages) for non-standard architectures
  • Fix FTBFS of qtpim-opensource-src in Debian since Qt5.14 had landed in unstable
  • Fix FTBFS on non-standard architectures of qtsystems, qtpim and qtfeedback
  • Fix wlcs in Debian (for non-standard architectures), more Symbol-Updates (esp. for the mir DEB package)
  • Symbol-Updates (mir, fix upstream tinkering with debian/libmiral3.symbols)
  • Fix FTBFS in lomiri-url-dispatcher against Debian unstable, file merge request upstream
  • Upstream release of qtmir 0.6.1 (via merge request)
  • Improve check_whitespace.py script as used in lomiri-api to ignore debian/ subfolder
  • Upstream release of lomiri-api 0.1.1 and upload to Debian unstable.

The next two big projects / packages ahead are lomiri-ui-toolkit and qtmir.


Many big thanks go to Marius and Dalton for their work on the UBports project and being always available for questions, feedback, etc.

Thanks to Ratchanan Srirattanamet for providing some of his time for debugging some non-thread safe unit tests (currently unsure, what package we actually looked at...).

Thanks for Florian Leeber for being my point of contact for topcis regarding my cooperation with the UBports Foundation.

Previous Posts about my Debian UBports Team Efforts

29 September, 2020 08:50PM by sunweaver

Vincent Bernat

Speeding up bgpq4 with IRRd in a container

When building route filters with bgpq4 or bgpq3, the speed of rr.ntt.net or whois.radb.net can be a bottleneck. Updating many filters may take several tens of minutes, depending on the load:

$ time bgpq4 -h whois.radb.net AS-HURRICANE | wc -l
1.96s user 0.15s system 2% cpu 1:17.64 total
$ time bgpq4 -h rr.ntt.net AS-HURRICANE | wc -l
1.86s user 0.08s system 12% cpu 14.098 total

A possible solution is to run your own IRRd instance in your network, mirroring the main routing registries. A close alternative is to bundle IRRd with all the data in a ready-to-use Docker image. This also has the advantage of easy integration into a Docker-based CI/CD pipeline.

$ git clone https://github.com/vincentbernat/irrd-legacy.git -b blade/master
$ cd irrd-legacy
$ docker build . -t irrd-snapshot:latest
Successfully built 58c3e83a1d18
Successfully tagged irrd-snapshot:latest
$ docker container run --rm --detach --publish=43:43 irrd-snapshot
$ time bgpq4 -h localhost AS-HURRICANE | wc -l
1.72s user 0.11s system 96% cpu 1.881 total

The Dockerfile contains three stages:

  1. building IRRd,1
  2. retrieving various IRR databases, and
  3. assembling the final container with the result of the two previous stages.

The second stage fetches the databases used by rr.ntt.net: NTTCOM, RADB, RIPE, ALTDB, BELL, LEVEL3, RGNET, APNIC, JPIRR, ARIN, BBOI, TC, AFRINIC, ARIN-WHOIS, and REGISTROBR. However, it misses RPKI.2 Feel free to adapt!

The image can be scheduled to be rebuilt daily or weekly, depending on your needs. The repository includes a .gitlab-ci.yaml file automating the build and triggering the compilation of all filters by your CI/CD upon success.

  1. Instead of using the latest version of IRRd, the image relies on an older version that does not require a PostgreSQL instance and uses flat files instead. ↩︎

  2. Unlike the others, the RPKI database is built from the published RPKI ROAs. They can be retrieved with rpki-client and transformed into RPSL objects to be imported in IRRd↩︎

29 September, 2020 08:32AM by Vincent Bernat