Girl on a bike

Safe Routes to School (SRTS) is a movement to create safe, convenient, and fun opportunities for children to walk, bicycle, and use other forms of active transportation to travel in our community. SRTS offers educational events, student prizes, and safety projects in collaboration with the coalitions, school staff, volunteers, police departments, public health staff, and city traffic managers.

Napa County Office of Education implements all SRTS programs throughout Napa County in partnership with the Napa County Bicycle Coalition and the Napa Valley Transit Authority. For more information visit (external website, new window)

Bicycle Safety Trainings: 4th and 5th graders at our identified 13 “high needs” schools are the target for this program. Can be anywhere from 5-10 hours of bicycle specific curriculum depending on your school’s schedule. We provide bikes and helmets for use during this course!

Curriculum Summary (new window)

Pedestrian Safety Presentations: 1 hour of class time spent with our Safe Routes instructor discussing and practicing pedestrian safety for K-3rd graders.
Bike Rodeos: School wide events organized by our partners at the police department where students learn the importance of a helmet and ride an obstacle course.

  • Bikes, helmets, and scooters are available for use.
  • Please bring helmet from home to be properly fitted.
  • Free helmets are given to children in need!

Bay Area Bike Mobile: (external website, new window) we coordinate with this amazing partner to provide free tune ups and repairs for children’s personal bikes! Contact us for more information.

School-pooling: Help coordinating regular (carpooling for kids), walking school buses (groups of children who walk together to school), and bicycle trains (groups of children who ride their bikes together to school) to allow students to increase their independence within a safe environment.

Walking School Bus Information:

Family on Bikes

Walk and Roll Wednesday's Logo

Want to Get Involved?

How to Run a Welcome Table English | Spanish

Other Safety Resources (external website, new window)

Children Walking to School

“Walk & Roll Wednesdays” is a new initiative aimed at establishing healthy and active lifestyles among all Napa County children. We are recruiting two champions (school staff, parents, or community volunteers) at each school site to promote walking, biking, carpooling, or taking the bus to school on the first Wednesday of every month. A welcome table would be set up to greet students who used any of the previously mentioned modes of transportation to get to school. SRTS will provide you with resources and incentives to encourage kids to participate!

The enthusiasm and support of teachers, school staff and parents can make a difference with students. Please help us make every Walk & Roll Wednesday a success! On Walk & Roll Wednesdays please encourage: students to connect with each other to walk or bike together, parents to park a few blocks from school and walk in with their students, teachers to share when planning to walk or bike to school, and discuss the benefits of walking biking, carpooling and bussing.

Printable Flyer (new window)

Participating Schools can choose to join the Golden Sneaker Contest.

  • The class with the highest number of students using active transportation on Walk & Roll Wednesdays will receive the Golden Sneaker in their classroom for the rest of that month.
  • The class to receive the award the most times throughout the year will get a special prize at the end of the school year!
  • Printable Flyer (new window)
2020 Walk & Roll Wednesdays dates:

  • January 15
  • February 5
  • March 4
  • April 1
  • May 6
Walk n' Roll

Take the Pledge to be Idle Free
(external website, new window)

The Napa County Office of Education’s Safe Routes to School Program is currently working closely with the Napa Valley Clean Air Coalition to implement student leadership projects at Napa County schools with the goal of making their school campus and idle free zone.

Additional Resources are available at Idle Free Bay Area. (external website, new window)

Idle Free Zone Young Lungs at Work. Turn off engine when waiting more than 30 seconds
Kids Riding Through Safety Cones

Report an Issue (external website, new window)

Start a School Safety Patrol (external website, new window)

Apply for Bike Rack at Your Location (external website, new window)

Volunteers Needed:

Safe Routes to School isn’t possible without the help of volunteers and the schools. As a parent this is a great way to get involved with your child’s school. Time requirement is minimal. All materials and resources will be provided to you for each event, along with the training.

Group of Bikers with Helmets

Potential Volunteer Roles

School Safety Liaison – Main contact for SRTS volunteer coordinator and school/community.

General Volunteer – volunteer at various events

  • Bike Rodeos – Direct participants around rodeo course on bikes and fit helmets.
  • Bike Safety Class – Help monitor bike safety class and teach students how to ride a bike.
  • Walk/Bike to School days – Help to check in students that have walked/biked to school, keep records and send them back to SRTS.

Please contact the Program Coordinator for ongoing volunteer opportunities!

The Safe Routes to School program aims to provide incentives, encouragement and motivation to students and families to increase alternative transportation methods. With your help we would like to provide locks, helmets, gift cards, healthy treats and bike supplies throughout our community. YOU could help our program by donating your time helping to run an event, in-kind or money donations are also appreciated.

Contact the Program Coordinator to donate today!

Main Office Info.





Napa County Office of Education (main)
2121 Imola Avenue
Napa, CA 94559

Program Locations

Napa County Office of Education
2121 Imola Avenue
Napa, CA  94559

Research & Professional Development Center
1450 Technology Lane, Suite 200
Petaluma, CA  94954

Napa Infant Program
1511 Myrtle Avenue
Napa, CA  94558

Napa Preschool Program
74 Wintun Court
Napa, CA 94559