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  1. قبل ١٨ دقيقة

    Ranked-choice voting has been used in only Maine and around 20 other cities and counties in the country, but interest in the practice is growing. ✍️ Stateline's

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  2. قبل ٤ ساعات

    States with the most days’ worth of operating costs held in their total financial cushion (rainy day funds + ending balances) at the start of this fiscal year: 1) Wyoming 2) North Dakota 3) Alaska 4) West Virginia 5) Michigan

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  3. قبل ١٩ ساعة

    People typically equate spending more on jails with safer communities. The numbers don’t bear that out. via

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  4. قبل ٢٣ ساعة

    "Those files ... might contain confidential informant information, evidence, warrant executions, criminal raid plans." — 's Sherrod DeGrippo "This could result in some real-world harm." via Stateline's

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  5. تم إعادة تغريدها بواسطة
    ٢٢ مايو

    As of last month, dental therapists can officially join the Michigan dental workforce. With this final step, dental therapists can begin to address oral health disparities in the state.

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  6. ٢٢ مايو

    Largest cumulative revenue gains since the onset of the pandemic: 1) Idaho: 11% 2) Utah: 8.7% 3) Colorado: 8% 4) South Carolina: 7.7% 5) South Dakota: 7.2%

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  7. ٢٢ مايو

    On any given day in the U.S., far more people with serious mental health needs are in jail than in mental health facilities, according to .

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  8. تم إعادة تغريدها بواسطة
    ٢١ مايو

    Louisiana officials have created a $30 million voluntary buyout program for residents of an often-flooded Lake Charles neighborhood, Gov. John Bel Edwards announced Friday.

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  9. ٢١ مايو

    States are about to begin receiving their share of $195 billion in funding from the . Here's how they can use that money wisely—and avoid falling off the same fiscal cliff they did after the Great Recession.

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  10. ٢١ مايو

    Good news: Taken together, the pension funding gaps for 33 cities improved by $1 billion between 2015-2017. Bad news: There was still a $145 billion shortfall in 2017 between assets on hand and promised benefits.

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  11. تم إعادة تغريدها بواسطة
    ٢١ مايو

    It's rare for U.S. jails and prisons to offer a full continuum of treatment for inmates with addiction, though it is best practice. This Ohio jail is doing it right--and seeing a sharp reduction in recidivism. By via

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  12. تم إعادة تغريدها بواسطة
    ٢١ مايو

    Thinking about spending those funds on deployment? A new piece from my team explains 3 key components of effective state programs. via

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  13. ٢١ مايو

    “It is a necessity that we, the next generation, learn how to use our voices for good, for change, effectively and earnestly.” — Deleware high school student Samantha Oliver “We will be the ones to lead the charge of our country for the years to come.”

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  14. ٢١ مايو

    States collectively held a $105.6 billion total financial cushion—rainy day funds + ending balances—heading into the current fiscal year.

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  15. ٢١ مايو

    4 million acres burned last year in California, destroying more than 10,000 structures and killing 33 people. More than 13,000 acres already have burned this spring. via Stateline's

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  16. ٢٠ مايو

    Wisconsin leaders should prioritize statewide resilience planning as the state faces climate change impacts, including severe flooding.

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  17. ٢٠ مايو

    States that get at least half of their tax dollars from personal income taxes: 1) Oregon: 67.6% 2) New York: 57.9% 3) Massachusetts: 55.1% 4) Virginia: 53.4% 5) Colorado: 50%

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  18. تم إعادة تغريدها بواسطة
    ٢٠ مايو

    "While the Mississippi Delta is not short on people working to solve the vaccination transportation issue, the barriers those organizers face are significant."

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  19. تم إعادة تغريدها بواسطة
    ٢٠ مايو

    The will send billions of dollars to states in the coming weeks and months. How can state effectively manage and deploy these funds? On May 25, experts discuss how:

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  20. ٢٠ مايو

    State leaders are looking to private investment opportunities to fund resilience projects as they rethink their flood mitigation strategies.

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