Network Information

* Statistics and values compiled from Messari
Birthdate: October 28, 2016
Latest release: Heartwood
Transaction Size: unshielded, 500 bytes; shielded, 2,000 bytes
Protocol Fork: Fork of Bitcoin code base
Algorithm: Equihash
Mining: Proof of work
Block size: 2MB
Block time: 1.25 min
Current ZEC mined per block: 6.25
Active Nodes: See for details
Default fee: 0.0001 ZEC

Release Date:

November 2020 (projected)

  • New dev fund

Release Date:

July 16, 2020
10:56 UTC+00:00

Activation Block Height: 903000
  • Flyclient
  • Shielded Coinbase

Release Date:

December 11, 2019
21:51 UTC+00:00

Activation Block Height: 653600
  • Shorter Blocktimes

Release Date:

October 29, 2018
02:15 UTC+00:00

Activation Block Height: 419200
  • Performance for shielded addresses
  • Decoupled spend authority
  • Improved keys


Release Date:

June 26, 2018
01:37 UTC+00:00

Activation Block Height: 347500


Release Date:

October 28, 2016
17:19 UTC+00:00