2021 Top-Rated Nonprofit

In Ian's Boots, Inc.

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Nonprofit Overview

Mission: Our mission is to provide shoes and winter boots to those in need! 1.)  Encouraging groups and individuals to sponsor collections for gently used shoes, winter boots and soccer cleats. 2.)  Cleaning, sanitizing, packaging and shipping these items to where they are needed the most.  We include in each pair of shoes or boots a copy of the verse that the doctors found "In Ian's Boots." 3.)  Soliciting manufacturers and retailers for donations or deep discounts on surplus stock and overruns then arrange for the distribution of the shoes and boots. 4.)  Using individual donations and corporate grants to purchase, clean and ship shoes and boots to where they are needed the most. 5.)  Working with other local charities, schools and businesses to both collect shoes and to assist with distribution.

Results: Since we started in 2010 we have provided over 300,000 pairs of shies locally in the Pottstown/Philadelphia area, across the country and to 42 countries around the world!

Target demographics: low income families and individuals

Direct beneficiaries per year: 20000

Geographic areas served: Locally, across the country and globally

Programs: 1) Providing shoes and boots to the homeless 2) Provide shoes to the underpriviledge locally and globally 3) Provide community service place for youth in legal trouble or for any other community service needs.

Community Stories

27 Stories from Volunteers, Donors & Supporters

3 Tom_84

Board Member

Rating: 5

Officiating the funeral of a 12 year old boy is something you never forget. Observing how his parents have turned their tragic loss into a great blessing for thousands of people is also unforgetable. You can read the inspiring story of the amazing launch, growth and impact of In Ian's Boots on their website. I would simply like to say that my observation of and all-too-limited involvement in this literal "Mom & Pop" love-juggernaut has powerfully impressed and impacted me. They have done so much with so little! Literally tens-of-thousands of shoes and boots have been provided to those in need, both locally and internationally. Ron & Holly, through their inexhaustable spirit, hope, commitment and hard work, have inspired and recruited a growing number of volunteers and team members who have, together, forged an incredibly efficient and effective organization. Summary: A worthy and inspirational work; born out of tragedy, fueled by vision, love and "blood, sweat and tears," making a huge difference in the world. And it's only just begun! I'm honored to be a part.


Rating: 5

Ron and Holly, thank you for simply being you. You are a shining star in what can feel like a pretty dark world at times. The generosity and love that you share, even in the saddest of times, is an unparalleled inspiration to our family. We feel blessed beyond measure to call you neighbors and friends. We are forever grateful for the life lessons of perseverance, love, and hard work that you display for our children to witness.

Richard A.2

Board Member

Rating: 5

I am one of the Scout leaders that was with Ian when God called him home. Since then I have worked with In Ian’s Boots in many ways from shoe collections. Getting donations, working in the warehouse and every one of these interactions has shown me the loving character and charitable works of In Ian’s Boots. I cannot think of a more dedicated and worthwhile local charity that touches almost every continent.
Rich Adamson
Current Board Member


Rating: 5

I am not a volunteer or an associate of Ian’s Boots but I want to relay why I believe in their cause. I became aware of Ian’s Boots through a family member who was involved with the founder and her son Ian through a most profound and tragic incident in their lives. As a result of that moment in time and because of the significance of a simple note with a powerful message, Ian’s Boots was established to carry on the legacy of a young boy. The premise of this organization is to simply provide donated gently worn shoes for people in need no matter the circumstance. This humble organization deserves the acclaim of their charitable work.


Rating: 5

A wonderful non-profit led by very good people, the Miller's, who were able to turn incredible loss and tragedy into a means of sharing the love and grace of Jesus Christ to those in need!!

Jennifer S.29


Rating: 5

In Ian’s Boots is a phenomenal charity! Ron and Holly have helped countless individuals and groups with their generous, giving spirit. The footwear they provide, to those in need, is of high quality. Their organization takes great pride in assisting people in need from their local community and globally as well. In addition, their organization provides countless volunteer experiences for many people, young and old. I sincerely hope they are recognized for their never-ending compassion for those in need while fulfilling their mission to honor their beloved son, Ian.


Rating: 5

“In Ian’s Boots” has proved to be an extraordinary success. This organization has chosen to honor the memory of Ian Miller who carried an inspirational Bible verse in his boot when he was killed in a sledding accident. The consequent effort to provide free boots (shoes, sneakers, dress shoes, sandals, etc.) to anyone in need has galvanized the community to procure, clean, sort, process, and ship hundreds of thousands of shoes all over the world! The number of lives Ian ultimately has touched from volunteerism through beneficiaries is befitting to his brief but meaningful life.

Jill H.6


Rating: 5

How anyone could turn the worst tragedy that parents will ever face into nonprofit that is caring, compassionate and gives their strength ever minute to help the less fortunate. Only Holly and Ron could accomplish this fantastic feat.
With blood, sweat and tears they have succeeded.


Rating: 5

Our daughter was a friend of Ian's and ever since his passing, our family has supported this wonderful organization! Cant' say enough about Ron and Holly's ability to turn a tragedy into a triumph!


Rating: 5

A very well organized staff and great organization to work with.


Rating: 5

I have volunteered a few times here. The story behind In Ian’s Boots touched me! What a wonderful message for a wonderful cause!


Rating: 5

In Ian’s boots does amazing work. We take our youth groupers there to volunteer all the time. The organizations start and story are just as incredible as the amount of people they help worldwide. We are proud to be able to help In Ian’s Boots however we can!


Rating: 5

I have lead company volunteer efforts here and our church collects footwear to donate. A few years ago they provided shoes for us to take on our mission trip to an orphanage in Guatemala. They are a great place to volunteer and provide a great service to the community through monthly shoe distribution and also reach out nationally and internationally to support places in need.

Sara D.4


Rating: 5

In Ian's Boots stands behind their mission in purpose in everything they do. They are treasured in our local community as well as out in the world for their efforts. Beyond their stated mission they manage to unite people in a world where solitude is slowing taking over, which in and of itself should be commended. I have never questioned that my physical or monetary donations have ended up exactly where I expected them to while leaving a heart print on those they benefit.


Board Member

Rating: 5

The impact that In Ians Boots has had in its short time of existence is amazing. Thousands of children in need have received shoes, hundreds have shared their time and resources to give kids much needed footwear, and communities around the world have been touched by this outreach. As founders of the organization, the Millers have turned the indescribable pain of losing a child into a movement that is making the world a better place. This is an amazing organization!


General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

I have known the Millers for going on 2 decades now. I had the honor to have been a Cub Scout leader for Ian. The work Ian's Boots is doing is beyond my imagination of beautiful. Every day I thank God I know these people.



Rating: 5

Holly Miller left her corporate job after a tragedy that could have left her and her husband suspended in grief. Holly was well thought of at work and adored for her kindness and her ability to get things done. These two loving parents took their sadness and the memory of their beautiful son and shared shoes with the world. A simple idea that means so much and takes a tremendous amount of effort. I have watched them make a difference and truly believe they are poised to do even more amazing work. If I lived closer to them, I would want to volunteer regularly to keep Ian's memory alive In Ian's boots.


General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

Ron and Holy Wastler founded this incredible organization not long after the death of their only child. A bible verse was found on the inside of Ian's boot and from that, 'In Ian's Boots, Inc.' was born. They, collect, sort and clean shoes/boots by the hundreds to then deliver or have them delivered to those less fortunate throughout the world. What an amazing way to honor the life of their son!!! For many children, the very first pair of shoes they have ever owned came from this organization. They especially enjoy giving soccer cleats to others celebrating Ian's love of the game. If ever a nonprofit deserved to be called 'great' - it is this one, In Ian's Boots, Inc. May God Bless them and all who assist them.



Rating: 5

Ron and Holly, parents that had every right to pack things up move away after Ian's passing,did not,they stayed in their community and started this incredible organization,your strength is a inspiration to us all.



Rating: 5

I met Ron and Holly for a number of years before they lost Ian. The way they have taken the tragedy of losing their only child and turned it into a blessing for many thousands of people all over the world is truly a gift from God.
I am proud to be part of the committee that plans and executes the various fund-raisers to enable their mission to continue. It is astounding how fast it has grown from a little idea to a world-wide help network. The focus is on helping the local community as well as nationally and globally.
Ron and Holly deserve all the help and blessings that anyone can provide.


Board Member

Rating: 5

Every parents worst nightmare has been turned into a life saving message through Jesus Christ. Using footwear and serving "unto the least of these" is a remarkable ministry. At our company being involved by employees donating and incentivizing customers to donate has not only raised awareness but has allowed everyone to feel good inside. Personally the passion, determination, and effort of Ron and Holly is moving and inspirational. Jerry Williams President Schuylkill Valley Sports


General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

Wonderful organization with a great purpose. We can all learn a lesson on a life well lived here. Inspired by all they have accomplished.

3 WitchyOne333


Rating: 5

In Ian's Boots is an outstanding NonProfit organization that collects gently used and/or new shoes of every size imaginable and offers those shoes to those in need, all throughout the world. When devastation hits and people are in need, In Ian's Boots is always ready to lend a helping hand. Organized by the parents of a young boy who was killed in an unfortunate sledding accident, after the doctor found a bible verse inside his snow boot, Ron and Holly Miller have dedicated their time and energy into building an impeccable Non-Profit in order to help those in need, at any time, all across the globe. Volunteering at In Ian's Boots is a blast and you always leave with a warm feeling in your heart knowing that someone, somewhere, is grateful for all you've done to help. Ian's memory will forever live on!!!!


Board Member

Rating: 5

This organization has taken a tragic event and turned it into a true mission to helping those in need along with the spreading of the word of God. The growth of this charity and their ability to extend their reach to places far beyond the local community is amazing. The joy you can see on the faces of the many who have received shoes, some for the first time is priceless. This joy along with knowing a seed has been planted through the simple message each person receiving shoes is given. This is what truly sets this group apart from others.

I am pleased to be a board member of In Ian’s Boots and am excited to see the growth from inception. God truly has blessed In Ian’s Boots and through him we will continue to expand to help others in need.


General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

Fabulous organization, fabulous people working hard to make a difference for so many! In Ians Boots is showing the world what it means to be a servant...



Rating: 5

I have provided financial and emotional support to "In Ian's Boots" since its inception. Born from a personal commitment to honor a special young man, this Non-Profit has extended its reach to thousands of needy people in places close to home and far away. The scope of this organization is pure and reputable, it is well run, and it pleases me to see this grass-roots effort grow each year to further its generosity.

3 Eric63

General Member of the Public

Rating: 5

These are AMAZING people doing AMAZING things !!! They really care and offer support worldwide... Love this organization and the people running it.