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2010 Top-Rated Nonprofit

Impact Austin

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Nonprofit Overview

Mission: We’re a progressive leader in women’s philanthropy, bringing new resources to the community and making philanthropy accessible. Through high-impact grant making, we engage, develop and inspire women to effect positive change.

Results: To date, Impact Austin has made grants totaling $2,087,000 and by June will reach $2,612,000.  On June 8th, we will award grants of $105,000 each to five nonprofits in the greater Austin area.

Target demographics: Women in central Texas.

Direct beneficiaries per year: Five Central Texas nonprofits

Geographic areas served: Central Texas

Programs: Impact Austin members review grant proposals submitted at the end of the calendar year in five focus areas: Culture, Education, Environment, Family, and Health and Wellness. After rigorous review, one proposal in each focus area is selected to receive a $100,000 grant. Selection is done by the membership at large at the annual meeting in June.

Community Stories

16 Stories from Volunteers, Donors & Supporters



Rating: 5

Impact Austin has opened my eyes to the needs in our community, allowed me to meet amazing individuals in both the nonprofit and for profit sectors, helped me grow as a young woman and as a leader and has changed my life forever. The ability to work with a group of passionate, strong women and young girls who are joined together for the same goals to give collectively and make an impact is a dream come true! I believe in the power of collective giving, educating myself on the organizations I seek to give time and money to and linking myself with positive role models in our community; all thanks to Impact Austin!



Rating: 4

I had always been a check-writing donor. My career required frequent travel and I never could find a way to be a dependable, contributing member of a volunteer organization. One day I saw a picture of an old friend representing Impact Austin in the local newspaper. When I contacted her about meeting for lunch, her first words to me were 'do you want to join?'. And after talking with her, join I did. What an opportunity and privilege it has been to donate to this organization and be a fully appreciated member. With Impact Austin I could also become fully involved in researching and getting to know the community partners applying for grants. Learning about all the wonderful organizations in Austin that support and make a difference to the community has been very eye-opening. With our $100,000+ grants, these nonprofits are better able to focus their efforts and increase results. And, I can see direct results of my financial contribution. But, the icing on the cake is that as I have learned more about nonprofits through Impact Austin, I've also found talents that I have that can be used to volunteer with other organizations in the community. As for that lunch with my friend, we are still trying to get together!



Rating: 5

Impact Austin has changed my life! I learned about my community, all the different needs and opportunities to make a difference, and the wonderful nonprofits working here. Through participating in grant review committees, I learned how to be an intentional, thoughtful, responsible donor. I've always given money, but often didn't know how my money was being used. Now my eyes have been opened to how important it is to put my money to work effectively in my community. Impact Austin has empowered me as a donor.



Rating: 5

When I was first invited to contribute $1000 along with 100 other women to award a $100,000 grant to a non-profit I thought to my self, "good luck with that!" I didn't participate the first year because I didn't think it was possible. I have now participated for the past 5 years in one of the most effective and organized organizations on the planet! Each year I have participated on a subcommittee to review the grant applicants for a specific category. I have learned so much about the numerous organizations providing for the needs of the community. I have seen the impact of how our small contribution can be combined to make a large contribution that truly changes the face of our community. The organizational structure, procedures at all levels and the dedication of the women involved is superior. After each season, every aspect of the organization is reviewed, improved and implemented based on feedback of the women involved. I truly believe every community in the country has the capability to implement this amazing successful program.



Rating: 5

Impact Austin has been an amazing growth experience for me. I have learned that I can make a difference. And partnered with hundreds of local women we have learned the needs right here in our community and we have financial made a difference to those in need. Truly an amazing organization.



Rating: 5

With a very clear vision and mission, Impact Austin brings together some of the brightest, most thoughtful women in Austin. An annual donation of $1000 may seem like a lot of money, but the amount required is really right on target- $1000 is enough money to make a huge difference within a collective giving circle ($500,000 to the community each year), but not so much that the organization becomes exclusive (it's the equivalent of saving $44 a paycheck- so really, you can do it). This has helped to create a diverse, egalitarian, inclusive community of women who really care about the success of our community partners. As a member, I feel tied to something much bigger than myself(I know I only put in $1000, but i FEEL like I am personally giving away five $100,000 grants each year), and I rest easy knowing that the grant evaluation process is world class and transparent



Rating: 5

Impact Austin is the perfect way to give. Becoming a member allows you to choose your level of involvement...you can write a check, or you can be a part of a very fair and democratic process that gifts worthy non-profits. We are a dedicated, savvy group of women who are empowered to make a difference in the greater Austin area. We are proud of the process and we are moved by the difference that we make.



Rating: 5

I had lived in Austin for 10 years when I became a part of Impact Austin but I did not know anything about the needs of our community. I was totally consumed with work and raising two children - I slept and ate here but did not truly "live" here. It has been a remarkable journey to help create and then learn from such an amazing organization. The members are so eager to learn about the non-profits who submit proposals for grants. And they do such an amazing job of recommending finalists for the full membership to vote on. But the icing on the cake is the joy of funding wonderful programs that span the full spectrum of needs in our community. I have such a deep respect now for those who dedicate so much of their time and spirit to help meet the needs of our community. My experience with Impact Austin has not only brought me closer to my immediate neighbors and their needs but has broadened my life experience through connections I have made through Impact Austin. I have traveled with Nobel Peace Laureates in support of women's rights around the world, visited the Achuar Indians in the Amazon rainforest of Ecuador to recognize their right to protect their land, and joined a delegation to India to raise awareness of the exile of the Tibetan people. My experience keeps growing in so many unexpected and wonderful ways.


Client Served

Rating: 4

This organization gave a grant to Girls Empowerment Network of Austin (GENaustin), which I was employed by this year by this year as a high school clubGEN Leader. The amount given by Impact Austin has allowed GENaustin to reach out to so many at-risk middle school girls to allow them to have support and mentoring in a safe setting. My job has changed my life as I enter college - I desire to work for women's empowerment in the future, and study Women's Issues. At a conference, I met the founder of this company and made sure to tell her of the impact her grant had made on my life.



Rating: 5

Impact Austin provides me a thoughtful, engaging, and exciting opportunity to positively impact my hometown - Austin, Texas. With their unique volunteer driven structure and highly impassioned membership, I know I'm part of an organization destined to make a difference for those in our community who need help. I love the fact that I can give both my money and time to Impact Austin - knowing I'm going to see great results, both within the organization and in the community - thanks Impact Austin, you rock!!


Board Member

Rating: 5

Women control more than 60 percent of all personal wealth in the U.S. and this proportion will grow steadily as women continue to out number men at universities and excel in business and as entrepreneurs. Foundations like Impact Austin are critical in our community in that they educate and provide philanthropic access to women of all ages, which has traditionally been a male dominated space.



Rating: 5

I became aware of Impact Austin through my friendship with the founder. In 2010, I joined this collective giving circle to learn about civic challenges in Austin TX and meet some like-minded women. Through participation in their annual Discovery Day and the grant-making process, I am better prepared to apply my talents toward improving the lives of others in my community.



Rating: 5

Impact Austin is a collective giving organization in Austin, Texas that empowers our members to be true philanthropists. It is run and managed by an amazingly brilliant and committed group of women who work tirelessly to ensure our organization makes a huge impact in our community. By pooling our money the women of Impact Austin are able to make affect real change in our community and see our money at work, first hand, in our city.


Board Member

Rating: 5

I was introduced to the founder through a mutual friend and once I heard the story of the organization and mission, it was an easy decision to join. The three most important aspects of the organization for me are: 1. All of our donations are pooled to help the community in significant ways through large grants 2. Impact Austin is run professionally so that everything we do is done with excellence ... and we maintain this excellence through continuous learning and staying on top of trends in philanthropy 3. It is an absolute joy to work among such a caring and committed group of women who are share our values and are intent on seeing positive change in the community. I have learned SO much ... about philanthropy, about our community's issues, about myself ... and have met the most amazing women, many who have become great friends. What a fabulous organization!



Rating: 5

I learned about Impact Austin shortly after I had my 4th baby and was just retiring from my profession as an attorney. Becoming involved gave me an opportunity to grow into the next stage of my career -- being a philanthropist. Through Impact Austin, I learned so much about our nonprofit community, about grant-making, and about giving money. I became connected with a network of women who were like-minded. There were career women, "stay at home" moms and retired women. Words cannot express how much Impact Austin has given me -- wonderful friendships, an education, and a spirit of philanthropy that I will pass on to my children.



Rating: 5

I love being part of a women's philanthropy club where we get to give away over half a million dollars every year. We give grants of $100k+ to Austin area non-profits in the categories of Culture, Education, Environment, Family, and Health & Wellness. This is a great way to learn about new non-profits in the area. Every year, I add new ones to my donation list!