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  • 07:50
    preethamrn closed #1166
  • 03:51
    amacaida commented #6923
  • 03:47
    amacaida commented #6923
  • 01:14
    marckhouzam commented #1242
  • Oct 02 23:40
    marckhouzam commented #1241
  • Oct 02 23:04
    nicksnyder commented #6012
  • Oct 02 22:21
    sagikazarmark closed #999
  • Oct 02 22:21
    sagikazarmark commented #999
  • Oct 02 22:20
    sagikazarmark labeled #999
  • Oct 02 22:00
    marckhouzam commented #1232
  • Oct 02 21:33
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  • Oct 02 21:33
    rigtorp edited #7765
  • Oct 02 21:33
    DevDevious opened #999
  • Oct 02 21:19
    rigtorp edited #7765
  • Oct 02 21:12
    bep commented #7756
  • Oct 02 21:12
    bep review_requested #7756
  • Oct 02 21:06
    joshgerdes synchronize #7756
  • Oct 02 21:02

    bep on master

    tpl: Add Do Not Track (dnt) opt… (compare)

  • Oct 02 21:02
    bep closed #7764
  • Oct 02 21:02
    bep closed #7700
Pol Dellaiera
weee... I just switched from Jekyll to Hugo ! https://not-a-number.io/ #showcase
Shreyas Ragavan
Hi guys. DOes running the command 'hugo -w -d <dir>' always build and deploy the website, even if the destination is already upto date? I see the message 'building sites.. already up to date' . Essentially, I am running a cron command to 1. run above hugo command , 2. Git pull , 3. sleep , 4. exit.
George Boukis
I am looking for a theme similar to this layout especially the header section:https://fivethirtyeight.com/
Is there a working demo for Hugo somewhere? I am not a dev but I am looking into Hugo for a client.
Alex Ivanov
George Boukis
No response to my earlier question on a theme for fivethirtyeight.com - is this the correct forum? , who can best respond to my question?
@boukisge You can check out the list of themes here https://themes.gohugo.io/
can somebody suggest a good theme for articles ??? have 3,000 text articles...only text.
Vincent Valeninte @prog20901 I am currently customizing Chuck Poster to fit my need. It’s worth taking a look at. https://themes.gohugo.io/hugo-theme-chunky-poster/
Maverick Stoklosa
hello, what could cause a discrepancy in the number of 'static files' detected between a local run of 'hugo' and one down in the deployed server directory?
John Levon
I have two tiny hugodocs PRs with no attention for 23 days. anything I can do to get them looked at?
what’s the default destination string? https://gohugo.io/commands/hugo/
Heinrich Hartmann


I am working on some markdown language extension for my own writings, e.g.

  • references that are indexed and listed a the end
  • grey boxes to track tangential content
  • figures with captions and references

In the past, I used Jekyll plugins for similar tasks.

I have been trying to use short-codes for this, but they don't seem flexible enough for these tasks.

I was not able to figure out if "hugo modules" can be used to build features like this. They seem to be more targeted towards building extended themes.

Is it possible to build these language extensions into hugo?
Where should I start looking, when building this?

how to create a website with full of text files or documents or text categories with quick search with hugo......ex: https://table.branham.org/#/main -- i want a hugo theme where i want to import huge text files and quickly search and highlighted the text string and quick navigation.. the files can be log files, any text files....full text search and higlighting, previewing the text is much required.....Please advise
How to run https://themes.gohugo.io/hugo-theme-learn/ ? Can the theme can be bundled as exe after populating the data ??? How to make it portable
hi there, thank you for hugo, it's a great tool! I'm playing with webmentions in a multi-lingual website with Multilingual Multihost, and I would like to edit the html of the redirection page that leads users to the correct default directory. Is there a clean way to do this?
ok, I finally found my answer (and commented the forum)
have a nice day
Mireille Raad
hey! I wanted to do some benchmarks for hugo's build times. I knew Hugo is blazing fast... but i wanted to know how fast + be able to compare performance improvements when I did some tweaks or used different hardware
so i ended up writing some bash scripts that read the output and make it into csv files
here is the link in case someone needs to do their own tests.
I was impressed with the speed. I did some stuff like read tweets from the twitter stream then generate like threads or stories... twitter moves fast and hugo kept up.
Mireille Raad
hey! i am trying to build something and wondering if there is a best way to go about it or just for general advice.
i want to let a user tag cells in a jupyter notebook.
jupyter notebooks are actually json files with meta data in them.
then i want the user to reference the tag name in their markdown
then hugo at build, should generate the markdown file with the notebook
i can re-trigger the build once the notebook changes
i know i can do this in python, like get the tagged cells and such
and i can have a bash script that calls the python and the hugo build
but i am looking for an approach that doesn't rely on python or another programming language
something the "hugo way". any recommendations? how would you go around solving this? i am looking for ideas or approaches, not code.
  • then hugo at build, should generate the page with the notebook cell content
Tim Rose

I have pasted the code in


I will be having huge list of rows in the datatable and each row will have a specific href or mp3 file link. However the code always opens the serm.mp3 eventhough whatever i pass in the link.

Can someone help me on how to fix this javascript?

Basically want to change the src of the mp3 file when the media player open on clicking the href link in the datatable

Sergio Carlavilla
David Bunch
is anyone actively in here?
Craig Comstock
ran into a problem of including a mustache example in a markdown content page, where it fails due to trying to parse it as a shortcode. any ideas?
{{%-top-}} in an .md file gives me unrecognized character in shortcode action: U+002D '-'. Note: Parameters with non-alphanumeric args must be quoted when trying to start hugo server -D
I can "fix it" by changing the example to {{% -top-}} but then that's not an accurate example :( (added space breaks the mustache template)
Craig Comstock
Craig Comstock
seems to process the pages fine in 0.74 version, I was using something like 0.54
i want to add a new custom site map and the documentation doesnt work
i add a new file in layouts/_default/ but it doesnt get generated