World Health Organization (WHO)Cuenta verificada


We are the ’ health agency. We are committed to achieving better health for everyone, everywhere -

Geneva, Switzerland
Se unió en abril de 2008


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  1. Tweet fijado

    "Next Wednesday, 🌍 leaders will meet virtually at to discuss the work of the ACT Accelerator & to call for the financial commitments to realize its promise. The window of opportunity is now. We must act now, & act together to end "-

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  2. I have diabetes, are there any restrictions on which contraceptive method I can use? 👉

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  3. What contraceptive method can I use if I smoke? 👉

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  4. Contraception and family planning information and services are life-saving and important at all times. Sexual activity does not stop with the pandemic. 👉

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  5. If I have a sexually-transmitted disease (including HIV), what contraceptive method can I use? 👉

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  6. Access to is a fundamental right. It contributes to improved health outcomes and benefits individuals, families and communities. 👉

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  7. I am breastfeeding 🤱 what do I need to know about implants, IUDs and pills? 👉

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  8. Today is Do I need to wait for a specific time of the month before starting with my contraception of choice? 👉

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  9. To provide guidance to the Maamoul production industry on the preparation of the pastry and facilitate trade, the Commission has adopted a regional standard for maamoul.

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  10. At , the Commission adopts regional standard for mixed zaatar that determines the requirements and characteristics for mixed zaatar intended for direct human consumption 👉

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  11. I believe that if we let more they will help us end the fight against and recover from the pandemic faster. Thank you for supporting the voice of young people!

  12. New work that will develop guidelines for the safe sourcing, use and reuse of water 🚰 that comes into direct or indirect contact with food throughout the food chain, has been adopted by the Commission at 👉

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  13. At , the Commission adopts code of practice on food allergen management for food business operators that provides guidance on allergen management in food production

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  14. Since 2000, there has been, 🙂50% decrease in under-5 mortality 🙂35% decrease in maternal mortality 🙂80% coverage of immunization But is a huge threat 🚨. Here’s how to 👉

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  15. The Commission adopts the standard for yam 🍠 that establishes the basic quality requirements and establishes a benchmark for marketing it globally 👉

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  16. According to the 10-Year Progress Report, 😢Every 1⃣3⃣ seconds a newborn baby died. 😢Every hour 3⃣3⃣ women did not survive childbirth But we can stop this, together 👉

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  17. Over the past decade, 1⃣ billion children were vaccinated.   This hard-fought gain is now at risk because of . But there are solutions to  👉

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  18. The Commission adopts the standard for kiwi that defines quality for kiwifruit incl. minimum requirements, classifications, sizing & quality tolerances. It will be a reference point for 🥝 & facilitates fair practices in trade 👉

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  19. 🆕Every Women Every Child 10-Year Progress Report reveals that is eroding successful gains made to advance women and children’s health. It’s time to act now to and encourage leaders to do the same. More in details 👉

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  20. At , the Commission adopts the standard for fresh garlic 🧄 The standard defines 3 classes based on quality and presentation 👉

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  21. The Commission adopts regional standard for cooked rice wrapped in plant leaves. A lack of a standard for these products can lead to obstacles in trade. With production & sales ↗️ work to ensure uniformity in these products is 🔑

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