1.800.944.4773 1.800.944.4773


Climb Out of the Darkness

The world’s largest event raising funds and awareness
for the mental health of new familiesWe gather as a community. We meet fellow survivors, supporters & providers.

In the time of social distancing, we gather virtually! #homemadeclimb

Click on the map below to find a team near you!


JOIN A TEAM: Click on a pin and follow the link
START A TEAM: Don’t see a team near you? Write to Emily at cotd@postpartum.net

Get on the Map!
Interested in leading a Climb or finding one to join?
Write to Emily at cotd@postpartum.net

Why do we Climb?
Join Us Video


Join Us Climb Video on Vimeo

How the Money Flows


Postpartum Support International.