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News for 2013, May - Show latest items

The impact of Peter Singer's recent TED talk

Peter Singer gave a TED talk recently in which AMF featured prominently. The talk was made public ten days ago and the impact on donations has been noticeable, particularly the number of recurring donations set up.
Typically, 5% of donations made to AMF are recurring. In the last ten days, the proportion of recurring donations has been 43%.
The donations made specifically as a result of Peter's TED talk so far total $65,700. Adding (potential) recurring donations during the next 11 months of $49,400 would amount to $115,100 in 10 days. This equates to 38,000 nets = 68,000 people protected.
AMF now has 964 recurring donations contributing a total of $54,000 a month, equating to an annualised $580,000 on a trailing three-month basis. You can see the latest recurring donation figures on our Behind the scenes page.

$18 million milestone passed!

We have now passed the $18 million mark, thanks to a donor from Boston, USA!
We also reached our 63,00th donor too! Our sincere thanks to everyone for their support and generosity.
You can see all our milestones on the website.

Provisional allocation of 3.54 million nets

We have provisionally allocated a number of donations to two potential distributions, one in Senegal (440,000 LLINs) and one in Sierra Leone (3.1 million LLINs).
We are far advanced with discussions with the respective National Malaria Control Programmes (NMCPs) and other in-country partners and, in such circumstances, it is appropriate to allocate donations so it is clear which funds would be used to purchase the nets. If all proceeds positively, we would expect to approve purchase of the nets in the coming weeks and add details and documentation to the distribution pages.
In Senegal, we have had very productive discussions to date with the Programme National de Lutte contre le Paludisme (PNLP) who share our approach of conducting data-driven, verification-led distributions. All elements we consider important in carrying out a distribution have been agreed. We are now discussing implementation details. The net gap required for achieving universal coverage in four districts in Southern Senegal is some 660,000 nets. As additional funds are received it is possible we will fund further nets.
In Sierra Leone, 3.4 million nets are needed for a country-wide campaign to replace nets distributed in 2010 so the population remains protected. AMF has offered to fund 3.1 million nets after detailed discussions with the NMCP and other partners. The NMCP has indicated a strong commitment to transparency and data in conducting the distribution. A final round of discussions with partners will take place in-county in the next two weeks.

Peter Singer: Effective Altruism

Peter Singer talks about effective altruism and donating to Against Malaria in his latest TED talk.


Progress made with discussions in Senegal

A significant distribution in Senegal is a step closer with very good recent progress in discussions with the Senegal National Malaria Control Programme (NMCP) who share AMF's data-driven and verification-based methodology for net distributions.

See our list of Future Distributions.

An update on distributions being assessed

More progress has been made in assessing a number of future distributions with several nearing full approval status.
You can view the current status of each distribution with visual and summary updates on our future distributions page.


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