What We Do

Rigorous Diligence, Ongoing Monitoring, and Honest Reporting

We apply an investment model to the nonprofit world to find and fund high-impact, scalable programs here and around the world. Over $39.5 million has been contributed to date.

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Life Changing Results

More than 1,832,504 people's lives are being materially changed for the better. We focus on overcoming barriers to unleash human potential, increasing income, and access to healthcare and education. And we can accomplish much more.

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No Cost to Donors

None of the services we provide result in any charge or fee to either donor or recipient organization. Our founders cover 100% of our costs so intended programs received 100 cents
of every dollar donated.

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"We are all exposed to nonprofitstackling worthy causes, butwhich of them have substantialimpact? Which are institutionallycredible? Which have shown thecapacity to use additionaldonations effectively? And howcan one learn about opportunitiesthat are off the radar but withextraordinary promise?”

- Larry Gilson, Founder

Introduction to Focusing Philanthropy

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