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Funds raised US$450,788,754
Nets funded 217,738,018
People protected 391,928,432

Be One Percent for Nets!

Location Nationwide, England 

This month the Be One Percent giving network are fundraising for malaria nets. Simply calculate 1% of your income for this month and donate, or donate whatever you can afford. Every £2.70 donated will buy a net and every 20 nets bought could save a life. You might have found us through our YouTube video, please re-post this April and help mark World Malaria Day!   

# PeopleNets
 10    38,409  (£ 53,224)
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Distributions this page helped fund
Distributions 1 to 10 of 11
  prev  12 next   
# LLINs Location CountryWhen By whomStatus  
40,890   Dedza East, Dedza District Malawi Sep-Nov 14 Logo Concern Universal Status
97,524   Health Zone 6: Kamuesha Congo (Dem. Rep.) Aug-Nov 14 Logo IMA World Health/DFID Status
92,000   ZdS Bili, Nord Ubangi, Equateur Province Congo (Dem. Rep.) Dec 15-Jun 16 Logo IMA World Health/DFID Status
28,200   Nandom Ghana Sep 16 Logo NMCP/ERD Status
209,431   Western Region, Kiryandongo District Uganda Mar 17-Mar 18 Logo NMCP/Various Status
206,516   Eastern Region, Namutumba District Uganda Mar 17-Mar 18 Logo NMCP/Various Status
344,500   Ntcheu District, Central Region Malawi Jul-Nov 18 Logo NMCP/Various Status
165,300   North Solomons Province (3 districts) Papua New Guinea Jan-Dec 19 Logo Rotary Club of Port Moresby Status
199,950   Kikula ZdS, Haut Katanga Province Congo (Dem. Rep.) Oct-Dec 20 Logo PNLP/SANRU Status
88,600   Opala ZdS, Tshopo Province Congo (Dem. Rep.) Jun-Jul 21 Logo PNLP/SANRU Status

 SponsorDateLocationAmount£Gift AidMessageDistributions
Be One Percent 10 Jun 21 Liverpool £6,595.00 £6,595.00   May 2021 Click here to see details of the distribution in Nigeria, Akwa Ibom State 2022 which this donation has helped to fundflag Status 4,7448,539
Be One Percent 09 Jun 20 Liverpool £6,737.92 £6,737.92   May 2020 Click here to see details of the distribution in Congo (Dem. Rep.), Tshopo Province, 2021 which this donation has helped to fundflag Status 5,82310,481
Be One Percent 18 Jun 19 Liverpool £6,737.43 £6,737.43   Click here to see details of the distribution in Congo (Dem. Rep.), Haut Katanga Province, 2020 which this donation has helped to fundflag Status 5,2329,418
Be One Percent 16 Jul 18 Liverpool £6,943.57 £6,943.57   Click here to see details of the distribution in Papua New Guinea, Selected Provinces, 2019 which this donation has helped to fundflag Status 4,9068,831
Be One Percent 25 May 17 Liverpool £4,480.95 £4,480.95   Click here to see details of the distribution in Malawi, 12 Districts, 2018 which this donation has helped to fundflag Status 2,9915,384
Be One Percent 14 Jun 16 Liverpool £4,653.73 £4,653.73   Click here to see details of the distribution in Uganda, Western & Eastern, 2017 which this donation has helped to fundflag Status 2,1323,838
Be One Percent 10 Jun 15 Liverpool £6,392.97 £6,392.97   Click here to see details of the distribution in Uganda, Western & Eastern, 2017 which this donation has helped to fundflag Status 5,1959,351
Be One Percent 03 Jun 14 Liverpool £5,644.30 £5,644.30   Click here to see details of the distribution in Ghana, Upper West Region 2016 which this donation has helped to fundflag Status 4,5208,136
Be One Percent 11 Jun 13 Liverpool £3,387.55 £3,387.55   Click here to see details of the distribution in Congo (Dem. Rep.), Nord Ubangi 2015, Equatéur which this donation has helped to fundflag Status 2,0053,609
Be One Percent 05 Jul 12 Liverpool £1,635.65 £1,635.65   Click here to see details of the distribution in Malawi, Dedza District 2014 which this donation has helped to fundflag Status 8541,537
Be One Percent 24 Mar 12 Liverpool £12.00 £12.00 £3.00 Click here to see details of the distribution in Congo (Dem. Rep.), Kasaï Occidental 2014 which this donation has helped to fundflag Status 814

Subtotal  £ 53,221.07
Gift Aid  £ 3.00
Total raised  £ 53,224.07