
Why there's no tanks by Prolificus1 in classicwow

[–]beached89 0 points1 point  (0 children)

DPS sucking means more deaths and wipes. Means more wasted time, and gold loss.

Most heroics with pugs I LOSE gold due to repairs. If you can see the writing on the wall, just leave before your saddled with a 18g repair bill

Why there's no tanks by Prolificus1 in classicwow

[–]beached89 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I mean, a prot warrior can really make a healers life hell. And the DPS trying to save their healer will just tickle them.

Why there's no tanks by Prolificus1 in classicwow

[–]beached89 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I hate tanking pugs because Puggle DPS are all freakin morons half paying attention. I ONLY tank heroics where 4/5 peeps are guild mates, including the healer. I trust no pug to actually focus, or even have a threat meter.

The issue I have had in heroics is 99% DPS fault. I cannot tell you how many times you say "CC Caster" then you LOS pull, and the fucking warlock lights up the caster with dots, the mage throws ONE sheep on it that instantly breaks, and then the healer gets destroyed because the lock is an idiot, the mage cant even THINK of counter spelling the lock to force caster into melee range, and then we fucking wipe. every god damb time.

If im not in voice chat with the guild mates, I aint tankin.

Made a game about a mixing colors! by geminimax in godot

[–]beached89 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Oooo very nice concept. The concept and the art are very good. Take this all the way.

In korea, 73% of 20s want same-sex marriage laws. by jw0454 in korea

[–]beached89 5 points6 points  (0 children)

You need >1000 randomly selected samples for EACH demographic you are measuring. The age groups do not EACH contain >1000 subjects.

For a proper statistical study, the only demographic they should report is "Koreans" and compile the entire dataset into a single stat. (eg. 55% of koreans support same sex marriage laws)

Relearning Korean??? by __bibiana__ in Korean

[–]beached89 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Can confirm Itaewon class and crash landing are top notch. I watched Itaewon class, then immiately started episode 1 right after I finished it and watched it all again.

How do you store your savings while working towards FIRE? by RenegadeBuilder in leanfire

[–]beached89 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Why do you have trust issues with index funds or passively managed mutual funds?

I can totally understand having trust issues with managed mutual funds, stock picking (Gambling) or hedge funds. But something like a total stock index fund is about as solid as it gets in my book.

If we ever hit a point in history where the stock market collapses to a point so far gone that it is not possible for it to recover basically every store of value will be useless. Stocks, Bond, Cash, even gold / silver will essentially be useless for so long that you will die before it becomes a useful exchange of value again.

HOWEVER, you initial hesitation is pretty common. People hear "The Stock Market" and they instantly think risky, when in fact, its far from it. I think a lack of public education on how exactly it works and why, along with common stories of over night millionaires, or millionaire to poor house, make peoples perception of what it is, as essentially a casino. It can be if you are dumb. But in reality, if you understand it, and are comfortable with it, you end up trusting it the same amount you do your checking / savings account.

Ding!! Got level 70 exactly a month since TBC released. [Pagle] NA by princesol in classicwow

[–]beached89 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Dude, your too late to the game. Might as well just log off and wait until WOTLK release.

Since Blizzard is already making changes... by drylce101 in classicwowtbc

[–]beached89 4 points5 points  (0 children)

I'd rather have perma 1g respec costs than dual spec. Its almost the same thing, its just the travel time to the trainer that will prevent raid swapping respects multiple times per raid.

How do you know its time to retire? by YupJustanotherJames in financialindependence

[–]beached89 1 point2 points  (0 children)

This is more "Quit your job for however long you want. If you go back to work, you fill out applications and find a new job in the same field"

Any folks here with modest $45-50k income on the path to FI? by MUDPIES27 in financialindependence

[–]beached89 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Although I no longer fall into that category, I started at 37k, down to 30k, up to 45k, for the first 5 years of my FI journey, however, for the last 5 years, I have been over that 50k. My spouse currently is and has always been under that mark.

We had a similar idea, back when we started fresh out of college, thinking our Fi number would be 600k, however our 4% number has now increased to $750k do to life style creep. With a few years under out belt, even though $750k is 4%, we are shooting for $1mil, mainly because it appears that it will only take 3 years more to get that big buffer.

I’m too stupid for this game by oatmealsurprise3535 in classicwow

[–]beached89 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Pick one thing you think your sub par at, and do some research on it. Read guides, watch youtube videos, and then practice in game. make sure you give it a good 10-20 tries before you give up on what you attempt.

For gold as a hunter, look up farm spots on youtube, hunters can farm motes very easily, so go search for "TBC Mote Farming" in youtuibe and then go try a spot.

Classic Fresh survey being sent out to players by NewBlock in classicwow

[–]beached89 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Most of these I'm fine with, or dont care. The big heck no is for increased drop rates and earn gold faster. Taking away the chase will ruin the game. Going after that rare item week after week is why we play. Showing off that rare item that no one else has is why we keep playing after we get it.

If you just make DFT drop 50% of the time, it now has no intangible value, and I dare say it, the entire point of PVE is gone. The same thing applies to gold. Epic mounts, consumes, rare enchants, rare pets, twink gear, etc. If all this is easier bought with increased gold supply, it ruins the game or causes massive inflation.

Increased gold will only make things like repairs, training skills, mounts, and other game purchased items easier. All of these things I think are perfectly tuned as is. Epic mount is JUUUST hard enough to get that not everyone can get it the moment they ding, but its also easy enough to get that most people get it shortly after. That feeling of having to work for and save up for all your skills, your epic mount, or having dieing mean something (Repair costs) matters.

What they need to do is properly size servers, the mega servers were the problem. Either shrink per server population down to meet demand of Open world resources, or increase open world resources respawn times.

However Increased debuff limit and no world buffs will REALLY increase the variety of raid comp, and I dare say it, change the meta.

However I think the BIGGEST thing they could do to 'fix' end game PVE, is to just add more gear that is tuned for the under utilized specs. Class restrict it if needed, and I would be 10000% OK with them swapping to the token system they have in NAX for MC/BWL/etc. I think as long as they do not add any new stats, and they stick to the stats that currently exist, I actually do think current blizzard could balance classes decently well through gear alone without F'ing up the entire game. One of the few things I think they could actually add to the game that wouldnt destroy it.

Classic Fresh survey being sent out to players by NewBlock in classicwow

[–]beached89 4 points5 points  (0 children)

I agree with your sentiment here. And agree whole heartedly, except in one instance. There are moments during the open world leveling, where the quest density is so thin, that you end up jumping all over the world after 1-2 quests. right around late 20's, 30's, and 40's come to mind. This is the only part of the open world leveling I dislike, and there are some quests I personally do not enjoy.

So, in addition to nerfing the shit out of dungeons boost XP to make it not worth it, I would take a page from TBC, and boost quest turn in XP slightly.

No flat XP boost for mob kills, but I would consider a properly tuned quest turn in XP, simple to allow you to skip a few of those quests you dislike, and to avoid some of(but not all of) that jumping around from zone to zone for just 1-2 quests each.

Classic Fresh survey being sent out to players by NewBlock in classicwow

[–]beached89 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Just need to nerf XP when in boost groups. Its stupid easy to identify a normal group from a boost group. IF lvl 55+ in group with < 45, then XP from mob kills = 1xp.

This would basically make all the major boost except ZG irrelevant. And for ZG just make it so you have be be level 58 to enter.

E-Mail survey about Fresh Classic Realms by Muzuuo in classicwowtbc

[–]beached89 -1 points0 points  (0 children)

Im not sure what you were playing, but ever since cata release, I jumped shipped to Private servers, and I never played on any server with <1000 on a single realm. Almost all of them were ~10k +- a couple thousand. And towards the last last few years, they were 15k+ per realm. Those were active currently online numbers too.

E-Mail survey about Fresh Classic Realms by Muzuuo in classicwowtbc

[–]beached89 1 point2 points  (0 children)

o god, I read that comment and cried inside. I agree, so many people who want an MMO so become an action RPG or fast paced like an FPS.

E-Mail survey about Fresh Classic Realms by Muzuuo in classicwowtbc

[–]beached89 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Similar, yes, but the same? no.

The big thing about classic+ is that 60 would still be max level, no outlands. These two things are big enough that classic+ would be significantly different. Hell I would be fine with them implementing Kara and even COT, as is in tbc, but the power creep in outlands / TBC, along with making most of the OG world irrelevant are the two big ones for me.

alas, I have zero trust in actiblizz to implement anything but a complete train wreck. So i dont want it until they can break off the wow franchise into an independent company with a dedicated classic+ dev team. Which of course will never happen.

As a casual pvper returning to the game, how was I supposed to know queues for horde would be 45 minutes longer than they were in 2007? by tendies1234569 in classicwowtbc

[–]beached89 -1 points0 points  (0 children)

I mean, I rerolled alliance back in 2008 because BG queues on horde were ridiculously long. It sounds the same now as it was back then.

Alliance have the best PvP racial. by Kerseylock in classicwow

[–]beached89 0 points1 point  (0 children)

the fact that paladins cannot exorcise, holy wrath, or turn undead players is complete crap.

Never gonna change. by CubicleJoe0822 in classicwow

[–]beached89 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Lol, I love retail derps coming back to classic saying retail mechanics apply to Vanilla / TBC

Never gonna change. by CubicleJoe0822 in classicwow

[–]beached89 3 points4 points  (0 children)

There are a lot of bad tanks, yes. But we are talking about DPS who do AOE or abilities that say "Causes high threat" in the tooltip before the tank even touched them.

9/10 times I have observed a shit show on threat, it was dps fault. Warlocks dot'ing mobs the tank hasnt even hit yet, and causing them to run away from the group. Mages throwing blizzard down before consecrate ticks even once. Warriors charging in and cleaving on an LOS pull.

Never gonna change. by CubicleJoe0822 in classicwow

[–]beached89 14 points15 points  (0 children)

I tell them they have been "Upgraded" to salv.