Feel free to post your own pictures, but please read the rules first (see below), and note that we are not a catch-all for general images (of screenshots, comics, etc.)
(1A) No screenshots or pictures of just a screen.
(1B) No pictures with added/superimposed digital text, emojis, or "MS Paint"-like scribbles. Exceptions to this rule include watermarks serving to credit the original author, and the blurring-out or boxing-out of personal information. Photoshopped or otherwise manipulated images are allowed.
No gore or pornography. Artistic nudity is allowed. NSFW comments must be tagged. Posting gratuitous materials may result in an immediate and permanent ban.
No personal information in posts or comments. No direct links to any social media. No missing/found posts for people or property. A license plate is not personal information.
Stalking, harassment, witch-hunting, or doxxing will not be tolerated, and will result in a ban.
No subreddit-related meta-drama or witch-hunts.
Titles must follow all title guidelines.
Submissions must link directly to a specific image file, or to a website with very few advertisements. We do not allow blog-hosting of images ("blogspam"), but links to albums on image-hosting websites are acceptable. URL shorteners are prohibited. Advertisements in album titles or descriptions are not allowed.
No posts containing animated images or links to video sites. This applies to all file types. Animated images in the comments are fine.
We enforce a standard of common decency and civility. Please be respectful to others. Personal attacks, bigotry, fighting words, incitements to harass, comments which demean or insult specific users (or groups of users), and other such inappropriate behavior or content is not allowed. Regular or egregious violations will result in a ban.
Optimally, the level of discourse here should be at the level you'd find between you and your teacher/professor, or between you and professional colleagues. Obviously we're going to allow various types of humor here, but if it would make someone you respect lose respect for you, then you're best off avoiding it.
The higher up on this chart, the better:
No submissions featuring before-and-after depictions of personal health progress or achievement. Standalone images of medals, tokens, certificates, and awards are similarly disallowed, save for when the items are being presented as historical curiosities.
Serial reposters may be filtered.
False claims of ownership (FCoO) and/or flooding (more than four posts in twenty-four hours) will result in a ban.
(10A) Reposts of images currently on the front page of /r/Pics will be removed.
(10B) Reposts of the top 25 images this year, and top 50 of "all time" will be removed.
Content creators are only allowed one link per post. Anything more may result in temporary or permanent bans. Accounts that exist solely to advertise or promote will be banned.
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