Portal:Cloud VPS

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This page contains information about Cloud VPS and links to developer documentation.

Cloud VPS Documentation

About Cloud VPS

  • Cloud VPS (Virtual Private Server) provides a cloud computing infrastructure powered by OpenStack for projects related to the Wikimedia movement. The environment includes access to a variety of data services. Cloud VPS is meant to make it easier for developers and system administrators to try out improvements to Wikimedia infrastructure (including MediaWiki), power research and analytics, and host projects that are not viable in the Toolforge environment. Virtual machines running on Cloud VPS are subject to the instance lifecycle
  • At-a-glance: Cloud VPS and Toolforge: What are the main differences between Cloud VPS and Toolforge? Which environment should you choose?

Cloud VPS developer documentation

See Cloud VPS help for more technical documentation related to Cloud VPS.

Request a Cloud VPS Project

To request a Cloud VPS Project, you will need to create a new project request on Phabricator, the Wikimedia community's technical project management tool. A Wikimedia developer account is required. Please read our guidelines for project requests before requesting a project.

Communication and support

We communicate and provide support through several primary channels. Please reach out with questions and to join the conversation.

Communicate with us
Connect Best for
Phabricator Workboard #Cloud-Services Task tracking and bug reporting
IRC Channel #wikimedia-cloud connect General discussion and support
Mailing List cloud@ Information about ongoing initiatives, general discussion and support
Announcement emails cloud-announce@ Information about critical changes (all messages mirrored to cloud@)
News wiki page News Information about major near-term plans
Cloud Services Blog Clouds & Unicorns Learning more details about some of our work
Wikimedia Technology Blog techblog.wikimedia.org News and stories from the Wikimedia technical movement