Youthereum Genetics
Our mission is to cure aging

The Problem: Aging
Aging is Humanity's Biggest Killer

  • Biological aging causes our mortality risk to increase exponentially with age. It is also the reason why our chances of developing cancer or heart disease skyrocket after age 45.
  • While science does not yet fully know how to stop or reverse aging, recent developments in the field of epigenetic reprogramming hold great promise as rejuvenating therapies.
But Life Extension Therapies are on the Horizon

  • Such therapies could provide decades of life extension, and that is why we are embarking on a journey to translate them from the lab to the clinic.
  • Our ultimate goal is a therapy for humans, but we also plan on developing a life extension therapy for pets.
Our Mission
Why Age?
Why Die?
Mission First, Profits Second

  • The mission to defeat aging matters more to us than profits. That is why we are an open project, freely sharing our knowledge with the community.
  • Don't get us wrong, we see nothing wrong with making money, just not at the cost of jeopardizing our mission to help solve the world's greatest problem, aging.
Not Competitors, Collaborators

  • We do not view other life extension companies as competitors. On the contrary, we wish them every success. Because their success is everyone's success, as helping humanity find a way to extend life is much more valuable than making money.
Our Science
  • In short, we are developing an epigenetic rejuvenation gene therapy of aging.
  • We are building on a 2006 Nobel prize winning work, in which Shinya Yamanaka has shown that an adult cell can be 'reprogrammed' back to embryonic state by OSKM transcription factors. Later research has shown that cells also undergo considerable rejuvenation in the process of reprogramming.

  • Moreover, in 2016, Ocampo et al. demonstrated that partial reprogramming can rejuvenate not just cells but entire animals: using weekly OSKM induction, they succeeded in prolonging lifespan of progeric mice by up to 50%.
  • These results underlie our working hypothesis that aging can be periodically rolled back by partial reprogramming. We aim to validate this hypothesis and then translate it into a safe therapy that produces sizable, noticeable rejuvenation.

Scientific Collaboration
  • We are a minimalist company. Our philosophy is to minimize overhead and channel as much funding as possible into actual longevity research. To that end, we do not lease any lab space or animal facilities, nor do we intend to run any studies in-house.
  • Instead, we choose to pursue scientific partnerships with established research institutions or employ reputable third-party CROs to undertake research that we identify as promising in achieving our goal of creating robust epigenetic rejuvenation therapies.

  • We are honored to be collaborating with Dr. Vadim Gladyshev and his lab at the Harvard Medical School on designing experiments aimed at assessing the impact of partial reprogramming on the methylation clock and other rejuvenation metrics in vivo and in vitro in the transgenic OSKM-WT mouse strain.
  • Dr. Gladyshev and his lab members have extensive experience with transgenic OSKM naked mole rat and murine models, as well as with the murine methylation clock – in particular, how it is affected by various lifespan-extending interventions.
Key Deliverables
Step 1
Market availability of pets with OSKM genes inducible by doxycycline (3-4 years)
Step 2
Minimally acceptable therapy for adult pets (4-5 years)
Step 3
Ability to start human clinical trials of a minimally acceptable human therapy (the IND filing stage in the FDA, 5-6 years)
Our Team
In line with our minimalist philosophy, we intend to keep our core team — and hence our burn rate — as small as possible. For all experimental work our strategy is to partner with leading research labs or to engage reputable world-class CROs. This will also allow us to run multiple experiments in parallel to maximize our pace.
Yuri Deigin, MBA
Yuri is a serial entrepreneur, an expert in drug development and venture investments in biotechnology and pharmaceuticals.

Yuri brings almost a decade of drug discovery and development experience from his previous role in a biotech startup where he oversaw research and development of original medicines aimed at treating diseases like Alzheimer's and rheumatoid arthritis. Yuri has a track record of not only raising over $20 million for his previous ventures but also initiating and overseeing 4 clinical trials and several pre-clinical studies, including studies in transgenic mice. He also has experience in pharmaceutical product launch, promotion, manufacturing and supply chain management.

Since 2013 Yuri also serves as a vice-president of the non-profit Foundation "Science for Life Extension" whose goal is the popularization of the fight against age-related diseases. To further this cause, Yuri frequently blogs, speaks, writes op-ed pieces, and participates in various TV and radio shows.

Yuri holds a B.Sc. from the University of Toronto and an M.B.A. from Columbia Business School.

Valeria Kogan, PhD Candidate
Senior Investigator
Valeria is an expert in biological information science who has been working in the field of aging research for the last 5 years.

Valeria has been deeply involved in the investigation of fundamental mechanisms that drive the aging process. She has coauthored a number of scientific papers on the topic.

At Youthereum Genetics Valeria is focusing on the intricacies of epigenetic regulation and on mechanics of cellular reprogramming.

Valeria holds an M.Sc. degree in applied mathematics from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology and is presently working on her Ph.D. in bioinformatics from a joint program between Ariel University in Israel and Roswell Park Cancer Institute, USA.

Ivan Molodtsov, PhD Candidate
Scientific Team Member
Ivan is a specialist in biological data mining with extensive experience in the research of aging and age-related diseases.

Ivan has several years of work experience in the field of longevity research and has a firm grasp on the current state of the art of life extension developments. Ivan's scientific interests lie in the area of epigenetic effects on human disease and epigenetic approaches to rejuvenating therapy.

At Youthereum Genetics Ivan is involved in experimental study design and deep data analysis of experimental outcomes.

Ivan holds an M.Sc. degree in applied mathematics from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology and is presently working on his Ph.D. in microbiology from N.F. Gamaleya Scientific Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology.
Sergei Mozgov, PhD
Scientific Team Member
Sergei is a bioinformatician and an IT engineer. He came to the bioinformatics field from the world of IT automation. He is a specialist in processing, management and analysis of Next Generation Sequencing data.

Sergei pays particular attention to computational complexity of analytical algorithms in order to ensure optimal use of computational resources for genomic data analysis. Finally, he is an evangelist of FAIR principles in science (Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability, and Reusability).

Sergei considers the process of aging as a scourge and thinks that humanity is very close to a scientific understanding of this process. He fully believes that we must all fight against aging, since it is a disease that kills us and our loved ones.

Sergei holds an M.Sc. degree in computer science and Ph.D. in automation from the Orel State Technical University, Russia.

Ilya Bizin, PhD
Scientific Team Member
Ilya is an expert in distributed control systems, high-throughput sequencing data processing, and automatic gene primer design.

For the past several years he has been working on the investigation of hereditary cancer-related polymorphisms in the Department of Bioinformatics of Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University.

Ilya is extremely interested in mechanisms of aging synchronization observed in parabiosis, and is intrigued by the similarity of these processes to control systems engineering.

Ilya has also amassed a great deal of knowledge on the role of hypothalamus in aging and has developed several experimental protocols to test a number of possible rejuvenating interventions that target the hypothalamus or its potential aging synchronization mechanisms. This is Ilya's primary area of focus at Youthereum Genetics.

Ilya holds a Ph.D. in engineering sciences from the Orel State Technical University.
Our Team
In line with our minimalist philosophy, we intend to keep our core team — and hence our burn rate — as small as possible. For all experimental work our strategy is to partner with leading research labs or to engage reputable world-class CROs. This will also allow us to run multiple experiments in parallel to maximize our pace.
Yuri Deigin, MBA
Valeria Kogan, PhD Candidate
Senior Investigator
Ivan Molodtsov, PhD Candidate
Scientific Team Member
Yuri is a serial entrepreneur, an expert in drug development and venture investments in biotechnology and pharmaceuticals.

Yuri brings almost a decade of drug discovery and development experience from his previous role in a biotech startup where he oversaw research and development of original medicines aimed at treating diseases like Alzheimer's and rheumatoid arthritis. Yuri has a track record of not only raising over $20 million for his previous ventures but also initiating and overseeing 4 clinical trials and several pre-clinical studies, including studies in transgenic mice. He also has experience in pharmaceutical product launch, promotion, manufacturing and supply chain management.

Since 2013 Yuri also serves as a vice-president of the non-profit Foundation "Science for Life Extension" whose goal is the popularization of the fight against age-related diseases. To further this cause, Yuri frequently blogs, speaks, writes op-ed pieces, and participates in various TV and radio shows.

Yuri holds a B.Sc. from the University of Toronto and an M.B.A. from Columbia Business School.

Valeria is an expert in biological information science who has been working in the field of aging research for the last 5 years.

Valeria has been deeply involved in the investigation of fundamental mechanisms that drive the aging process. She has coauthored a number of scientific papers on the topic.

At Youthereum Genetics Valeria is focusing on the intricacies of epigenetic regulation and on mechanics of cellular reprogramming.

Valeria holds an M.Sc. degree in applied mathematics from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology and is presently working on her Ph.D. in bioinformatics from a joint program between Ariel University in Israel and Roswell Park Cancer Institute, USA.

Ivan is a specialist in biological data mining with extensive experience in the research of aging and age-related diseases.

Ivan has several years of work experience in the field of longevity research and has a firm grasp on the current state of the art of life extension developments. Ivan's scientific interests lie in the area of epigenetic effects on human disease and epigenetic approaches to rejuvenating therapy.

At Youthereum Genetics Ivan is involved in experimental study design and deep data analysis of experimental outcomes.

Ivan holds an M.Sc. degree in applied mathematics from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology and is presently working on his Ph.D. in microbiology from N.F. Gamaleya Scientific Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology.
Sergei Mozgov, PhD
Scientific Team Member
Ilya Bizin, PhD
Scientific Team Member
Sergei is a bioinformatician and an IT engineer. He came to the bioinformatics field from the world of IT automation. He is a specialist in processing, management and analysis of Next Generation Sequencing data.

Sergei pays particular attention to computational complexity of analytical algorithms in order to ensure optimal use of computational resources for genomic data analysis. Finally, he is an evangelist of FAIR principles in science (Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability, and Reusability).

Sergei considers the process of aging as a scourge and thinks that humanity is very close to a scientific understanding of this process. He fully believes that we must all fight against aging, since it is a disease that kills us and our loved ones.

Sergei holds an M.Sc. degree in computer science and Ph.D. in automation from the Orel State Technical University, Russia.

Ilya is an expert in distributed control systems, high-throughput sequencing data processing, and automatic gene primer design.

For the past several years he has been working on the investigation of hereditary cancer-related polymorphisms in the Department of Bioinformatics of Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University.

Ilya is extremely interested in mechanisms of aging synchronization observed in parabiosis, and is intrigued by the similarity of these processes to control systems engineering.

Ilya has also amassed a great deal of knowledge on the role of hypothalamus in aging and has developed several experimental protocols to test a number of possible rejuvenating interventions that target the hypothalamus or its potential aging synchronization mechanisms. This is Ilya's primary area of focus at Youthereum Genetics.

Ilya holds a Ph.D. in engineering sciences from the Orel State Technical University.
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Our Advisors
A scientific project could never overstock on expertise and bright thinkers. We are privileged to have such a world-class team of advisors.
Aubrey de Grey, PhD
Scientific Advisor
Aubrey is the most prominent biogerontologist and a "spiritual leader" of the worldwide life extension movement.

He is the Chief Science Officer of SENS Research Foundation, a California-based 501(c)(3) charity dedicated to combating the aging process. Aubrey is also Editor-in-Chief of Rejuvenation Research, the world's highest-impact peer-reviewed journal focused on intervention in aging. He is a Fellow of both the Gerontological Society of America and the American Aging Association, and sits on the editorial and scientific advisory boards of numerous journals and organisations.

Like many modern gerontologists, Aubrey had begun his career in computer science before switching to biogerontology in the mid-1990s. His research interests encompass the characterisation of all the accumulating and eventually pathogenic molecular and cellular side-effects of metabolism ("damage") that constitute mammalian aging and the design of interventions to repair and/or obviate that damage. He has developed a possibly comprehensive plan for such repair, termed Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence (SENS), which breaks aging down into seven major classes of damage and identifies detailed approaches to addressing each one. A key aspect of SENS is that it can potentially extend healthy lifespan without limit, even though these repair processes will probably never be perfect, as the repair only needs to approach perfection rapidly enough to keep the overall level of damage below pathogenic levels. Aubrey has termed this required rate of improvement of repair therapies "longevity escape velocity". He describes his approach in detail in his book Ending Aging: The Rejuvenation Breakthroughs That Could Reverse Human Aging in Our Lifetime.

While Aubrey does not subscribe to the programmed theory of aging, he believes that epigenetic rejuvenation can potentially provide us with a meaningful lifespan extension. In his view, the ability to rejuvenate the aged body by reactivating early-life pathways does not in any way conflict with the idea that aging is unprogrammed and results from the gaps in our anti-aging machinery rather than the presence of actively pro-aging machinery.

Aubrey holds a B.A. and a Ph.D. from the University of Cambridge.

Eugene Baranov, PhD
Scientific Advisor
Eugene has over 20 years of experience in cancer research and over 15 years in other biotech areas.

He is an innovator in the fields of stem cell research, physical chemistry and biophysical methods in vivo and holds five U.S. patents for his inventions. He has published over 60 papers in highly-ranked scientific journals such as Cell, Cancer Cell and Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA (PNAS).

Eugene has been an educator at several international universities. He was also a consultant for several U.S. companies specializing in cancer research, nutrition and cosmetics.

Eugene has been overseeing a number of preclinical and clinical studies internationally, as well as technology transfer for a major stem cell company since 2005 in the areas of testing efficacy and safety of biologically active compounds; various types of stem cells and their derived products in diverse types of pathologies and in regenerative medicine.

Alexander Polinsky, PhD
Scientific and R&D Advisor
Alexander has had an illustrious career in biotech and pharmaceutical industries. He has firsthand experience of multiple roles in the drug development process: as a researcher, entrepreneur and an investor.

In 2009 he co-founded Everon Biosciences, Inc. and OncoTartis, Inc. Today he still serves as President and Chief Executive Officer of both companies. Prior to that Alexander served as Managing Partner of Maxwell Biotech Venture Fund.

Alexander was a co-founder of the Alanex Corporation and served as its CSO until it was acquired by Agouron Pharmaceuticals in 1997. After Agouron was acquired by Pfizer in 2000, Alexander became Vice President, Head of Discovery Technologies, at the Pfizer La Jolla Labs. In 2006, he moved into Pfizer Global Research Technology where he led the development of Pfizer External Research Network and Pharma Incubator concepts at Pfizer Global Research Technology. In 2007, he established The Pfizer Incubator (TPI) and served as its CEO. He left Pfizer in 2008 to pursue various entrepreneurial interests and founded 3 biotech companies.

In 2009 Alexander joined Maxwell Biotech Venture Fund as its Managing Partner. He also served as the Vice Chairman of Cleveland BioLabs, Inc. until April 14, 2015. He has been a Director of AtheroNova Inc. since October 13, 2010. He presently serves as a Director of Gowan Company.

Alexander has been a faculty member at Moscow University for 5 years studying the mechanisms of action of synthetic vaccines. He was also a visiting scientist at University of California at San Diego where he worked on developing new methods for computer-aided drug design.

Alexander holds a Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry from Moscow State University, Russia and has had post-doctoral training at the Institute for Biochemistry of the Russian Academy of Science.

Andrei Gudkov, PhD, DSc
Scientific Advisor
Andrei is a world-renowned cancer and longevity researcher.

He works at Roswell Park Cancer Institute where he serves as a Senior Vice President for Basic Research, a Chair of the Department of Cell Stress Biology, and a member of the senior leadership team for National Cancer Institute (NCI) Cancer Center Support Grant. At Roswell Park, Andrei is leading the Cell Stress Biology program in DNA damage and repair, photodynamic therapy, thermal and hypoxic stress and immune modulation.

Previously Andrei worked at the Lerner Research Institute, Cleveland Clinic Foundation where he served as a chair of the Department of Molecular Genetics and as a professor of biochemistry at Case Western University. He has authored or co-authored 135 scientific articles and holds 27 patents.

Andrei holds a Ph.D. in Experimental Oncology from the Cancer Research Center and a Doctor of Science (D.Sc.) degree in Molecular Biology from the Moscow State University.

Josh Mitteldorf, PhD
Scientific Advisor
Josh is an evolutionary biologist, an author of several books on the mechanisms of aging, most notably Cracking the Aging Code.

Josh is an avid proponent of programmed aging and is an author of several scientific papers that explain how programmed aging can arise as a result of natural selection acting on groups and communities.

Josh is affiliated with the EAPS at MIT, but he works on his own. In the past, Josh has worked in astrophysics, optical design, and energy conservation. He has taught (statistics, physics, math, astronomy, and evolution) at Harvard, Berkeley, Temple, UPenn, LaSalle, and Bryn Mawr.

Check out his page on how to live a long life, and his weekly blog on aging science.

Josh holds a B.Sc. from Harvard University and Ph.D. from the University of Pennsylvania.

Eugene Timko, MBA
VC and Fundraising Advisor
Eugene has over a decade of venture capital, corporate finance and management consulting experience.

Eugene is a co-founder and managing partner of Xploration Capital, an international venture capital fund. Before becoming a VC investor, Eugene worked as an investment banker at Morgan Stanley. Prior to that he spent 3 years as a consultant at McKinsey and Company and also worked as a fixed income researcher at BCP Securities.

Eugene teaches business and entrepreneurship courses at the Skolkovo Business School and is a business coach at the Skolkovo Startup Academy.

Eugene holds an M.Sc. from the Bauman Moscow State Technical University and an M.B.A. from Columbia Business School.

Our Advisors
A scientific project could never overstock on expertise and bright thinkers. We are privileged to have such a world-class team of advisors.
Aubrey de Grey, PhD
Scientific Advisor
Eugene Baranov, PhD
Scientific Advisor
Alexander Polinsky, PhD
Scientific and R&D Advisor
Andrei Gudkov, PhD, DSc
Scientific Advisor
Aubrey is the most prominent biogerontologist and a "spiritual leader" of the worldwide life extension movement.

He is the Chief Science Officer of SENS Research Foundation, a California-based 501(c)(3) charity dedicated to combating the aging process. Aubrey is also Editor-in-Chief of Rejuvenation Research, the world's highest-impact peer-reviewed journal focused on intervention in aging. He is a Fellow of both the Gerontological Society of America and the American Aging Association, and sits on the editorial and scientific advisory boards of numerous journals and organisations.

Like many modern gerontologists, Aubrey had begun his career in computer science before switching to biogerontology in the mid-1990s. His research interests encompass the characterisation of all the accumulating and eventually pathogenic molecular and cellular side-effects of metabolism ("damage") that constitute mammalian aging and the design of interventions to repair and/or obviate that damage. He has developed a possibly comprehensive plan for such repair, termed Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence (SENS), which breaks aging down into seven major classes of damage and identifies detailed approaches to addressing each one. A key aspect of SENS is that it can potentially extend healthy lifespan without limit, even though these repair processes will probably never be perfect, as the repair only needs to approach perfection rapidly enough to keep the overall level of damage below pathogenic levels. Aubrey has termed this required rate of improvement of repair therapies "longevity escape velocity". He describes his approach in detail in his book Ending Aging: The Rejuvenation Breakthroughs That Could Reverse Human Aging in Our Lifetime.

While Aubrey does not subscribe to the programmed theory of aging, he believes that epigenetic rejuvenation can potentially provide us with a meaningful lifespan extension. In his view, the ability to rejuvenate the aged body by reactivating early-life pathways does not in any way conflict with the idea that aging is unprogrammed and results from the gaps in our anti-aging machinery rather than the presence of actively pro-aging machinery.

Aubrey holds a B.A. and a Ph.D. from the University of Cambridge.

Eugene has over 20 years of experience in cancer research and over 15 years in other biotech areas.

He is an innovator in the fields of stem cell research, physical chemistry and biophysical methods in vivo and holds five U.S. patents for his inventions. He has published over 60 papers in highly-ranked scientific journals such as Cell, Cancer Cell and Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA (PNAS).

Eugene has been an educator at several international universities. He was also a consultant for several U.S. companies specializing in cancer research, nutrition and cosmetics.

Eugene has been overseeing a number of preclinical and clinical studies internationally, as well as technology transfer for a major stem cell company since 2005 in the areas of testing efficacy and safety of biologically active compounds; various types of stem cells and their derived products in diverse types of pathologies and in regenerative medicine.
Andrei is a world-renowned cancer and longevity researcher.

He works at Roswell Park Cancer Institute where he serves as a Senior Vice President for Basic Research, a Chair of the Department of Cell Stress Biology, and a member of the senior leadership team for National Cancer Institute (NCI) Cancer Center Support Grant. At Roswell Park, Andrei is leading the Cell Stress Biology program in DNA damage and repair, photodynamic therapy, thermal and hypoxic stress and immune modulation.

Previously Andrei worked at the Lerner Research Institute, Cleveland Clinic Foundation where he served as a chair of the Department of Molecular Genetics and as a professor of biochemistry at Case Western University. He has authored or co-authored 135 scientific articles and holds 27 patents.

Andrei holds a Ph.D. in Experimental Oncology from the Cancer Research Center and a Doctor of Science (D.Sc.) degree in Molecular Biology from the Moscow State University.

Alexander has had an illustrious career in biotech and pharmaceutical industries. He has firsthand experience of multiple roles in the drug development process: as a researcher, entrepreneur and an investor.

In 2009 he co-founded Everon Biosciences, Inc. and OncoTartis, Inc. Today he still serves as President and Chief Executive Officer of both companies. Prior to that Alexander served as Managing Partner of Maxwell Biotech Venture Fund.

Alexander was a co-founder of the Alanex Corporation and served as its CSO until it was acquired by Agouron Pharmaceuticals in 1997. After Agouron was acquired by Pfizer in 2000, Alexander became Vice President, Head of Discovery Technologies, at the Pfizer La Jolla Labs. In 2006, he moved into Pfizer Global Research Technology where he led the development of Pfizer External Research Network and Pharma Incubator concepts at Pfizer Global Research Technology. In 2007, he established The Pfizer Incubator (TPI) and served as its CEO. He left Pfizer in 2008 to pursue various entrepreneurial interests and founded 3 biotech companies.

In 2009 Alexander joined Maxwell Biotech Venture Fund as its Managing Partner. He also served as the Vice Chairman of Cleveland BioLabs, Inc. until April 14, 2015. He has been a Director of AtheroNova Inc. since October 13, 2010. He presently serves as a Director of Gowan Company.

Alexander has been a faculty member at Moscow University for 5 years studying the mechanisms of action of synthetic vaccines. He was also a visiting scientist at University of California at San Diego where he worked on developing new methods for computer-aided drug design.

Alexander holds a Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry from Moscow State University, Russia and has had post-doctoral training at the Institute for Biochemistry of the Russian Academy of Science.

Josh Mitteldorf, PhD
Scientific Advisor
Eugene Timko, MBA
VC and Fundraising Advisor
Josh is an evolutionary biologist, an author of several books on the mechanisms of aging, most notably Cracking the Aging Code.

Josh is an avid proponent of programmed aging and is an author of several scientific papers that explain how programmed aging can arise as a result of natural selection acting on groups and communities.

Josh is affiliated with the EAPS at MIT, but he works on his own. In the past, Josh has worked in astrophysics, optical design, and energy conservation. He has taught (statistics, physics, math, astronomy, and evolution) at Harvard, Berkeley, Temple, UPenn, LaSalle, and Bryn Mawr.

Check out his page on how to live a long life, and his weekly blog on aging science.

Josh holds a B.Sc. from Harvard University and Ph.D. from the University of Pennsylvania.

Eugene has over a decade of venture capital, corporate finance and management consulting experience.

Eugene is a co-founder and managing partner of Xploration Capital, an international venture capital fund. Before becoming a VC investor, Eugene worked as an investment banker at Morgan Stanley. Prior to that he spent 3 years as a consultant at McKinsey and Company and also worked as a fixed income researcher at BCP Securities.

Eugene teaches business and entrepreneurship courses at the Skolkovo Business School and is a business coach at the Skolkovo Startup Academy.

Eugene holds an M.Sc. from the Bauman Moscow State Technical University and an M.B.A. from Columbia Business School.

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