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Nothing But Nets

Published: February 2014; Updated: March 2015

Nothing But Nets is a campaign of the United Nations Foundation to raise awareness and funding for distribution of insecticide-treated bed nets in Africa.1 It grants the funds it raises to other organizations that purchase and distribute the nets, such as the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF), the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR), the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC).2

In early 2014 Nothing But Nets provided details about its work in this document.

We also had a conversation with a junior staff member of Nothing But Nets in 2011;3 in 2014, Nothing But Nets told us, "the content in the notes from this conversation is in large part outdated or inaccurate."4

In early 2014, we contacted a small number of organizations that run priority programs to ask the organizations to apply for a GiveWell recommendation. Nothing But Nets was one of these organizations. Nothing But Nets decided not to apply in 2014. See our discussion of Nothing But Nets' decision not to apply on our blog.

In early 2015, we contacted Nothing But Nets to invite the organization to apply for a GiveWell recommendation in 2015. Nothing But Nets declined to apply for a recommendation in 2015.

Previous version of this page: here.


Document Source
Email to GiveWell from Margo Jacobs, Senior Campaign Officer, Nothing But Nets, on January 27, 2014 Unpublished
Notes from a conversation with Amy Jensen, Senior Associate, Nothing But Nets, August 22, 2011 Source [Nothing But Nets notes this content is largely outdated or inaccurate]
Nothing But Nets, About us Source (archive)
Nothing But Nets, Where We Send Nets Source (archive)
Nothing But Nets, Responses to Investigation Questions Source
  • 1.

    "While the United Nations Foundation has been working with the UN to fight malaria for years, it was Rick Reilly’s column about malaria in Sports Illustrated challenging each of his readers to donate at least $10 to send insecticide-treated bed nets, that led to the creation of the Nothing But Nets campaign in 2006." Nothing But Nets, About us.

  • 2.

    "How Do Bed Nets Get to Africa?
    Nothing But Nets works with UN agencies and other implementing partners to purchase the nets and distribute them to families. Net distributions are typically part of a wider public health effort within a country coordinated by local ministries of health and public health organizations. Our implementing partners and local governments have expertise in accessing remote, hard-to-reach areas throughout Africa." Nothing But Nets, Where We Send Nets.

    "Nothing But Nets identifies areas of greatest need across sub-Saharan Africa and works to fill gaps in funding. Our priorities are constantly changing to address countries and populations most in need. The campaign targets populations that are particularly vulnerable to malaria, such as refugees, internally displaced people (IDPs), and other often overlooked demographics. Our implementing partners, including the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF), the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR), the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), as well as others, work closely with local Ministries of Health to determine which countries and populations will receive bed nets." Nothing But Nets, Responses to Investigation Questions, Pg 4.

  • 3.

    Notes from a conversation with Amy Jensen, Senior Associate, Nothing But Nets, August 22, 2011.

  • 4.

    Email to GiveWell from Margo Jacobs, Senior Campaign Officer, Nothing But Nets, on January 27, 2014.