
Royal College of Midwives is the voice of midwifery, the UK’s only trade union & professional organisation led by midwives for midwives & MSWs.

अप्रैल 2011 पर शामिल हुए


आपने @MidwivesRCM को अवरुद्ध किया है

क्या आप वाकई इन ट्वीट को देखना चाहते हैं? ट्वीट देखने से @MidwivesRCM का अवरोध नहीं हटेगा

  1. 9 मिनट पहले

    This week patron of the RCM Her Royal Highness the Princess Royal visited midwives, MSWs & maternity staff at Croydon University Hospital

  2. 19 घंटे पहले

    Are you ready to start your degree? We’re here to support you throughout your studies and placements with online learning tools, library access, representation and insurance for £1.67 a month. Join today:

  3. 21 घंटे पहले

    Calling all RCM members! We’re putting together a compilation for Conference and we need pics of you! Send us high res images of you and colleagues with your name, role (or old role if you’re retired) to us at

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    As part of our campaign, we have pledged to support more and better research into why black and Asian women have significantly worse outcomes than white women - and to act to close the gap. Happy to support this campaign

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  8. 15 सित॰

    *SPEAKER ANNOUNCEMENT is Newly Qualified Midwife, NHS Highland. She will be speaking at this year’s on “Online and the frontline: The student experience of COVID” on 7 Oct at 14.00. Register here to join:

  9. 15 सित॰

    *SPEAKER ANNOUNCEMENT* will be speaking at this year's , joining the conversation on "Securing Midwifery's future; nurturing our students and newly qualified midwives" on 8 Oct at 11.15. Register to attend here:

  10. 15 सित॰

    *SPEAKER ANNOUNCEMENT* will be at this year’s . She will be joining the session on “The transformative potential of midwifery and the impact of COVID”. Join our first conference here:

  11. ने रीट्वीट किया
    15 सित॰

    "We must recognise the true value of our 10.5m key workers. We must deliver real and restorative pay increases for them. Clapping was a great mark of respect, but it's not enough to live on," says

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    ‘Give midwives and maternity support workers the early and significant pay rise we deserve.’ That’s the message from the RCM to TUC Congress as it continues to push forward talks to secure a pay rise for its members.

  13. ने रीट्वीट किया
    15 सित॰

    Speaking for in the Congress debate on Preventing Unemployment and Building a Better Future. Calling for investment in public services and people. And ,crucially an early and substantial investment in NHS pay.

  14. 15 सित॰

    *SPEAKER ANNOUNCEMENT* is the Clinical Supervisor for Midwives, Powys Teaching Health Board. She will be joining the discussion on "Supporting midwives in clinical practice and advocating for women" on 7 Oct at 19.00. Register to attend:

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    Have you read our latest blog? Take a look for some helpful tips and advice as you embark upon your midwifery career Being a student midwife:

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    RCM calls for more specialist midwives to support pregnant BAME women in motion at TUC congress

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    Our website is currently unavailable right now. We apologise for the inconvenience this may cause. We will be up and running again soon.

  18. ने रीट्वीट किया
    14 सित॰

    More educators & support needed for Scotland's midwifery students says RCM's Director for Scotland writing in , see

  19. ने रीट्वीट किया
    14 सित॰

    Looking forward to the on line Congress today and tomorrow representing .

  20. 14 सित॰

    *SPEAKER ANNOUNCEMENT* is the Chief Nursing Officer for the Welsh Government and will be joining us to speak at this year's on 7 Oct at 10.45. Register your attendance to this year's Conference here:


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