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Common Weal
About us
About us —

Common Weal is a ‘think and do tank’ campaigning for social and economic equality in Scotland.

For 40 years Scotland has suffered from ‘me first’ politics – and we all came second. Politics has made a few extremely wealthy and left the rest suffering from low pay, insecurity, declining public services and fragmented communities.

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Think tank, news service, policy team, publisher, campaign team, online community, local network, research unit
Latest —

Common Weal campaigns for social and economic equality, for wellbeing and the environment, for quality of life, for peace and justice. This overview highlights what we’re currently working on, featuring campaigns, news, appeals, podcasts and policy updates addressing a whole range of current issues.

Local Groups —

Common Locals are one of the best things to come out of Common Weal. Passionate activists and campaigners from across Scotland decided that they wanted to change Scotland for the better, so they organised and educated to bring local activism alive and make change possible. 

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Do something —

Do Something is the antithesis of passivity. Thousands of people across Scotland have decided sitting back and letting others shape their future is no longer an option. They are the ones who have built Common Weal into a movement which is shaping a better fairer Scotland every day. You can make a massive difference by doing something powerful today. 

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Do something
Policy Library —
Common Weal is a 'think and do tank' campaigning for social and economic equality in Scotland

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