Internet Architecture Board


About the Internet Architecture Board

The Internet Architecture Board provides long-range technical direction for Internet development, ensuring the Internet continues to grow and evolve as a platform for global communication and innovation.

In its work, the IAB strives to:

  • Ensure that the Internet is a trusted medium of communication that provides a solid technical foundation for privacy and security, especially in light of pervasive surveillance,
  • Establish the technical direction for an Internet that will enable billions more people to connect, support the vision for an Internet of Things, and allow mobile networks to flourish, while keeping the core capabilities that have been a foundation of the Internet’s success, and
  • Promote the technical evolution of an open Internet without special controls, especially those which hinder trust in the network.
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New IAB Program: Evolvability, Deployability, & Maintainability (EDM)

A new IAB Program has been formed on Evolvability, Deployability, & Maintainability (EDM). For additional information, please contact the IAB or the Program Lead.

Program Web Page: Evolvability, Deployability, & Maintainability (EDM) Program

IAB Lead: Tommy Pauly

Mailing list:

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Appointment of Tim April to the ICANN Root Zone Evolution Review Committee (RZERC)

The IAB has appointed Tim April to serve a one-year term on the ICANN Root Zone Evolution Review Committee (RZERC). The IAB thanks Tim for his willingness to serve the community in this capacity.

The IAB would like to thank everyone who volunteered and provided feedback to this process. The IAB also would like to extend a special thanks to Jim Reid, who has served in this role since 2016 and is now stepping down due to term limits.

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IAB report to the community for IETF 108

This is the IAB report for the period between IETF 107 and IETF 108. This report presents a summary of activities. More detailed information on many of the topics is also available at

Minutes of all IAB business calls are available at The IAB business calls are open for observation and ​the upcoming agenda​ is posted in advance on the IAB wiki at The calendar and connection details​ can also be found there.

If you have issues you want to discuss over email, feel free to send your comments to the IAB as a whole at

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IAB Reappoints Peter Koch to ICANN Nominating Committee

The IAB has been deliberating the appointment from the IETF community to the ICANN NomCom over the past few weeks. After seeking feedback from the IETF community, the IAB has decided to re-appoint Peter Koch to this position.

The IAB extends its sincere thanks to Peter for serving the community in this role.

IAB Seeks Feedback on Candidates for ICANN Root Zone Evolution Review Committee (RZERC)

The IAB recently requested nominations for the ICANN Root Zone Evolution Review Committee (RZERC).

There are a number of candidates, and the IAB is now soliciting comments from the community on these candidates.

The following candidates have put their names forward:

  • Tim April
  • Fred Baker
  • Warren Kumari

Please send your remarks in confidence about any or all candidates to and by 2020-07-28 at 2359 UTC. The IAB thanks you in advance for your help.

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Brian Rosen to Serve as Additional RFC Editor Future Development Program Chair

The IAB has selected Brian Rosen to serve as an additional chair of the RFC Editor Future Development Program, joining current chair Eliot Lear. Together, the chairs will set the detailed agenda, manage the program, and call consensus among the participants. The program also has two liaisons from the IAB to assist with logistical matters, Wes Hardaker and Jared Mauch.

Brian was selected based on strong community feedback and careful consideration by the IAB in order to provide the best candidate to help manage this group.

The IAB thanks all of the candidates who were willing to serve. This was a difficult decision with many strong candidates.

This program has completely open participation. To subscribe to the mailing list, please go to <>.