

Feminist, GP, BMA GPC UK , Eng Rep GP survival , Policy lead clinical and prescribing BMA ,GP chair , Tweets personal /RT not endorsement

Joined July 2015


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  1. Aug 8

    Another year older ... but still feel like a big kid at heart . 👶 says I get more excited than him for my birthday 😜 He did indulge me though , baked chocolate cake , did photo shoot & lovely lunch , feeling blessed . Cherry on top, spend time with friends ❤️

  2. Retweeted
    Aug 8

    Agree- only 1 in 3 IMGs members of trade union but are in greatest need of advocacy given disproportionate adversities at work - bullying, harassment, non-inclusion, blame. Need comprehensive induction to understand labyrinthine NHS environment, culture and how to seek support

  3. Retweeted
    Aug 7

    Sad end to the day: groups of thugs interrupt our filming for , are aggressive towards my producer, throw stuff at my cameraman and deliberately walk into me (a few times) while we worked. It was so unsafe by 6pm, that we had to pack up and leave. Such a shame.

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  4. Retweeted
    Aug 7

    Doctors from overseas whose exams were delayed due to COVID-19 will now be allowed to remain in the UK without additional charges. Huge thanks go to the collaborative efforts of . Our full statement:

  5. Retweeted
    Aug 6

    The health service is under immense pressure and we cannot afford to lose experienced doctors because of a lack of flexibility and support

  6. Retweeted
    Aug 6
  7. Retweeted
    Aug 6

    Brian many thanks 🙏 for bringing this to my attention. It is indeed worth listening to, helps one understand what the term 'white privilege' means

  8. Retweeted
    Aug 6

    Dear strangers; Once again No, I'm not 'babysitting', I'm their father No, I didn't 'draw the short straw'. They're my children. I like them a lot No, it's not 'mum's day off'. It's the exact opposite, she's in work. Women can have official jobs these days. It's a thing.

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  9. Retweeted
    Jul 30

    Large UCL study on effects of lockdown shows: • Women did more than twice the amount of childcare. •Women effectively ‘put careers on hold’ •lockdown will disproportionately affect women’s careers ⁦⁩ ⁦

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  10. Retweeted
    Aug 5

    Heard back from an IMG posted to medical speciality on her first ever NHS job, at induction now, and HR refused her request to not be on call out of hours on her first day of NHS work after induction. They didn’t give her consultant’s email despite requesting prior to induction!

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  11. Retweeted
    Aug 5

    Long thread, apologies. Increasingly concerned at the direction of primary care policy in England. Also, the lack of clear representation and apparent push-back. This isn’t aimed at clinicians. We know where the gaps are in leadership. First flu vaccines.

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  12. Retweeted
    Aug 5

    Ethnic minority health care workers 3-5 times more likely to test positive for COVID-19 compared to the general population. (UK and US study)

    , , and 7 others
  13. Aug 5
  14. Retweeted
    Aug 4

    Israel is in some ways an outlier among other countries for how poorly their school reopening effort went. The problem, experts say: lack of compliance on social distancing and masks + too broad of a reopening for the rest of society.

  15. Retweeted
    Aug 4

    The Israeli government, confident it had beaten the coronavirus, invited students back to school in May. Within days, infections were reported at a Jerusalem high school. It became the largest outbreak in a single school in Israel, possibly the world.

  16. Retweeted
    Aug 4

    It’s a welcome move , what about Primary care though . It seems secondary care focussed . What about CCG’s , PCN’s , ICP’s & ICS’s ? Similar measures needed in primary care . could we hear your plans ?

  17. Retweeted
    Aug 3

    If any chaps in the Colne and Pendle area are struggling with anxiety or depression at the moment, please try our Mens peer support group. Mens Den is a non judgemental group and confidential, a great place to meet like minded men and make new friends.

  18. Aug 4

    It’s a welcome move , what about Primary care though . It seems secondary care focussed . What about CCG’s , PCN’s , ICP’s & ICS’s ? Similar measures needed in primary care . could we hear your plans ?

  19. Retweeted
    Aug 3

    The idea that General Practice can increase activity further (already back to normal), deal with more secondary care work, deliver QOF, cope with winter AND deliver the biggest flu campaign ever during a pandemic is beyond fantasy.

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  20. Retweeted
    Aug 3

    Trusts given five years for leadership to match workforce diversity


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