
Conserving Life in Canada’s Oceans

Canada is bordered by three oceans—the Atlantic, Pacific, and Arctic—that together give it the world’s longest shoreline and jurisdiction over approximately 3.3 million square miles of marine habitat that are as diverse and full of life as they are vast. This biodiversity and abundance support a unique way of life for all Canadians including more than a million Indigenous people, who have sustained their communities with hunting and fishing for thousands of years.

The Pew Charitable Trusts works to protect the rich diversity of life in Canada’s oceans through partnerships with Canada-based scientists, conservation and fishing organizations, Indigenous communities, and government agencies. Together, we advance policies to establish marine protected areas; safeguard environmentally sensitive regions of the Arctic Ocean from industrial fishing, offshore energy development, and shipping; and promote science-based conservation measures for commercial fisheries. 

Right Whale

North Atlantic Right Whales

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North Atlantic Right Whales

North Atlantic right whales, which migrate along the East Coast from Canada to Florida, were heavily hunted by commercial whalers into the early 20th century. In the decades after whaling ceased, the population slowly but steadily increased, but now that trend has reversed.

Pacific Seamounts
Pacific Seamounts

Pacific Canada

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Pacific Canada

Canada has the world’s longest shoreline, one that borders the Arctic, Atlantic, and Pacific oceans. The country also has a diverse population, many parts of which have centuries-old traditions centered around life by the sea. In part due to these factors, the country is creating a culturally inclusive approach to marine protection that could serve as a model for other nations that serve such a wide range of stakeholders.

Beluga whale
Beluga whale

Hudson Bay Beluga Project

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Every summer, one of the largest concentrations of beluga whales in the world returns to the southwestern coast of Hudson Bay as the sea ice recedes.

Our Work

The Arctic Heritage and Beauty of Tallurutiup Imanga (Lancaster Sound)