Pew’s Philadelphia research and policy initiative seeks to inform discussions on important issues facing the city and the region and to provide policymakers and other decision-makers with data, analysis, and examples of promising practices that may help them address key challenges.

We regularly release reports that often offer comparisons with other major U.S. cities, and we conduct polling to determine Philadelphians’ views on policy issues, elected officials, and various aspects of life in the city.

We also combine our local capacity with our state- and national-level expertise to convene city and regional stakeholders with experts and officials from around the country to discuss effective, evidence-based solutions being implemented in other jurisdictions and the impacts of those reforms.


The State of Housing Affordability in Philadelphia

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Housing prices and rents in Philadelphia have long been lower than in many other big cities. But over the past decade, as Philadelphia has shifted from a shrinking city to a growing one with an increased demand for housing, officials and advocates have expressed mounting concern about the degree to which the city remains affordable—and for whom. To assess the situation, The Pew Charitable Trusts conducted a detailed examination of housing data from Philadelphia and put the findings in the context of other large cities throughout the country, both the 10 largest high-poverty cities and the 10 most populous.


Philadelphia's Small and Midsize Business Landscape

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Small and midsize businesses play a crucial role in the U.S. economy—as employers, taxpayers, innovators, neighborhood institutions, wealth builders, and suppliers of goods and services. When these smaller and often local employers thrive and multiply, they can help residents of all backgrounds prosper.

Issue Brief

How Philadelphia’s Minimum Wage Compares With Other U.S. Cities

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Issue Brief

How Philadelphia’s Minimum Wage Compares With Other U.S. Cities

The notion of raising Pennsylvania’s minimum wage—and thereby Philadelphia’s—has been a topic of considerable debate over the past year, both in the state Legislature and elsewhere. As of Jan. 1, 2020, Philadelphia’s minimum wage was $7.25 an hour, where it has remained since 2009.


Will the COVID-19 Pandemic Reverse Philadelphia's Progress?

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Every spring since 2009, The Pew Charitable Trusts has gathered data from numerous sources for our “State of the City” report on Philadelphia. But this year, because of COVID-19, the findings must be seen in a different light.

Our Work

State of the City
State of the City

Philadelphia 2020: State of the City

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Philadelphia 2020: State of the City

At the start of 2020, Philadelphia continued to be largely a tale of success, expanding upon years of economic progress and demographic change.

Data Visualization

The State of 10 Cities

A decade of key economic, social, and demographic indicators

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Data Visualization

The State of 10 Cities, an interactive resource from The Pew Charitable Trusts, allows you to analyze data from 10 U.S. cities on key economic, social, and demographic indicators over the past decade.