​Supporting a Philanthropic Fund

How we applied our expertise to launch and grow a fund in the Middle East

Our client, a leading US foundation, was building relationships with philanthropists in the Middle East. A leading family in the region stepped forward with an interest in bringing together family and friends to give to issues important to them and to the foundation. Our client needed support to launch and maintain a new philanthropic fund in the Middle East region.

The solution

Geneva Global first worked with our client to develop the goals for the fund and identify other potential members. Simultaneously, we researched philanthropic vehicles in the Middle East and possibilities for how funding could flow from selected Middle East countries to projects in sub-Saharan African countries.

Once a giving platform was established, we worked with our client to develop communications materials to explain the goals of the fund, how a donor could join, and where funding would go.

As interest in the fund grew, we worked with our client to develop a series of events and communications to maintain engagement in the fund and provide opportunities for participants to learn about issues in global health within their own countries and the countries where they were granting.

Geneva Global supported the growth of this fund by:

  • Developing and maintaining processes for donor payments and granting
  • Briefing our client for visits with fund members and for trips to the region
  • Providing customized briefings about the culture, specific global health issues, and details about each organization visited on donor learning trips
  • Writing quarterly online communications to update donors on fund activities and provide highlights about selected grantees
  • Creating a customized fund report to inform donors about the collective impact of the fund and managing the translation of the report into Arabic.

The results

We helped our client create a $15 million dollar fund with more than 20 donors in a new geography.

We have supported ongoing learning and communications to engage donors, and the fund continues to attract new donors interested in granting in the area of global health.