
Glad to see this challenge to Tennessee's harmful "abortion reversal" law. These types of mandates compromise medical standards of informed consent and patients’ right to quality care. They are part of a larger agenda to stigmatize and ban abortion.

New estimates: If there were a 25% average decline in essential pregnancy-related care for adolescents due to #COVID19 disruptions, there would be 134,000 more major obstetric complications & 3,400 more adolescent maternal deaths annually.

L'immagine può contenere: una o più persone e persone in piedi, il seguente testo "COVID-19 AND YOUTH SRHR"
An ABC affiliate highlights our study on religion and contraceptive use in the United States.
This morning the Equal Access to Abortion Coverage in Health Insurance (EACH Woman) Act was introduced in Congress. The bill would restore abortion coverage to those who receive care or insurance through the federal government. It would also prohibit political interference in decisions by private insurance companies to offer abortion coverage. No woman should have her decision about abortion be made for her because she can’t afford care she needs. #4EACHofUs #BeBoldEndHyde
Providing needed sexual and reproductive health care to all women in the developing world breaks down to just $25 per woman, per year. Every woman has the right to receive the health care she needs not just to survive…but to thrive.