Ensuring the safety of food and drugs is a key government responsibility. But today’s products originate in farms and factories all over the world, through manufacturing and supply chains that can involve growers, processing plants, suppliers, brokers, packagers, and distributors.

This complexity increases the possibility that substandard or counterfeit medicines will reach patients – as well as the risk that foodborne pathogens will make their way to our grocery stores and restaurants.

Pew’s work advances science-based policies—grounded in solid research—that seek to strengthen federal government policies and processes to safeguard public health.

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Foodborne risk promo
Data Visualization

Emerging Foodborne Risks

How and why pathogens emerge

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Data Visualization

Understand why new pathogens emerge and how to best respond. This infographic is associated with a new report from The Pew Charitable Trusts, “Emerging Pathogens in Meat and Poultry."

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