Alex Horowitz

Alex Horowitz
Alex Horowitz
Senior Officer
Consumer Finance Project
The Pew Charitable Trusts


Alex Horowitz guides research for Pew’s consumer finance project, which focuses on how home financing products, small-dollar loans, and consumer banking can be made safer and more transparent. He manages a series of surveys, experiments, and analyses designed to identify which features of alternative financial arrangements used to purchase manufactured housing and other smaller home mortgages—as well as small-dollar consumer loans, such as payday, auto title, and high-cost installment loans—work well, and which work poorly, and to examine the impacts of market practices and potential regulations.

Before joining Pew, Horowitz worked at the polling firm Hart Research, conducting strategic opinion research for clients in the private, public, and nonprofit sectors. His previous work was in media relations, baseball information, and communications for the Florida Marlins and Cincinnati Reds.

Horowitz holds a bachelor’s degree in sociology from Harvard University.

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