Pew EnvironmentCompte certifié


We work globally to establish pragmatic, science-based policies that conserve our oceans, public lands, and shorelines.

Washington DC
Inscrit en août 2008


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  1. “Mangroves provide flood reduction benefits in the tune of $65B a year, and they protect 15M+ people worldwide.” - our These nature-based solutions are more vital than ever.

  2. il y a 1 heure

    Triple win: Coastal wetlands benefit people, biodiversity, and the climate. Seychelles is taking bold action to map and protect seagrass.

  3. il y a 2 heures

    This northern rockhopper penguin has a bright future to look forward to. Its home, , will be fully protecting over 90% of its waters.

  4. il y a 3 heures

    The iconic western Atlantic bluefin tuna is worth at least $20 million for fishing operations, so why drive down prices with oversupply? Sustainable management of this stock protects the economic value, the ecosystem, and health of our ocean.

  5. il y a 5 heures

    This is a historic commitment to oyster restoration in the Chesapeake Bay. Virginia is a national leader in large-scale oyster restoration, with ’s recent $10 million investment being just one reason why.

  6. il y a 6 heures

    Nunavimmiut (Nunavik Inuit) rely on harvesting wildlife as an important part of their health and nutrition. Protecting habitat to ensure animal populations thrive is critical to Nunavik Inuit way of life.

  7. il y a 8 heures

    Tristan da Cunha, the world’s most remote archipelago settlement, is home to: 👥 260 people 🐧 85% of northern rockhopper penguins 🌊 Earth’s newest marine protection declaration

  8. a retweeté
    il y a 10 heures

    Listen to 17-year old Penelope Lea, who wasn't born when negs to end harmful fish subs started in 2001. No more excuses, it's been too long. Now's the time to .

  9. a retweeté
    19 nov.

    INBOX: While celebrating $10 mil in oyster restoration funding included in the budget, highlights a 21-acre oyster restoration project in the Elizabeth River that was funded using money from Atlantic Wood Industries to clean up its Superfund site.

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  10. 19 nov.

    U.S. coral reefs support: -Coastal economies -Diverse marine ecosystems -Resiliency to storms A new report spotlights their dire condition.

  11. 19 nov.

    Prized Dungeness crab, salmon and even killer whales may be risk from seabed mining.

  12. 19 nov.

    Oyster reef structures create habitat for marine life, help support valuable fisheries and jobs, and protect coasts from storms and tides. Now, we’re working to leverage these vital filter feeders to help protect nearshore military installations.

  13. a retweeté
    19 nov.

    “Our public lands heal the soul and serve as an antidote, especially for our youth and for veterans fighting depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, and traumatic brain injury.” More from the ’s Chad Brown in this Q&A:

  14. 19 nov.
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  15. 19 nov.

    If flexibility is needed for a developing country, it should be targeted, limited, and address the specific concerns of the nation.

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  16. 19 nov.

    Fishing on the puts unneeded stress on fisheries and is more often than not unprofitable. Less than half of high seas fishing activity would be profitable without subsidies, according to a 2018 study.

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  17. 19 nov.

    The estimates that 34% of all fish stocks are being fished beyond sustainable limits. Banning harmful subsidies on these overfished populations is one step towards .

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  18. 19 nov.

    Fuel subsidies are the least effective form of support for fishers and account for $7.7 billion of the $22 billion provided in harmful subsidies each year.

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  19. 19 nov.

    Developing and developed countries alike contribute to overfishing. Any agreement needs all WTO member countries to commit to changing the way they allocate public funding.

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  20. 19 nov.

    [THREAD] As the marks its 25th year, it can make a lasting positive impact on our ocean’s health by agreeing to end harmful fisheries subsidies. Here are 5 elements an agreement must have to make this happen. 👇

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