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Substance Use Prevention and Treatment Initiative

Substance Use Prevention and Treatment Initiative
Substance use disorders and the harms associated with these diseases are a serious, growing public health problem in the United States. Almost 47,000 Americans died from an opioid overdose in 2018, which translates to 128 lives lost each day.

Project Goals 

Outpatient Treatment is Effective and Accessible

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Outpatient Treatment is Effective and Accessible

More than 2 million Americans suffer from opioid use disorder, but only about 25% of people receive any sort of care. For many, inpatient treatment often means leaving a job and loved ones behind to seek recovery.


Policy Priorities to Address Opioid Use Disorder

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Individuals with opioid use disorder (OUD) struggle to get effective care: Of 2 million Americans with the illness, only 26% receive treatment. Now, as the coronavirus pandemic presents an added strain on the U.S. health care system, it is creating greater hardships for those seeking OUD treatment.

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The Overdose Crisis Involves More Than Just Opioids

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Opioid-related overdose deaths have devastated communities throughout the country. But fatalities related to psychostimulant drugs—which increase activity in the body’s central nervous system—are increasing, and complicating efforts to curb the nation’s overdose crisis.


Why Aren’t More People With Opioid Use Disorder Getting Buprenorphine?

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More than 2 million Americans struggle with opioid use disorder (OUD), a chronic relapsing medical condition, but access to medication-assisted treatment remains limited. Buprenorphine helps alleviate painful symptoms associated with the disorder. But few clinicians prescribe the drug.

Our Work

Medication-Assisted treatment for opioid use disorder
Medication-Assisted treatment for opioid use disorder

Medication-Assisted Treatment

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Opioid use disorder is a complex brain disease, but it is often still viewed as a moral failing. This stigma can keep people from accessing care for their disease, including medication-assisted treatment (MAT), which combines Food and Drug Administration-approved medications with behavioral therapies. Watch how MAT can help people manage their disease, a critical step in reducing the risk of overdose and improving health.

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When Are Prescribers Required to Use Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs?

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When Are Prescribers Required to Use Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs?

Prescriber use mandates are state laws that require health care providers to check the prescription drug monitoring program (PDMP)—a state-based electronic database intended to help reduce misuse and diversion of controlled substances—under specific circumstances.