California Adolescent Literacy Initiative | CALI
CALI Reads is a 5-year project to improve literacy outcomes for adolescent students, especially students with disabilities. It serves nine districts and district consortia across California who in collaboration with three school site administrators applied to participate. CALI Reads offers participating districts and their selected middle schools funding, support, and training through CALI Reads literacy coaching, professional development (PD) and systems support for teachers and administrators.
CALI Reads Focus Areas
Focus 1: Multi-tiered Literacy Systems of Support
Building effective leadership teams at various decision-making tiers who monitor implementation, literacy programming, and engage in data-based decision making and problem solving to meet the needs of all students.
Focus 2: Evidence-Based Literacy Practice
Engaging participants and families in training modules, workshops and coaching on evidence-based literacy strategies in word analysis, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension for content area classes, targeted intervention, and home support.
Focus 3: Sustainability and Growth
Establishing leadership, systems, monitoring tools, and resources (such as the CALI Reads Learning Library and CALI Learns) to better enable districts to scale-up and sustain implementation over time.
CALI Reads Theory of Change

CALI Reads Activities
Year One (2018-19’): Building Leadership Teams (the Site Implementation Teams and District Support Teams) and creating a culture of Collaborative Data Review
Year Two (2019-20’): Continues with Year One activities and participates in Literacy Training, Coaching, and Family Involvement.
Year Three (2020-21’): Continues with Year One and Year Two activities. District encouraged to identify a 4th middle school site.
Year Four (2021-22’): Continues with Year One-Three activities. Site begins focus on Sustainability and Growth Plans. District’s 4th site enters the project with CALI Reads coach support.
Year Five (2022-23’): Continues with Year One-Four activities, while supporting Scale-up and Sustainability.

For Further Information
Sign up to receive updates on CALI Reads and the application process by emailing your Name, Email Address, District/School, and Role to:
Follow CALIReads on Twitter
The WordBuilder app is up in the Amazon store for download to your Kindle! Let us know if you try it out with your students!
— CALI Reads (@CALIReads) February 27, 2020

CALI Reads
is a project funded by the Office of Special Education in partnership with the California Department of Education, Special Education Division. The project is coordinated and administered through the
Napa County Office of Education
1450 Technology Lane, Suite 200 Petaluma, CA 94954
Fax: 707-762-1438 | e-mail:

The contents of this website were developed under a State Personnel Development Grant (SPDG) from the US Department of Education (CALI/Award #H323A170011), Project Officer, However, the contents of this site not necessarily represent the policy of the US Department of Education and no assumption of endorsement by the Federal government should be made.
Last updated: 02/27/2020