BBC Radio 4 TodayHitelesített felhasználó


flagship news programme, on air 6-9am weekdays and 7-9am on Saturday. Talk about the programme

London, UK
Csatlakozott 2007. augusztus


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  1. 6 órával ezelőtt

    Of course we knew that demand would go up, says Health Secretary Matt Hancock, adding that the challenge is that the demand has gone "through the roof" - including amongst those who are not eligible as they have no symptoms |

  2. 6 órával ezelőtt

    Customers are "much safer" in pubs and restaurants than socialising at home because we have invested so much in our venues to make them Covid safe, says Peter Borg-Neal, chief executive of Oakman Inns, which has 28 sites in England

  3. 7 órával ezelőtt

    Of course we knew that demand would go up, says Health Secretary Matt Hancock, adding that challenge is that the demand has gone "through the roof" including amongst those who are not eligible as they have no symptoms

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    8 órával ezelőtt

    "City centres will never be the same again" says he can't see his stores in metropolitan areas ever reaching pre-pandemic levels "people will limit their time in the office and will try and get the balance that works for them"

  5. 8 órával ezelőtt

    "We could have avoided this situation", says Jonathan Ashworth, shadow health secretary, adding that his party had warned the Govt more tests would be needed when schools reopened and had urged ministers to build up capacity over the summer

  6. 8 órával ezelőtt

    Currently we are seeing infections "predominantly" in young people, says Prof Dame Anne Johnson, Director, Centre of Infectious Disease Epidemiology at UCL, adding that her concern is "the speed of the rate of increase", which must be suppressed

  7. 8 órával ezelőtt

    Coming up: The PM is considering new restrictions across England to control the virus (0810); the remote Siberian region where vast swathes of permafrost are thawing (0725) & Britain's most musical family on their new album (0740)

  8. 9 órával ezelőtt
  9. szept. 17.

    "We need supporters back in stadiums because we are haemorrhaging about £25m a month." English Football League boss Rick Parry says social distancing means having fans watching matches is compatible with the rule on not more than 6 people meeting

  10. szept. 17.

    People who have Covid symptoms may have to wait longer for a test while front line NHS and care workers, and teachers, get priority, says Health Minister Edward Argar | |

  11. szept. 17.

    "Teachers are likely to be in that prioritisation group for they are front line workers" says Health Minister Edward Argar, adding that the guidance will be published in the next few days

  12. szept. 17.

    A two-week lockdown will just delay the problem further into winter and it's time "to accept this is endemic" and prioritise protecting the vulnerable, says Prof Carl Heneghan, director of the Centre for Evidence based Medicine, Oxford University

  13. szept. 17.

    "If we don't get on top of this now, it's going to get out of control" says Nick Forbes, Leader, Newcastle City Council, adding that local tracing shows infections are happening in pubs and bars, mixing in people's homes and in grass roots sports

  14. szept. 17.
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    szept. 16.

    2/2 Scientists identify a new global mass extinction event 233 million years ago. Dubbed the Carnian Pluvial Episode it paved the way for Dinosaurs to take over the world and takes the total to six (seven if you count the one we’re currently inflicting on the planet)

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    szept. 16.

    1/2 Tomorrow in : As the North-east faces further lockdown restrictions, and SAGE meets to discuss the latest evidence, we host our own mini-SAGE meeting with , Prof Lucy Yardley and

  17. szept. 16.

    Jeremy Hunt says "if you act early, you have a better chance of being less draconian later on" and he would prefer to see measures such as a 10pm curfew for pubs and restaurants brought in "quickly and early" to "avoid a second national lockdown"

  18. szept. 16.

    When Govts impose longer sentences for particular crimes it tends to "impact adversely" on people who are committing crimes in very different circumstances, such as women who kill abusers, says Harriet Wistrich from Centre for Women's Justice

  19. szept. 16.

    Teachers need to be counted as key workers so that they can get tested and schools can "keep that maths teacher in front of 30 young people if their test is negative" says Geoff Barton, General Secretary, Association of School & College Leaders

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    szept. 16.

    Coming up at 08:10 on : Dr Mike Skinner and on Lighthouse labs and testing bottlenecks


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