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EnduroSat One Mission

EnduroSat One Mission

EnduroSat One is the first Bulgarian CubeSat mission!


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Начало Curriculum

Space Challenges

Preparing the next generation of explorers

Space Challenges is one of the biggest educational programs in the field of space science and high technologies in Europe.
The main aim is to inspire more young people to pursue science, technical and engineering careers. The program fosters entrepreneurship in the high-tech field facilitating the development of new tech start-up projects that bring innovation to the region.
The initiative involves a range of leading experts from ESA, NASA, Caltech, MIT, Stanford University, Harvard University, University of Oxford, and many World-class organizations.
Space Challenges establishes a strong connection between education and local high-tech industry. Our efforts are aimed at helping young people to acquire knowledge and skills and to apply those at creating innovative companies and organizations.
Since 2010, hundreds of students participated the course and had the opportunity to interact with leading professionals from the high-tech sector.

The Program

The sole objective of Space Challenges Program is to attract the interest of students and young people to space exploration, science and technology. The program is designed to inspire and motivate the next generation of scientists and technologists, as well as to catalyze the development of an entrepreneurial culture among researchers in the high-technology space sector.
Space Challenges revolves around 2 major pillars:

  • Spaceport Platform (Browser MOOC platform): https://spaceport.academy
  • Spaceport Odyssey (Advanced iOS platform): Download Spaceport Odyssey iOS App
  • Hands-on Educational Program

By organizing hands-on experience and positive, active attitude towards space science and development in students and young people, we aim to improve the development of a competitive space industry.

Space Challenges enables the participants coming from diverse background and experience, to learn together, form research collaborations, and launch space-related enterprises based on common interests and expertise, gained during the program.

The informal educational program is designed to give a broad knowledgebase of what the space scientific and industrial fabric includes. Since 2010, the annual Space Challenges program has offered its participants (Space Cadets) an exposure to the latest advances in space-related science and technology, as well as first-hand interaction with leading experts worldwide. The program has revolved around three components: Science, Technology and Entrepreneurship.

The biggest achievement of the program is that it is completely practice oriented and the participants are engaged into active participation, workshops and exercises in more than 70% of the whole duration of the program. At the end of the program’s activities, the participants have designed, developed and built technological solutions and are ready to start new companies and continue their education in the science and technology fields.

Space Challenges consists of FOUR thematic weeks, which will cover the basics of most Space-related areas including the business side. The typical workflow is shown in the following table:

Week(s) Theme
1 Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics
2 Astrobiology, Biotech and Space Medicine
2 Electronics, Robotics and A.I.
3 Space Science and Exploration
4 Space Applications
4 Entrepreneurship and Team Projects Finals

Detailed description of the curriculum:

Week 1 - Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics

Week 2 - Astrobiology, Biotech and Space Medicine; Electronics, Robotics and A.I.

Week 3 – Space Science and Exploration

Week 3 - Space Science and Exploration

Week 4 - Space Applications; Entrepreneurship and Team Projects Finals

Core Lectures

The Space Challenges program includes lectures and talks by World-leading scientists, technologists, and entrepreneurs who share their success stories and their perception about the near future. Space Challenges is a multidisciplinary program and explores the links between science and technology topics.

It is open to young people with diverse background. It includes core-curriculum lectures, separated in thematic modules: Aerospace engineering, Space systems technologies and applications, Astrophysics, Robotics and AI, as well as entrepreneurship studies on how specific technologies create common wealth and disrupt whole industries.

List of lecturers: https://www.spaceedu.net/lecturers-at-space-challenges

Team Challenge

Space Challenges is a multidisciplinary educational program and it is completely practice oriented. The Space Cadets are working in teams of 4 - 6 participants throughout the entire duration of the program. Their goal is to design, build and test tech prototypes, solving concrete challenges.

The Satellite Challenge

Ever wanted to develop a real satellite mission?
Earn the opportunity to design, build and integrate your very own CubeSat payload on EnduroSat’s satellite platform.
Work on a satellite mission during the 4-weeks of the program. Cooperate directly with EnduroSat's engineering team.
Create a vision for the next generation of satellite systems and prove that you are worthy of a career in space!
Prerequisites - one or more of the following is required:
Electronics, Mechanical Engineering, Physics, Programming, Finance


Workshops and hands-on activities are designed to develop teamwork and leadership skills. All practices are embedded within the core curriculum. Every week of the program, workshops and presentations extend further the knowledge of the participants and help them develop successfully their tech prototypes.

Workshop include

  • Orbital Simulations (Kerbal Space Program and STK introduction)
  • Electronics and Mechanics workshop
  • Numerical Simulations workshop
  • Observational Astronomy workshops (TBC)
  • Presentation workshop: Selling your ideas


The Space Challenges team has developed a massive online educational platform with over 100 hours of original educational video content. It is freely available, complementing the physical program course. Our Space Cadets are expected to use the Spaceport during the entire physical program.

Spaceport: https://spaceport.academy


Space Challenges Program has established close cooperation with Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” and Technical University – Sofia – two of the leading universities in the Balkans.

Through close collaborations Space Challenges brings industry, education and science and technology closer to each other and acts as a bridge between those segments of the economy.

Each year Space Challenges participants get access to cutting-edge online resources, well designed office and lab space for project development and lecture auditoriums for the core presentations. The program provides all required technical resources for the development of the tech projects, as well as hands-on mentorship and custom-built workshop assignments.

Upon successful completion of all the aspects of the program, the Space Cadets will receive certificates of completion for the program, introduction to leading high-tech companies and seed and venture capitals funds.

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Contact Info

For us Space is not a boundary! If you don't believe, contact us!

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Начало About

Space Challenges Program

Preparing the next generation of scientists and explorers.

Our mission is to help develop a generation of young scientists and technologists with an entrepreneurial mindset, who have been exposed to the best practices in space research and advanced technologies.
Learn more about the program

Association Tsiolkovsky

Empowering capable young people since 2004.

The main goal of “Tsiolkovsky” is Space Challenges Program – the biggest educational program for space science, technology and exploration in Central and Eastern Europe.
Learn more about the Association

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