GCCI Project Map_11.5.20-01.png
November 05, 2020
In 2017, with support from the UK’s Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (formerly the Department for International Development), J-PAL and IPA jointly launched the Governance, Crime, and Conflict Initiative (GCCI) to increase our...
IPA Logo
November 05, 2020
In this fourth installment of our RECOVR Roundup series, we are sharing new findings and analysis from the RECOVR Research Hub and from our partner organizations—as well as links on what is happening in the Social Protection landscape in response to...
November 03, 2020
On October 20, the Center for Effective Global Action, a hub for global research development that’s headquartered at UC Berkeley, hosted an online Berkeley Conversations event, “COVID-19 and Forced Displacement in the Global South,” with the...
Zambia_risk perception.png
October 27, 2020
In a survey of residents in Zambia, IPA found that educational continuity, economic well-being, and food security are critical issues amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. Policymakers must contend with twin concerns of continuing to promote risk-mitigation...
Illustration graphic summarizing the conference topics. Obtained via socialprotection.org
October 22, 2020
In this third installment of our RECOVR Roundup series, we are sharing new findings and analysis from the RECOVR Research Hub and from our partner organizations—as well as links on what is happening in the Social Protection landscape in response to...
"Eureka"—sketch by Doug Parkerson
Doug Parkerson
October 20, 2020
In the last few years, IPA has redoubled its efforts to move promising evidence-based interventions from initial pilots to scalable and adaptable programs and policies. As anyone working in international development knows, this is a complex process...
Mental health graphic
October 19, 2020
In Latin America, the ministries of education in El Salvador (MINED) and Costa Rica (MEP) and the institute of family wellbeing in Colombia (ICBF) joined forces with Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA) and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)...
Figure 1: Changes in Food Security Pre- and Post-COVID
October 08, 2020
In this second installment of our RECOVR Roundup series, we are sharing new findings and analysis from the RECOVR Research Hub and from our partner organizations—as well as links on what is happening in the Social Protection landscape in response to...
UBI study in Kenya
Tavneet Suri, Jeffrey Mosenkis, Debborah Wambua, Eunice Kioko, Teresa Lezcano
September 29, 2020
IPA was working on a randomized controlled trial of Universal Basic income with GiveDirectly and Professors Tavneet Suri, Paul Niehaus, Abhijit Banerjee, Michael Faye, and the late Alan Krueger, when the COVID-19 crisis hit. We asked several members...
Educational Concerns Philippines RECOVR.png
September 28, 2020
COVID-19’s effects are global, but local contexts characterize the virus’s specific impacts and residents’ concerns. In the Philippines, after surveying local residents, IPA found that food security, financial resilience, and educational progress...
IPA Logo
September 25, 2020
In our new RECOVR Roundup series, we are sharing new findings and analysis from the RECOVR Research Hub and from our partner organizations—as well as important links on what is happening in the Social Protection landscape in response to COVID-19.
Photo: World Bank / Ousmane Traore
Kate Glynn-Broderick
September 09, 2020
At IPA, we have been conducting a series of research projects on the targeted cash transfers and are highlighting recent research on social transfers and other related COVID-19 research on our RECOVR Research Hub.
Education at home
September 03, 2020
IPA has developed the RECOVR survey to better understand such realities and to enable data-driven policy responses to the COVID-19 pandemic. In this blog post, we report key findings and policy takeaways from the Côte d’Ivoire survey.
Samyukta Lakshman_2.jpg
August 26, 2020
A join statement by the Douglas B. Marshall, Jr. Foundation, Innovations for Poverty Action, J-PAL, Pratham, Teaching at the Right Level Africa, and Young 1ove.
Approximately 50% children.png
August 25, 2020
IPA has developed the RECOVR survey to better understand such realities and to enable data-driven policy responses to the COVID-19 pandemic. In this blog post, we report key findings and policy takeaways from the Burkina Faso survey.
74% respondents on the risk of contracting COVID-19
August 20, 2020
During the COVID-19 pandemic, countries have worked to reduce prevalence as well as to mitigate the socioeconomic impact of lockdown and other measures that have slowed down economic activity. To better understand the impact of the crisis on the...
Proportion of households, time on education by income
August 19, 2020
Ghana closed its schools on March 15, 2020, as part of the country’s lockdown to address the COVID-19 pandemic. When schools reopen, they cannot simply resume business as usual. Though the Ghanaian education system and education systems around the...
Figure 2—Response rate
Michael Rosenbaum, Savanna Henderson
August 18, 2020
Phone surveys have long been a part of social science research in higher-income countries. In low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), researchers studying global poverty have historically relied on face-to-face surveys. As mobile phone ownership...
Photo of classroom in Uganda taken during Elevate project.
Sarah Kabay
August 14, 2020
On March 18, Uganda’s President Museveni ordered all schools to close in response to the coronavirus pandemic. Elevate quickly started looking into ways to support schools and share information with other educational actors. Between May and June of...
Wellbeing of Children during COVID-19
August 12, 2020
In Peru, the Ministry of Education, with the support of IPA and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), asked 8,000 families about the socio-emotional health of children, adolescents, and caregivers. This information gives us a first window into...
