Digital wallets can help keep your cryptocurrencies safe, private and in your control. We highly recommend the use of wallets for storing Zcash (technically, they store the keys to your Zcash addresses). But keep in mind, your wallet is like your bank account, so take extra precautions with your passwords, and be sure to perform regular backups to protect your money.

DISCLAIMER: Electric Coin Company does not endorse specific digital wallets, other than the Zcashd full node wallet. We provide the information below as a courtesy, in order to simplify the overall digital currency experience for you.

Wallets with shielded-address support

With Zcash shielded addresses and transactions, data like sender, receiver and amount are encrypted, meaning that even though the transactions are verified on the public blockchain, no person can see the data inherent to these transactions. This is widely regarded as the strongest privacy in any cryptocurrency, and it’s one of the best things about Zcash. To use shielded addresses and transactions, use one of these wallets.

ZecWallet FullNode

ZecWallet Lite

Nighthawk Wallet

Wallets with transparent-address support only

Zcash transparent transactions are exactly like Bitcoin transactions. Sender, receiver, amount and the data are publicly visible on the blockchain. Without the encryption of shielded transactions, these are computationally lighter and, therefore, simpler to execute from a mobile device. There are many wallets that support Zcash transparent transactions, a sampling of which is below:

ECC Zcashd full node

Zcashd is a full-featured, Linux-based, full-node wallet, updated and maintained by core developers from the Electric Coin Co. This experience is for users who may want to mine Zcash and validate transactions and blocks. In addition to sending and receiving ZEC. Technical requirements and links to download Zcashd can be found at the link below.

Visit the download page

Wallet SDKs

Electric Coin Co. offers a suite of libraries to support third-party developers in their efforts to build mobile, shielded Zcash wallets on Android and iOS platforms. While in active development, these open-source wallets are ready for teams to use, experiment with and explore.

An improved Android SDK, now with main net support

A new iOS SDK that provides equivalent functionalities

A computable lightwalletd server with increased speed and efficiency