256 Schools. More Than 100,000 Students. Millions of Dreams & Opportunities.

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Our Structure

KIPP schools are tuition-free, public charter schools open to all students. KIPP schools are united by a common mission, a commitment to excellence, and a belief that if we help children develop the academic and character strengths they need for college and choice filled lives, they will be able to build a better tomorrow for themselves, for their communities, for us all.

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This section of the page contains a carousel that visually displays 1 slide at a time. For screen reader users, these slides appear in a list below. The next and previous buttons only affect how these slides are shown visually, but do not effect what screen readers read, since all the slides are always shown to these users.

  • 28

    Number of KIPP regions across the country


    Number of KIPP regions across the country

  • PreK-12

    106 elementary, 111 middle, and 39 high schools


    106 elementary, 111 middle, and 39 high schools

  • 26

    Number of years running great public schools


    Number of years running great public schools

Stories from KIPP

Student Life

All KIPP schools share a common approach and yet every KIPP school is unique. Tour a school to better understand the culture, schedule, and curriculum. The highlights below are representative of what takes place in KIPP schools across the country.

  • Elementary Schools
  • Middle School
  • High School
  • College & Career
  • Elementary Schools
    • Small-Group Instruction
    • Time for Academics, Arts, and Physical Education
    • Team & Family Celebrations
    • Small-Group Instruction

      Small-Group Instruction

      KIPP teachers blend small-group instruction and technology in creative ways to personalize learning and keep children encouraged, engaged, and continuously learning.

      KIPP NYC Small Group Work
    • Time for Academics, Arts, and Physical Education

      Time for Academics, Arts, and Physical Education

      Children in our schools explore and learn all day long. Art, extracurricular, and physical education activities that offer unique opportunities for growth and development are incorporated throughout the school day.

      KIPP Metro Atlanta Music Class
    • Team & Family Celebrations

      Team & Family Celebrations

      Children, staff, and parents come together regularly to celebrate student accomplishments and talk about school happenings. It’s a fun and meaningful way to build a stronger school community while we reinforce character values.

      KIPP NYC Hispanic Heritage Celebration
  • Middle School
    • Joy Factor
    • Independent Thinking
    • Communication between Staff, Students, and Families
    • Joy Factor

      Joy Factor

      We want our students to love learning and love coming to school. Joy is contagious and that’s why we infuse it into everything we do! Teachers pay attention to even the smallest details, from classroom environment to lesson plan design, to make sure students have fun and stay engaged.

      KIPP Metro Atlanta Classroom Joy
    • Independent Thinking

      Independent Thinking

      KIPPsters take advantage of opportunities to foster and develop independence to prepare them for college and beyond. From student-led discussions, to analyzing texts, to researching and visiting local colleges, KIPP students grow by stepping out of their comfort zone and succeeding in new situations.

      KIPP Bay Area Student Discussion
    • Communication between Staff, Students, and Families

      Communication between Staff, Students, and Families

      Central to our students’ success is great communication. Strong relationships between families, students and teachers are just part of our DNA at KIPP. That’s why teachers are in touch so frequently, and in so many ways, like sending positive text messages to parents about their child’s character growth, or helping students with homework when requested.

      KIPP Austin Parent and Teacher Communication
  • High School
    • Time for Enrichment and Co-Curriculars
    • College Level Preparation
    • Individualized College Counseling
    • Time for Enrichment and Co-Curriculars

      Time for Enrichment and Co-Curriculars

      KIPP high schoolers explore interests and develop passions in classes like Music Production, Spoken Word, or Intermediate Hip Hop. In addition to core classes, our wide-range of electives and extracurricular activities give KIPPsters a well-rounded and engaging high school experience.

      KIPP Philadelphia High School Music Production
    • College Level Preparation

      College Level Preparation

      What’s the best way to prepare for college? Take a college course! KIPP schools offer Advanced Placement (AP) courses and we encourage all students to take at least one.

      KIPP DC College Prep
    • Individualized College Counseling

      Individualized College Counseling

      Students work alongside their KIPP Through College advisor as they prepare for and select the right college and career for their needs and interests. This way, students have as many options as possible open to them when they graduate high school.

      KIPP Memphis College Counseling
  • College & Career
    • A Support System
    • Real-World Experience
    • Connections
    • A Support System

      A Support System

      KIPP Through College Counselors know what it takes for students to succeed in college and in their careers. They are always just an email or a phone call away to help navigate college applications, offer advice on college and career choices, or be a listening ear.

      KIPP Philadelphia College and Career Support
    • Real-World Experience

      Real-World Experience

      Networking events. Career nights. Mock interviews. Job shadowing. At KIPP Through College events, students gain exposure to “real world” opportunities.

      KIPP Bay Area Career Experience
    • Connections


      With 98 college partners and a network of nearly 15,000 KIPP alumni currently in college across the country, KIPPsters have connections on campus. Alumni stay in touch through in-person events and online social networking. They support each other as big milestones approach.

      KIPP DC Alumni Networking

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