Action on Fistula

Action on Fistula

In 2014 with the groundbreaking support of Astellas Pharma EMEA, we launched our Action on Fistula program and built something powerful: a nationwide treatment network with the potential to end fistula in Kenya.

Action on Fistula’s innovative model addresses every element in the battle against fistula and emphasizes partnership above all else. Now, an integrated network allows surgeons, outreach workers, and hospitals to share resources and information to treat even more women, more effectively, with the highest level of care.

Action on Fistula focuses on four main areas:

  • Innovative Community Outreach
  • A collaborative Network of Fistula Hospitals
  • Certified Surgeon Training
  • Holistic post-surgery care & job skill training

Together with our partners on the ground, we have achieved a resounding success—Action on Fistula has already helped over 3,000 women receive life-transforming fistula surgery. We have also:

  • Trained 6 Kenyan surgeons and 2 Zambian surgeons to internationally recognized standards, certified by the International Federation of Obstetrics and Gynecologists (FIGO)
  • Empowered 274 Community Health Workers
  • Conducted 9,500 outreach activities across Kenya
  • Built 1 flagship hospital: Gynocare Women’s and Fistula Hospital in Eldoret, Kenya.

Astellas Pharma has been committed €2.25 million from 2014 – 2020 to treat and transform the lives of women suffering from fistula in Kenya, with a goal to deliver 4,500 surgeries by 2020 and lay the foundation for continuous and lasting availability of fistula treatment in Kenya.

Fistula Foundation is grateful to Astellas Pharma for their revolutionary involvement in the Action on Fistula initiative. They have had a profound impact in the field of fistula treatment, and because of their investment, our shared dream of ending fistula in Kenya is now within reach.

“This is the largest donation ever provided by any organisation or individual in the history of fistula,” 

– Kate Grant, CEO of Fistula Foundation, via Thomson Reuters Foundation

“The partnership announced by Fistula Foundation and Astellas Pharma Europe is the first of its kind in Kenya and has the potential to be a roadmap for the way corporations, NGOs and citizens can join together to identify and treat the severe backlog of women who are suffering from obstetric fistula.”

– Dr. Laura Laski, Chief, Sexual and Reproductive Health Branch, UNFPA

Faces of Action on Fistula

  • Fistula Foundation - Hellen Aoko



    Margaret is 36 years old and from a very remote village in southwestern Kenya. In this area, child marriage and polygamy are very common. At 16 years old, Margaret’s parents arranged for her to become the third wife of a man more than three times her age. She tried to resist, but eventually gave in to the marriage due to pressure from her family and community.

  • Queen


    “When my husband saw the many health issues I had, he despised me, he called me names and always told me in the face that I was more than crippled.” She was left on her own and most of the time starving. She reached at a point that she could not withstand the mistreatment and she went back to her parents. After a few years her parents died. “I walk like a crippled woman, there is nothing that I own on this earth, I don’t have a husband, I don’t have a baby. My life is so empty.” She has said that her deepest desire has been to die a clean woman. But at Gynocare, where she received fistula surgery through the Action on Fistula program, she is happy. Here, she feels loved and valued. She knows she has a family at Gynocare.

  • Jacklyn


    Jacklyn is just 29 years old, but has faced enough heartbreak to last a lifetime. Born and raised in Kisii County in western Kenya, Jacklyn was raised by her older sister because their parents abandoned them when she was a small child. She was never able to go to school because she had to do odd jobs along with her older sister in order to have enough food to eat at the end of the day.

  • Grace


    Grace got married in 1994, and explained that she immediately felt a burden upon herself to give birth to as many children as possible as quickly as possible in order to earn respect and stability in her marriage. This, she said, is the status quo in the rural African context.

  • Harriet


    Harriet leaked stool for two years before understanding that she was living with a treatable injury. 

  • Fistula Foundation - Elizabeth Atieno



    Pregnant at the age of 13, Sylvia labored for two days before delivering a stillborn baby. She developed obstetric fistula, which led to two decades of shame and sadness. Then one day, she heard a radio announcement that would change her life forever.

  • Wilmina


    “The last 22 years have been years of great pain, loss and very deep sorrows. I lost my baby, later lost my marriage, lost friends, and lost my only family (my parents). Fistula robbed me of everything that I once valued, and I have been left very empty.”

  • Meet Gladys



    Although she lives in a remote village in southwestern Kenya, successful patient outreach efforts helped Gladys get the treatment she needed. Now recovered, she has started a small business to support herself and her two children.

  • Esther


    Esther gave birth to her second child, Manuel, less than one year ago. She was encouraged to stay at home to deliver the baby, where she labored for three days with the help of a traditional birth attendant. Fortunately, she gave birth to a lively baby boy. However, after four days she noticed she was leaking urine and was unable to control it.

  • Abiar


    In her 23 years, Abiar has seen and experienced more sadness than most do in a lifetime. Losing her entire family to civil war in South Sudan in 2011, she married as a way to protect her own life. But soon the worst happened: with no access to health care, food or shelter, she became pregnant.

  • Mwajuma


    Mwajuma developed a fistula while in labor with her seventh child. Thankfully, it wasn’t long before she met Mariam, who helped her get free treatment through our Action on Fistula program in Kenya. With her health restored, Mwajuma now has plans to start a new business so she can help support her family.

  • Janet


    Janet can't explain how she ended up at the political rally that day, but it changed her life forever.

  • Christine A.


    Christine loved her husband and bore him six children. But after he died, Christine's life changed when she was forced to marry her eldest brother-in-law, who cared very little for her or her children. She became pregnant with her seventh child, enduring a prolonged labor that left her with obstetric fistula. Her new husband shunned her and kicked her out of her home. But then she found hope.

  • Action on Fistula - Jane

    Jane and Elizabeth


    After suffering five miscarriages, Jane prepared to deliver her first child. But two days of difficult labor left Jane with an obstetric fistula. At home, she became traumatized by isolation and mistreatment from her husband, who had taken another wife. Her sister, Elizabeth, stepped in.

  • Evelyn


    “It was so painful to leave the hospital with the few clothes I had bought for my baby. It was painful to walk out of the gates empty handed [without a baby] and to worsen the matter, with the leaking of urine."

  • Chepotyeltyel


    Chepotyeltyel is a Pokot woman from a remote, rural area in northwestern Kenya. After suffering with fistula for nearly 50 years, she was finally able to receive free fistula treatment in July 2016.

  • Felistas


    Felistas developed fistula at the age of 17, after delivering a stillborn baby via Cesarian section. Her husband left her because he could not stand her condition. She suffered alone until learning one day that treatment was available through the Action on Fistula program.

  • Helen


    Helen went into labor with her second child about four years ago. She gave birth in her home, where she labored for many hours, completely alone without anyone present to assist her. Her baby was stillborn and she began leaking urine immediately.

  • Pastor Raphael


    The fact that he is blind has never slowed him down, and at 45 years, Pastor Raphael is feeling young and energetic. As a child, Pastor Raphael was unable to finish school as he had tend to the family’s cattle, but he always felt a calling to become a pastor and to serve his community.

  • Brenda



    Thanks to a newly opened fistula hospital close to her home in Kisii, Kenya, 17-year-old Brenda was able to get treatment after six months. Now that she is healed, she has dreams of returning to school to become a nurse.

  • Betty


    Betty developed fistula during her first pregnancy, after laboring at home for seven days. Her baby did not survive. Today, she is healthy once again thanks to free surgery provided through the Action on Fistula program.

  • Selina


    Selina, a traditional birth attendant from remote West Pokot, Kenya, helped eight women from her village get life-changing fistula surgery. And she’s not done yet.

  • Mary


    Mary's first two pregnancies progressed normally, giving her two healthy children. But she never could have imagined what would happen when it came time to deliver her third child.

  • Salome


    Salome's labor began at night. She sought help from her mother-in-law, who immediately called Salome's husband - by cultural norms, the only one who could give permission for Salome to seek help at a hospital. But he had turned his phone off for the night and was unreachable. Her mother-in-law tried all she could throughout the night to help Salome deliver her child. By the time Salome's husband returned the call the next morning to advise that she be taken immediately to the hospital, it was too late. The baby did not survive, and Salome had developed an obstetric fistula.

  • Margaret and Rose


    At the age of 14, Margaret was raped while fetching water at the local stream. She became pregnant as a result, and endured a difficult labor, which resulted in a stillborn baby and an obstetric fistula. An orphan, Margaret had nowhere to go, and nobody to help her through this terrible tragedy – except her sister, Rose.

  • Celestine


    In obstructed labor with her sixth child, Celestine was rushed to her local health facility, only to be told she couldn’t have emergency surgery until her family made a down payment. Anxious and afraid, she waited for her husband to return with the money needed.

  • Seline


    Seline lives in a small village in the remote region of West Pokot, Kenya. She did not go to school and married young, as is tradition in this pastoralist community. She went into labor with her fourth child about three years ago, preferring to give birth at home with a traditional birth attendant from her village. Only 18% of women give birth in a health center in this region of Kenya, far below the national average of 44%

  • Jane


    Conducting patient outreach in rural western Kenya, Jane faces a number of challenges—including threats to her life—as she travels in search of women suffering with fistula. But knowing there are many women who are enjoying life once again thanks to her efforts gives great meaning to her work.

  • Cellina


    Cellina Nyasugutha is a community health volunteer with Daraja Mbili, an outreach program based in Kisii.

  • Bernard


    Bernard Owino is one of six county mobilizers with Disciples of Mercy (DOM), an organization that runs a fistula outreach program in Kisumu. Before joining DOM, he worked with orphans and other vulnerable populations in the region for four years as a social worker.

  • Christine


    Despite the efforts of one dedicated doctor who rode over an hour by motorbike late in the evening to help save the life of Christine and her baby, the baby did not survive. Her prolonged labor also resulted in obstetric fistula. Her husband abandoned her because he could not stand the smell of her incontinence, but her brothers defied cultural tradition and insisted she and her five children live with them. Then, a radio advertisement changed her life.

  • Everlyn


    Everlyn developed fistula during her second pregnancy. Shunned and stigmatized by her own family, her husband stood by her side until she received successful treatment through the Action on Fistula program.

  • Mary A.


    Mary waited her whole life to have a child. At the age of 47 she finally became pregnant. But her labor was difficult, and her child did not survive. She developed fistula as a result. She was ostracized by her family and shunned by the entire community, until finally, at the age of 73, she finally accessed a free surgery that would change the rest of her life, and remind her what it felt like to feel "human" again.

  • Mildred


    Mildred developed fistula after prolonged, obstructed labor with her second child. She endured two difficult months of life with fistula before receiving treatment through our Action on Fistula program.

  • Faith C.


    A terrifying rape resulted in pregnancy and an obstetric fistula for Faith. But today she is healed and looking forward to a future where she can use her experience to help other women in similar positions.

Action on Fistula News

  • Voice of America

    VOA Interview with CEO Kate Grant

    Voice of America features a “Health News” segment every Tuesday and Thursday hosted by Linord Moudou that discusses the latest health topics in Africa. In this edition, Linord interviews Fistula Foundation CEO Kate Grant about the new Action on Fistula program launched by Astellas Pharma Europe Ltd. and Fistula Foundation and how this program will…

  • Voice of America

    VOA Health Chat — Interview with Kate Grant & Dr. Hillary Mabeya

    Voice of America’s ‘Health Chat’ is a live weekly call-in program that addresses health issues of interest to Africa. In this edition, host Linord Moudou interviews Kate Grant, CEO of Fistula Foundation, & Dr. Hillary Mabeya, founder of and lead surgeon at our partner site, Gynocare, about obstetric fistula and the new Action on Fistula…

  • Astellas - Action on Fistula

    Action on Fistula: New partnership a ‘game changer’ for women in Kenya

    On May 23, the United Nations’ International Day to End Obstetric Fistula, Astellas Pharma Europe, Ltd., the European headquarters of Tokyo-based Astellas Pharma Inc., announced that Fistula Foundation had been selected as the focus of the organization’s flagship corporate giving program, which aims to provide treatment to women who suffer from obstetric fistula in Kenya….

  • Girls' Globe

    An Interview with Kate Grant

    Last week, in honor of the International Day to End Obstetric Fistula, Girls’ Globe “sat down” for an interview with CEO of Fistula Foundation, Kate Grant.     1. Earlier this week the G4 Alliance launched globally at the WHA in Geneva, Switzerland – an alliance in place to improve​ access to care in Surgery,…

  • Surgeon Spotlight Dr. Liko-min

    Surgeon Spotlight: Action on Fistula Surgeon Trainee Dr. Joseph Liko

    Dr. Joseph Liko is an OB/GYN at Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital in Kenya. Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital is the second largest referral hospital in the country and serves a population of nearly 16 million people, mainly from three provinces in western Kenya as well as some parts of eastern Uganda and northern Tanzania….

  • Fighting Fistula in Kenya: Two women’s endeavor to end discrimination

    This post originally appeared on’s blog and highlights the work of two fistula advocates, Habiba Corodhia Mohamed and Sarah Omega Kidangasi, who are bringing hope to women with fistula in Kenya through our Action on Fistula program.     By Siegfried Modola June 18, 2015 Obstetric Fistula is a severe medical condition affecting over a…

  • Reuters – Africa fights fistula with mobile money and community ambassadors

    In this Reuters article, various organizations and initiatives that are working to tackle obstetric fistula throughout Africa are highlighted, including Action on Fistula. Read the full article below: Africa fights fistula with mobile money and community ambassadors YAOUNDE (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – From training community ambassadors to encourage women with fistula to seek treatment, to…

  • Football for hope: Wadadia using football to fight fistula

    Women And Development Against Distress In Africa (WADADIA) has been using a football program to spread awareness of fistula to young girls and women in Kenya. “We provide psycho-social support, economic empowerment and reproductive health to women in need. Our organization also serves as an outreach tool for Fistula program, educating communities and helping find…

  • Faith’s Story

    When Faith developed fistula at age 12, her mother left. But her father stayed. Watch this inspiring story of a father’s love and of a brave young woman whose life was transformed, thanks to free surgery via our Action on Fistula program in Kenya. Action on Fistula is a program led by Fistula Foundation, with…

  • Action on Fistula: Transforming the lives of over 2,300 women

    On The London Economic, CEO Kate Grant highlights the Action on Fistula program, which delivered life-changing fistula treatment to over 2,300 women in Kenya. Fistula Foundation partnered with Astellas Pharma EMEA in 2014 to create this program to transform the fistula treatment landscape in Kenya. Read more below at The London Economic below: Action on…

  • Update from Kenya: International Day to End Obstetric Fistula

    Marking the 4th United Nations’ International Day to End Obstetric Fistula, our Action on Fistula program partners in Kenya held several events to raise awareness about obstetric fistula. Here is a photo tour: Partner: Gynocare Fistula Center Eldoret, Kenya In Eldoret, the inaugural Run to End Obstetric Fistula was hosted by our partner facility, Gynocare…

  • The Pharma Letter – Setting up a successful corporate giving program

    Astellas shares in The Pharma Letter the success of Action on Fistula, and the benefits of setting up an inspirational corporate giving program. Investing in a corporate giving program can be hugely beneficial, not just for the communities your organization supports, but also your business. As well as giving back to society and helping to…

  • Action on Fistula Surpasses Goals

    Through a groundbreaking initiative in Kenya, more women have received life-changing treatment than we dreamed possible. On May 23, 2014, Fistula Foundation formally partnered with Astellas Pharma EMEA to launch Action on Fistula, a $2 million, three-year initiative designed to treat 1,200 women in Kenya suffering from obstetric fistula. To accomplish this, Fistula Foundation would…

  • Doing Good: Taking Action on Fistula

    ANNA’S FRIENDS is a mission-driven community that works to help women all over the world. Fistula Foundation is proud to be a sponsored charity of Anna’s Friends. Read this post on the Anna’s Friends website. Today’s Doing Good instalment focuses on the Fistula Foundation as they take Action on Fistula in Kenya. Action on Fistula is…

  • Astellas Pharma Donates $2 Million

    Fistula Foundation and our partnership with Astellas Pharma EMEA through Action on Fistula in Kenya is featured in a post by The  Borgen Project, an organization focused on alleviating global poverty. By Brooke Smith The Borgen Project About 75 percent of women with obstetric fistula have gone through labor that has lasted three days or more. Obstetric…

  • Photo by Georgina Goodwin.

    400 Lives Transformed in First Year of Action On Fistula

    May marked the one year anniversary of the launch of Action on Fistula, a three year, $2 million initiative designed to make a lasting impact on fistula treatment in Kenya, led by Fistula Foundation and funded by Astellas Pharma EMEA. The key objectives of Action on Fistula are focused on three critical areas – treatment,…

  • Kenya gets “game changing” record donation for fistula treatment

     Published on the 2nd annual UN International Day to End Obstetric Fistula, this article features comments from Fistula Foundation CEO Kate Grant and Astellas Pharma Europe President & CEO Ken Jones on the new Action on Fistula program in Kenya. The story was also featured on Women’s News Network, The Guardian, and AllAfrica. By Katy…

  • NTV Kenya: Fistula Awareness Campaign in Bungoma County

    Our Action on Fistula partner Women and Development Against Distress in Africa (WADADIA) was recently featured in a news segment on NTV Kenya about its fistula awareness campaign in Bungoma County. The campaign was part of WADADIA’s activities for the UN International Day to End Obstetric Fistula on May 23. Action on Fistula is a…

  • Woman’s nightmare ends after 15-year struggle with fistula

    In this article, the People Daily writes about one woman who was healed of a fistula she endured for 15 years, through a free surgery provided by the Action on Fistula program in Kenya. The program is run by Fistula Foundation with funding from Astellas Pharma EMEA.  By Enock Amukhale Millicent Adhiambo sits pensively to reflect…

  • Good Pharma: Astellas’ Action on Fistula works to build surgical capacity and transform patients’ lives in Kenya’

    May’s edition of PMLiVE magazine features the piece ‘Good Pharma: Astellas’ Action on Fistula works to build surgical capacity and transform patients’ lives in Kenya’, for International Day to End Obstetric Fistula. The case study highlights Action on Fistula, the innovative partnership between Astellas Pharma EMEA and Fistula Foundation to transform the lives of women in…

  • Fistula Foundation News

    PharmaTimes – Unlocking women’s access to healthcare

    CEO Kate Grant shares this opinion piece on Pharma Times about unlocking access to healthcare for women, especially the poorest and most vulnerable. Read more below: Unlocking women’s access to healthcare – PharmaTimes Pharma can and must make a difference to women across the world, says Kate Grant, CEO of Fistula Foundation – News –…

  • Pf Magazine

    Pf Magazine: Action on Fistula

    The May 2017 issue of Pf Magazine features CEO Kate Grant and Fistula Foundation’s partnership with Astellas Pharma EMEA, and highlights the Action on Fistula program. Read the full article by Amy Schofield on page 32 of this link: Pf Magazine May 2017 The most exciting medicines in the world

  • Over 2,000 women’s lives transformed by Action on Fistula

    Fistula Foundation is extremely proud to partner with Astellas Pharma EMEA in Kenya, where together we’ve transformed more than 2,000 women’s lives with life-changing obstetric fistula surgery. Read the full press release below: Over 2,000 women’s lives transformed by Action on Fistula News John Pinching Above: On a visit to western Kenya, Astellas staff are…

  • FIGO Surgeon Training at Gynocare

    In October 2014, our Medical & Programs Director, Dr. Steve Arrowsmith, and Communications Associate, Ashley Burke, traveled to East Africa to represent Fistula Foundation at the 2014 ISOFS conference. While in the region, they also had the opportunity to visit several of our partner sites in Uganda, Kenya & Rwanda. Here is a highlight from…

  • Action on Fistula Wins Excellence in Corporate Social Responsibility Award

    Each year at the Communiqué Awards, industry experts in the United Kingdom gather to celebrate the best of the best in healthcare communications. Professionals from advocacy, pharma, professional services and more come together to select their winners—and this year we were honored to be named among the showcased projects. On July 6th, Fistula Foundation’s collaboration…

  • KASS TV: Fistula Day Celebration

    Media story on International Day to End Obstetric Fistula featuring Action on Fistula program director Lindsey Pollaczek and Dr. Hillary Mabeya speaking on the outreach activities and work being done to treat more women with fistula. Battling fistula

  • Astellas

    Astellas Pharma EMEA – Transforming Lives in Kenya

    Launched in 2014, the Fistula Foundation’s Action on Fistula set out to transform the lives of women in Kenya living with fistula: an injury caused by prolonged obstructed labor. Supported by a grant from Astellas Pharma Europe Ltd., the program has already treated more than double the number of women it initially set out to…

  • Action on Fistula

    Over 550 Women’s Lives Transformed to date With Action on Fistula

    CHERTSEY, England, August 28, 2015 /PRNewswire/ Groundbreaking campaign ends one woman‘s 51 year wait for surgical treatment Females aged from seven to 90 years old treated for devastating childbirth injury Programme aims to treat 1,200 women and double number of trained surgeons in Kenya by 2017 Astellas today announces that, just over a year on…

  • Celebrating One Year of Action on Fistula

    In just one year of the Action on Fistula program, 416 women received free surgery that will change their lives forever. We are grateful to our partners Astellas Pharma EMEA for funding this program and making these first year successes possible.

  • Girls' Globe

    Life Changing Surgery for Refugees in Kenya

    In this Girls’ Globe piece, Program Director Lindsey Pollaczek shares her experience meeting women suffering from fistula in Dadaab, the world’s largest refugee camp. It’s difficult to imagine what it would be like to live in Dadaab, the world’s largest refugee camp. Located on the northeastern border of Kenya, the camp is home to more…

  • Action on Fistula: An Innovative Program to End Obstetric Fistula

    Borgen Magazine highlights the Action on Fistula program in Kenya, interviewing Fistula Foundation Senior Program Director Lindsey Pollaczek. Read the full article at the link below: Action on Fistula: An Innovative Program to End Obstetric Fistula KENYA – Gladys, a 26 years old mother of two, felt helpless after the labor and birth of her…

  • Huffington Post: A Stranger World

    This post originally appeared on The Huffington Post.  By Kate Grant If you could send out an email to thousands of strangers around the world, what would you say? When Allie Pape finally got the chance through The Listserve — an e-mail lottery where one person each day wins the opportunity to address thousands of…

  • Field Notes: Baringo, Kenya with Action on Fistula (October 2015)

    Field Notes: Baringo, Kenya with Action on Fistula (October 2015)

    By Fistula Foundation Program Director, Lindsey Pollaczek October 2015, Baringo County, Kenya This month, I accompanied the WADADIA outreach team to very remote community in Baringo County, located in Kenya’s Rift Valley. Baringo is a hot and arid region, the roads rough and dusty. Our journey started before 7am and after traveling for over five…

  • Fistula Foundation was featured in a HiviSasa article about Action on Fistula treatment services becoming available at Kisumu District Hospital. Action on Fistula is a three year partnership between Fistula Foundation and Astellas Pharma Europe, Ltd. to transform the landscape of fistula treatment in Kenya. Kisumu Hospital Opens Fistula Theatre Kisumu District Hospital will soon…

  • Action on Fistula

    Over 2,000 Women’s Lives Transformed by Action on Fistula

    OVER 2,000 WOMEN’S LIVES TRANSFORMED BY ACTION ON FISTULA Ground-breaking campaign ends one woman’s 51 year wait for surgical treatment Programme has significantly increased surgical capacity in Kenya to treat fistula Women from 43 of Kenya’s 47 counties have received life-changing care Chertsey, England [25 January, 2017] Astellas today announces its flagship programme, Action on…

  • Campaign

    Changing Tomorrow for Women with Fistula

    Kate Grant, Fistula Foundation CEO 26 September 2014 When I entered the hospital room, the first thing I noticed about Naresia was her smile. It came easily, brightening the whole room with a joy that was palpable; her face unlined, with rounded features, looking more like an older girl than a young woman. Next to…

  • TheStar

    The Star: 3,000 new fistula cases come up yearly

    June 9, 2015 BY MATHEWS NDANYI More than 3,000 new cases of fistula are recorded among women in Kenya annually, an NGO has said. Women and Development Against Distress in Africa director Habiba Mohamed said only 500 of the patients access treatment. She said most of the patients in the rural areas cannot access treatment….

  • Field Notes – I Held Her Hand

    By: Katie Weller, Marketing Communications Writer, Fistula Foundation “Sit down, let’s talk to her,” said Joyce, nodding. She gestured to the hospital bed with a smile and a psychologist’s certainty. We were now alone in a hospital room at Jamaa Mission Hospital—one of six facilities in the Action on Fistula program. From my comfortable desk…

  • Announcing: Action on Fistula

    Action on Fistula is a three year partnership between Fistula Foundation and Astellas Pharma EMEA that will change the lives of women suffering from fistula in Kenya forever. Read more about this initiative.

  • Daily Nation: An estimated 3,000 obstetric fistula cases are reported annually, but only a third receive treatment due to lack of specialists

    Fistula Foundation Senior Program Director Lindsey Pollaczek and Outreach Manager Habiba Corodhia Mohamed are interviewed for a story about the success of our Action on Fistula program in Kenya, which combines extensive community outreach with surgeon training to find and treat more women suffering from fistula. Lack of specialists hinders treatment of fistula cases An estimated…

  • Fistula Foundation featured on VOA Swahili Service

    In this four-part series from VOA Swahili Service, host Esther Githui Ewart leads a discussion on obstetric fistula, its causes and consequences, and what’s being done in East Africa to address it, including the recent launch of Action on Fistula, a joint effort between Astellas Pharma Europe Ltd. and Fistula Foundation. Included in the segment…

  • TheStar

    Kenya: More Centres Opened to Help Women with Fistula

    Monday, December 15, 2014 – 10:00 — BY MATHEWS NDANYI   This article originally appeared in The Star and also ran on  The more than two million women in Kenya suffering from fistula complications face long delays before treatment due to a shortage of experts and facilities. Fistula is a tear in a woman’s…

  • Voice of America

    Funding Boosts Fistula Treatment Program in Kenya

    An interview with Fistula Foundation CEO Kate Grant was featured on Voice of America’s website this week. The interview focuses on the physical and social consequences of obstetric fistula and how the new $2 million Action on Fistula program will help women suffering from this devastating condition in Kenya. The story was also picked up…

  • Action on Fistula Update

    Gynocare Certified as first FIGO Training Center in Kenya Action on Fistula is a three-year, $2 million effort to treat women in Kenya who are suffering from obstetric fistula. Funded through a generous donation by Astellas Pharma EMEA, Action on Fistula will provide free surgeries to 1,200 women, provide training to expand the pool of…

  • Astellas Funds Fistula Project in Kenya

    Fistula Foundation is mentioned in PharmaTimes, in an article about Astellas Pharma Europe’s generous donation via Action on Fistula.  By Kevin Grogan Astellas has unveiled a programme designed to transform the lives of more than 1,200 women in Kenya living with obstetric fistula. As part of a three-year initiative, the company is putting up 1.5…

  • TheStar

    Eldoret centre accredited by global obstetric fistula agency

    BY KENNEDY LESIEW This article was also published on AllAfrica and KenyaNews247. Gynocare Fistula Center Foundation is the first institution in Kenya to be accredited as fistula training centre by the International Federation for Gynecology and Obstetrics. Programme director Lindsey Pollaczek said the foundation will spend Sh175 million in the next three years on the Action…

  • A Dream Realized: Gynocare Women’s and Fistula Hospital

    Last year, hundreds of supporters stepped in to help us build a hospital in Eldoret, Kenya. Thanks to an outpouring of support from one generous anonymous donor, employees of Astellas Pharma EMEA, and Fistula Foundation donors, the new Gynocare Women’s and Fistula Hospital celebrated its grand opening in fall 2016. The hospital welcomed its first…